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April 12, 1978 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-04-12

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Unaccustomed to power'
Our new mayor is apparently unaccustomed to the raw power in
his hands. After he appointed three Council members to a committee
Monday night, he asked if he needed Council approval for the appoin-
tments. When informed that its O.K. wasn't needed, the neophyte
Mayor replied in mock disbelief, "It's just too powerful for any one
Victory is sweet
It seems East Quad residents emerged victorious in yet another
round in the war between man and machine. After one student put
some money in a dorm vending machine, candy and gum became ac-
cessible with only the push of their respective buttons. Within minutes
a crowd had gathered and a mob assembled around the machine, ac-
cording to freshman #Ken Feldman. Feldman said the group was
"wildly groping" for anything they could get'their hands on. "The
people in the middle (of the crowd) were being beaten," he said. One
observer speculated that a local dentist was behind the incident.
Happenings ... .,
... begin with some food for thought, so to speak. The legal defen-
se fund for Lucio Rivera, sponsored by La Raza law students'
organization, will hold a bake sale from 8-1 in front of room 100, Hut-
chins Hall. Continuous showings of the films "You say Chicano" and
"I.M. Joaquim" will be presented in Room 100 ... INFACT will also
hold a bake sale, beginning at 9, on the Diag . .. You can pick up an,
armband to show opposition to the Bkke decision between 9 and 2 in
the Fishbowl. .. Remember that big, green frog that was on campus a
few weeks ago? That was Herman, the star of "Herman Goes to
College," which premiers at 10 in 411 Mason . . . at noon a rally
celebrating the 30th anniversary of Israel's independence will be held
on the Diag .. Dr. Dorothy Skaardal, director of American Studies at
the University of Oslo, Norway, speaks at noon in 520& Angell Hall on
"Scandinavian Immigrant Literature" . . . the Gay Academic Union
sponsors a lecture by Mark Flynn on "Job Bias Against Gay People: A
Caselaw Perspective" at noon in 212 Hutchins Hall ... "Your Rights
as a Tenant: What Do the New Housing Laws Mean for You" will be
explored at 3 in a mini-course in the Kuenzel Room of the Union ...
Committee C, the Biological Research Review Committee, will meet
at 3 in Room 3087, School of Public Health I. Visitors are welcome, but
must call 764-6435 in advance . . Prof. Kenneth Landes speaks on
"Storage of Radioactive Waste in Salt Mines" at 3:30 in Room 310
Automotive Lab . . . Buzz Alexander and Jane Siegal will hold a
colloquium on "Politics and Film" at 3:30 in Room 315 Old A&D.
"Hour of the Furnaces" will be shown. . . Harold Leventhal discusses
"When the Courts Review - of Generalist Judges Overseeing
Specialized Agencies" at 3:30 in 100 Hutchins Hall. A panel discussion
will follow . . . Two one-act plays of Chekhov and Strindberg will be
presented at 4 in the Frieze Building's Arena Theatre. .. Author Tom
Wolfe delivers the Hopwood lecture at 4 in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
He'll speak on "Literary Technique in the Last Quarter of the Twen-
tieth Century." . . . "Investigation of Thin Water Film Behavior and
Droplet Motoun with Co-current Vapor Flow" will be discussed by
Wontaik Kim at 4 in Room 3042 G.G. Brown Lab... the Michigan
Association of Gerontology Students holds its annual meeting at 7 in
the Michigan League Library. Beth Ferguson, state director of Office
of Services for the Aging will talk about "Conversations on Aging:
News frofn Lansing and Washington :." an evening of "Nineteenth
Century American Ballroom Dance and Music" begins at 8 in the
Clements Library..
On the outside ....
Today will be the last day of spring-like temperatures as Old Man
Winter returns for a while. Expect partly sunny skies with moderate
southwesterly winds and a high of 58-61. We'll cloud up tonight as
another cold front passes through the area and temperatures will fall
considerably. Expect a low of 30-33 with a slight chance of snow
flurries (yep, snow!) It will be partly cloudy and cold tomorrow with a
high around 45.
Daily Official Bulletin

LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William
Milliken's office promised yesterday to
weigh the personal interests of a deeply
religious Detroit woman against those
of Alabama officials demanding her
return for a 1951 prison escape.
Lizzy Williams, 60, was named in an
extradition petition signed last week by
Alabama Gov. George Wallace.
Williams was sentenced to 218 years in
prison in 1942 for lying to protect her
boyfriend from an armed robbery
SHE FLED AFTER serving nine
years and went to live with a sister in
Detroit. A fight between the two women
several months ago prompted the sister




The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 12, 1978-Page 3

to tell police of Lizzy's past.
Milliken scheduled an extradition
hearing at the State Capitol today to
consider Williams plea for special con-
sideration. She was expected to attend
with an attorney.
Milliken aide Peter Ellsworth said
Alabama extradition laws give Wallace
little room for clemency, but Milliken
has more leverage.
"WHAT GOVERNOR Milliken is in-
terested in looking at are the equities,
issues that can't be raised in court,"
Ellsworth said. "It's a balancing of the
interests of Alabama versus the in-
terests of this woman."
Williams was an unmarried mother
of a young daughter in 1942 when she

met Turner Washington in Mon-
tgomery, Ala. One night he begged her
to say he was with her all night because
he had stolen a gold watch, an overcoat
and about $65.
She lied for Washington, but both
were eventually convicted of charges
stemming from the theft. Two charges
against her drew 99 years each, and a
third carried 20 years.
After nine years at an Alabama
prison farm, she fled to Michigan at the
invitation of her sister Annie.
Williams became involved in local
church work, and a court bond officer
placed her in the custody of a Baptist
church pending her extradition

Gov. William Milliken, who
scheduled an extraordinary hearing
today to consider Williams' plea for
special consideration.

Co'al stri~ke over; woes con tinue

several thousand Appalachian coal-
miners, the end of the 111-day United
Mine Workers (UMW) strike has not
meant an end to hardship. They are
laid off because the export market for
metallurgical coal is bad and the strike
left shipping tangled.
It could be next month before many
resume work, and some will have to

wait longer. Several hundred will have
to look for other jobs.
IN ADDITION, 1,100 employees of
Pittston Coal Group's Clinchfield Coal
Co. in southwest Virginia began a wild-
cat strike yesterday.
Hugh Flaherty, a spokesman at Pit-
tston headquarters in Greenwich,
Conn., said the strike began over sym-
pathy for a worker discharged last

Paintings damaged
by German, vandals

FRANKFURT, West Germany (AP)
- In the third attack on European art in
nine days, vandals smeared two pain-
tings at the Staedel Museum here with a
colorless paste that caused the oil to
run, police said yesterday.
Experts were trying to determine
whether they could restore the two
damaged art works, "Joyful Com-
pany"by 17th century Dutch master
Dirck Hals and a 15th century triptych
- a three-paneled painting - by an
unknown Spanish artist.
THE VALUE OF the paintings was
not immediately available.
The damage was-discovered at about
1 p.m., police reported. Officials said
they had no clue as to the identity of the
vandal or vandals.
Hilmar Hoffman, city cultural direc-
tor, said more vandalism attempts at
Frankfurt art museums could not be
ruled out and announced he was placing
guards on special alert to prevent any
new attacks.
The Staedel, located on the banks of
Main River near Frankfurt's commer-
cial center, is the city's major art
showcase. The museum is currently
displaying works from the famous Hir-
sch collection valued at millions of
dollars and attracting a larger-than-'
usual audience.
LAST YEAR, A 40-year-old German
widower who told investigators "I must
destroy what other men cherish" con-
fessed to vandalizing nearly a dozen art
treasures in West German galleries by
spraying sulfuric acid on the paintings
with a syringe, The man, Hans-
Joachim Bohlmann, was arreted and
committed to a mental institution.
Priceless works by Rembrabdt and
Rubens were among those badly
damaged paintings, but art restorers
succeeded in saving them.
The Frankfurt vandalism comes af-

ter two knife-slashing attacks on pain-
tings in London and Amstertam last
week. Both those assailants had en-
tered the museums as spectators, of-
ficials say.
ON APRIL 3, a man slashed Nicholas
Poussin's 17th century painting
"Adoration of the Golden Calf" at Lon-
don's National Gallery. Salvatore Bor-
zi, a 27-year-old Italian resident of Lon-
don, was arrested and charged with
causing criminal damage to the ar-
Officials said the paintings, valued at
$925,000, could be restored.
Two days later, a 31-year-old Dutch-
man who claimed he was trying to draw
attention to the plight of poor artists
sliced three long gashes in a Van Gogh
painting in Amsterdam's Municipal
Museum. The Amsterdam artist, who
was not identified, was charged with
willflly damaging the art work, "La
Berceuse", and later released from
Art experts said there was a 90 per-
cent chance that the work, whose value
is estimated between $425,000 and
$850,00 could be fixed.
In September, 1975, a Dutchman ar-
med with abread knife attacked Rem-
brandt's "Night Watch" painting in
another Amsterdam gallery, and in
1972, a man took a hammer to
Michelangelo's "Pieta" statue in St.
Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. Both
works were restored.
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week for missing three days of work
without a proper excuse.
But the slack foreign market for
metallurgical coal and problems ship-
ping coal overseas were causing the
biggest trouble.
METALLURGICAL coal is used for
making steel, and is of a higher grade
than the steam coal burned in power
plants. Domestic power plants, whose
stocks of coal had dwindled drastically
during the strike, have been busy
restocking since miners went back to
work March 27, so most of the 160,000
United Mine Workers members who
had been on strike since Dec. 6 have
returned to work.
But in contrast, some mines serving
forign customers are idle. "Chartered
vessels that carry the coal overseas
from Hampton Roads, Va., have not
been available," said Flaherty. "The
strike made it impossible for our
foreign coal customers, 'mainly the
Japanese, to schedule vessels into the
port until they were certain the strike
would be over." And that, in turn, was
making it difficult to obtain railroad
cars to move the coal to port.
Pittston, the largest U.S. producer-
exporter of metallurgical coal, has laid
off 1,100 miners at nine mines and two
preparation plants in southern West
Virginia. Dennus O'Neill of Con-
solidated Coal Co., another large'
producer of metallurgical coal, said his

firm had three West Virginia mines
closed yesterday, with 600 miners out of
O'NEILL SAID the immediate cause
was a shortage of railroad cars, but the
firm also has had long-term difficulties
with the foreign market.
Toward the end of the strike, the
company announced it was permanen-
tly closing three other southern West
Virginia mines which employed 544
At the time, Consolidation attributed
the closings to poor productivity.
That, coupled with higher labor costs in
the United States, which will be even
higher because of the wage increases
granted under the new UMW contract,
makes it difficult for Amserican coal to
compete with coal roduced abroad,
O'Neill said.
"WHAT WE HAVE is a situation
where costs are rising dramatically in
these mines and productivity has taken
a real tumble - where some of these
mines are only producing four or five
tons a day," he said.
According to Dan Fields of the West
Virginia Coal Association, the United
States had a 40 percent share of the
foreign coal market in 1974, but that
had declined to 24 percent in 1977 -
largely due to competition from
Australia and Canada. He said the
statewide production average ,in West
Virginia is eight tons a day per man.

South University near Washtenaw 769-1744

Wednesday. April 12. 1978
Daily Calendar
Statistics: Edward Korn, Stanford-U.. "Classifi-
cation Errors in Contingency Tables," 451 Mason, 4
Physics/Astronomy: M. Kosterlitz, Princeton-U.
"Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions," 296 Den-
nison, 4 p.m.
Hopwood Lecture: Tom Wolfe, "Literary
Technique in the Last Quarter of the 20th Century,"
Rackham Lee. Hall, 4 p.m.
General Notice
University of Michigan Center for Continuing
Education of Women will name 27 CEW Scholars for
1978-79 Thursday. April 20. Dorothy G. Mcguigan,
Program Director of CEW, will talk with, the
scholars and guests about women scholars in history
and today. Dr. Charles F. Lehmann, Chairman of the
faculty Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, will greet the scholars. The awards will be
presented by Jean W. Campbell, Center Director;
Lorraine R. Perry. Associate Professor of Social
Many good cooks like to ise beef
chuck rather than beef round for
meatballs because chuck is a fattier
cut than round and that factor
benefits the flavor of the meatballs.
If you have a food processor you can
easily grind the meat at home.

Work: and Roberta Keniston, formerly a library
administrator at the University of Michigan and
Eastern Michigan University and Reference
Librarian; Ann Arbor Public Library (retired). The
award program and reception celebrating the eighth
year of the CEW Scholarship program is at 8 p.m. in
the Assembly Hall, Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies.

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M2 cover charge before 9:00 bar time
Large GAME ROOM with pool tables ROCK BOTTOM PRICES
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Wednesday, April 12, 1978 -4:00 p.m.
Rackham Lecture Hall, Main Floor, Rackham Bldg.
"Literary Technique in the

un, pomt10:20

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