Page 6-Sunday, April 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily Singer fills Ark with zest By ERIC ZORN OHN ALLAN CAMERON is used to playing in front of upwards of five thousand music lovers in his native Maritime Province of Nova Scotia, but he and his accompanists put uncommon energy into their performance Friday night in front of a modest crowd at the Ark. The charismatic Canadian television and concert star stopped by Ann Arbor for a memorable evening of folk music on his way to Nashville to assay the music.scene there. It is certain that Cameron will have a fine local reputation after just this one weekend, and subsequent visits may well swell the Ark to capacity. Old Scot- tish and Irish tunes, English folk songs, Canadian favorites, humorous jingles; and his own compositions flavored the evening in a smooth blend; the pace seemed carefully controlled even though he insisted that he always "plays the next song that pops into my mind." Jerry Holland on the fiddle and Dave MacIssac on the guitar, only with Cameron for six months as concert backups, lent strong instrumental sup- port, often providing exact harmonies to the intricately picked and strummed lead of Cameron's twelve string Martin D-12-20 guitar. STAGE PRESENCE is absolutely crucial to performers at the Ark, for if they fail to establish a close relation- ship with an audience that is almost on top of them, their concerts tend to degenerate into long series of folk songs profferred by colorless and wooden musicians. Cameron's concert was an unqualified success because he im- mediately established a friendly and casual relationship with the gathering of about thirty curious folk devotees. His patter between numbers was very light and personal as he told tales about his past performing experiences, introduced songs, and philosophized a bit: "I imagine there are some studnts of higher education here tonight. You'll work hard, get degrees you can't read 'cause they're in Latin, and go to work for someone who never got the chance to go to college." A highlight of the early part of the evening was a song of praise to his home region in Eastern Canada: Cn you iMagine"a place in the universe More fit for princes and kings? . 01trade you ten of your cities For Marion Bridge and the pleasure it brings. Jerry Holland was featured next on a fiddle medley which was pleasant and skillfully -played, but lacking that energetic, driving rhythm that compels the listener to dance which many folk fiddlers achieve. HOLLAND HAS BEEN appearing on Canadian TV since the he was seven, and plays in many different fiddling styles, from Irish to French Western. He said that he has "bad nerves," and thinks his future does not lie in concert performing, but rather in playing at dances for smaller groups. "I'll play all night for a group of ten people who appreciate what I'm doing." Cameron took his turn on the guitar, playing a medley of "Hector the Hero," "Captain Carswell," and "Murder Mackinney," songs he dubbed "Maritime Disco." He picks with only a, thumb pick and his index finger, giving ama a sound as slick and strummy as flat picking with the added dimension of harmony plucks. "My daddy gave me a guitar when I was small and said 'You learn 'er or I'll sell 'er.' He gave me a thumb pick, and I didn't even know a flat pick existed until five years ago." This is no doubt an exaggeration, as Cameron has had a long and sophisticated involvement with Canadian -folk music since his youth, when he started performing at age twelve. From the Cape Breton Highlands, he lived in a town with a Fifty-two per cent of all airline trips taken in 1977 were for business reasons and the remaining 48 per cent were for pleasure or personal reasons, says the Air Transport Association. population of 425 and only fourteen houses-"Simple arithmetic tells you wer're Catholics," he quipped-before moving to Toronto, where he now lives. FOR TWO YEARS he hosted a national network television program, but since that went off the air he has stuck to concerts and is "making more TV appearances than when I had me own show." A full time professional musician, Cameron did not come to the Ark for money; he knew the audience would be small, but also realizes he must venture into new territory to build up a reputation in the United States. "I love to play, of course," he said between sets. "Whether I'm in front of five people or five thousand, I'll always give it one hundred percent." Word had gotten across the border that Ark crowds loved to sing along, and Cameron claimed to be able to play "songs known to all Celtic North Americans." He engaged the audience in a rousing "I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago," followed by a mock spiritual with the chorus: Drop kick me Jesus through the goalposts of life End over end, neither left nor to right. Straight through the heart of thenm righteous uprights Dropkick me Jesus through the goolposts of life. A powerful song about an Australian war tragedy, "And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda," highlighted the close of the opening set, the tasteful guitar and fiddle work holding together the haunting lyrics which suggested "there are worse things than dying." This most delightful evening of music closed with the three performers all taking up fiddles and playing a ten- minute assortment of English and Jrish jigs and reels. At the very end, Cameron set down the instrument and started clog dancing on the resonant wooden floors to the upbeat strains of "Devil's Dream" We eagerly await the day when this trio of performers finds another excuse to visit Ann Arbor and entertain. Norman, symphony thrill Hill audience By MARK JOHANSSON THE COMBINED talents of Jessye Norman and the University Symphony Orchestra provided a select audience at Hill Auditorium with an enthralling and thoroughly enjoyable evening during the Fourth Annual, Beneift Concert for the University School of Music and the Universtiy Musical Society last Friday night. The program of demanding vocal and or- chestral showpieces gave both the Symphony and Norman ample oppor- tunity to display their talents. Our first hearing of Jessye Norman's voice came in the Concert Recitative: "Ch'io mi scordi di te" and Aria: "Non temer, amato bene," K.505. As soon as Norman took her first step on stage she captured the audience with her dramatic stage presence. Her concentration.and complete control over her voice, facial expressions, and hand movements made her gripping virtusoity seem incredibly simple and natural. IN THE RECITATIVE, she sang with a full, mellow tone and effective dynamic contrasts. During the Aria her intonation was extremely accurate, the ornamentation natural, and the interpretation meaningful. Both the ac- companying piano and orchestra followed her well, playing confidently and in good balance with the soloist. The final piece before intermission was the Firebird Suite by Igor Stravinsky. The music tells the story of Ivan Czarevitch, who captures and School of Music and Musical Society Benefit Aria: "Non temer, amato University Symphony Orchestra bene,"K.505....................Mozart Hill Auditorhmn Firebird Suite........... .......Stravinsky Overture to the Flying A pril7. 1978 Dutchman ....................Wagner Overture to The Abduction Prelude and Love-Death from from the Seraglio...................Mozart Tristan and Isolde.................Wagner Concert Recitative: -Ch'io Jessye Norman, Moprano mi scordi te"......................... Mozart Gustav Meier, conducfor then frees the Firebird, which rewards him with one of its magic feathers. This feather helps Ivan defeat the evil Kastchei and free the thirteen beautiful princesses he was holding prisone. The low string theme of the Introduction was played with an eerie, tense feeling and led into the Dance of the Firebird-with exotic passages for muted violins and brass. Both brass and strings played with good balance and tone, and the sound was unified and precise. In the Dance of the Prin- cesses, the interpretation was graceful and flowing and the oboe solo was strong and sensuous. The intonation of the flute soloist, however, was flat. THE INFERNAL Dance of Kastchei was blemished by an early entran- ce by one of the first violins, but the complex rhythms were played exactly and tightly and the tempo was kep steady. In the Finale, the slow increasse in intensity was done carefully and emotionally, leading to a clean, soaring first violin melody. The grand, awesome sound of the final section wass rein- forced by a powerful brass melody and a very loud bass drum. After intermission, a solid, bold performance fo the Overture to The Flying Dutchman by Richard Wagner, with its energetic, stirring string passages, and an exciting brass melody was given. Then came the high point of the night: the Prelude and Love-Death from Tristan ,and Isolde by Wagner. In the Prelude, the cello and oboe motifs of "longing" and "desire" were played with emotional and plaintive dynamics, and the followin song was lush and moving, beginning in the celli and rising to the first violins. At the conclusion of the Prelude, Norman rose slowly and deliberately to begin the Love Death. Her sound was beautiful and fluid; the tone was broad and full, and her first crescendo. over the shimmering strings was elec- trifyng. Singing clearly over the orchestra, she displayed her mighty vocal power and seething emotions. The agitation grew dramatically and after a sensational climax, the music subsided gently and Norman's final note was thin and piercing, seeminig to hang in the air as the strings provided a solemn benediction. The audience then stood while applauding both solosit and or- chestra, and Norman was given roses and a personal thank-you from w VEGETARIANS UNITE! JOIN LESTER HOUSE, a cooperative vegetarian - house, for Fall 1978. Organizational meeting -_._Monday, April 10, at 7:00 p.m. in the ICC Office. For further information, contact Inter-Cooperative -, Council, Room 4002, Michigan Union.662-4414. o/ 4"f aI Correction In the paper of April 8, the article about the appearance of German film- maker Wim Wenders should have read as follows: "Wenders said he 'found no difficulty in being German,' to which the audience warmly applauded." University President Robben Fleming. Superb PERFORMANCE By ANNE SHARP TpHERE WAS A strange s6 diminutive St. Mary's Friday night. Twelve actors, whom possessed Jewish surnan formed Jesus Christ Superstar opera written by two atheists, Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, p "dder the auspices of the N Association, a Catholic youth gr Superstar, you will rem 'Super star'at caused a big uproar amongst rvice at theologians and drama critics when it Chapel first opened in the early 70's. The show half of set all the traditional interpreters of nes, per- Christian gospels on their ears. It por- , a rock trays Judas as a sympathetic charac- Andrew ter, rather than a sacreligious villian, artly un- and Jesus as a frightened, insecure Vewman man forced into martyrdom by an un- roup. seen deity. An even more outrageous ember, facet is Rice's libretto, which insinuat- ed an impure relationship between Christ and the reformed harlot, Mary i ANNOUNCES AN EVENING WITH SHEWN P AIvRC Tuesday, April 11th 8 p.m. Michigan Theatre m JesusChrist Superstar St. Mar,'s chapel April7-9, 1978 Christ. ............................Phil W eiss Judas ......................Tom Shaker Mary Magdalene.............Martha Cares Caiaphas .....................Robert Schwartz Pilate .......................Phil Sessions Peter ........................Josh Peck Tom Shaker, director Presented by UAC Special Events in cooperation with the Newman Student Association. Magdalene. Friday night's, play was a well- thought-out interpretation of the gospel according to Webber/Rice. Phil Weiss' tawny makeup and blond curls freshly contrasted with the lank-haired, pale,. bearded stereotype of Christ in religious pictures. We tend to forget that no one really knows what Jesus looked like. In a tlever bit of costuming, the apostles, most of whom doubled in other minor roles, wore jeans and In- dian cotton shirts. This combination of Ann Arbor street fashion and Middle Eastern culture fit Superstar's at- mosphere perfectly. WITH A GRACEFUL, economic use of avant-garde stage techniques, the St. Mary's production. worked easily within the confines of. the chapel. Judas, on his way to betray Jesus to the high priests of Jerusalem, runs up the aisle looking over his shoulder; we can see his ner- vous expression from our seats in the pews. When Jesus orders the merchan- ts and money-lenders out of his temple, they tumble off the altar proscenium out of the audience's view, only to emerge moments later as a whining legion of lepers and cripples. Jesus leads his followers in a procession down the center aisle, carrying palms or lighted candles; after his death, they bear his body back to the church, and we hear them sobbing as they pass. Webber's magnificent score, deftly arranged for organ, piano, guitars and drums, rolls down from the choir loft. St. Mary's resident clergy put its foot down when it learned the show's original blocking staged dance num- bers and the Crucifixion, among other things, on the chapel's -green marble altar. It also forbade Weiss to lay his head in Magdalene's lap during her big aria, "I Don't Know How to Love Him." Miraculously, this cast could, for the most part, act and sing at the same time. Tom Shaker, when he lets loose, has a rousing, creative rock-and-roll style. His Judas is a combination of Iago and Bill Cosby. The cast, when I saw them on opening night, had some trouble staying in synch with the choir loft orchestra. Russel Collins seemed a bit uncomfortable as a effeminate Herod, and Robert Schwartz painfully constricted by his low-register voice, eventually throwing music to the winds and "talking" the part of Caiaphas, the sinister head priest. The female singers, with their lovely, carefully, trained voices, found it hard to conform to Webber's rock score. The whole cast should relax and go with the rhythm. i TICKETS $7.50 - $6.50 Reserved Available of Michigan Theatre Box Office, Ann Arbor Music Mort, Bonzo Records and all Hudson's stores. A Son of Bamboo Production/Full Moon Production Two Public Lectures BY Prefo. Gruch Levine Professor of Hebrew, New York University "THE TEMPLE SCROLL" (An examination, aimed for specialists, of the largest and least known of all Qumran Manuscripts) MONDAY, APRIL 10th-4:00 P.M. 3050 FRIEZE "JUDAISM AND ITS BIBLICAL ROOTS" (The Brunhild Kapustin Memorial lecture) Bimbo's Downtown Offers You A N Special Every Day Of The Week-A YOU CAN EAT! Adults Chl -SUNDAY-Italian Buffet .......... 3.75 2 MONDAY-Spaghetti ............. 2.50 1 with Meatballs,$1.25 extra TUESDAY - Bdrbecue Chicken or Beef Ribs ..... .. .... . .... ... 3.652 WEDNESDAY-Seafood Buffet ............ 4.25 THURSDAY-Smorgasbord ............... 3.75 ew ALL Idren nder 4 .25 .65 2.25 2.75 2.25