The Michigan Daily Travel Supplement-Saturday
"Page 8-Saturday, April 15,1978-The Michigan Daily Travel Supplement
Paae 8-Saturday, April 15, 1978-The Michiqan Daily Travel Supplement The Michigan Daily Travel Supplement-Saturda'
Strongly recommended
( ) International Student Identity Card-
to be eligible for wide variety of dis-
counts and benefits.
Background reading-learn something
about the country you are planning to
to visit before you go.
( )Language-learn a new language or
brush up on ones you have studied-it
will come in handy.
( ) International Youth Hostel Card-will
make you eligible for incredibly inex-
BEFORE TAKING OFF, you'll need a passport,
and possibly visas, vaccinations, insurance, and
an International Student I.D. Card. The paperwork is a
bit time consuming, but not as confusing as you might
After picking up a passport appliction at the Inter-
national Center, you'll need your picture taken. Your,
grinning mug can be snapped by one of the Daily's
staff photographers.
Once - you have the appliction and two official
passport photos, you have a few more steps to com-
plete. First, you need proof of U.S. citizenship-either
a previous passport, naturalization papers, or a cer-
tified copy of your birth certificate.
Next, younust have identification-a valid driver's
license or a previously issued passport.
Finally, dish out a $10 check or money order payable
to U.S. Passport Office. Be sure to add $3.50 in cash for
local processing.
Now that you have all you need, take it to the County
Clerk's office to apply for a passport.
It will be two to four weeks before you'll get your
passport, and if you apply after March it can take up to
eight weeks.
Visas are stamped notorizations in a passport
authorizing entry to a foreign country for specific pur-
poses and a specific time. If your trip to Western
Europe falls short of three months, don't worry about a
visa. However, if you are planning an extended stay, or
if you are travelling to Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa or
Latin America, contact the consulates or embassies of
the countries you wish to visit.
Visas must be obtained from the consulate or em-
bassy before you go abroad. It is fastest to apply for a
visa in person, so if you plan to visit a number of coun-
tries for which you need visas, apply only for the first
visa before starting your trip.
International Student I.D. Card
With an International Student I.D. Card, you are
eligible for countless discounts and benefits. You can
get a card for $3 at the International Center.
If you're going to Western Europe, don't give vac-
cinations a second thought. If you're off to Asia, Africa
or Latin America, you may need vaccinations against
smallpox, chollera and yellow fever. Contact the Im-
munization Center of Health Service for details.
If you are not covered by University insurance, you
may want to contact the Council on International
Educational Exchange, 777 United Nations Plaza, New
York, N.Y. 10017, for information on travelling in-
surance for short-term trips for educational purposes.
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Visas-permission to enter a country.
U.S. citizens staying in Western Europe
for less than three months usually don't
pensive accommodations.
International Driver's License
Hotel reservations
Arrangements for on-going transpor-
need visas.
( ) Vaccinations-required only for Asian,
African and Latin American countries.
( ) Transportation from the U.S. to des-
( ) Money-cash, travelers checks, credit
( ) Luggage-two checked bags totaling no
more than 106 inches in length, width,
( ) Arrangements for you mail
Time Needed
Passport: 2-8 weeks
International Student I.D. and Youth Hostel
Passes: 24 hours
Railpasses: 3 days to 3 weeks after you get
a passport
Charters: 45 days before departure
for bread and bed
C AN YOU AFFORD a summer in Europe? A two-
month stay will probably run between $1000 and
$2000-$1500 should be a reasonable estimate for most
Forget the old promise.of Europe on $5 a day; inflation
has hit everywhere. For travel in Western Europe, the
least you can get by on is $7-$10 a day. Plan on spending,
between $12 and $18; $25-$30 for moderately posh living. A
higher budget will allow more choice in accommodations,
food and entertainment. In any event, be sure to take
along an extra $100 for emergencies.
HOW MUCH YOU'LL spend depends on where you go.
Switzerland and Scandinavia are the most expensive
countries; Spain, Greece and Poland are the cheapest.
Travel in Asia, Africa and Latin America can be much
cheaper than Western Europe.
Take a tip from Karl Malden: don't carry a lot of cash.
Keep only a minimum on hand.
It's advisable to obtain a small amount ($25-$35) of
foreign currency before departing for taxi fare, buses,
phone calls, upon your arrival abroad. Local banks carry
some foreign currency or will order it for you (it takes 3-5
days to arrive). Or you can convert your money at the air-
port before departure.
IT'S BEST TO carry most of your money in the form of
traveler's checks. For a small fee (1 per cent), local banks
wil see you checks in the form of U.S. dollars, English
pounds, Swiss francs, Canadian dollars and German
marks. Unless you plan to spend most of your time in one
country, it's probably best to buy your traveler's checks in
U.S. dollars. It doesn't matter which brand of traveler's
checks you choose-all are equally reliable and accep-
Some major credit cards can be used worldwide. Some
permit you to cash personal checks at the issuer's offices
overseas or affiliates' offices. Check out the possibilites
before you go. Remember to guard your credit cards as
securely as your cash.
Personal checks, cashier's checks and money orders
are extremely difficult to cash overseas. If you plan to
stay in one place for over three months, you might want to
consider opening a checking. account at a local bank.
Money can then be transferred from a U.S. account to a
foreign account by check. or money order. Call your local
bank for information.
ADVANCE PLANNING is the key to getting the most
for your money when you're exchanging currency. Try to
anticipate how much money you will need for each par-
ticular country. Each time you convert you will have to pay
a service charge, and this can wind up being very costly.
Exchange only as much as you think you will need for a.
particular country. It is not possible to exchange coins on-
ce you move on to another country. You can 'exchange
money at banks, airports, railroad stations, large hotels,
some tourist information centers and travel agencies.
Generally, banks, airports and train stations offer the best
rates. Remember you'll have to have your passport with
you as identification when you exchange money.
Exchange rates are constantly fluctuating, so check for
the current rates. The New York Times carries a daily
list of exchange rates. Rates are also published in the In-
ternational Herald Tribune and other papers abroad.
If, in spite of your planning, you find yourself stranded
abroad with no money, you can contact the U.S. Con-
sulate. They'll give you suggestions, but no money. They
can cable or call someone back home to send money,
deducting the cost of the cable or call when your funds
So you've decided to go to
Europe this summer. That was
the easy part. Now comes the
hard work: planning your trip.
Travelling overseas is a bit more
complicated than driving down
to Ft. Lauderdale. You'll need
to apply for passports, perhaps
visas, depending on where
you're going. You'll also need to
know how much money to take,,
what to pack, and how to find
accommodations to fit your
budget. Here are some tips from
the International Center on
planning your trip abroad. Bon
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U NLESS YOU'RE BLESSED with a wallet stuffed
with cash, you may want to stay somewhere
other than posh hotels during your European trip. Con-
sider the following accommodations, and when
choosing, keep in mind your time limitation, your
finances, and your mode of transportation.
Student Hostels
Student hostels are a great deal. They are primarily
located in towns and cities with universities and
provide a great opportunity to meet other students
from all over the world. The prices-about $4-$10 per
night-are nearly impossible to beat. The price in-
cludes breakfast, and other meals are often available.
To take advantage of student hostels, you need an In-
ternational Student I.D. card, which costs $3, and the $1
booklet Student Hostels, listing facilities and rates.
Both are available at the International Center. Student
hostels are very popular in the summer, so it's a good
idea to call ahead for reservations when possible.
Youth Hostels
Originally built for cyclists and hikers, youth hiostels
are usually located in rural areas or small towns,
although increasingly they are foundin large citiesand
metropolitan areas. They are incredibly cheap-about
$1.50-$5 per night-but they are sometimes disappoin-
ting. Some are extremely rustic while others are
renovated castles.
Youth hostels have dormitory style rooms which ac-
commodate from two to twenty people. Wings or floors
are sex segregated.
Breakfast is usually included and sometimes cooking
facilities are available.
To stay in a youth hostel, you must buy an $11 Youth
Hostel Pass, available at the International Center. Call
hostels for reservations when possible, and arrive bet-
ween 5and 7 p.m.
Inexpensive Hotels
Generally clustered around railroad stations, inex-
pensive hotels are a great alternative for students
traveling by train to major cities on the Continent. If
you don't have reservations, look for a room early in
the day.
The best sources of information on budget accom-
modations are lists from national tourist information
offices and hotel booking services at train stations.
Rooms without baths are considerably cheaper, and
sometimes it's worth the money to share a bathroom
and forego daily showers.
Pensions are small guest houses, often at people's
own homes, open to foreigners (that's you) during the
summer. They are usually personal and friendly
places to stay. Generally you will share facilities with
other guests and have opportunities to take meals with
the families.
Pensions are an excellent
and to find out what is avail
similar to small hotels in the
local pensions can be found
writing to national tourist of
place t(
Camping your way throu
way to get off, and accomi
France alone has 1,000 car
and around Paris.
Typical campgrounds ha
tent, parking facilities and
venience store.
For the more rustic camf
fields, deserted beaches
aware, this type of camp
authorities, and is illegal
Southern France, Italy, Spa
Prices for sites range fron
night. It is not necessary
European campsites. In the
full; there will be another or
IF IN DOUBT, LEAVE it out. that's the key to success- with a plasticc
ful pack cg. places don't p
Unless you're absolutely sure you'll need a particular flashlight, pen-I
item, don't bring it along. You'll need the extra room for laundry, a need
souvenirs and junk you'll manage to pick up along the and a sleeping bt
way. If you find you do need something you've neglected Many travell
to brng, chances are you can buy it overseas.
BRING LUGGAGE THAT is lightweight and sturdy. A
backpack is an excellent choice, although it does have a
few disadvantages. Your clothes wpuld stay neater in a yy
suitcase,.and you can't lock a packpack.
Once you've selected your luggage, there are several
items which it must contain. All travellers should bring small pack or C
one pair of blue jeans, one sweater, and one nice pair of leving their lug
slacks-either cords or cotton. Don't be caught without Add to the lis
three pairs of socks and underwear. will be near the
For all the roaming aound you'll be doing, be sure to resort, take sh
include a sturdy pair of walking shoes or boots, and for in- clothes often, s
clement weather, bring a raincoat, lightweight jacket and permanent pres
a scarf. self. With a litt
Be sure to have three shirts or t-shirts, and one nice out- produce versati
fit to wear to concerts and better restaurants: If you are into
Optional, but strongly recomnended are a bar of soap if you prefer dra
container and a small hand towel-some
rovide them. Also, consider bringing a
knife, plastic water bottle, plastic bags for
le and thread, prescription drugs, thongs,
ers have found it useful to take along a
ato pack
flight bag to carry essentials around while
gage in a hotel or train locker.
t or change it as your needs dictate. If you
sea, take a swimsuit. If you are at a casual
orts. Since you will be wearing the same
select them for wearability. Best bets are
ss clothes and items you can launder your-
:tle imagination; your small wardrobe can
ile combinations.
o photography, take along your camera, or-
awing, pack your sketchbook.
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