Page 4-Friday, April 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 149 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Ending needless loan defaults Israel gets the arms shaft D EFAULT. OVER the years, as costs of living have risen, that word has increasingly become part of the vocabularies of businesses, cities, and most notably, students. Often, default is the only way out for college and vocational students who have received low-interest loans from the federal government for their education, and discover upon graduating that they have neither the funds -nor the employment - to keep abreast of the payments. The - Guaranteed Student Loan program makes it possible for thousands of students to continue their education when they would otherwise have to quit. Last year alone, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) supplied over $1 billion in loans to students. And it was hit with more than $151 million worth of student defaults. In the past ten years, a total of $750. million worth of student loans have been defaulted. The government can only do so much to retrieve that money once student bankruptcy has been declared. The ultimate loser, of course, is the tax- payer, and possibly the entire loan program itself. In some cases, it is understandable that a student would be forced to default. But there are many students taking out loans from the federal government who, even as they sign the Affirmative acti S OMEDAY VERY SOON, the name Alan Bakke may spell the dif- ference between acceptance or rejec- tion at graduate school for thousands of applicants., Ever since Bakke proved victorious over affirmative ac- tion programs in California, the United States Supreme Court has had the im- petus to sanction the dismantling of all affirmative action programs. When Bakke was denied admission to the University of California-Davis Medical School for the second time in 1974, he was encouraged by an ad- missions officer to file a suit against the university claiming he was qualified for admission but that he was rejected because of his race - white. The university filed a countersuit requesting a decision on the con- stitutionality of its special admissions program that reserves 16 spots out of 100 for minority and underprivileged applicants. In 1976 the California State Supreme Court greed with Bakke that he had been discriminated against, and declared the special admissions program at Davis unconstitutional un- der the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. Now the case has been heard in an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and an opinion will be made imminently. If this body rules with Bakke, affir- loan forms, have no intention of paying the government back. In many ways, it is easier today for a student to default than to make the sacrifices necessary after college to repay the loan. The program is being abused. For this reason, HEWrhasdrawn up new rules for the loan program which, they hope, will reverse the growing number of defaults. No drastic changes have been proposed; just some simple preventive actions on the part of the banks and the government. Interviews with applicants will become mandatory, as will formal notification of a student's graduation or withdrawal from school, and banks will be forced to follow certain steps to collect loan payments before dumping the problem on the governent. New provisions are also being considered which would make setting up their own guaranteed loan programs more at- tractive to individual states. Considering the major losses in- curred by HEW over the years due to defaults in this loan program, the new program of regulations seems rather mild. Perhaps officials are seeing how a relatively minor "crackdown" will effect the default epidemic, before resorting to a major redesigning of the guaranteed loan idea. If this is the case, some commendation is in order. Default may be-a convenient "out" for financial problems, but it is not an honorable one. on needs support mative action may be mortally woun- ded. Affirmative action is necessary in this society. Historically, white males have had all the advantages over other groups in our country - particularly in education and employment. Conscious steps must be taken to offset this in- justice. These groups have been oppressed for hundreds of years and a defeat of affirmative action programs will sustain inequality in America. The issue of "reverse discrimination," and in fact the entire Bakke case will only serve to further alienate blacks and whites,,males and females, and all other groups that have a personal stake in the effects of affir- mative action. Tomorrow, April 8, has been selected as a national day of protest to demon- strate against the Bakke case and its inequalities, and to demonstrate for the maintenance and expansion of af- firmative action and the struggle for equality. We encourage members of the University and Ann Arbor com- munities to participate in local protests tomorrow at noon on the Diag, at the park at Huron and Main Streets, or at the Federal Building after 12:30. Show your support for affirmative ac- tion, and help offset years of injustice. The former peanut farmer from Georgia and his close southern associates indthe White House have dropped another bombshell in their attempt to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. The Carter Administration, already packed with foreign policy mistakes, recently proposed to Congress the sale of 60 F-15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia, 50 F-5E's to Egypt and 75 F-16's to Israel. Congress can block the proposed sale by passing resolutions of disap- proval in both houses within 30 days of the Administration's request. If such approval is not expressed, the sales are automatically authorized. SECRETARY OF State Cyrus Vance has made the arms decision more dsifficult for Congress, announcing that the Carter Adminstration would can- cel its sale of fighter planes to Israel should Congress block the other requests now before them. But if Congress approves the sale, it will have disasterous im- plications in the peace negotiations. Israelis argue that the Saudis would use their Tabuq airstrip - 200 km. and six minutes flying time from the Israeli port Eilat - as a base for the F-15s. The Ad- ministration disagrees, conten- ding the F-15's would only be used in an air defense role over Saudi territory to protect their oil fields from foreign invasion. "Saudi military planning stressed dispersal of defensive air and ground units throughout the kingdom with concentration in the Dhahran area (to protect the oil facilities), at Taif, to defend the Mecca-Medina-Jedda complex, and at Khamis Mushait, to defend the southern border," the Administration stated in a memo to Congress. The Administration also believes the "Saudi army has never played a significant role in an Arab-Israeli war". It fails to realize that during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Saudis sent a mechanized infantry brigade to the Golan Heights, which fought in the Tel Shams-Tel Antar region and suffered casualties. The Saudis also sent 38 Mirage fighters to Egypt who used them against the Israeli air force in 1973. SAUDI ARABIANS face no real threat to their precious oil fields. By Michael Arkush including 20 C-130 military tran- sport planes, 12 aerial recon- naissance drones, six long-range photo-reconnaissance camera systems, trucks and jeeps worth approximately $350 million dollars as well as technical exper- tise and licenses for the repair of egypt's 200 Soviet-supplied MiG- 21 fighters. Also, the United States helped Egypt clear the Tying the sale of arms to Israel into a package deal with the other arms sales puts Israel on the same level with its Arab neighbors. What kind of "special relationship" is that? Iraq is deterred by its strained relations with Syria, by hundreds of miles of desert and by Iran. As well, the Saudis are not likely to assume a direct military role in northeast Africa and an attack from Iran is unlikely. More likely is an internal coup against the monarchy, a move which could place the F-15's in radical hands. The Carter Administration wants to ensure Saudi cooperation in the setting of future oil prices. The Ad- ministration believes the Saudis have behaved well thus far by setting moderately low prices. This point is challenged by the American Public Affairs Com- mittee which argues, "Saudi moderation in oil-pricing is a myth since its oil policies hace actually been self serving and damaging to the West." Those approving Egypt's request for F-5E's argue that the United States must offer Egypt some tangible signs of support as President Sadat continues his peace initiative. But how far does the United States have to go? They have already supplied Egypt with more than $4 billion dollars in various forms of economic assistance since 1973, Suez Canal and rebuild the war town cities along its banks. ALTHOUGH WHITE House of- ficials contend that Israel would be able to cope with the less capable F-5E's, last January U.S. News and World Report states, "The supposedly inferior F-5E's have fought superior F-14's and F-15's to a deadly draw." Carter is also worried that failing to supply these two coun- tries with arms will disrupt the whole Mideast process. He believes by opening these new committments, he will enhance the opportunities for peace. Has he thought about Israel con- tinuing the peace process? Has he thought about the United States' arms commitment to Israel? In 1975, the United States promised Israel in writing, to provide the country with advan- ced aircraft in return for Israeli withdrawal from strategic passes (Gidi and Mitla) in the Sinai. As New York Times columnist William Safire reports, "The Israelis withdrew, fulfillingtheir part of the deal; but now Carter has made delivery of some of the aircraft contingent on congressional ap- proval of sales of the same air- craft to Saudi Arabia." Apparently that once "special relationship" that existed bet- ween the U.S. and Israel is defun- ct. The 1975 agreement provided for the sale of 50 F-15's to Israel, 25 of which were approved last year. Israel had been seeking U.S. approval fo the second op- tion for 25, but the Carter Ad- ministration has proposed that Israel receivehonly an additional 15 of these fighters. The U.S. has backed down on its former com- mitments to the only democratic county in the Middle East seeking commitments. HOW VIABLE will U.S. guarantees be in the future? Tying the sale of arms to Israel into a package deal with the other arms sales puts Israel on the same level with its Arab neigh- bors. What kind of "special relationship is that? So what should the Ad- ministration do? A rational U.S. policy in the Middle East would realize that Saudi Arabia does not need arms. The U.S. must also honor its past commitment to Israel or risk damaging its international prestige. The U.S. should reward Anwar Sadat only with continued economic assistance, a most im- portant need in Egypt. American officials should also consider an agreement to defend Saudi oil fields from any attacks by Iran and Iraq. They should also insure that the peace process continues - but not at the expense of saacrificing Israel's security. After all, an F-15 from the Saudi air base in Tabuq can easily threaten Tel Aviv, Israel's largest city. Unless Jimmy Car- ter becomes more perceptive in his Mideast dealings, he may be forced to return to the peanut business in 1981. ich'i rkishi i Daily Ann Arbor roads: We are not alone By Howard Benedict t~ T cc D WASHINGTON - Many of America's streets and highways are going to pot. Frequent freezes and thaws of last winter made them worse, and a highway trade organization estimates there now are 116 million potholes around the country. Put them all together, it says, and you have a crater one-quarter mile in diameter and 50 feet deep. That's in addition to cracked and fractured pavement, worn out shoulders, washboard rural roads and tens of thousands of defective bridges. Deteriorating roads have caused accidents and deaths and raised hob with autos. Far- mers complain it's costing them more to transport their goods to market, with resulting higher consumer costs. Hundreds of truckers earlier this month staged a 10-hour slowdown on Interstate 70 in Pennsylvania, protesting potholes that broke springs and flattened tires. In West Virginia, bad roads last year prompted a wildcat strike by coal miners. In New York City, union leaders complain that many bridges are in such terrible shape that repair crews are in danger. As a result, high- way users and builders are pressing for a huge, long-lasting federal program to rehabilitate and maintain the nation's streets and highways. The Carter administration ap- pears willing to go far in that direction. The United States has invested more than $270 billion in its road system. But much of the 3.8-million-mile network has existed more than 60 years. More than half of it - 2 million miles - is not paved. The Federal Highway Administration estimates that roads and streets are wearing out 50 percent faster than they are being replaced and that 900,000 miles of roads urgently need repairing or upgrading. A total of 105,500 bridges - almost one in every five - are classified as rickety, too narrow for safety or otherwise deficient. Even the interstate highway system, the pride of the nation, is in trouble. When work began in 1957, the entire 42,500- mile interstate system was to have been com- pleted in 1972 at a projected cost of $37.5 billion. Today, about 38,700 miles are open and another 3,200 are under construction. Work has not begun on segments totaling about 600 miles. So far, $63.7 billion has been-spent, and Transportation Secretary Brock Adams An industry group, Protect America's Roads, estimates than 28,000 miles of inter- state do not meet current highway standards, especially safety standards, and that 5,000 miles are badly in need of resurfacing. Some of the worst interstate stretches are near Pittsburgh; Washington, D.C., and Detroit, and in Iowa and eastern Pen- nsylvania. The federal government is committed to financing 90 percent of interstate highway construction costs. The states are to pick up the remainder and maintain the highways. Roads and streets are wearing out fifty percen t faster than they are being replaced. But the states say they can't afford the repair task. One reason is that they have lost $2.3 billion in gasoline-tax revenues since 1974 because of the 55-m.p.h. speed limit and the slackening of auto travel after the Arab oil embargo. To offset this loss, many states have tried to increase highway funds by raising gasoline taxes. Of 31 such attempts in legislatures last year, only 8 succeeded. The Carter administration seems resigned to the fact that in the years ahead substantial federal funds will have to be committed to highway maintenance and rehabilitation. Secretary Adams has proposed winding up the interstate program quickly and moving on into road rehabilitation. His plan, which seems to have congressional approval, would force states to commit themselves on building controversial missing segments by 1982 or else lose federal funds. "I believe we must get on with the job so that we can shift more of our attention to the resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation needs, not only of the interstate but our total highway system," Adams said. "One thing I want to avoid is letting the existing highway system collapse." President Carter's budget for the fiscal 0 4 1 vN- What would it cost to rehabilitate the nation's highways? The Federal Highway Administration calculates that as much as $329 billion weight be needed just to get the road network back to the shape it was in three years ago and to keep it there through 1990. Although the federal commitment probably will be heavy, the main burden would still fall on state and local governmen.- ts THE JUTJ~IcE DEPARTMENT .15 CHARGING ITT OFFICIALS' WITW LYING ABOU)T U. 6FFORT5 7~0 VERflINOVV 7146 GOYERNMENT IN CNILE! YEAI? W6LL , 114Y'LL NEVER? CONVICT 'EM! - lY", DIS. fELD NEWSPAtR " aa..A- W W4) NOT WT- POW CAN TMEY BE GUILTY OF LYING ABOUTSOMET1ING ThAT K166INGER AND NIXON SAID NEVER HAPPENEP! ( .g = ?/ W#W/ 'U