Page 8-Sunday, January 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily film (Continued from Page 3) feeling of emptiness, of a kind of void. I struggle to locate a reason for it, and when the answer finally begins to crystallize in my mind, it leaves me feeling like a desolate apostle of both the novelistic pessim- ism of an H. G. Wells and the war-mongering mania of a John Wayne: I can't truly get into Close Encounters because there aren't any bad guys. Maybe it's a case of the old literary dictum that great creative works must inherently possess a basic element of conflict. Almost every character in Spielberg's film is so unswervingly nice, so downright straight-arrow benign. Bridging the endless centuries' wait, earthman and alien finally meet face to face, and each likes the other so it's clear everyone is going to get along just fine in our suddenly expanded gal- axy. How can I criticize that? If any such confrontation someday does occur, God knows I pray it would happen in precisely Spielberg's vi- sion, rather than in a War of the Worlds Armageddon. Joy and peace to the universe, amen. SO WHY DOI feel a pronounced,_ if slightly ashamed tingling thrill when watching as crude a film as Earth vs. The Flying Saucers, with its frisbee ships lasering a paper mache Washington Monument, while Close Encounters, with the quintes- sence in special effects sorcery at its disposal, leaves me unwillingly but disturbingly cold? Why did I want to do cartwheels the first time I saw Star Wars - complete with its almost Biblically simplistic good vs. evil mythos - craving to shout to the nearest bystander "Go see this flick!", while my first reaction coming out of Close Encounters tonight was to wonder where the hell I'd parked the car? I find myself too dejected emotion- ally and too tired physically to ponder my dilemma any further tonight. I climb into bed" feeling ragged and a little perverse, then stretch out and immerse myself in the sad but also vaguely reassuring thought that tomorrow will appear unchanged and untouched at all by the events of this evening. I will go see this film again, soon. I close my eyes and try to reclaim my sense of wonder. %44, 1) l4 sportscar (Continued from Page 6), frustration when Eliot moves out of his house and takes up residence in a garage attic apartment, a bachelor pad out of which he conducts a mercurial love affair with one of his students. Nina, the perky 19-year-old, is simply a loving and giving latter-day flower child.-She becomes the only character who gets worse than she deserves at Eliot's hands-he takes her youthful worship-love and runs it through an emotional wringer. Pity for her is, I think, the only strong emotion one can feel in this story. and beaten his mid-life slump. This is where Stegner's diction and searing wit save the day, and the potentially loud pompous indictment of society and at- titudes becomes a friendly little narrative filled with belly laughs: Eliot on his own must eat "institutional din- ners of foreskins in whitesauce," fin- ding that "in the kitchen was a bottle of Miracle Whip that had not yet com- pletely transformed itself into penicillin. At the last, the recondite, yet still disquieted professor finds himself "looking forward to my seventy-fifth birthday when all I'll have to concern me is the color of my urine." It might have been easy to have this 9 I bridge-- hLIOT IS NOT unfeeling: It's not humorous chronicle of a middle-age that he doesn't love Nia, and it's crisis begin like a series of Erma Bom not that he doesn't love his wife, beck columns joined together at the He's just "fundamentally a putz" who byline. The irony and the crisply drawn is having a difficult time deciding what cliched characters make Sports Car he wants out of life. It's difficult to Menopause straddle the line between rouse the contempt for him which, what would be the story of a man like perhaps, his actions deserve. In fact, Eliot Warren, and a parody of that its very difficult to get very involved story. At once the book is comprehen with any of Stegner's characters: all sibly interesting, unified and thoughi save Eliot are one dimensional. For- provoking while not taking itself too tunately, this doesn't matter at all, sroug lg because Sports Car Menopause seriously. sustains itself on the sheer force of its OU'LL WANT TO decide for humor and critical observations. The yourself just how to take Steg- flat characterizations are- ideal com- ner's jaundiced perceptions of pliments of Stegner's homily on the our societal institutions, but I suggest modern way of life. Had the characters you wait until it comes out in paper. been richer and more compassionate, back. The book is definitely worth we might have gotten mired in their reading, but I don't feel it's a novel in particular story-something we the Ten-Dollar-A-Copy-Capital-N-Novel wouldn't want to do. tradition. Sports Car Menopause is a Actually, the plot is pure soap opera. charming lark. Buy it, leave it next to After a fair amount of soul searching, the commode, and enjoy Stegner's Eliot leaves Nina and gallantly returns stinging prose in delightful installmen- home to Erica, having successfully ts. You'll find that's the most ap- coped with his figurative hot flashes propriate way to digest it. dAFREE FREE this offer expires 1-25-78 this offer expires 1-25-78' I Buy any Pizza and 2 1 Buy any Sub and 2 drinks Sdrinks and receive an -and receive an identical I identical Pizza FREE! Sub FREE!I I * I I I -I - Roud HliCafeioud6au a1 Pizza Subs DliIPizza-Subs.DdLi II I PHONE 995-5095 I PHONE 995-5095 I 618 CHURCH ST. 618 CHURCH ST. I L-mm-m-- mm-- --- m.m.... m..- .....m.m...m . .-...m. m i e. k- e n x (Continued from Page 3) an Odd number of aces and Pass with an Even number-DOPE is the name of the convention), and it seemed much more likely that he had two than four. But, Mark thought, if he couldn't bid slam, what was the alternative? He could double 6 diamonds, but it would be defeated by three or four trick, and that wouldn't be sufficicent to offset the game bid made in the other room. So, Mark hopefully bid 6 spades and crossed his fingers as he waited for Mitch to lead. Mitch led the diamond Ace, and Frank tabled this hand: SAQJx H A J10 x DQx CQxx MARK NOW TOOK a moment to picture all four hands. Since Mitch had opened the bidding with 3 clubs, but had already shown up with the diamond Ace, he could not possibly hold both top club honors. For if he did, it would give him far too much strength for an opening pre-empt. So, Mark placed Mitch with either the Ace or King of clubs, and gave Jack the same. And since Mitch needed seven clubs for his bid, Jack had a singleton. Suddenly a gleam came to Mark's eye as he realized the slam was in the bag. Looking around the room to make cer- tain that all eyes were upon him, Mark said quite matter-of-factly: "Making six. I'll ruff, draw trump, ruff dummy's last diamond and lead a club, playing small from dummy. If Mitch wins he will crash his partner's club honor set- ting up dummy's queen, and if Jack takes the trick he will have nothing to return but diamonds which I can ruff in dummy while discarding my losing club." And, of course, his analysis was correct. These were the four hands: North SAQJx H A 310 x DQx CQxx West Sx Hxx DAxx C A J 10 x x x x South SK IOx xxx HKQxxx D Cxx While the kibitzers were buzzing over Mark's brilliant analysis, Jim and Greg and Jeff and Alan came in from the other room. "So my friends," Mark said with a triumphant air, "In what contract did you play the final hand?" "Six spades," said Jim. Suddenly, Mark's smile faded. Though hedidn't expect Jim could have correctly analyzed the hand, he realized it was impossible to misplay the hand. As long as he got a diamond lead, and ruffed the remaining diamond the rest of the hand would play itself. ARK WAS JUST about to launch into a tirade about how there is no justice in the world when Jim con- tinued, "And, of course, I went down one." "Down one?" Mark said in disbelief. "Didn't you get a diamond lead?" "Yes, I did," he replied. "And then I ruffed dummy's other diamond and drew trump." East Sxx Hxxx D KJ 0x xxx x CK I "But then how could you defeated?" a befuddled Mark asked. be "Well, I still had two club losers, didn't I?" said Jim. "So I ran my hearts and spades and conceded two clubs at the end." "Well, my friend," Mark said with a chuckle, "I have to credit your creativity. I couldn't have imagined a way to lose two clubs, but you found a way. And how simple it was! Who else would think of simply conceding?" inside: Sunday' mag-zine Susan Ades Co-editors Jay Levin Tom O'Connell Film: First encounter with The Earle: New chapter, gooks: Th< mixed forti Adlai Stev< Elaine Fletcher Associate Editors Cover photo by Eric-Zorn Close Encounters old story F' ac":.w .v ??y . }} may. ΒΆΒΆ ::.. sy} (yc ?% , T" ::. 'r,,.', ;r:{ :?"3. . 5:>'. i. Fs' k, .. f: ..... " ,:" ' . .. ; 3e.:' ..,,",k.. :,;.,,. ,:.. ''7i ' a"' '. ., n. ,> Supplement to The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 15, 1978