VICTORIES AND DEFEATS See Editorial Page E LitP tti COOLOUDY High-53° Low-39* See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 147 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 5, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages WEST GERMANS LOBBY FOR WEAPON Carter may halt neutron bomb WASHINGTON (AP) - President tative decision was relayed to Bonn late unidentified administration officials, ultimate question-would it raise or Carter has tentatively decided against last week through Deputy Secretary of reported yesterday that Carter had lessen the possibility of a great nuclear production of tee neutron bomb, the State Warren Christopher. Genscher's decided against production of the horror-and they probably decided that controversial nuclear weapon designed visit was hurriedly arranged in a final weapon despite contrary advice from it would heighten the possibility of to defeat a, massive Soviet tank attack effort by the West Germans to persuade most of his senior foreign policy ad- nuclear war." on Western Europe. Carter to modify his decision. visers. Carter conferred yesterday with STATE DEPARTMENT officials' The newspaper said Carter hoped the Sens. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and Daniel Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and said privately that Carter probably Soviet Union would respond by showing Moynihan (D-N.Y.) said on the Senate STo S C s n n i r e h C r b yi Uwas b h ny n Ns dts W est German Foreign Minister Hans- would make a final decision after his restraint in deploying new nuclear floor that the reports were dismaying. This is an other in (r lO tg ", Tire admintiitratia eniust Dietrich Genscher, who arrived earlier meeting with Genscher but it would weapons. Nunn, who heads a Senate Armed Ser- ltie of def ' Xse nlistakes hare "'((I the ultijiate in the day to press his government's not be announced for several days. Senate Republican Leader Howard vices subcommittee on NATO, said a u support for production of neutron White House spokesman Ed Penney Baker of Tennessee said the report, if "unilateral cancellation of the neutron mtiade by ti1e A (I inistra- (uIestion-trolld it raise weapons. said no final decision had been made as true, represents "anothei in a long line bomb would be the ultimate in self- F eg e a raq "ALLTHESE questions are subject of yesterday. Asked whether a tentative of national defense mistakes" by the deterrence." tio . t or lessenthIe possibility of toconsultation within the alliance," decision had been reached, Penney administration. "First we gave away Opponents of the bomb contend that the 1- 1 botia her (1an 10t rD' a great i' tclear I or- Genscher told reporters after a prior repeated that no final decision had been the B-1 bomber and now we're goig to because it does less damage to civilian meeti'ng with Vance. made. give away the neutron bomb," Baker populations and buildings than conven- reO t e C ro .... When asked directly whether Carter Supporters of the weapon have said said. tional weapons, battlefield comman- he Itetttro1 bornb." -Sen Mark Hatfield had made up his mind, Vance said the they would prefer that Carter defer any SEN. MARK HATFIELD (R-Ore.), ders possessing it might easily be tem- president "has not decided that decision rather than rule against who led last year's Senate effort to halt pted to escalate an armed confrontation-Se Howard Baer (R-Ore.) question." production neutron weapons production, said the into nuclea ar. (RwTnr.t.) It was understood that Carter's ten- THE NEW YORK TIMES, quoting administration "must have faced the The winners.. . GOP now in control, The losers . . Dems. must rebuild By KEITH RICHBURG Mayor-elect Louis Belcher yesterday unveiled plans for a new downtown parking structure, a new economic development commission, and an all- out effort to patch up the city's blighted streets. Belcher outlined his proposals for the next year in the wake of Monday's Republican electoral blitz, where the final tally showed Belcher the winner over incumbent Albert Wheeler by a mere 179 votes out of 28,613 votes cast. "We have basics outlined right now," a jubilant Belcher said. "We will be trying to bring all the commissions and boards up to date."' Belcher said he has already seen the first proposals for downtown housing, and he hopes his economic development commission will find j.obs in the building development authority. He also instructed the city administrator that "the first week of dry weather I want to see so many crews out there fixing the streets that people will com- plain about not being able to drive." With his own win for the mayor's seat, combined with three Council vic- tories, the Republicans now dominate city hall with seven votes plus the mayoral veto power. The Republican sweep was an an- niversary present of sorts, since it was exactly a decade ago in the April elec' tions of 1968, Republicans had their last seven to four majority. With seven votes, the Republicans now have the power to change the city budget. Previously, whatever budget was submitted by the administrator became law, since neither party could muster the seven votes needed to alter it. Belcher's victory margin of seven- tenths of one per cent could still be con- sidered a sweeping mandate when compared to Wheeler's razor-thin one- vote victory last year. It was that race, together with several irregularities discovered in the voting, that prompted a judge to order Monday's special mayoral run-off election. The official results were: Belcher - 14,396, Wheeler -14,217. "'I didn't expect it," the winner said of his victory margin. "I thought I was going to win by five or six votes." The 38-year-old Mayor-elect' Belcher soundly defeated Wheeler in two of the five wards. In the traditionally Republican third ward, where Republican Clifford Sheldon kept the seat in that fold, Belcher beat Wheeler by a resounding 4,598 to 2,444 vote margin. In the Fifth Ward, Belcher's home turf which also went to Republican Jim Cmejrek, Belcher got 3,823 to Wheeler's 2,395. 1 Wheeler did win in the two bastions of Democratic support, the First and Second Wards with their high student populations. The statistics told the story of the Democratic make-up of those two wards - in the first, Wheeler got 3,552 to Belcher's 1,704. In the second, where incumbent Earl Greene was uncontested, Wheeler won by 1,676 votes. But as the old adage says, how goes the Fourth Ward ,so goes the election, and in that - the "swing ward" - tradition held true. Belcher nosed out Wheeler in the Fourth by a mere 121 See GOP, Page 7 Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE EVEN.DURING the last week of a heated campaign Louis Belcher (left) and Albert Wheeler (right) managed to remain somewhat cordial. When Belcher was asked yesterday how he felt about the former mayor he said, "I know how he feels." Park defen4 WASHINGTON (AP) - Millionaire rice dealer Tongsun Park told House investigators yesterday that despite the implications of a report found in Park's home, Speaker Thomas "Tip" O'Neill never asked him for campaign con- tributions. Parksangrily complained that someone is "trying to zing me." and said, "Who knows who placed that document in my house?" AND HE REPEATED assertions that while he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions on request he never did so as an agent of the Korean government. He said 'he never tried to use his contributions to "twist arms" or buy influence. The document mentioning O'Neill's alleged request was seized by federal agents in Park's home last year after Park left the country for Korea. "He never made any request to make any contribution to anyone, including himself," Park said of O'Neill. Park did acknowledge that he paid for birthday parties for the Massachusetts Democrat, including one in 1974 which cost $4,000. THE DOCUMENT found in Park's home is hand-written in the Korean language and purports to be a report to Korean officials recommending that they take certain actions to increase the effectiveness of a visit to Korea of a U.S. congressional delegation. O'Neill headed the group of visiting congressmen. The unsigned document stated that many of the congressmen on the trip had "contributed decisively" to elec- ting O'Neill as House majority leader. "And, therefore, Mr. O'Neitl specifically requested us to provide those congressmen with election cam- paign funds and their wives with necessary expenses," the document said. "THIS WILL BE an ideal opportunity to hand them the funds," it said. "But should it be impossible, we recommend that you pay them in the near future." Chief counsel John Nields asked Park: "Is that true?" Park replied: "No." O'NEILL CONFIRMED yesterday that committee investigators have questioned him about the note. "I don't kno who authored it, where it was written, where it went out or who exercised control over it," O'Neill said. "I do know, however, it is self-seving and a total fabrication." O'Neill said he never requested funds from Tongsun Park or the South Korean government. "The allegation that I wished to reward a limited group that helped elect me majority leader is absurd - I had no opposition and was elected unanimously." PARK COMPLAINED that the federal government violated his rights by searching his home and office and carting away documents. Park's contributions of campaign funds to members of Congress ended in 1974 when a law was passed barring campaign donations from foreign nationals. He testified the new law made it impossible for him to fulfill his agreement to pay Rep. Otto Passman, (D-La.), $50,000 for each of Passman's campaigns. But he said the two reached an understanding which allowed the money to continue to flow through Park's payments of inflated prices to buy antique watches and jewelry from Passman's (collection. He said he paid an inflation rate of 100 per 'cent or more in deals which he said funneled at least $20,000 to Passman. By KEITH RICHBURG While city Republicans were revelling in their biggest electoral blitz in a decade, Democrats were retreating to lick their wounds, figure out what went wrong, and try to rebuild some assem- blage of a party organization before next April when they face the voters again. Deposed Mayor Albert Wheeler, who finally lost a mayoral bid after two close calls and three years of uncertainty, said yesterday "I'm disappointed, but not heartbroken." Wheeler also ,dismissed the possibility of. ever seeking the job again. Wheeler went to bed late Monday, before the final tally proved him a 179- vote loser to challenger Louis Belcher. When all the votes were counted, Wheeler had 14,217 to Belcher's 14,396. Wheeler called Belcher's win "solid enough" to preclude any recount and found consolation in the fact that, had he won, the next year would have seen the same partisan deadlock that' has stalled Ann Arbor city government for years. "I wouldn't look forward to another year without a Council majority," Wheeler said. "It's too tough. It would have been an ordeal. It's not only a hassle but you can't get things done that way." Wheeler, Ann Arbor's first black mayor, also ruled out any possibility of another try for the mayor's seat. "I don't think so," he said. "I've spent so much of my life working in this city. Af- ter two very narrow and debated vic- tories, I'm out of it." "I'm not a politician," Wheeler said. "I just ran because I had some goals and I wanted to get some things done." Wheeler found one other consolation in Monday night's Republican sweep that reduced the Democrats to four Council seats. "I had two goals besides my own re-election," he said. "One was to get (First Ward Republican incum- bent Wendell) Allen out. The other was .WedneSyday " The county has a new ad- ministrator. Find out who he is and what he will be doing in our story on Page 10. * The LSA-SG has an election coming up next week. Get in- volved in campus politics and see our story on Page 7. For happenings, weather and local briefs, see TODAY, page 3. to get (Fourth Ward candidate LeRoy) Cappaert in. We won on one and lost on the other." Wheeler got his wish in the first ward when Allen, the Republican incumbent in the Democratic ward, was trounced by Democrat Greenberg, 1,646 to 3,291. In the unpredictable Fourth Ward, however, Cappaert, who engineered Wheeler's one-vote victory campaign last year, was upset by Republican David Fisher. Fisher edged Cappaert by a mere 58 votes, and Cappaert has See DEMOCRATS, Page 10 Sur pris e! College costs rising NEW YORK (AP)-It will cost an average of 6 percent more to' go to college next year than it does this year, says a new stuidy which shows that a resident student at a private, four-year college will spend more than $5,000 in the academic year starting in Septem- ber. That $5,000 is equivalent to about one- third the median family income in the United States. And it means that even if there is no further inflation-and that-is not likely-a freshman who enters a private school this fall and lives on campus will have to pay more than $20,000 for a college education. THE STUDY, released yesterday,, was conducted by the College Scholar- ship Service of the College Board, a nonprofit organization of schools, educational associations and scholar- ship agencies. The findings were based on reports from 2,693 colleges and universitites. Costs vary according to the type of institution involved and such factors as whether a student commutes or lives on campus. The board study showed, for exam- ple, that 1978-79 school expenses for a commuting student at a public, four- year college will total $2,604, up 4.8 per- cent from this year. A student at the same school who lives on campus will spend $3,054, up 5.3 percent from this year. Other findings of the study include: " Expenses at private, four-year colleges will average $5,110 for on- campus students, up 6.1 percent from this year, and $4,577 for commuters, up See COLLEGE, Page 2 Millikqn denies late taxes netted a profit LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William Milliken says he did not turn a profit by paying his Traverse City property taxes late and, in fact, the only thing he got from the arrangement was a lot of bad publicity. The governor conceded yesterday that for the past three years, he has mailed his property tax check late - by six months last year, seven weeks in 1975.and seven weeks this year. BUT, THE millionaire governor said, he paid the penalty for the late taxes and there was nothing illegal in his ac- tions. The Peninsula Township tax ordinan- ce gives Milliken and 'other local tax- payers three options. They may pay their taxes between Dec. 1 and Feb. 15 without a penalty, between Feb. 16-28 Europeans BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - said was cr Millions of workers are planning teenagers and rallies, demonstrations and strikes It denounce today in Western Europe's first coor- "totally negat dinated protest against rising unem- tionary" attit ployment. want to maint Mathias Hinterscheid, secretary- "will nullify e )fit general of the European Trade Union tentions." ual Confederation, told a news conference THE COT protest ritical among women, cent, or 6 migrants. end of Fek ed what it sees as the 5.4 per cei Live, inflexible and reac- 1977 and ude of employers "who ployed in] ain their privileges" and IN Till even the best political in- ployment the end c N FEDERATION also with 7.6 pe jobless rate ,260,000 unemployed, by the bruary this year, compared to nt, or 5,735,000 without jobs in 5.0 per cent, 5,242,000 unem- 1976. E United States, the unem- rate dropped to 6.1 per cent at of February 1978, compared r cent in 1977. May 1. ISOLATED WORK stoppages were expected in France but the largest union, the Communist-run General Labor Federation, does not belong to the European confederation, although it asked to join the protest. But French unions, which will Milliken property tax payments and turn a pr i..,yara thanthe nine ner cent annu