The Michigan Daily-Sundt Turmoil in Taiwan the sun sets on the Nationalist dream By Dan Oberdorfer With camera and notebook in hand, Daily staff writer Dan Oberdorfer joined 11 other college journalists in a recent trip to Taiwan. The trip was paid for by the China Youth Cor- poration, an arm of Taiwan's ruling party, the Kuomintang. Treated to a host of sumptuous meals, government briefings and tours during his two-week visit, our reporter observed the politics and the people of this small island-nation. A group of 10-year-old boys practice during their first year of preparation for Taiwan's Peking Opera, an acrobatic theatre ensemble. They must study for eight years before they can perform With a regular troupe. In the heart of Kaohsiung province, this Taiwanese man squats outdoors to brush his teeth. His is poor by Taiwanese standards but is equipped with a television set. ()NLY 2000 YARDS from the coast of mainland China, perched atop a green tower on the Taiwanese island of Quemoy, thunderous loudspeakers drone popular mandarin love songs day and night. The love songs, sup- posedly banned by the Peking government, are intended to plant the seeds of sedition in the music-starved Communists. At Quemoy, the two natural enemies are separated by a thin cold, choppy strait. The. Communists blare their own propaganda from loudspeakers tucked behind a deserted white-sand beach on their side of the water. But as both sides furiously wrestle for control of the airwaves, the uproarious commotion echoes too loudly-preventing either antagonist from deciphering what the other is saying. When I stood in the middle of this acoustical circus, I stared somberly over the water toward mainland China, and I thought how odd it is that the 30 years of con- frontation, frustration and deep-seated hatred between these two "Chinas" has resulted in such a ludicrous sideshow. At a government briefing, however, I was told that the governments of the Republic of China (ROC-Taiwan) and of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC-mainland China) still remain in an official state of war. The Taiwanese government is the same. one which fled the mainland after being defeated by Mao Tse-tung's forces in 1949. It still claims sovereignty over the mainland and is dominated by the party which once governed there, Chiang Kai-shek's par- tisans, the Kuomintang (KMT). This despite the fact that Taiwan's population is com- prised of only 15 per cent exiled mainlan- ders. The KMT has never won complete ac- ceptance from the native Taiwanese, who are now cautiously agitating for propor- tional representation. But the external threat posed by Com- munist China rather than internal politics of the island still dominates Taiwanese affairs. And so Quemoy, which is 90 minutes by plane from the capital Taipei and perilously close to the Peoples Republic maintains massive military fortifications. Some 40,000 Taiwanese troops are stationed there, many of them fulfilling a mandatory two-year enlistment requirement. And during our brief, one day stay on the island, we were shown countless concealed bunkers, ditches, camouflaged huts, and long-range firearms. General Liu, a lanky, square-jawed mainlander who ac- ted as our guide, took us through a multi- miled, intricate tunnel system under one of Quemoy's giant stone mountains. Though a government officer said the troops serve as a deterrent to Communist invasion, the last large-scale military con- frontation between the two nations occurred 20 years ago. Today, even the most casual of observers will note that the tense, explosive atmosphere which formerly clouded Quemoy has given way to an intense game of propaganda and diplomacy. THE TAIWANESE no longer bombard the mainland with mili- tary-artillery. But early most afternoons a group of about 30 soldiers, clad in bright orange uniforms, let fly a batch of propaganda balloons .which are carried by the trade winds, sometimes as far as the mountains of Tibet. Strapped to each of the huge helium- filled balloons is a Chinese "care package" containing a moisture-proof food packet, a tooth-brush, and of course, a handful of propaganda leaflets. "On holidays, the Taiwanese might even include a radio, so the mainlanders can tune into one of Taiwan's propaganda radio stations, a few yards of brightly colored cloth, and a blow- up bath toy for the kids. . The date for our visit to Quemoy was carefully scheduled so that we missed out on another of the military's odd tactics. Every other day, the Taiwanese and the Com- munists exchange about 70 rounds of shells, loaded with leaflets instead of lead pellets. The progaganda shelling is harmless but the which meet head-on in a very narrow alley. symbolism remains clear-it means war, If the drivers of the two cars are Americans, Chinese style. they will quite naturally get out and argue A column which appeared recently in the -until one or the other of the drivers is forced Washington Post helps capture the to back away. But if the two drivers are situation. The column recounts a story told Chinese, they'll argue to no avail, return to by a Taiwanese politician about two cars their cars, and then sit and wait. One will he thought of communism, and he repeated bone-chilling stories he had heard of torture and poverty on the mainland. But the sub- ject which interested him the most was Taiwan's thriving economy. He had been a peasant before moving to Taipei 25 years ago, so he was grateful for the opportunity to run his little restaurant. "If I were living under their rule," he said, "I would have to do what they told me to." Government officials also are quick to point to Taiwan's tremendous economic growth and stability. At one government briefing-we attended dozens, each begin- ning with a one-sided movie and ending with a similarly biased talk-the government spokesman told us that the average Taiwanese today consumes 20.3 per cent more food and purchases 4.8 times as much clothing than the Taiwanese of 20 years ago. Eighty-eight per cent of Taiwanese families own television sets, he continued, and the largest newspap "Generally it is c One newspape owned by the newspaper publi member. The no against any maj when they do, tI closed. The Ta example, was si magazine raise( as Taiwan's qi treatment of pa magazine's circt popular with yo longer tolerated University st against "comn few students ha and Lenin, and coming out of stored behind 'Th o ugh Taiwan is well ( becoming a developed natioi case for democracy "it is not. government's "Well-to-do" program has all but eliminated poverty in Taiwan ... Taiwan, the bureaucrats say, is a model province for the rest of China. They smile, and call it a "showcase for democracy." Though Taiwan is well on its way to becoming a developed nation, "a showcase for democracy"- it is not. There is no press freedom, for example. Reading material is restricted to prevent the general public from being exposed to communist propaganda. The line between propaganda and criticism of the gover- nment, however, is very thin indeed. - "In Taiwan, the obligation of the press is to correspond to national policy when it is correct," said one of the editors of Taiwan's referred to as sections referr Samuelson's e' to "protect" Ta The near-bla news, however side effects w abroad. Overw ily available i Republic, man ment's tactics. And because Taiwanese stud home, the gove: to sensitize the See TI