Page 4-Thursday, April 6, 1978-The Michigan Daily Can laboratory tests on mice and rats prove that a substance causes cancer in humans? How much of a known carcinogen (cancer- causing substance) can humans be safely ex- posed to in their work? - How is the government to regulate more than 1,500 substances suspected of causing human cancers, but for which it has no definitive proof? Are most cancers environmentally related? THESE AND OTHER issues surrounding the causes and detection of cancer will be the subject of intense debate in May when the Oc- cupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) holds protracted hearings on its new proposal to regulate toxic substances in the workplace. Cancer experts and scientists from over the world are expected to testify at the hearings, which could last more than three months.. The proposed rules would ban or severely restrict the use of hundreds of chemicals currently used in industry but suspected of causing cancer. "Recognition by cancer specialists that many, if not most, human cancers are in- fluenced by environmental factors ... means that occupational cancers may be preven- table if the causative agents can be identified and human exposure to them eliminated or minimized," OSHA stated in issuing its new proposal. Citing a rapidly rising cancer rate (the Questioning cancer research . . ~ American Cancer Society predicts one of four Americans will develop some form of cancer) and its inability to move quickly under its current rules, OSHA is seeking to streamline the entire regulatory process. ACCORDING TO Anson Keller, the attor- ney who drafted the regulations, they represent "no real change," but merely speed the process by which OSHA can bring suspec- ted industrial carcinogens under control. "They will make for fewer things to litigate," he said, "and settle once and for all whether we may properly extrapolate findings made on animals and extend them to man.- Under the new rules, a study that finds that a substance causes cancer or tumors any type in animals would presume it also causes cancer in humans. Industry views the proposed new regulations with alarm. Forty industrial fir- ms including Dow Chemical, DuPont, Union Carbide, Exxon, Allied Chemical, Monsanto and Johns-Manville have formed the American Industrial Health Council to vigorously oppose the changes. The council's executive director, Ronald Lang, believes the new criteria are so broad that many substances thatbare not car- cinogenic to humans will be incorrectly labeled as such. "Lots of things cause tumors in animals By Art Goldberg but not in people," he said. "You can inject penicillin under the skin of a mouse and produce tumors, and you can get similar results with sulfur or fructose (a very sweet sugar). "In one study, government scientists (at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) produced tumors in a laboratory' animal by injecting milk under its skin." Under the proposed pew rules, he noted, any tumor, benign or malignant, produced in one species of test animal would be sufficient to place a substance on the restricted list. "LET ME PICK the chemical," he said "and I'll get any test result you want." OSHA officials believe differently, however: Spokesmen cited a 1977 National Cancer Advisory Board report that states: "Demonstration that a compound is car- cinogenic in animals should ... be considered evidence that it is likely to be carcinogenic in humans unless there is strong evidence in humans to the contrary." Industry spokesman Lang argued that test animals are often given enormous doses of suspected carcinogens and that they ingest them in ways far different than those in which humans encounter them. OSHA spokesman, however, cited a scien- tific opinion that claims high dosage animal testing is valid and the results can be properly extrapolated to humans. This point probably will be hotly contested in May. There also is substantial disagreement over how carcinogens and suspected car- cinogens are to be regulated. The new rules would permit OSHA to place several hundred compounds on a restricted list very quickly, and consequently, the appeal process would be shortened considerably. IF A SUBSTITUTE were available for a restricted chemical, its industrial use would be virtually halted. If no substitute could be found, then employee exposure would be set "as low as feasible.' Industry representatives have said they would prefer a case-by-case review of, each suspected substance; with the final deter- mination made by a panel of scientists. OSHA spokesmen contended that .case-by-case review is far too time consuming and the delays it involves endanger the lives of thousands of workers. The industry council recently filed an 85- page brief in which it challenged some of the basic assumptions behind the new rules. The industry group, for example, maintained that industrial chemicals only represent a small fraction of the environmental causes of can- cer. It argued that "pandemic cigarette smoking" is a far more influential 'environ- mental -factor on the cancer rate and suggested" that if lung cancers are removed from the national figures, the cancer rate would actually be shown to tie in decline. The council further contended that it would be far less costly for Congress to supply, OSHA with additional manpower to-continue its case-by-case review than to impose sweeping standards on industry. There is little doubt that industry expects the new rules, if adopted, to be costly. That apparently is why it has funded the council with a million dollar budget. At least one labor leader, Anthony Maz- zocchi, vice president of the Oil, Chemical and Stomic Workers, has denounced the idea of coldly computing the additional costs in- volved in safeguarding employee health as, "calculated murder." Other union officials, along with represen- tatives of industry, environmental groups, and scores of cancer researchers and scien- tists, can be expected to testify at the May hearings. Their opinions are likely to be contradic- tory, and intensify the national debate over the causes and prevention of cancer rather than resolve many issues. Art Goldberg, a former editor of Ramparts and Agence France-Presse, now writes regularly for the Pacific News Service. dbr 3itrbt!gn Bail Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedon 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 VXXXVIII No. 148 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A ban that makes sense Cars, coal and $1,000 PRESIDENT CARTER'S apparent decision to scrap the neutron bomb is good news for those of us who wvant to reduce chances of a future nuclear holocaust. a Although officials deny that final decisions have been made, there is good 1idication that the Carter ad-, inistration, which initially favored the neutron weapon, has reversed its decision to produce the bomb for distribution to allies in central Europe. ^This decision came despite intense i tofrom the government of West to keep -the weapon in the o Atlantic Treaty Organization's rsenal. The West German Foreign Minister was holding meetings with resident Carter and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance'when the New York Times eported the change in policy Tuesday. The neutron bomb is specifically Designed for use against Soviet tank at- facks in central Europe. It is a nuclear weapon, but it's damage is said to be restricted to a relatively small area. The power of the bomb is not so much in its destructive force as in the ultra- bigh level of radiation it produces upon mpact. The neutron bomb is a weapon made to kill people, slowly and in Wholesale numbers. The Carter Administration's fascination with the weapon has been appalling, particularly in light of the statements the President made in his campaign and in his inaugural address, yledging to work toward eventual elimination of the nuclear war cloud which hangs constantly over our heads. Surely, Carter didn't think the introduc- tion of a newer, and even more gruesome bomb into the world's arms cache would be a step toward a total ban on such warfare. If the President thought in those terms before, he has reportedly changed his mind. White House aides said Tuesday that Carter was, indeed, afraid the neutron bomb would escalate the chances for nuclear confrontation, not lessen them. The simple fact is that while other nuclear weapons are considered by leaders of most countries to be too gruesome to use for anything other than strategic threats, the neutron bomb is usable; its effects are limited and predictable, however horrifying. That the weapon would eventually be used in one situation or another is almost beyond denial. As the Carter Administration backs off of the neutron bomb, defense hawks will begin screaming that the country's guard is down. They will do so with a ferocity that will threaten more rational viewpoints on Capital Hill. Despite this pressure, the Congress and Carter must continue to move away from the mad notion that nuclear weapons, by their very presence, will stave off nuclear war. The President once again has the opportunity to work toward his own promise of eventual elimination of the nuclear monster, and he should not hesitate to do so. By Gerry Wolke Recently, while driving along,'I spied a commotion in an automobile dealership's showroom. Ah, perhaps something newsworthy is going on, I guessed. Stopping the car, I spied an old acquaintance in the showroom arguing with a man in a striped suit with a carnation on his lapel. It was 'Digger' Pitts, an old coal miner and I assumed the other man was the manager. It turned out I was right. "What's going on, Digger?" I asked. "OH, THIS shark is trying to cheat me. I came in here, made a deal for this car and when I went to sign the papers he had upped the price by another $2000!" he moaned. "Well, why didn't you just go somewhere else?" It seemed the logical question. "God knows I tried to do that. When I told him off and got Up to g he and his friends blocked the door and told me I couldn't leave until I signed. Naturally, I called the police and do you know what they said? They said it was illegal! Can you believe it? They said I had to stay and bargain with them and that I couldn't cross their picket line to get out of, here . .. a new law or something." "Is that right, Mr. . . . ?" I was amazed. 'Carlyle. And damn right it is." he growled. "These customers are all alike. . . greedy. They never want to pay a fair price for a car. In these times of falling auto sales I couldn't stay in business selling cars at the price he wan- ted to pay. So with the help of our connections in Washington we got a law passed. Maybe you've heard of it, the 'National Sales Relations Act.' Best boost business ever got." "WELL, MR. Carlyle," I began, "Surely you realize thai there is no 'fair price'. There is only a market price. The concep of fairness is meaningless economically." "Why don't you tell Mr. Pitt that. It's union people like him that have driven us nearly out o business by jacking the cost o building a car up so high, all i the name of a fair price for labor We're just doing the same thin as the unions. We're just protec ting ourselves." "Now look here, Carlyle,' Digger blurted. "We had to d( that. We would have starved o0 been buried alive in the mines i we had to rely on the generosit of management like you, yo greedy jack ass!" "Well wait a minute." I inter jected, trying to keep order "First of all theconcept of greed © Tk, tN t 1, t f f n1 l f I yt 5 - .S yS is also meaningless. It just means that party 'A' wants more than party 'B' thinks he ought to have. Anyway, Digger, your statement isn't quite true. It isn't unions that gave you enough money to buy a car and live decently. Unions are only about 20 percent of the labor force and everybody else does all right, too. In fact. historians have shown that the standard of living was higher in America than in Europe even when they were far more unionized. Even today our stan- dard of living is much higher than in the 'people's paradises' that exist to advance the worker. Simply put, it is production and competition for labor among em- ployers that raise wages and standards of living among workers." "Well, that hardly applies today does it, with so many people out of work", he returned, "that's just management propaganda. I guess you're one of them." He eyed me pitifully. "NO, DIGGER," I answered, "I'm just interested in justice. Besides, you ought to realize that your unions, with the necessary aid of law, are responsible for much of the unemployment." "When you bid up wages past their market value you just make less room for others to be hired, in fact others might have to be fired or the whole company might have to go out of business. That's hapened a lot. Just look at the newspaper industry. Not only do you discriminate against other workers by driving them into the nonunion market to lower the wages there - which is hypocritical for people who profess to believe in equality - but your unions have always discriminated against minorities." "Now' wait just a minute", Digger yelled. It isn't true that we discriminate." He paused a moment then chuckled, "Everybody that comes out of those coal mines is black." Then, seriously, he went on, "What you said is a lie - just economic theories. You can't prove anything. I know the bitter struggle we had to go through to better the lot of all workingmen." "If that's true, Digger, then why did Barbara Wooten, a leading member of the British Labour Party for many years, say, 'The business of a union'is to be antisocial; the members would have a just grievance if their officials and committees ceased to put sectional interests first." "Yeah, that's right%" Carlyle sprang in. "Your union just got through mugging the whole coun- try, giving them a taste of your dirty tactics!" "You should talk, Carlyle" Digger returned. "When an auto rental company came by with a car for me, your salesmen over- turned and smashed it while the police did nothing." "LOOK", I said, "I can see that I'm not about to change either of your long-cherished myths. You'll just keep on doing what you're doing, wrecking the whole country for a pay boost that will just be wiped out by in- flation when the government tries to spread the harm by prin- ting more money. It's just too bad it will come out of widow's pen- signs - people like that." "You said it," agreed Carlyle. "Even when the President in- voked Taft-Hartley you disobeyed the law and stayed off the job.". "That's true, Carlyle," an- swered Digger, "but nobody, in America should be. ordered to work = that's slave -labor. I wouldn't do it. "True enough, Digger." I went on, "But maybe the coal operators shouldn't have obeyed equally unjust laws that they didn't like, either, and hired some of the unemployed to work the mines at wages they would have accepted. The only thing is it is a lot easier to jail a few company presidents than several thousand miners. Sometimes the law works against the rich." Just - then a dispatch was received addressed to both com- batants. It was from the President. It said he didn't want really ,to interfere, since he believed in the free enterprise system, but f they didn't come to an agreement soon he would have to do as he did in the coal strike and have the IRS as well as a whole battalion of regulatory agencies take a close look at the both of them. Need he say more? As I left they were both arguing and calling each other names. I pondered the system of gover- nment-franchised coercion I had just seen at work, and wondered how many people could support it. I heard later that the President had threatened a takeover of the auto dealership and that, even- tually, a federal arbitrator made Carlyle and Digger settle for a $1,000 price boost on the car. Free enterprise, he called it. Sounds like a Republican. Gerry Wolke iplo iS ,(' 1f un1 Arbor's leading promoters of libertarian thought. anEl is a frejII ent contributor to ihe D~aily's Ishiiorial Page. LETTERS TO THE DAILY Trash the To The Daily: prefabricated rol The Ann Arbor Hash Bash was boppers, jaded a trash bash. The crowds were tators, the pigs, listless: there was boredom in- N.O.R.M.L., and; scribed on every face. Like the hippies keeping th Art Fair, the Hash Bash has been up-to-date. Even t pitiful s - as teeny- the Ha student spec- of prot normals from ponent superannuated ble of heir credentials Hash B he arrests were has cor Hash Bash sh Bash became a parody est and one more com- of the totalitarian ensem- existing institutions. The ash is an idea whose time me ... and gone. Who wants Although I've never started a lawsuit, I've sought the advtce and services of legal aid attor- neys on several occasions. Their help has always been excellentin solving what were 'critical