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April 11, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-04-11

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Belcher: 'Denis will be respected'

Louis Belcher's three-year quest for the
mayor's seat ended last night when the 38-
year-old Fifth Ward Republicah was
sworn in along with the five freshperson
Council members.
Councilman Gerald Bell (R-Fifth Ward)
was elected Mayor Pro Tem of Council in
the first of many party-line votes to come.
After the swearing-in Belcher attempted
to dispel fears of Republican, heavy-
handedness on the new 7-4 Republican
majority Council. The mayor also lauded
acting City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw and
recommended his approval as permanent
City Attorney at next week's meeting.
BELCHER PROMISED tighter controls
on Council's often free-wheeling debate
and an end to personal attacks during
meetings. He reassured the minority party

that hewould tolerate dissent.
"I am going to ask Council next week to
confirm Acting City Attorney Bruce
Laidlaw as City Attorney of Ann Arbor,"
Belcher said. "Another rumor that has
been going around is that the Republicans,
now that they have the majority, are going
to make changes at the administrative
level. That is not true, and City Council
does not have the power to fire department
heads under the City Charter."
TO THE DEMOCRATS, who sat on one
corner of the chamber, Belcher said, "In a
free democratic society we shall not stifle
debates on issues." However, the mayor
cautioned, "I will be a lot tighter on Coun-
cil rules and I will limit debate to two
times per member."
He further threatened, "I will not
tolerate from the chair personal attacks on
individual Council people."

The Democrats were silent in their elec-
toral exile. The only time a Democrat
spoke during the meeting was when new
Councilwoman, Susan Greenberg (D-First
Ward) nominated fellow Democrat Leslie
Morris (D-Second Ward) for Mayor Pro-
Tem, as a response to the Republican
nomination of Bell.
"I feel it would be important to have a
member of the opposite party in that
position," she said. "I also feel that it is
important to have a woman in that
position." After the meeting Greenberg
said, "I'm afraid we're going to lose the
dialogue that has been characteristic of
Council in the past."
MAYOR BELCHER promised to quickly
secure the 700 committee appointments
facing Council "Those committees are the
heart and soul of city government, and I
would like those filled as soon as possible,"

he said.
Belcher's first recommendation was
University Political Science Professor
Joel Sammoff to head the powerful Ann
Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA).
In a touching moment, a subdued
Belcher took advantage of the Cable-TV
televising of the meeting to say "Hi, Dad"
to his ailing father, who was stricken with
a heart attack last week.
BELCHER ANNOUNCED his public of-
fice hours, keeping a campaign promise to
maintain close contact with citizens. The
hours are Monday, Wednesday and
Fridays from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
"If it isn't enough, I'll try to make more
available," he said.

Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIM
Louis Belcher raised his right hand last night as he was officially sworn
as Ann Arbor's new mayor'

COXFV IO N ic-tN nt s HighP-upper 50s
Lo-9IISee Editorial Page See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 11, 1978 Ten Cents 12 Pages

Six Bursley


members evicted in
pot buying incident

Leases of six Bursley student leaders who approved pur-
chase of three-quarters of a pound of marijuana for use at an
all-dormitory party have been terminated by Acting Univer-
sity Housing Director Robert Hughes.
The students, members of the Bursley Board of Govern-
nors, voted to spend $400 for the March 31 party on the fourth
floor of the Bursley Van Hoosen wing, $200 of which was
allocated for marijuana.
HUGHES SAID HIS decision last Friday to terminate the
leases was based on a recommendation by Bursley Building
Director Tod Hanson. The University lease the students are
under contains a clause stating that the purchase of
marijuana is grounds for lease termination, according to
Hughes said he believes arrangements have been made to
allow the students to remain at Bursley through the final
examination period. But Hanson, who is responsible for that
decision, declined to comment on what action he has taken.
He said each individual was considered separately. The six
Board members will not be permitted to return to University
housing next year.
Although unhappy with the Housing Office's action.

Board members said they haven't decided whether to appeal
their lease terminations.
"I GUESS IT'S the only thing they could have done to
us," said freshperson Sally Eibert, a Board member and
candidate for the Literary College Student Government.
"I can't say I was right in what I did," said freshperson
Rolf Pielemeir, a Board member. "I just wish the enfor-
cement could have gone a little farther. Irving Freeman was
one of those supposed to have originated the idea (for the par-
ty) but no action has been taken against him."
Freeman, Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) vice-
president for personnel and MSA presidential candidate,
admitted last week to being in on plans for the dope purchase
since they were first drawn.
FREEMAN, A BURSLEY resident, said he contacted a
Campus Legal Aid attorney for help in fighting the lease ter-
minations, but declined to elaborate on the situation,
Sophomore Board Member Doug Steinberg, who is also
president of te University Housing Council, an MSA student
general counsel, and current MSA candidate, declined to
comment oi the action, as did sophomore board member
Eric Wilson, an engineering student. Board members Tim
See POT, Page 2

At the ballpark Daily hoto by PETER SERUNG
Boys, young and old, perched themselves along this fence Saturday to watch Michigan's double-header with Bowling Green.
Lebanon repatriates refugees as
Israeli troops begin withdrawal

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The
Lebanese government announced a
mass repatriation of refugees to south
Lebanon will begin today timed to coin-
cide with the first stage of a partial
pullback by Israeli invaders.
The plan to send Lebanese refugees
back in a "test of Israel's real inten-
tions on how serious the withdrawal will
be," official Lebanese radio said
yesterday. It said Lebanon was holding
to its demand for a "quick, total with-
drawal" of Israeli troops.
ISRAELI RADIO reported that Nor-
wegian troops of the U.N. peacekeeping
force would take over from the Israeli
army Tuesday at eight posts in the oc-
cupied area. The broadcast added that
Palestinian guerrillas north. of the in-
vaded zone were allowing few Lebanese
Christians to return to the area.
Right-wing Christian militias
generally have allied themselves with
the Israelis against the Palestinians
and Lebanese Moslem leftists.
r r
L. Patrick Gray was indic-
tfad vatavrlau Tip i

About 220,000 Palestinians and
Lebanese fled their homes after Israeli
troops occupied 500 square miles of
south Lebanon in their drive against
Palestinian guerrilla positions that
began March 15. An estimated 14,000
Lebanese and 40,000 Palestinian
civilians have returned on their own,
despite a lack of electricity and water.
and the coastal town of Sidon are to be
given a month's supply of food to en-
courage their return to the south. The
Lebanese government regards their
presence in those overcrowded cities as
a potential source of serious unrest.

The Lebanese broadcast said the first
convoy of returning refugees would
leave Sidon, 25 miles south of this
capital, this morning in 20 buses and
trucks each accompanied by an Inter-
national Red Cross representative and
a Lebanese civil defense corpsman.
The convoy will carry 14 families
back to the port city of Tyre and five to
near the village of Bourg el Chemali,
both policed by French troops of the
U.N. peacekeeping force.
spokesman reported that another con-
voy would set out from Brirut, possibly
See LEBANON, Page 2

Trowbridge bids for
State .Senate position
By KEITH RICHBURG nography ordinance, it was Trowbridge
Councilman Ronald Trowbridge (R- who interrupted the seriousness of the
Fourth Ward) has decided to run for moment by observing that, he did not
State Senate. He promises to be the like the bill his own party had in-
same Ron Trowbridge who has been en- troduced.
tertaining Ann Arbor City Council
chambers every Monday night for three "I READ THOSE magazines," he
years. confessed, "And, yes, in a moment of
When Council was hammering out the weakness I have been known to look at
final version of a strict new por- See TROWBRIDGE, Page 12
S elections
get high tunu


Studio preserves 'U' musIC
The process of capturing music - a
fleeting sound wafted through the air -
can recording that sound on a thin strip
of tape to produce it again, is a mystery4
to most people. "
But the process is no mystery to
University student Bill Papineau, who F
through the work-study program, is
learning the art of sound recording.
earn credit or a degree for studying his
craft, he spends a great deal of his time
working as an audio-visual assistant fory,.
Electronic and Recording Services.
(ERS), a division of the University's
School of Music.
"We're comparable to a professional
sound studio," Papineau said. "No
school in the country is better."
ERS records recitals of students
fulfilling degree requirements in the
Music School. The department also cuts
records for all University musical "
groups, including the University Sym-
phony Orchestras, choir, jazz band and I
the Amaizin' Bles.,.r .:. -

Voter turnout for the first day of the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
election yesterday was "outstanding"
according to Election director G. J.
DiGiuseppe. He estimated the turnout
was between 1800 and 2000 students.
the election continues today and
Meanwhile, controversy still
dominates the Literature, Science and
the Arts Student Government (LSA-
SG). After several suits, appeals and
long meetings, the names of five
People's Action Coalition (PAC) can-
didates remain off the ballot.
DI GIUSEPPE attributed the first
day's turnout, which was higher than
the total turnout in several recent MSA
elections, to the large number of issues;
on the ballot drawing student attention.
Among the reasons cited by

Spirna$ operated the polling site at the
Medical Science Building alone.
"I've never heard it done before,"
said Central Student Judiciary Chief
Justice Thomas Potter of a candidate
serving as a poll worker, "but. I don't
know of any specific rule against it. I
know that at the last minute some of the
poll workers didn't show," Rotter ad-
"Spirnak's just a good friend and he
was just doing me a favor," said
previous elections, at many of the
polling sites across campus, lines
developed as students waited to cast
their ballots.
But LSA-SG presidential and vice-
presidential candidates Bob Stechuk
and Kathy Friedman from PAC and
four other LSA-SG hopefuls-Brucel
Kozarskv. Mary Hallesv Michael En-

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