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April 04, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-04-04

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 146 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 4, 1978 Ten Cents 12 Pages Plus Supplement

Beleher winner





Housing proposals
win by wide margin

GOP wins


big in 3
out of 5

It ist apparent that Louis Belcher's
long, arduous struggle to be njayor of
*.the city of Ann Arbor ended in success
last night. At 12:15, with only the absen-
tee ballots in the Second Ward still to be
counted, Belcher was ahead by over 200
votes. An official in the City Clerk's of-
fice said that there were not enough ab-
sentee ballots in the ward for Wheeler
to make up the difference.
In claiming victory last night Belcher
said, "This has been the longest cam-
paign in the history of the United
States." Then turning to his Republican
supporters he continued, "This is the
group that is going to go out and repair
the first 100 potholes tomorrow."
not convinced he had lost, and went to
bed without conceding defeat. -
The ,election will certainly come un-
der very close scrutiny as did last
year's election. A recount will probably
be requested-
If Belcher is declared the winner, last
night's election results will give him a
seven to four Republican majority on
the new City Council.
AT 11:30 LAST night, Albert Wheeler
left Bacchus Gardens on State Street
unsure as to whether he would be
mayor of the city for the next year.
At 11:15 Louis Belcher had
proclaimed a 450 vote victory at the
Republican camp in the Holiday Inn on
Jackson Road.
"I'm going home to go to bed. I've
been up for 18 hours," said Wheeler.
"I'll find out in the morning."
vote count from city hall. But the totals
from the city clerk's office differed
from the totals the Republicans were
At midnight, with only the First and
Second Ward absentee totals left to be
counted, Belcher had 14,188 votes and
Wheeler had 14,079. Although the First
and Second Wards are traditionally
democratic, officials at the Clerk's of-
fice predicted that Wheeler would not
win enough of the absentee, votes in.
those wards to overcome the 109 vote

THIS WAS not the first classicly tight
campaign in the city. Last Aprilr.
Wheeler defeated Belcher by one vote
and the election was' contested in thetg
courts for eight months, The contestan-
ts struck a compromise and decided to
hold an election to finish out the last
year of the disputed term. s
Belcher, 38, is the former Mayor Pro-
Republican caucus. '
He is a management consultant for
the First Ann Arbor Corporation and AY
teaches at several local institutions on 3.
the side.
Belcher had gone through great pains a .
in the latest campaign to emphasize his ti
role as a "moderate" Republican, 4
wearing his hair fashionably long, and, ..
at one event, offering students a "brew ;..~.,
ith Lou" at the Blue Frogge bar early in . . . . . .
Belcher came out in favor of
repairing Ann Arbor's pock-marked Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERO
streets with great haste and construc- GERALD BELL POINTS out the early election tallies as a pensive Lou Belcher looks on. In an election almost to close to
See GOP, Page 9 call Belcher sneaked by his opponent incumbent Al Wheeler.

city wards


Park probe

implicates 30

With victories last night in all their
expected bastions, pluswasurprise
bonus win in the "swing ward" - the
fourth - Republicans broke the par-
tisan deadlock of the last three years by
winning six votes on Council and the
Mayor's seat.
For Republicans, the return to power
was practically a clean sweep, their
only loss being the all-but-expected
ousting of Republican Wendell Allen in
the First Ward.. And with seven Council
votes-six plus the Mayor's-the
Republicans now have enough votes to
push through any initiatives as well as
override any veto.
Sixvotes on Council plus the Mayor's
seat is a rarity in Ann Arbor, and may
mark a blow for the Democratic party
that they will be hard-pressed to
recover from next year,
IN A RACE once deemed too-close-
to-call, Democrat Susan Greenberg
trounced Republican incumbent Wen-
dell Allen by a margin of more than
Although Greenberg was considered
the favorite in the traditionally
Democratic ward, the size of last
night's victory was an unexpected vic-
tory for the 38-year-old homemaker.
On hearing of her victory, Greenberg
said, "So I won. So what?" I really
didn't think the margin would be so big.
I may have to wear a football helmet to
protect me from all the shit that's going
to fly when (Fourth ward Republican
David) Fisher gets on Council."
ALLEN, THE BIG loser, disappared
as the returns showed he was losing,
and was nowhere to be found. Newly
elected Fourth Ward Councilman
David Fisher said Allen was "unusually
quiet" before he left, and "was walking
around shrugging his shoulders."
With all the votes counted, Greenberg
had 3,246 votes to Allen's 1,523. Write-in
candidate Bruce Richard, running on
the Socialist party platform, got only
See BELCHER, Page 9

Korean businessman Tongsun Park
yesterday testified in public for the first
time before a congressional committee
trying to determine if his admitted
payments of $750,000 to 30 congressmen
were legitimate gifts or bribes.
In his opening remarks, the
millionaire rice dealer told the House
Ethics Committee he was sorry for
"certain things that I did" to promote
"the national interests of Korea and the
United States."
BUT HE DENIED he had acted im-
Park's appearance came a year and
a half after he left Washington in the
midst of allegations that the gover-
nment in Seoul was trying to buy
congressmen to maintain a favorable

U.S. policy toward South Korea.
Park, who has already testified in
private to Justice Department in-
vestigators and the House and Senate
ethics committees, returned for
questions today from the House panel's
chief counsel, Leon Jaworski - the
former Watergate special prosecutor.
PARK SAID he was "embarrassed"
by the notoriety that had engulfed him.
"I'm sure I made some mistakes,"
Park said in discussing his past
Washington activities. "I have no
problem in admitting that."
He resented being called "a swin-
dler," Park said, and stressed he had
done nothing improper.
"I WANT to tell you what I have done
constitutes an American success
story on a small scale," he told the

The committee is attempting to see if
any congressman "accepted anything
of value directly or indirectly" from
Korean officials or their inter-
But there was every expectation that
when Park completes three days of
testimony, not much new will have been
MOST OF what Park is expected to
tell the House Committee on Standards
of Official Conduct - the ethics com-
mittee - will be confirmation of what
has already been leaked or otherwise
reported in the press.
Park, given immunity from
prosecution for his cooperation with
Congress, has admitted giving
congressmen $750,000 in "contribu-

tions" in the early 1970s, but never
publicly said who got the money.
Jaworski said Park is "going to be
required ... to state specifically what
contributions. he made" to
congressmen in his years as a wealthy
Washington socialite.
Following is the list of congressmen
to whom South Korean rice dealer
Tongsun Park testified yesterday he
had made payments.
FORMER REP. Ross Adair, R-Ind.,
$500 in 1970.
Former Rep. William Ayres, R-Oh.,
$500 in 1970.
Rep. John Brademas,°D-Ind., a total
oif $5,250 including a $500 check in 1970,
forgiveness of $1,800 in 1972 for expen-
ses for a fund raising event at Park's
George Town Club and $2,950 in 1974 in
See PARK, Page 5


Bursley Board OKd

pot party

Last Friday, on the eve of the Hash
Bash, Bursley party-goers were treated
to free joints rolled from three-quarters
of a pound of marijuana worth $200 -
money approved for the purpose by the
Bursley Board of Governors.
Of the six Board members present at
a meeting held last Wednesday, four
have said they were aware at the time
that half of the $400 they approved for a
party given on the fourth floor of the
Van Hoosen wing would be used to buy
pot. The other two members of the
student board in attendance, freshper-
sons Rolf Pielemeir and Michele Pick-
ett, were not available for comment.
The money came from Bursley Enter-
prises, a student fund supported by,
the Bursley Store, pinball machines,
and movie fees.
"WE TALKED about it beforehand,"
said sophomore Board member
Douglas Steinberg, a Michigan. Student
Assembly (MSA) Student General
Counsel, and President of the Univer-
sity Housing Council. "We looked at it
closely at it and did it. We just wanted
to have a party."
"Everybody on the Board knew about
it," said freshperson Sally Eibert, a
Board member and a candidate for the
* President Carter returns
from his second major trip
abroad after' warning South

Literary College (LSA) Student Gover-c
nment. "We just wanted to do
something a little different." Eibert
said that pot smoking was restricted to
dorm rooms and "we were told by staff
that as long as we kept it in the rooms
we were okay."
But two of the student-elected Board
members, Freshperson Christine Hur-
st and Sophomore Jacquelyn Adams,
said yesterday that they were not at the
meeting and did not approve of the ac-
"I don't know anything about the in-

cident." Adams went on to say that af-
ter the meeting, she signed the check
not knowing that the money would be
used for anything but the usual party
fare of beer and food.
Hurst said she wasn't in Ann Arbor
when the meeting took place and that
she disapproved of the vote.
One Bursley student, who asked to
remain anonymous said a crowd left
the Hamilton-Sanford section of the
large North Campus dorm at around 10
p.m. in what was called a "buffalo
stampede" for the Van Hoosen party,
and the joints. "It was a pretty good
time," he said.

"THERE WERE people from all over
the dorm there," said Board member
Tim Lambert, an LSA sophomore.
"There were a bunch of smiling people,
it was a good time."
But Lambert added he fears "we
might be labeled irresponsible" for the
vote. He also said he had reservations
about the decision since there might
have been the possibility of political
gains on the part of the Board with the
MSA elections approaching next week.
"It was just a party," said
Engineering Sophomore Eric ,Nilson.
"The idea was to show that there can be
See BURSLEY, Page 12

LSA professors overwhelmingly
approve new distribution plans

After heated discussion and four
defeated amendments, LSA faculty
members yesterday overwhelmingly
voted to approve a proposal for flexible
distribution requirements which will
affect this fall's incoming freshpersons.
Under the new plan, candidates for
the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor
of Science (BS) degrees must choose
between one of three distribution pat-
terns. These three pattern choices are
now revised as follows:
* Pattern A - The student must com-
plete the equivalent of at least one
course (for three or more credits) in

out an individual distribution plan that.
reflects exposure to a variety of dif-
ferent methodologies and approaches
to intellectual experience. This plan
should include courses in at least five
different departments but no more than
two courses in a single department. A
student who chooses this option must
file an individual distribution plan by
the end of the sophomore year with the
Counseling Office.
" Pattern C - The student must com-
plete at least three courses carrying at
least three credit hours each outside the
field of concentration in each of the
areas of humanities, social science and

The new plan will affect only in-
coming freshpersons this fall. Students
now enrolled are subject to the old
Many faculty members opposed
chemistry professor John Wiseman's
two amendments to Pattern A and Pat-
tern C. The amendments which
eliminated the category of creative ex-
pression from Pattern A and required
two courses from each of the four
remaining areas failed heavily.
Dean Knott said he opposed the
amendment because by eliminating
creative expression, it "strikes the in-
tent to preserve the flexibility to

Daily.Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
NINETY-ONE-YEAR-OLD Florence Luscomb speaks about her expei4-
ences in the early days of the women's movement to a group at Rackham
last night.
Flo Lusob You've

come a long way .

0 .

Florence Luscomb went to her
first women's rights rally when
she was five. The year was 1892.
Last night, the 91-year-old
women's rights activist kept her
audience in Rackham
Auditorium enthralled as she

regaled the audience! with a
description of her student days at
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). Luscomb, one
of only twelve women enrolled in
the, school with 1,200 men,
graduated in 1909 with a degree in

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