MSA ELECTION ENDORSEMENTS See Editorial Page 40 4w DRIPPY High-56 Low-40 See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 9, 1978 Ten Cents 12 Pages plus Supplement MSA fee hike, mandatory funding up for vote By MARK PARRENT Perhaps more important than any other question facing students in this week's Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) election, is a referendum which MSA elections '78 will determine whether MSA's present $1.15 voluntary fee will be changed to a mandatory $2.92 charge. The ;bulk of this increase would go toward paying for the Campus Legal Aid service, which has been funded in the past by the University. University officials say Legal Aid's budget will be cut this fall, but' have not yet specified by what amount. THE ELECTION will be held Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. In addition to deciding the fun- ding question, students will also elect representatives to MSA and the president and vice president., Other ballot questions inchjde a non- binding referendum on the University's South African investment policy, a procedural amendment allowing the president and vice-president to take of- fice immediately,. and an amendment altering the process for selection of Central Student Judiciary justices., Legal Aid provides free legal services low income students. If the funding is taken over by MSA, the service will be expanded to serve all students. According to University Assistant Vice-President Thomas Easthope, some literature put out by MSA which impliestthat Legal Aid will have to shut down if the funding request is not ap- proved is simply not true. "It's a scare tactic," he said. HE ADDED THAT even though the University has not yet determined how much the budget will be cut, the service will not be eliminated. Legal Aid is on a very tight ,budget however, says attorney and Legal Aid Director Jonathan Rose, and a decrease would likely cause a drastic reduction in services. The students' choice in the election is not binding, however, and the Regents must approve all changes in the MSA funding system. UNDER MSA'S present fee system, students are automatically billed for $1.15, but may have the money credited to their account simply by filling out a special form. The proposed funding changes would almost double MSA's general budget not only because the per student charges would increase but also because every student would be forced to pay the assessment. Almost 30 per cent of the student body does not pay The current fee is split up as follows: " 75 cents to MSA's general budget; " 25 cents to the MSA Housing Law Reform Project and the Tenants' Union; " 15 cents to the Course Evaluation Project. Under the proposed mandatory fee, money will be distributed in the following manner: * $1.74 to Campus Legal Aid including the MSA Housing Law Reform Project; * 97 cents to MSA's general budget; " 15 cents to the Course Evaluation Project; " 6 cents to the Tenants' Union. According to Lauer, the chief ar- chitect of the funding proposal, the fee had to become mandatory because Legal Aid could not operate with an un- See MSA, Page 2 4 Legal Aid By RICHARD BERKE Barry Ziker and five of his friends rented a house for a year. They liked the place, and their landlord told them they could stay another year for $540 per month. But before Ziker and his housemates went their Separate ways for the sum- mer, they discovered the landlord had signed up another group to rent the house for $700 per month. ANGRY AND houseless, Ziker and company went to the campus Legal Aid Office seeking help. After a year of negotiations and "many crises," the court found the landlord at fault and Ziker said he and his friends got "a real good settlement out of it.'' The landlord had only made an oral agreement with t tenants to divorces Ziker's group, the first tenants, but Legal Aid attorneys pointed out such agreements can be valid - as was in that instance. "We would have had to move out had it not been for Legal Aid," Ziker reflec- ted. Ziker's case is not an uncommon one for campus Legal Aid. In fact, nearly half of Legal Aid's cases involve lan- dlord-tenant disputes. OPERATING IN cramped fourth floor quarters in the Michigan Union and -with a $28,000 annual budget from the University Office of Student Ser- vices, Legal Aid opens between 650 to 800 cases per year, free of charge, for University students. Another 2,400 students annually receive free legal advice from Legal Aid staff members. Staffed by only three paid workers - including two attorneys part-time, - and some 50 volunteer undergraduate and law students, Legal Aid is the only place students can go locally for exten- sive legal services at no cost. Legal Aid stands out from other such groups because of its reputation to fight cases to the finish. Critics have said that since Legal Aid attorneys sometimes drag out cases, some lan- dlords have been forced to settle out of court rather than retain high cost private lawyers for lengthy' court fights. "SOMETIMES cases don't require things out of the ordinary," said attor- See LEGAL, Page 5 Lauer the voluntary fee, said MSA President Jon Lauer. Carter's bomb stand blasted by Soviets MOSCOW (AP)-The Kremlin yes- terday described President Carter's decision to defer neutron weapons production as a ruse aimed at sidetracking international protests and forcing new military concessions from the Soviet Union. Carter announced Friday he was put- ting off production of neutron warheads pending evidence of new Soviet "restraint" in the arms race. THE SOVIET NEWS agency Tass, in the first official commentary here on Carter's move, said the U.S. leader is trying to "Tie his final decision to mat- ters involving the strengthening of the Soviet Union's defense capability that have no relation to neutron weaponry." It said Carter has "the clear goal of obtaining concessions from the Soviet Union on other issues unrelated to the matter at hand." In a separate commentary, the agen- cy said a key motive behind Carter's decision "is the effort by the U.S. government to create the best public opinion situation for future deployment of neutron weapons in Western Europe, and to break down the powerful wave of protest against the creation of these weapons, which increases the danger of nuclear war." U.S. OFFICIALS in Washington acknowledge Carter's decision would allow the administration to blame the Soviets if Washington decides later to deploy neutron weapons. Analysts here said yesterday's Soviet reaction appeared aimed at deflecting claims that Moscow should now make its own concessions outside the framework of a new comprehensive arms limitation accord. The United States is pressing Moscow to limit deployment of its powerful SS- 20 misiles and to reduce its tank and in- fantry armies in Eastern Europe. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance is ex- pected to raise such issues during a visit to Moscow later this month. The Tass commentary was coupled with continued media reports here of opposition to neutron weapons in the West. SOVIET TELEVISION rebroadcast a Friday speech in which Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev accused the United States of trying to make neutron weapons "an item of trade and:. trying to link this type of armaments with others that bear no relationship to it." The Soviet Union. maintains that See USSR, Page 2 Daily Photo by PETER SERLING OBVIOUSLY 'INDIGNANT over the Bakke reverse discrimination case this young protester was in front of theFederal Building yesterday rallying for the cause. 100 protest Bakke cas By ELISA ISSACSON and CHARLYNE JOHNSON Carrying signs and chanting "People yes, Bakke no," approximately 100 people protesting the Bakke case descended on the Diag yesterday after- noon. The rally was designated to further interest in the Bakke decision and to urge people to attend a national anti- Bakke demonstration in Washington on April 15. THE NATION-WIDE anti-Bakke demonstrations are particularly crucial at this point, since the Supreme Court is expected to hand down its ruling on the case any day. Alan Bakke, a 37-year-old engineer, was rejected at the University of California (Davis) Medical School and appealed his rejec- tion on the basis of "reverse discri ination." The California Supre 'e Court ruled in favor of Bakke, determing affirmative action uncon- stitutional. The Ann Arbor rally, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Coalition to Overturn the Bakke Decision, opened with a speech by Bob Warren, a member of the coalition's steering committee. "We want to show our support for affir- mative action forever," stated Warren. "This is a struggle that men, women, blacks and whites have to unite to win." Warren said he believes "this whole issue of Bakke and affirmative action affects everybody ... and the effect will be a positive effect for society." DAN TSANG, a Gay Advocate, said "there exists a tie between , all minorities that we should not forget." Tsang said he wants all minorities to fight together against Bakke, because although "affirmative action is not the final answer . . . affirmative action is under attack by reactionaries all over the country." Chris Miller, of the National Organization of Women (NOW), spoke of the affirmative action policy at the University, stating "the enrollment of minorities at the University has never been at an acceptable level." According to Miller, the University le on Diag announced in a public statement that it couldn't reach its quotas and hire enough minorities unless it lowered its standards. "This is an insult to minorities and women," Miller added. OLGA ESTRADA, a Chicano and a Graduate Student Library Minority Advocate, said "most of us minority people here are on campus because of the struggles of the sixties. We can't af- ford not to fight . . . we can't afford to See 100, Page 7 MSA hopes for high, turnout this election Where to vote in MSA elections: MONDAY: Daytime voting on the Diag, at the Engineering Arch, Union, Argh/Art, CRISP, major bus tops, Law School, Business School and Med. Sci II. Dinner time voting at Bursley, East Quad, West Quad, Markely, South Quad and Besty Barbour. TUESDAY: Daytime voting on the Diag, at the Engineering Arch, Union, Arch/Art, CRISP, Major bus stops, Dental School, C.C. Little, Modern Languages Building, Nat. Res. Building and Rackham. Dinner time voting at Stockwell, Couzens, Mosher-Jordan, Alice Lloyd, East Quad and Vera Baits. By MARK PARRENT With all of the political activity that accompanies a Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) election, much of the campus remains oblivious to the ac- tivity of the students anxious to represent them. Student turnouts of less than 10 per cent are common for MSA elections. However, MSA officials are banking on an exceptionally high turnout for the three-day election this week. MSA PRESIDENT Jon Lauer said a relatively high turnout of students ,is especially important in this election because of the mandatory funding for MSA question. (See related story this page.) Lauer said if the funding question passes, the Regents are more likely to institute the mandatory fee if a large nrmh rofc iot c aifai - cn nfod fnr datory funding question, in particular, drew reaction. "A couple of my friends are run- ning," said Lucy Ouyang, an LSA sophomore. She added she would be working at a polling site during the election. "I think it's for the benefit of all the students so it should be man- datory," Ouyang said of the funding question. "I think $2.92 is such a small See MSA, Page 7 Sunday SMichigan's baseball season finally got underw ay yesterday,' and the Wolverines split a pair of games with the Falcons of Bowling Green. See story, Page Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX THIS YOUNG ATHLETE prepares for the Special Olympics to be held April 27. Spe.9 cial ympicsgive ki'ds By SUSAP A track meet and 300 winners citing. But, pr beyond the thrillr defeat is the go sportingchance N HOLLMAN "Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me with 300 participants be brave in the attempt." may not sound too ex- "It's a fantastic event," Cooper said. roviding excitement "Nowhere else will you see two kids of victory and agony of running in a race and number two falls al of the Washtenaw and number one stops and helps him up