Page 6-Sunday, January 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily KEYS FOUND on corner of Hill & bakland 12 LARGE, SINGLE ROOM available. Close to cam- noon 1/12. Identify to claim. Call 764-0557. dA0117 pus. Two-floor house, share kitchen and bathroom with two people. Rent $127/month, but negotiable. LOST before Christmas-RING OF KEYS on green June through August. 309 Packard. 665-0570 or 994- coin purse, probably lost around South U. Contact 6073. 77C117 Sicnffn D~r71n i 1 busan (,mk, 995-2578, 91A117 FOUND-PEACE OF MIND. Phone ENERGY LINE, 663-5366, anytime. cAtc REWARD for return of Boston Terrier (toy bull- dog. Female, black and white, approx. 12 lbs., 1 blue eye, 1 year old. "Jiffy" lost on Fifth Ave. near Liberty Tuesday, Jan. 10, 3 p.m. Call 764- 7487 days and evenings; or 769-2241 evenings. Ask for Lee or Steve. 59A118 FOUND-Left hand black stitched mitten near Geddes bus stop just before Xmas break. Call Tim,995-3833. dA0115 Waterbed for sale 4 months old, excellent condi- tion. Complete$200. 437-3300. 23B0119 Royal Medallion II Electric Typewriter with case. Used 2 months. Gary, 764-1075. 17B118 OLIVETTI electric portable typewriter for sale. Excellent condition. $170-negotiable. Call 663-1910 after 5:30 p.m. 00B117 TYPEWRITER FOR SALE-Manual portable, 12 inch carriage. Like-new condition. Was $110, asking $75.Call662-5671 anytime. 75B0118 FOR R ENT FEMALE-Own room in large apartment on E. Jefferson. $85. Call Felicia, 761-5044 or 668-6402. 97C118 MALE SUBLET WANTED in fraternity house. $118/ month for 4 months, summer free. Call persistently, 663-0292. 82C0115 Own room for woman in beautiful two bedroom apt. Close to campus. Fully furnished. Available immediately. 994-9302. 22C120 FEMALE OR MALE housemate needed. Own bed- room in three-bedroom house. Two blocks from campus. $120/month total. 6C3-6776. 93C115 CONDO TO SHARE with two students. Own room, $99/month. Available immediately. 995-4384. 06C120 OWN ROOM in 3 bedroom house near Burns Park. Available now No pets. $140/mo. 668-8709. 98C117 SHARE APT. IN HOUSE with one other woman. Own bedroom. $137.50/month plus utilities. 668-7381. 07C120 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY-Baits female triple suite, double room. 668-8493. 04C121 TWO SINGLE ROOMS, five person cooperative house thru August, Fall option. Margy, Chris, 994- 0651. 99C118 FOR RENT OR SUBLET-Lease thru April. One bedroom furnished, campus close, older house, fireplace, parking. $205/mo. or best. Utilities in- cluded. 662-2199 persistently late. 88C118 ONE MALE NEEDED to fill 4-man modern apart- ment. Carriage House Apartments, close to Diag and CCRB. $98/month. 668-6091. 73C115 FEMALE Desperately Needed for room in co-op. Sharon, 994-5391. 15CO115 DOUBLES AVAILABLE-Board optional. $120/mo. rent; $90/mo. rent. Near campus, in Fraternity. 994-420t5. 29COI119 OWN ROOM in 3 bedroom house1ear Burns Park. Available now. No pets. $140/mo. 668-8709. 03C113 ROOMS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in nice house close to campus. Call 662-2606 persistently. cCtc FALL '78 CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS AND HOUSES WELL-FURNISHED UNITS IN MODERN BUILDINGS AND UNIQUE OLDER HOMES STOP BY SOON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND BEST SELECTION CAMPUS RENTALS S. UNIV. AT WASHTENAW 665-8825 Monday-Friday 9-5:30 Saturday 10-2 cCtc AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY-Room and house on campus location. Call 668-6906. cCtc WANTED-Female grad student to share beauti- fully decorated 2-bedroom apt. located 2 blocks off central campus. Please call 994-8046 after 5. 34C115 FURNISHED ROOM With kitchen privileges, close to campus, $85/mo., utilities included, Call 769-8520, days. 69C119 HOUSE FOR RENT-Campus location. Large house for rent in campus area starting May 1st. 8 bed- rooms, 2 kitchens, 2bathrooms, livingroom, dining room, and study room. House is partially furnished and all utilities paid by la'ndlord. 665-8702 after , 5:30 p.m. 68C117 OWN ROOM-Availble immediately in 3 bedroom apt. near campus. $100/month. Call persistently between12-10 p.m. 995-0991. 53C0119 HOUSES NEAR CAMPUS One 6 bedroom, house furnishings negotiable. 1 furn. 8 bedroom house. Both in excellent condition with good appliances and fireplace. May lease for respon- sible groups. 769-1534. 51C0122 CAMPUS AREA-Large, 3-bedroom apartment Suitable, mature grads, references. 662-1912, eve nings persistently. 74C119 ANSWER TO PR YIUSA E AT A W ATT W AFE R VYL E AG P l R E C T 0 R S A L C A N C A RT KE E P O W E L PI1T T I D E S O DD A C T F 0 R M E S A T E L: E C A S T O S P R E Y 0 R H A V A N U D S IZ I C L ORUD I AL11Y E N TEM P P A R .- - PEOPLE PLACES-Student co-ops. Winter Open- 9 ings. Share warmth, work, expenses, fun! Inter- Cooperative Council,, 4002 Michigan Union. 662-4414. -, - #' 77EI1 .ROOM AND BOARD-Sublet in comfortable co-ed house, Jan. 30 to Aprif4. $164/mo. Peter, 761-6515. 66E0118 ROOM AND BOARD in friendly fraternity, $215/ month. Everyone welcome. 665-5740 or 662-4003. 39E115 SECOND CHANCE-Music and'Meal Deal. Eat in restaurant Sun-Thurs between 4 and 9 p.m. and enter night club free. cFtc KARATE DEMONSTRATION-U of M Tae Kwon Do Club. Tues., Jan. 17, 7:00 p.m. CCRB Dance room. For info, call Joe, 665-8543 or Randy, 764- 8920. 08F115 SECOND CHANCE-Music and Meal Deal. Eat in restaurtant Sun-Thurs between 4 and 9 p.m. and enter night club free. eFtc TONIGHT MEETING NIGHT VILLAGE BELL 18F115 We participate in the Blue Shield Prescription Program. Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. cF15 Bowling leagues forming. Sign up ow at the Union Lanes. 55/game. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday- open atl10A.M. pcF119 The first five people for pinball get a free game every Monday at the Union Lanes, open at 10 am. cF115 ELF.. ..ELF.. .ELF.. .ELF IS ENERGY LINE FAMILY (ELF) WAITING YOUR (313) 663-5366 CALL 7 DAYS A WEEK . . - 'ROUND THE CLOCK. MORE THAN A SEVERAL- MINUTED COLLECTION OF HOPE/COURAGE BOOST WORDS ... AN ELECTRONIC FAMILY THAT GIVES A "SHIT". . . KNOWS THAT DIS- COURAGEMENT HURTS. TOM DORRIEN, OUR NEW ELF, CO-PRODUCER AND WRITER, WANTS TO HEAR WHAT WOULD HELP YOU ON ELF . . . WRITE HIM c/o BOX 7484, A' . - - PHONE ELF THIS MINUTE ... 663-5366. cF117 LIGHT MOVING Local van $10 load 663-2669 cF416 GUNKHOLER Join cruising sailors for a monthly evening of drink and talk. Write Gunkholes, P.O. Box 7418, Ann Arbor, MI 48107 for details. 46F123 THE 1978 MICHIGANENSIAN (U-M's Yearbook) is looking for students interested in working on the Business Staff. Positions are open in Marketing, Sales, and General Business. No experience neces- sary, we will train you. If interested, CALL 764- 0561 or come to our office at 420 Maynard (next toSAB). dFtc NICE JEWISH GIRL wanted to share a large warm room in someone's life. All utilities included. Write Daily Box No. 2. 83F114 AROUND THE WORLD GIFTS and jewelry on sale at the EXHIBIT MUSEUM GIFT SHOP, 10- 4:30 M-F, Sat. & Sun. 1-5. Natural Science Museums Building, N. University and Geddes. 86F115 PERSONAL GROWTH GROUP. Mon. evenings. Bob Blood, PhD. 769-0046. 10F121 NEEDED-People with asthma to participate in a study of new asthmatic medication at the Univer- sity of Michigan Medical School. Participants paid $200 at completion of study. For details, call 764- 2260,8-4 M-F. 50F0119 COUPLES ENRICHMENT WORKSHOP. Jan. 20-22 Bob, Margaret Blood. 769-0046. 12F0119 ELF. ELF. ELF. ELF. Is awaiting your dial today. (313) 663-5366 any- time-24 hours a day-7 days a week . . . plug into the ELFS. 3 minute recorded message of hope . . . encouragement . . . inspiration . . . Our ELF motto: "Don't delay dial today" . . . Don't forget that number-ELFS-(313) 663-5366. SHALOM cF15 SUPER SALE January 20-30. Save 25% on our regular lines of long-burning tapers and gothics, Baldwin brass candlesticks and accessories. Many other items reduced as well. Little Dipper Candles, 415 N. Fifth Ave. in Kerrytown (adjacent to Farmer's Market). cF120 OPEN FOR BREAKFAST at 8 a.m. ROUND HAUS CAFE, 618 Church, across from Blue Frogge. 995- 5095. CF416 PRIMAL TRAINING and/or supportive counseling at the Persnal Growth Center, 403 Miller, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. (313) 971-0102, Est. 1972. cF416 LOWEST COPY PRICES THE COPYMILL 211S. State (near Olga's) Copies, course packs, while you wait! 662-3969 Our prices really are the lowest cFtc CONTACT LENS WEARERS-Save on brand name hard and soft lens supplies. Send for free illustrated catalog. Contact Lens Supplies, Box 7453, Phoenix, AZ 85011. 24F115 "ONE OF the most daring, spectacular rescues of modern times," says Time Magazine. PREVIEW SHOWING of action movie: "OPERATION THUNDERBOLT" One time limited seating performance of the most expensive, powerful, and exciting Israeli movie ever made. Never shown on television. This Sun., Jan. 15, 1 p.m. Fifth Forum Theatre, $3.00 reg., $2.00 student. We recommend contacting Beth Emeth, Hillel or Chabad House for tickets in advance. For further information: 662-6666. 38F115 ALTERNATIVE Elementary School has openings now for children 5-9. Children's Community Center, 663-4392. 40F118 SKI VENTURE CROSS COUNTRY SKIING FIVE GROOMED TRAILS MOONLIGHT TOURS LESSONS GROUP PARTY RATES STUDENT DISCOUNTS: WEEKDAYS WITH I.D. Leslie Golf Course, Ann Arbor 668-9011 Open daily cF131 76-GUIDE FOR 24-HR. PERSONAL COUNSELING and RE- FERRAL call 76-GUIDE. For University phone num- bers, events, and movies call 764-1817, for student phone numbers call 764-2330. cF416 XEROX AND OFFSET FAST, LOW COST DUPLICATING COPY QUICK 1217 S. University JAZZ AT THE UNIVERSITY CLUB with the FORCE. Vincent York featured alto sax solosit with the Duke Ellington Orchestra, Ned Mannbass, Kevin Gibbs piano and Kenneth Bolds former drummer five years with Lionel Hampton Drums at the University Club cocktail lounge each Friday and Saturday evenings 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. throughout the Fall. No cover charge, free trial membership available from the hostess. cFtc LOWEST COPY PRICES IN THE MIDWEST! Accu-Copy, 514 E. William, 769-8338 cF416 -OZONE HOUSE needs yoi to provide temporary housing for young people in crisis-one day to 2 weeks-a comfortable couch is all you need. Call Jan at 662-2222. cF1211 MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings EXPERIENCED TEACHER will help with writing, editing, proofreading, typing. 668-7457. 92J117 DONNA'S PROFESSIONAL TYPING-973-0433. 44J115 WRITERS AIDE SERVICE INC. Professional edit- ing and writing. Expert directional assistance for papers, theses. 761-8645; 557-2755. cJtc ADVERTISE FOR LESS airough the Michigan Daily contracted classified ads. Call 764-0557 for more information. dJ121 THE SECRETARIAT Typing, Copying, Binding Editing, Drafting, Lettering 812 South State Street 11-6, 7 days/week 994-3594 cJtc A PROFESSIONAL TYOdIST is your best bet. Dissertations, manuscripts, papers etc. Reasonable/guaranteed/references. 434-9027. c209, NEED HELP with your Holiday cleaning? We do a variety of chores expertly, done by grad student. References if requested. Call 995-2388. dJ TYPING-,Professional/student rates. Fast, reliable service. Ask for Barbaraj65-4W,.24 hours.__cJtc MISCEL LA NEOUS Yoga/meditation class. Including relaxation and concentration techniques. Starts Wednesday, Janu- ary 18, 7 p.m., Concourse Lounge, Markley Hall. Certified instructor. 994-0984. p96M115 CLASSICAL GUITAR INSTRUCTION. Beginning- Advanced level. Guitar Gallery, 236 Nickels Arcade. 662-5888. 01M201 PRIVATE PILOT GROUND SCHOOL Thirteen-week course meets Monday nights 7:00- 9:30 P.M. beginning January 16, Room 3080 East Engineering. $45 course fee includes test. Sponsored by Michigan Flyers. 98M115 Yoga/meditation class. Including relaxation and concentration techniques. Starts Wednesday, Janu- ary 18, 7 p.m. Concourse Lounge, Markley Hall. Certified instructor. 994-0984. 96M115 QUALIFIED EDITOR of papers, theses, articles, books. No ghost writing. Call 663-1369 after 5 p.m. 63M119 Daily Classifieds BABYSITTER-for 3 yr.. old boy, my home every Wednesday afternoon 12-6.769-7655. 69KO115 '71 MAVERICK, AM-FM radio, new tires, new exhaust. 45,000 miles. Very dependable. $400. 483 4199. 64NO115 1974 MAZDA-RX-4 Wagon. 43,000 miles, runs exce1 lent, $1000 or best offer. 663-0220., 33NiIS- FORD, 1970 Station Wagon. New battery and ex- haust. $350 or best offer. Call 995-3696. 62N0117 1976 HONDA CIVIC, 5 speed, AM-FM radio, rear defroster, excellent condition. 434-1376. 52N0119 There once was a girl named Crouton, To the "U", from the "Sault", she was drawn. To the girl from the "Sault", Happy Birthday to You! From 41h Palmer, the hall she lives on. 16F115 ASSISTANT NEEDED helping physically handicap- ped person in their home. Call 971-0277 9-5, Mon. thru Fri. 95H0118 I AM SEEKING a few ambitious people capable of making a financial success of a proven business opportunity. For interviews call 971-3561. 94H121 WORK-STUDY JOB-Research assistant for library research. Coding and checking data; variety of other tasks. Light typing necessary. If interested call Diane, 764-7487. 05H120 $3.50 HOURLY FULL TIME PERMANENT Full time days or evenings easy phone sales. No experience necessary. Full training program for qualified individuals, must be 18 years or older. Must have a clear telephone voice and a desire to earn at least $250eweekly. Only ambitious de- pendable people need apply. Call 487-5051. 02H119 COMPUTER-TYPE, pa rt-time, temporary, Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Center is looking for a person with advanced ex- perience in using MICRO STDS or other relational- type data base system in MTS. FORTRAN pro- gramming skills desirable but not required. Call David Clifford at 994-2601. p70H115 TENNIS PROS AND ASSISTANT PROS-Seasonal and year-round clubs; good playing and teaching background. Call (301) 654-3770, or send 2 complete resumes and 2 pictures to: Col. R. Reade, W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut Ave., Suite 1011, Chevy Chase, MD 20015. p16H120 LIMITED PART-TIME position available, retail sales, imported clothing. Some experience helpful. Grad student preferred. Call 769-8511 for appoint- ment. 81H0115 FREE MEALS in exchange for work on meal crew at Beta Theta Pi. Call 995-9617. 87H119 WORK-STUDY STUDENT janitorial job available 10 hrs./wk., $3.00/hr. Inquire 1024 Hill, 764-2547. 84H117 BREAK into the entertainment business and get to know U of M student programming activities. We need competent responsible and energetic work- study students. Call 763-1107. 8511117 HELP WANTED-2 or 3 people needed to type tapes of interviews for my thesis project. Part or full time. Pay negotiable. Call Cary, 665-4903, eve- nings. Leave name and number. 78H118 PLAYING BAND looking for lead singer. Must be serious. Call Mike.,764-2891 or Tim, 764-5944. 72H115 WORK STUDY STUDENT-Read short stories, evaluate conflicts. 761-2826. 15H115 FREE MEAL in return for lunch waiter/occasional dishwasher. Also needed: evening waiter; kitchen aid (knowl- edge of kitchen helpful)-665-5309. Call 6:30 p.m. or midnight.O 00H115 Child Care Action Center needs people. 3 credits through Project Outreach. Lots of fun with 2112 to 6year olds. Call 764-3487. 97H115 CLEANING HELP NEEDED at sorority, 18 hrs/ wk. Experience desired. Call 663-5331 evenings. 05H115 CHILDCARE in exchange for room and board. Own room. One 7 yr. old child. Hours variable. Must like children. Call 995-0503 after 6 p.m. , 07H115 MEAL JOBS AVAILABLE-Zeta Tau Alpha. Call 663-5331evenings. 06H115 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Must be eighteen. No car necessary. Part-time only. Ten to thirty hours per week. Apply in person only after 4 p.m. Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place. 81H121 SALESPEOPLE WANTED-To sell advertising for the Michigan Daily on a commission basis. Call Rod, 764-0560. dHii EXPERIENCED WAITING HELP WANTED-Con- tact Peter Dilorenzi at the University Club in person 1 p.m.-3 p.m. week days. cH416 HOUSEKEEPER-Cook for family of 4, 12 hours' per week, $3/hr. 662-6021. 42H115 SUMMER JOBS CEDAR POINT AMUSEMENT PARK, Sandusty, Ohio, will hold on campus interviews February 1 and 2 for summer employment. Over 3,200 positions available for a wide variety of jobs. Dormitory or apartment style HOUSING AVAILABLE. Contact Summer Placement Office for information and appointment. CEDAR POINT p41H131 Bring Results The first five people for PINBALL get a FREE GAME every Mon. at UNION LANES Open 10a.m. 1 . ?ti t +::. t }} i 1 Y£'1 { { } fti DRUMMER WISHES to join working band playing weekends. Seven years experience in rock, country, and jazz. Phone Jeff, 241-8585. 220117 TREK NEPAL Join a small group of Ann Arborites for an explora- tion of the culture and natural history of this Hima- layan Kingdom. May '78.995-4617. cPtc y I ... M NNO W N RA W WA -sN DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar 0 1978 LOS ANGELES TIMES USED FENDER Telecastor Guitar. Natural finish with maple neck. Call Don, 769-1400. cX125- USED GIBSON Es 150. Good condition. Apollo- Music Center, 323 S. Main, Ann Arbor. cX125." USED FENDER SHOWMAN, amp one CBS, CSB. Call Don, 769-1400. , cX127 COMPACT STEREO SYc'rEM, exc. condition, $90. 763-6568, mornings. '(0118 . ~ .. A ~ '~~fbtf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 P.M. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original number of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requiring pre-payment, i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot by disclosed prior to publication. Advertisers' names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertisements is determined by total number of words- 7 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discriminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. 1 5 9 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 32 33 34 35 38 39 40 41 ACROSS Horse Remedy Guys Holm oak Unwritten Mathematical term Balkan region Information, Spanish style River of Scotland With 35 and 46 Across, quote from "Much Ado About Nothing" Phrase Fabrics D.C. employees Connecting member Neckwear Meeting: Abbr. Ruhr city Much-used past participle Austen novel See 21 Across: Phrase Intimates Grandsson of Adam Fireplace Gelid 42 43 44 45 46 50 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 Narrow cut Battlefield of Hundred Years' War Greek-letters Throat-Tlearing sounds See 21 Across; Phrase Oriental name Aisle man Old -, historic frigate Boutique Spanish boy Girl's name, "the ninth" Swift animals Jokes of a kind Ravel DOWN Shields and Yarnell's stock-in- trade Dear me! In a foolhardy manner Devon river Coolidge's successor Birds Retreat Theater buffs Large birds 6 7 f1° 10 Storm cellar, for one 11 Adjective suffix 12 City on the Arno 13 Without delay 18 A hydrocarbon 22 Muscat residents 24 Eggs on 26 Rates of speed, in music 27 Stern 28 Sired 29 Diplomat 30 South African name 31 Chummy: , British style 33 Expatriating 34 Zimbalist 36 Kindled again 37 Birds 42 Portions 43 Garments made of cotton twill 44 Dear: Fr. 45 "Without -" 46 Soothing word 47 This: Sp. 48 Norse god 49 Sills's forte 51 Siberian river 52 Britisher's exclamation 55 Army gp. 9 10 11 12 13 19 We program systems, not systems programmers. National CSS offers an environment geared to creativity and career development. Here, you'll find the excitement and vitality of a youthful, powerfully motivated company on the way up. Were an information services company, specializing in translating data into useful business information through the use of computer and communications technology. Technically, we are offering the most comprehensive collection of programs currently available in the industry. We seek your help in continuing our aggressive pursuit of the growth opportunities available in the information processing marketplace. At NCSS, systems programmers are/afforded a chance to assume a variety of responsibilities. You'll be called upon to design, debug, code, test and document functions within the operating system. Additionally, your know-how will be needed to analyze existing systems and programming logic difficulties, and recommend better methods. In short, we're planning a future that will keep us among the industry's leaders and provide our people with rewarding careers. For further information and/or prompt consideration, see our recruiter on campus Jan. 17th. Arrangements should be made through the Placement office. 12 24 17 20 18 21 24 22 26 32~ 27 28 30o --- MVEAL JOBS AVAILABLE. Delta Sigma Delta dental fraternity, 761-6616. 8712 DELIVERY HELP WANTED MUST HAVE OWN CAR. CALL : ROTTNT) H A T T 'A PP. 33 34 35 36 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Problem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. Pregnancy tests available. cFtc L-1. 4- - I I---! I I