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April 08, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-04-08

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See Editorial page



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Low= 34o
See Today for details

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 150
Wheeler winds up;

a a i a a. if A t f 1 A 1 /4tiA T ! ... A f1 _ _ _. _.

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 8, 1978

Ten Cents

8 Pages

While Mayor-elect Louis Belcher is busy formulating his
new administration's priorities, Albert Wheeler, mayor for
the last three years, is quietly cleaning his City Hall office of
the piles of papers which have accumulated during his term.
'"Monday's close mayoral election has forced Wheeler, the
loser by a mere 282 votes, to assume the duties which usually
accompany an outgoing administrator.
"I'M JUST going to clean out my office and serve the city
until my time is up," said Wheeler yesterday.
The mayor bid a formal farewell to City Council Thu'rsday
night, reviewing his ,administration's accomplishments and
listing suggestions for the future. He praised the community
for establishing a "fair" attitude in its elective decisions.
"The election of a black mayor in this community with
about a ten per cent black population is a highly visible in-
dicator that the attitude regarding race is very healthy,"

said Wheeler.
WHEELER, WHO WILL end his ter
Council there were some solutions to
problems that are underway but incon
the construction of the new wastewate
unresolved issue of annexing and rE
islands, and the efficiency of the neN
He did, however, admit his admini
take significant action on many imp
blamed the lack of action on a Republi
"Some important actions were acc
absence of a Democratic Council major
many important objectives were,
The mayor called on all concerned1

evaluates his
actions of the Republican mayor and Council.
nure on Monday, told "IN THE RECENT campaign, the May
"serious community Republican Council candidates made a series
mplete". He discussed promises, either directly, by implication or bol
r treatment plant, the tention to rally the Democratic Party and son
ezoning the township cerned groups to monitor their performance
w Human Rights Or- tivity," said Wheeler.
Wheeleralso focused on the controversial cit
stration had failed to which cropped up so often during the ten
ortant objectives. He Wheeler said there was not enough money to sp
ican dominated Coun- the streets. He said he believes there was note
in Lansing or Washirngton to fund the project w
omplished but, in the volve a major reconstruction of the city's street
rity for all three years, "I took the position that there just wasn't a
not achieved," said half bucks to spread around," said Wheeler.
groups to monitor the WHEELER SAID HE believes one way to

portion of the city streets project would be for Republicans
who strongly oppose any pay for Council members and in-
yor-elect and creased pay for the mayor could contribute their unwanted
of important compensation to the City. He said this would justify that their
th. It is my in- concern for solving the problem was based on solid political
me other con- and personal convictions.
and produc- Wheeler refused to speculate on whether he will seek the
mayoral nomination next year. He admitted his present
y streets issue disposition leads him to refuse the nomination but left open
se campaign. the possibility. He said he would remain active in the city's
)end for fixing Democratic party and assist in the search process for a
enough money potential candidate in next year's mayoral election.
hich would in- Wheeler also expressed deep concern that the Republican
ts. party should not become, too closely tied with business' in-
million and a terests and place the burden on the citizens.
"I just hope they don't go overboard and abide by business'
requests and put the financial burden on the community, he
fund a maior said.

A talent booking agency in Yplsilanti
that offered "an opportunity for local
persons to screen test for television ad-
vertising" is under investigation by the
county on charges of fraud.
Complaints filed with the Washtenaw
County Consumer Protection Agency
(WCCPA) alledge that the firm, Mid-
west, owned by Douglas Morris of Allen
Park, offered to provide clients with
photographic portfolios and other ser-
vices which might lead to a career in
modelling and television advertising.
AT LEAST seven persons are known
to have paid $100 each for the goods and
services which the firm then failed to
deliver. Earlier this week Midwest
quietly went out of business.
In an ironic turn of events, the
WCCPA originally investigated Mid-
west two weeks ago in response to a
number of calls asking whether it was
safe to pay Midwest for the services it
See TALENT, Page 8

nemployment rate
climbs for March

WASHINGTON (AP)-Rising unem-
ployment among blacks pushed the
nation's jobless rate up slightly to 6.2
percent in March, the first increase in
seven months, the government said
Labor Department analysts said the
increase from 6.1 percent in February
was minor and the unemployment
situation was virtually unchanged.
HOWEVER, THE number of
Americans with jobs rose 260,000 to a
record 93.3 million, the department
said. Most of the improvement was at-
tributedto rehiring by factories which
had layoffs during the severe winter.
At the White House, Press Secretary
Jody Powell attached little importance
to the increase, saying the change was
"too small to be significant." But he
added that the employment report and
Thursday's report of another increase
in wholesaler prices buttressed
President Carter's argument that
unemployment and inflation must be
combatted simultaneously. It '.would
be a mistake to change your opinion
every month when the figures come
out," Powell said.
Making the biggest gains last month
were adult women. The department
said women over age 20 outgained adult
men two to one both in looking for jobs
and finding them.
ALTHOUGHTHE trend has con-
tinued for years, the increase of 200,000

women in the labor force last month
was larger than usual.
Despite the increased job oppor-
tunites, the black unemployment rate
grew from 11.8 percent to 12.4 percent,
the department said.
About 39 percent of black youths bet-
ween ages 16 and 19 were unemployed
last month, an increase from 38 percent
in February. Black adult women on the
jobless rolls increased from 10.1 per-
cent to 11.4 percent.
Economists had no explanation for
these increases but said it often takes

more than a month to establish the
trend for black unemployment.
However, black unemployment has
shown little change over the past year,
while total unemployment has fallen
from a 7.4 percent rate to 6.2 percent.
The March unemployment increase
was the first since a rise from 6.9 per-
cent to 7 percent last August. Since
then, it has dropped 6.8 percent in
September and Octo t-, 6.7 percent in
November, 6.4 percent in December,
6.3 percent in January and 6.1 percent
in February.

Direction. divides

From one beer love to another...
The diag was the scene of the First Annual Beer Can Crushing Contest yesterday.
According to the rules, all 12 ounces of beer must empty from the can-looks as
though this entry qualifies.

In thisyear's Literature, Science, Ar-
ts Student Government (LSA-SG) elec-
tion, it's not the issues that divide th(
presidential candidates, it's their in.
dividual approach to the issues.
The LSA-SG hopefuls are: Eugene
Juergens of the Students Allied for Bet-
ter Representation (SABRE), Linda
Spak of the Radical Feminist Alliance,
and Bob Stechuk of the People's Action
Coalition (PAC).
STECHUK, ALONG with four other

hope fuls.
PAC canO, "' Or members-at-large
seats, a, _ ntly write-in can-
didates. Alt ih the LSA judiciary
fled that thr candidate'sshould be on
e ballot, the Central Student
idiciary has issued a temporary
,straining order on the grounds that
the LSA judiciary acted improperly.
"It is not clear that they have the
authority to do what they did and
therefore I'm requesting a special
meeting of the council to consider the
See IDEAS. Page 8

U.N. knocks Isra

Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim ter-
med "inadequate" yesterday an Israeli
plan for withdrawal of its forces from'
southern Lebanon.
In a statement, Waldheim said the
plan fell short of a Security Council
resolution calling for immediate with-
drawal of all Israeli forces from
At 10':30 last night, the
lights went out on much of
central campus. A, power
cable malfunction blacked
out West and South Quads,
Newberry and Barbour
dormitories, and most
University buildings west
of State St. For details, see
story on page 2.
For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.

Nations Thursday it will begin a partial
withdrawal next week. The first phase of
the two-stage withdrawal affects only
troops along the eastern half of Israel's
front in Leban6n. Israel said its forces
will stay along the western half of the
front to the coast.
Reporting on developments in
Lebanon, U.N. spokesman Francois
Giuliani said two Norwegian platoons of
the U.N. peacekeeping force were fired
on in the area of Kaouka near the Litani
River. He said the shooting, which
broke out shortly after midnight local
time Friday, came from Palestinian
positions north of the river. The river is
the north boundary of the 500-square-
mile area Israel occupied when it in-
vaded the area last month.
THE TROOPS reoccupied the
position yesterday morning, the
spokesman said. He added that he had
no indication the Norwegians had
returned the fire.
U.N. sources in Beirut said one Nor-
wegian soldier was wounded.
The Norwegians are between the
Palestinians and right-wing Lebanese

militiamen and have come under fire
from both sides.
The Christians are allied with Israel
to keep the Palestinians from the bor-
der area and say they prefer the
presence of Israeli troops to that of a
U.N. force that could not stand up to the
THE PALESTINIANS say they will
not let the U.N. troops bother their war
against Israel.
The first of the U.N. troops arrived in
southern Lebanon March 23. A Swedish
warrant officer was killed, by a land
mine last month, and French troops
were caught, but not injured, in at
crossfire Wednesday. The incidents in-
volving the Norwegians were the first
direct assaults reported against U.N.
The U.N. force in south Lebanon now
numbers about 1,800, with 60'0 Nepalese
due to arrive early next week. It had
been planned to increase the force to
4,000, but reliable diplomatic sources in
Beirut estimate it will take 6,000 troops
to police the cease-fire that was called
by Israel March 21.

Three vie for MSA presidency

Student voters have a choice of diver-
se candidates in the race for president
and vice president of the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA).
Although other student governments
of different names have had their
executive officers elected by the
student body, this election marks the
first time the MSA president and Vice
MSA elections '78
president will be elected by the studen-
ts. The change was approved by studen-
ts in a special February election.
Previously, the two officers were elec-
ted by MSA itself.
A FIELD OF three presidential
tickets are on the ballot for the election
to be held this Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. Representatives to MSA
from the University's 17 schools and

AT MSA, THE president is respon-
sible for the continuation of the day-to-
day operation. Presidents in the past
have also been the chief innovators of
new projects for MSA. The president of-
ten times recruits and coordinates the
work of various MSA personnel in
The Bullshit Party ticket pairs Irving
Freeman, a long-time MSA political ac-
tivist, with vice presidential candidate
Jay Barrymore, who was first elected
to MSA last term.
Freeman, currently a senior, is
"fairly confident" he will be accepted
by the University Law School. If he is
not accepted, he is equally sure he can
show running mate Barrymore the
ropes over the summer in order for
Barrymore to assume the MSA
presidency in the fall.
FREEMAN WAS ONE of the main

VanderVeen vies, for

When Richard VanderVeen was
elected to the House of Representatives
from Michigan's Fifth Congressional
District in 1974 he became a national
symbol of Democratic support and the
failing Republican Party in the
Watergate era.,
He was the first Democrat to
represent the district in 64 years.
TWO YEARS later, VanderVeen lost
his bid for re-election to Grand Rapids
prosecutor Richard Sawyer. Sawyer
was bolstered by three campaign ap-
pearances by then President Gerald
Ford-the mhan VanderVeen replaced

campaign. This time for the U.S. Senate
seat currently held by Republican
Robert Griffin, who is seeking reelec-
tion. VanderVeen thinks this time he
might be swimming with the current.
"I THINK Griffin's stand on the
Panama Canal treaties has put him in
the same bag with ultra-conservatives
like Strom Thurmond and Jesse
Helms," said VanderVeen in an inter-
view at the Daily yesterday. "I don't
think he is voting his conviction on the
Canal but rather he is voting political
expediency. "
VanderVeen says Griffin is em-
ploying the same tactics in this cam-
paign as he did in 1972 when he

Arn son
colleges will, also be elected. In ad-
dition, students will have the oppor-
tunilty to decide several ballot
questions. (See related story in
tomorrow's Daily.)
The actual power of the MSA
president is somewhat less than the
name implies: The president and vice
president both have votes just like any
other assembly member, and the
president chairs the meetings, but that
is where the official powers end. The
real power of the presidency of MSA is
for the most part determined by the in-
dividual holding the office.
The president of MSA may act as the
chief representative of the students as
the student figurehead. Tshis
designation is often used in dealings
with the administration of the Regents,
for example. Current MSA president
Jon Lauer was recently sent to
Washington by MSA to act as a
representative of the students in lob-
bying for student tuition tax credits,

persons behind the plan to put the elec-
tion of the MSA president and vice
president in the hands of the students.
Most MSA sources agree that Eric Ar-
nson, also a 'candidate for president,
would have been elected president by
MSA for next term if the old plan had
remained in effect. Arnson, however,
did vote for the provision allowing

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