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April 07, 1978 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-04-07

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Page 2-Friday, April 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Student court allows PAC
to run in LSA-SG elections
After the Literature, Science and Arts Student Gover- LSA/SG meeting denied the allegation that the cause of
nment (LSA-SG) meeting failed to achieve a quorum their absence was a planned boycott. Irving Freeman
Wednesday night, the LSA student court met and agreed said, "People talked about it, but it wasn't formally plan-
to allow People's Action Coalition (PAC) candidates on ned. I told people from the start I wasn't going." Joel
the ballot for the upcoming election. Klein said, "I was planning we'd all be there and we'd
The decision may be appealed to the Central Student vote it down." He added, "I talked to a few of the people on
Judiciary, the campus-wide student court. Oouncil to make a decision, I didn't want to make it at the
The purpose of Wednesday night's sparsely attended time." Klein said he did not want to run against the PAC
meeting was to decide the fate of PAC candidates for LSA- candidates because some of them are his friends.
SG who had filed 30 minutes after the deadline. The PAC Freeman said, "I'm not in favor of extending the filing
candidates include one presidential hopeful and four deadline. The deadline should be publicized and students
seeking at-large seats. should know about it."
LSA/SG PRESIDENT and Assistant Elections Direc- Linda Spak, was also not at the meeting but said she
tor Dick Brazee declared the failure to reach quorum "a had to attend a film for a class. "I heard they planned a
blatant political move to keep opposition candidates from boycott, if it's true I think it's wrong."
running for LSA/SG.' Brazee said an informal special MIKE SPIRNAK SAID he was not at the meeting for
Judiciary meeting was held at 11 p.m. Wednesday, com- personal reasons. He was surprised by the special session
menting, "It's been taken out of the hands of politics." of the Judicial Committee, "We were pressing them to
Steve Diamond, chairperson of the LSA Judiciary hear us on an issue but, they more or less stalled for
Committee, said the late meeting was called because of awhile."
time. The ballots had to be secured yesterday for the elec- He said the decision to allow the PAC candidates on the
tions to be held April 11, 12 and 13. ballot will be appealed. "It's not fair for a candidate who
Diamond said, "It's a procedural issue, nothing more." files'late to be placed on the ballot." He added, "They're
He added that conspiracy should not be suspected and ordering them, not allowing them on the ballot."
said he doesn't think the matter warrants coverage. Freeman said he was "pretty amazed that the Judicial
Diamond would not comment further on his decision. Committee worked so quickly. It's clearly another part of
MEMBERS WHO HAD BEEN absent from the political maneuvering."

Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX

Ferency gestures as McCollough looks on, smiling

Gubernatorial candidates debate

Sunday is,
(Continued from Page 1)
of practical applications, and coal fast
becoming an environmental hazard,
the Sun looms as a potential workhorse
for the nation's energy needs.
THE SUN IS byno means a new con-

Sun Day in Ann Arbor

cept to the energy scene. Romans
utilized the Sun to grow winter
vegetables in solar heated enclosures,
and the North American Indians, as
early as 700 A.D., built abode huts

The Depa rtment of Philosophy
is pleased to announce the
1978 Tanner Lecture
Time: Friday, April 7, 8 p.m.
Place: Rackham Amphitheatre-
the lecture is open to the public

whose walls absorbed the Sun's heat,
thereby keeping them warm
throughout the night.
In 1976, the Eneirgy Research and
Development Administration
calculated that the use of solar power
for heating and hot water would be
cheaper than electricity in every part of
the United States with the exception of
the Pacific Northwest, which utilizes its
abundant water supplies for power.
proclaimied by the U.S. Senate, is May
3. The celebration will begin with a
sunrise observance from the peak of
Cadillac Mountain, Maine, where the
Sun's rays first touch the United States,
and will continue throughout the nation
with concerts, fairs and rallies to be
held in various cities.

(Continued from Page 1i
McCollough, the polished state
senator from Dearborn, who leaves a
lingering sweet scent of his cologne in
each handshake-is clearly the more
conservative of the two.
"I think I bring to the race a solid
background and solid experience,"
McCollough said of his eight years of
Senate experience. "The best thing that
can happen to Bill Milliken and the
Republicans is their defeat."
ALTHOUGH BOTH favor the with-
drawal of investments from South
Africa and the development of solar
energy rather than nuclear power, they'
remain divided on the development of
the state's industry.
"We have three major industries in
the State of Michigan-industry,
tourism and agriculture," Ferency
said. He dislikes giving tax breaks to
large private industries, especially to

General Motors and the Ford Motor
Company to locate more plants in the
state. Both companies recently recor-
ded record profits.
"I don't see any great evil in the
word, 'corporation,"' McCollough
countered. "I think their programs
would have been beneficial to
FERENCY SAID a state-owned
railroad like the Ann Arbor Railroad
would be more beneficial in developing
tourism than other forms of mass tran-
"Our railroad should be running 90 to
120 miles an hour, not 30," Ferency
said, comparing it to trainlines in other
states. "I don't know why anyone would
want to spend a weekend in Ohio or In-
diana." Ferency added that since only
$3.8 milion in funds has been devoted to
the railway systems, both tourism and
public transit suffer.
McCollough said more than that sum
was spent on railroad development this
"Look at the budget, Pat," Ferency
told McCollough.
"LET'S RECOGNIZE we are in com-
petition with the southern states," Mc-
Colough quickly continued. "Business
tax loans lost credit rating under the
Milliken administration."
On DNA reserach, Ferency said he
hoped that the researchers would be
careful with their practice and "not to
turn anything loose until their damn
sure of what they got."

"I don't know enough about DNA
researchatkthis time," McCollough
McCOLLOUGH SAID he favored the
practice of public aid for private
"I rather give the money directly to
the students and let them decide
(whether to go to public or private
schools)," McCollough said.
Ferency said as long as there was a
need for public school aid, private
school funding should be ruled out. "I
don't think the public should be used to
support private enterprise," Ferency
said. "Anyone, can go to a public
"We can't keep private schools open,
only private schoolscan keep private
schools open," he added.

For A Great Evening Of Fun. . .
Friday and Saturday Night
1 !4 E. Washington-Downtown

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health of, it.
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