Page 8-Sunday, April 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily taiwan, The 1Jlhigan daily- 'SiC decriminalization (Continued from Page 7) da" they'll encounter after leaving the country. The Taiwanese government force-feeds literature about the main- land regime' and about its "propa- ganda" to all students two weeks before they depart. Once the Taiwanese students arrive at their foreign universities, gover- nment spies-usually other students who receive small stipends for their work-report back any "insurgent" ac- tivities to the government. At other American campuses, the Taiwanese have publicly charged their gover- nment with intervening in their affairs, but here at the University such ac- cusations have never been voiced, at least not openly. TUDENTS INSIDE Taiwan are watched also, but the threat of communism is not feared as much as is a native Taiwa- nese movement to relinquish claims to. the mainland. One student we met, a woman who asked to remain anonymous, told us that the Presbyterian Church she attends has come under fire for calling for Taiwan's "independence" from China. "The government wants the church out of politics," she whispered over lunch at her school cafeteria-only after one of our student hosts had left the table. Just two days before the government had issued ai official warning to the chur- ch, but the general public was not in- formed of it because of a government- imposed news blackout on the incident. One-third of the student-aged population opposes the government in some way, but they have no effective channel for their opinions, another native Taiwanese student told us. He said that the split between Taiwanese and mainlanders is not so deep among students, but that their opposition is more of a generational phenomenon. "The younger generation has no chance to play a role in the political structure of the country," he con- plained. However, because he is afraid that if Taiwan were to liberalize too fast, and th'e hearsay about a communist takeover might, become- a reality, he imposes self-restraint before criticizing the government. By the end of the trip, I realized that aside from these two students, I had met no Taiwanese who complained about their government's repressive tactics and unrepresentative rule. This is partly because many people have been manipulated through the govern- ment's pervasive control of political literature. When I mentioned com- munism to one student, for example, she turned to me and with frightening intensity barked: "tfie communists are animals!" Even children are bombarded by government propaganda. Two mem- bers of our group visited an elementary school where children barely old enough to dress themselves were busy cutting pictures of their newly-elected leader from magazines and pasting them on construction paper. And on television, where popular shows include Starsky and Hutch as well as Donny and Marie, Chiang's face appears with monotonous regularity. Another reason we saw no-opposition to the government is that our hosts carefully avoided showing us that side of their country. I can hardly blame them, but when we asked to speak to some real opponents, we were in- troduced to a political party of oc- tagenarians who vowed to oppose the KMT only after the "return to the mainland." It was through discussions with Americans that I learned the real op- position to the KMT rests in Taiwan's local governments. Almost one-third of Taiwan's provincial assembly are non- KMT, native Taiwanese independents. Though they are afforded no real governmental responsibilities, these This 16-year-old girl rehearses her role performance later this year. as mythological warrior for an opera (Continued from Page 3) brothels in Nevada. That puts the women in a very bad position. In Nevada they have to obey all these har- sh regulations. They'e not accepted as members of the community; they're not allowed to go into the town, for in- stance, and be in the bars or restauran- ts with their husbands or lovers. And the police still remain the enforcing agency. Now decriminalization would take all of the statutes and ordinances regulating prostitution out of the criminal arena totally, and then you're talking about civil regulations. There is a sort of national push going on, if we do licensing at all, to do licensing with individual operators, not businesses. But we want to try to maximize the possibility for women to act as in- dependent contractors. Daily-You're concerned that house owners could try to scoop away too much of the individual prostitutes profits? Ernst-Yes. I think it is going to be necessary, in order to encourage a decent business situation, to put some money behind women running their own businesses, their own cooperatives. I think that is key to making decriminalization work. If these businesses operate with in- tegrity, the prostitutes, of course, are going to prefer to work in them because they get to keep more money and because they can run them. Those businesses are going to get a corner on the market and the rest of the business in the city will have to come to meet them. As a'-result other owners will have to let their workers keep a larger percentage of their earnings. Daily-According to you, local police tend to leave suspected prostitutes alone, unless there's pressure put on them by some outside force like the media. Currently, Detroit officials are putting on a targeted effort against prostitution. They have announced plans to seize the cars of the customers-though it's not clear how those customers will be identified. Why is this happening? Ernst-Neighborhood groups have been upset because prostitution is at such a high level on the street. Women that just live in certain areas can't walk the street without getting harassed by the johns (customers). And sometimes men are accosted by the prostitutes. Also, they are concerned with the an- cilliary crime-mugging, robbing. They have legitimate concerns. Daily-Does Alleycat/PEP support the Detroit plan to seize the customer's cars then? Ernst-The city of Detroit is taking a totally punitive approach. It isn't going to work and we don't support it at all. I have no idea how they are going to en- force it; there are some real questions about the constitutionality of the statutes and methods they're going to be employing. Equal enforcement measures can have strategic value for us if it gets influential johns working for decriminalization. But I think the Detroit approach is going to affect mostly suburbanite customers who drive in. And for many good reasons the city of Detroit doesn't want to hear what those suburbanites have to say. Daily-You concede though, that cer- tain localities have legitimate concerns relating to prostitution. How would you deal with the problems of crime and harassment that tend to crop up in large cities, particularly if prostitution is decriminalized? Denise- from pimp working fo working fo stay in it f nover. On women tha go into it w: Daily-T Commissi Committee nounced pl of services for prostiti the busines otherwise t response t Ernst-'I are the on] proach. It' geared on "reform" They're n programs 1 the busines Alleycat, subcommit doing next health an prostitutes the subcor programs otherwise funding ft those prog: Daily- prostitutes Ernst- money co, lot of itetm Still, ever thousand a she often show for That's du tality. Al establishe she's not and she c came fro help her 1 tality into vestments financial i for the pr munity. Daily-' increase c ther erodi sex w~ith Jo Denise- Sex is alr cialized, decrimina add to th crime tha want to h other pu women. V standard, and the n service g like the f< used to l market. businesse r. outside ai sive part, t has to dea be regulal t The Ne t- would o o prostitutic ones who 0 on strict 0 missive s d who crea r service. A s drogynou v men to c a prostitut its own. independents are forcing the KMT to acknowledge many domestic problems. Having returned from my junket, it is clear, that life under the regime was very different for me than it is for the Taiwanese. I could ask embarrassing questions-and get no replies-but I did not fear reprisals. prostitute (Continued from Page 4) who almost thinks I'm his mistress, that we're going to run away together, blah, blah. And he wants to give me the money in some other way than after the trick. Oh, you get a lot of these sappy ones. They get next to the warmth of a woman that's a nice person, that treats them nice, they get that close relation- ship-and that's closer than any other relationship they've got. Ernst-I never had much of that kind of experience. Daily-Some people would say that the men in that situation are being ex- ploited. Denise-Prostitutes don't say I love you, they're very up front about what's going on. If men get the wrong idea it's not because they're getting exploited, it's because they feel dependent on get- ting this piece of ass. But that's their hangup or society's. We're not getting men with a fish hook, telling them that they've got to have it or their balls are going to fall out. Daily-Why do your customers think you're in the job? Denise-Some of them have weird ideas, they think you're a nympho. It's not that they think you like them a lot, but they think you like sex a lot. And then there's a lot of them that are sophisticated and they know exactly what the deal is, the fact that you're in it for the money and that's fine with them, because they're in it to get their Ernst-Many women frequently, and I think very successfully, keep the business life separate from the per- sonal life. Denise-A lot of times they'll date Reprinted from The Politics of Prostitution, by per. of Social Resorch Assoc. "There will be opposition from pimps (over decriminalization). The women that started work- ing for pimps will probably keep working for them. . . . Once it's decriminalized, the women that go into the business won't go into it with a pimp. Denise, a localprostitute "Hookers need to feel pride in what they do. Yet when you're talking about the work of prosti- tution, suddenly it's not the same anymore. We don 't have the right, according to feminists, to feel that we are doing a good job." Carol Ernst, former prostitute and Prostitution Education Project Coordinator as a place where I'm being creative, where I'm using my talents, except to the extent that I can make a living. I have other things-political work, exercise, having a good time. Daily-According to prostitution ad- vocate Margo St. James, about 10 to 20 per cent of the women working as prostitutes are lesbians. Do you think it's easier for a lesbian to keep her per- sonal life and her work life separate? Denise-Sometimes yes. A heterosexual woman has her myths. When she is involved in prostitution that dispels all the Prince Charming- Cinderella business about being treated in a certain way, about being respected. That's kind of ugly, and some women have a hard time dealing with it. Ernst-I think that is a sort of un- derground myth, that lesbians can deal with the job better because their separate life is totally tied up in women. But a lot of lesbians have more problems dealing with it than a lot of heterosexual women. I think it's a very individual preference, a very individual capacity. Like any other job. Some women can hack driving a bus and some women have no business being out there on the road. Ernst-When you start organizing among prostitutes, you can deal with problems like the bad manners of the johns. Prostitutes themselves can start enforcing certain types of be- havior; as a group they can refuse to provide services to men who do not con- form to their standards. Now that's a very simple approach and it could work. All you need is an organization of prostitutes. That could happen really quickly if it were endorsed and suppor- ted by the city, the county, by feminist organizations. If they would facilitate the organization by putting a minimal amount of money into it and getting a storefront, that could happen in six months. Denise-Relating to crime, decriminalization is good for both sides. If the hooker should get ripped off or beaten by her customer, she can go to the police. And if a customer has trouble with a hooker, he can go to the police. This eliminates a lot of the criminal activity surrounding prostitution. Ernst-Also, they're going to have to take it out of the neighborhoods by set- ting up some stroll areas in commercia areas. That's going to have to happen And in fact, while the city is currently taking a strict punitive approach to the problem, we understand that privately they are considering setting up a stroll area in one place. But tha won't work either, you can't concen trate it all in one district, you have tc break it up. Daily-Isn't it a bit idealistic ti assume that prostitutes are going t4 organize-to take over businesses an set standards among thei customers-even if their work i decriminalized? Won't there by heavi opposition from pimps who see this as; threat to their power? fantasy worked out through you. Daily-How does your work affect your private life? Denise-The times it bothers me are when I feel they (the customers) are getting to me in some way or another. Most of the 'time I feel I'm pretty cold. Even though I'm pretty honest with them and relate to them when they're there, I don't feel emotional, I don't think about that when I'm in bed at night. and marry a customer though. But yeah, you see so many men, I think most of the women are used to having a distinction. They're not getting off that much with their customers, they'll save a lot, emotionally and physically, for their personal life. For myself, I guess I just don't take; the work that seriously. Like if I had some career I was into, that's something I would be thinking about in terms of my "art," but I don't see this