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January 15, 1978 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1978-01-15
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Page 2-Sunday, January 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily

The Michigan Daily--Sunday; Jan

RAMBLINGS/ jay levin

"Waitress," I beckoned recently in a
restaurant which will maintain its
anonymity. "I've a few complaints
about my breakfast."
"Yes, sir?"
"Well, for one thing, it says here on
the menu that these eggs would be
'country fresh eggs cooked the way I
like them in creamery butter.' "
The waitress looked at me quizzi-
"Waitress," I said, "these eggs are
not cooked the way I like them. They're
too loose and runny for scrambled
The waitress stared down at the lum-
py yellow mountain, the object of my
"Sir, I can take them back to the kit-
chen and have the chef tighten them up
for you."
"That won't be necessary. Rsesides,
they aren't country fresh."
"Country fresh! These eggs are
nothing of the. kind. Did you really go
this morning to a truck farm in New
Jersey and pluck these eggs from under

a hen? Or did you get a shipment in last
week from Kroger?"
"Sir, I really don't know ..."
"Of course you don't. And these are
surely not cooked in creamery butter,
now are they? Tell me the truth. You
grease your pans with Parkay because
butter's too expensive."
"Sir, I can assure you that our
eggs ..."
"And the bacon. What have you to say
about the bacon? It says here that
breakfast comes with 'three crisp rash-
ers of Virginia cured bacon'."
T HE WAITRESS curled her lips as
she looked down at my plate.
"Sir, I can have another order cooked
up for you."
"Don't trouble yourself. Whatever
you do, you're not going to get this
bacon crisp. Crisp bacon is burned
bacon. As long as you don't overcook it,
you'll never get it crisp. Crisp, edible
bacon is a myth. Besides, is it really
Virginia-cured? Didn't you accept this
bacon from your supplier regardless of
its origin? For all I know, waitress, this
bacon was probably cured in some
warehouse in Hamtramck, rather than
the lush hills of Virginia ..."

"Hold it, please. I've a few words
about my fruit cup. It says here that the
blueberries and strawberries in this
fruit cup are "fresh-grown Oregon ber-
ries, selected for firmness and ripe-
ness." Now, number one, do you really
get these berries all the way from
Oregon? That's a long way, you know.
And if you did get these from Oregon,
are the berry-growers there so
discriminating that they would exclude
a berry whose firmness did not
measure up to the norm? And what's
with the fresh-grown? Is that opposed
to stale-grown? Everything that grows,
waitress, is fresh, up until the time it
sits for days in the supplier's
warehouse. This fruit cup, my dear, is
one big farce."
The waitress fidgeted with her cap
and wiped her -sweaty palms on her
bright-white apron. Poor dear, I
thought to myself as I stirred my
piping-hot, fresh ground Colombian cof-
fee. Destined to serving up meal after
meal of adjectives! Country-fresh
breakfasts, light 'n-slim lunches, char-
broiled dinners. Mounds of succulent
dishes, grilled to perfection and topped
with clouds of dairy-fresh whipped
cream! We don't order food anymore.

We order adjectives. Scrambled adjec-
tives, adjectives on whole wheat, adjec-
tives dripping with down-home good-
ness. We're ingesting lists and lists of
adjectives, being tempted by
vocabulary, and we don't even know it.
"Waitress," I said, trying to put her
at ease as she fumbled with her order
pad. "I'm sorry I was harsh with you.
Surely it's not your fault. You don't
write the menu nor do you control what
comes out of the kitchen. You could not
care less if the eggs weren't country
fresh, or if the berries didn't come from
Oregon. You're just doing your job."
SHE STOOD THERE with a sad face,
looking down at my breakfast. now
cold and unappetizing.
"I'm sorry about your meal," she
said apologetically. "I'll take it away
now. Can I get you anything else?
"Well, since breakfast didn't work
out, I'll try some lunch. Do you have
fried scallops?"
Her face broke into a smile as she
grabbed for a nearby menu.
"Oh, yes sir, we do have scallops and
they're very good. Look here, they're
tendersweet. I mean, oh ..."
"Thanks, but I'll skip it."

Daily Ph

T he latest encore


sundad mdmgazine iGHDSTE! PUZZLE

A. S.__. beof one mind: think
alike (3 words)
B. Endowment
C. American artist, one of the leading
figures of Pop Art
0. American sculptor (1896-1976)
famous for his mobiles
(Gull name)
E. American painter (b.1925), one of
the foremost representatives
of Neo-Dodalsm
F. _Violet, a garden plant with
spotted leaves and purple
flowers (Comp)
G. American painter (b.1923) noted for
his enlarged comic strips and
blown up images
H. Overturning; destroying
I. Bulgariansculptor known forthe
gigantic environmental scale
of his works
J. Counterfeits: artificial likenesses
K. Digression; diversion:;act of
wandering away

L. Aimed with a gun; able to se

3 7 92 121 162 110 61 179

15 136 193 79 39 124 43

13 26 30 64 156 18 191 169
8 153 111 159 1 138
9113 2126A 41 51 70 62140161 169148
95 176 192
17 55 167 764 98 123 125 155 144 171 31 116
27 35 67 78 96 139 150 157 183
6 46 36 .0 66 88 105 120 129 142 is4 166
145 101 24 54 7 106 118 131 152
135 45 69 127197 25 97.

M. German pointer and sculptor, one
of the founders of Surrealism
(Full name) "
N. Equilibrium or stability due to
equality of pressure
0. Mexican dish made of a tortilla
fried in oil and covered with
various combinations of meats.
fish, sauces, chiles.etc.
P. French pointer (1669-.1), one of
the creators of Fouvism
(Full name)
Q. Immediately at or just after the
time that (3 words)S
R. Belgian painter (1898-1967).one of
thedistinguished representatives
of Surrealism
(Full name)
S. Title by which the shogun of Japan
was described to foreigners;
businessman of extraordinary
wealth and power
T. Former name of the British
Admiralty building
(2 words)
U. History or science of development
of individual being
V. Kandinsky's first name

93 6 172 112 73 163 185 22
37 47 57 3 164 99 156 10
1 12 49 44 151 141 194

Copyright 1977
Guess the words defined at the
left and write them in over
their numbered dashes. Then,
transfer each letter to the cor-
responding numbered square
in the grid above. The letters
printed in the upper-right-hand
corners of the squares indi-
cate from what clue-word a
particular square's letter
comes from. The grid, when
filled in, should read as a
quotation from a published
work. The darkened squares
are the spaces between words.
Some words may carry over
to the next line. Meanwhile,
the first letter of each guessed
word at the left, reading down,
forms an acrostic, giving the
author's name and the title of
the work from which the quote
is extracted. As words and
phrases begin to form in the
grid, you can work back and
forth from clues to grid until
the puzzle is complete.
Answer to the Puzzle
of Dec. 11
"On the surface the tape
might not sound so bad ...
but the tape proved that
the president had lied to the
nation, to his closest aides,
and to his own lawyers for
more than two years. Even'
if the tape did not prove
legal guilt, it would cer-
tainly mean impeachment
and conviction."
(Bob) Woodward, (Carl)
Bernstein (The) Final Days

N 1885 GEORGE STAEBLER appeared in Ann
Arbor with his six sons, determined to make
his fortune. Staebler built a red brick building
his ads called "Ann Arbor's only first class
German hotel:" And it was no ordinary hotel-aside
from guests, the Germania housed a saloon, a lobby,
some business offices, the clubroom of a German
society, and Staebler's coal and implement shop,
marked by a ten-ton chunk of coal placed on the
street in front of the building.
A decade passed, and the Staeblers added a fourth
story to their hotel, painted it, and, probably in an ef-
fort to attract a broader clientele, rechristened it the
American House. Fifty years later, Earl Milner of the
midwest Milner hotel chain leased the place and the
name was changed once more to The Earle.
In 1971 the old hotel was condemned by the city's
safety inspector due to fire regulation violations. '
But the relic has not seen 'its last metamorphosis.
Casting about for a building large enough to host his
band, Rick Burgess and five partners found The
Earle-abandoned and stuffed with old t.v. equip-
ment left behind by a television repair shop that had
installed itself on the first floor some time during the
hotel's demise. They bought it.
Owners Ernie and Torry Harburg, Dennis and
Mary Lou Webster, David Rock and Burgess invested
four years in renovating the place: stripping the
paint and restoring the exterior to its original red
brick character. When they were done they reopened
Elisa Isaacson is a Daily staff writer.

the building as a nightclub, but they retained its
name, The Earle.
HE MAIN ATTRACTION of this bar/restau-
Trant will probably be the music: "twentieth-
century music in a nineteenth-century base-_
ment" is the way Ernie Harburg character-
izes it. Burgess's house band ("Changes") is set up
on a large, sunken dance floor flanked on three sides,

By Elisa Isaacson

The E
The house band plays fou
nesday through Saturday-a
$1 cover charge. The menu fe
chopped liver to cheese
people's whims from luncht
satisfy one's hunger, howeve
to empty one's pockets to the
small portions.
The interior design of The
plan of the original baser
secluded seating situated aw,
The interior construction, doi
tisans, took fifteen months tc
old brick was used, and
original stone was retained in
the tables is low,
convenience of loca
devous at The Earle
Music and conversation coe
not so loud as to force one to s
In contrast to many bars i
University area which attra
Earle, located downtown at
peals to a wider section of the
The nightclub opened late las
of the semi-annpal mass sti
Arbor. Yet The Earle had no 1
of patrons who seem to
'postulations and the unique
pinball at Dooley's.

by wooden tables, and the music is an innovative
departure from the sound of most traditional Ann Ar-
bor bars. Although the band plays many standard
jazz tunes, the style is not strictly jazz. "There's no
word to describe it," says Dennis Webster.
The owners talk of bringing other regional bands to
The Earle, and perhaps even nationally known per-
formers. The musical range promises to be fairly
broad, though disco music will be decidely absent
from the scene. "Right now," says Harburg, "we're
experimenting with different sounds in listening as
well as dancing to find out what people want."
During the band's first few performing nights the
dance floor was rather sparsely populated, but such
die-hards as Shaky Jake were not daunted, and spent
the evening jigging their way around the floor.


2 36 42 53 75 100 115 122 130 133 149 160
20 29 34 50 84 89 102 174
21 52 56 71 109 117 132 143 165 175 162 91
11 19 187 65 160 177
5 62 61 114 134 66 181 166 176 184
4 65 16 32 170 94 106 40
59 147 36 90.196 190 33

(Continued from.Page 6)
.up a steady exchange of personal
messages with admiring women of
letters and politics (who wrote things
like "resign your destiny to higher
powers" and "To me 'Hail to the
Chief' is still your song") both before
and after his decaying marriage
broke up.
Stevenson also had a chance to see
some of his "New America" issues
like disarmament, medicare, and the
decline of U.S. prestige abroad used
by his successors in the "New
Frontier" and the beginnings of the
"Great Society." His acumen as U.S..
representative to the U.N. during
such trying times as the Cuban
missile crisis and the Bay of Pigs
(when Stevenson was made an
unwitting defender of the CIA-Ken-
nedy cover story) was well-recog-

nized at the time. But the burden of
pain and loneliness that Stevenson
carried after having two national
elections, one party nomination, and
the expected Secretary of State ap-
pointment under Kennedy slipped
through his hands also comes
through well in Martin's book.
A warning to liberals hoping to
trace their political roots back to
Stevenson: times have changed.
According to Martin, it was Steven-
son who adopted the "domino"
theory of Southeast Asia, thereby
contributing to involvement in Viet-
nam. In 1956, he shifted to a
'moderate' position on integration,
but there was never any urgency to
his messages of conciliation between
the North and South. Despite his
world travels and awareness, he
would not "question the good faith"

of the authorities in South Africa, nor
their "concern for the well-being of
the natives." And aside from his
superlative prose, Stevenson's 1954
"Call to Greatness" could be used as
a Barry Goldwater position paper
today. From start to finish it is a
polemic against the -Russians and
And though it would have been
impossible to get along in Illinois
politics in the late sixties without the
blessings of Chicago's notorious late
mayor, Richard Daley, Martin
writes a mawkish eulogy to Daley at
one point in the book, as though to
help absolve Stevenson of any un-'
clean dealings."
Yet, taken in the context of the stag-
nant Eisenhower years that spawned

the career of
son's foresig
unique qualit
a convincing
man. At a tin
grateful to
"bland but o
lines, Mary N
Star colunt
choice of adj
part of the ho
Adlai Stev
might be re
lesson that c
have to lear
precision, th
the local aud
ciate-as SI
urging - i
today's politi

- I

23 198 46 74 80 87 103 107 119 126
14 63n 104 137 146 173 186 195



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