KISS YOUR AUNT See Page 3 P at frthe KISS WHOSE AUNT? See Editorial Page "We never let the facts stand in the way of a good story."-H. B. Shoemaker, Managing Editor (1890-1891) Saturday, April 1, 1978 REGENTS BACK ATHLETIC BOSS .anham ousts Flemin By UMAKE D. BUCKS I I , Y F YOU SEE NEWS HAPPEN, SIT ON IT. Regents immortalized In the wake of the recent move to culturally improve the land- scape of the campus, University officials have decided to add still another sculpture to the growing number of outdoor masterpieces. An impressionistic portrayal of the eight members of the Board of Regen- ts is scheduled for erection on the lawn of President Fleming's home sometime next week. The sculpture, which will stand 15 feet high, was designed by the kindergarten class at Angell Elementary school and will be entirely constructed out of cafeteria trays. 0f Who cares? The University campus flew into turmoil yesterday when Mich- igan Student Assembly (MSA) and Literature, Science and the Arts Graduate Government (LSA-SG) decided to blow themselves up and leave it up to the Regents and LSA faculty to handle it all. Sources: close to the upset revealed that MSA president Jon Lauer and LSA-SG president Dick Brazee were in agreement over this move. President Robben Fleming, in attempts to sublet his house for the summer, said he plans to try to combine the efforts of these departed groups by organizing a student government co-op. Reagan Panamanian ambassador Fearing Senate rejection of the second Panama Canal treaty, Jimmy Carter took a step today to mollify opponents of the proposed treaty, by naming former California Governor Ronald Reagan as the new ambassador to Panama. Reagan, long known as a politician of liberal open-mindedness, is expected in his low-key statesmanlike manner to convince the Panamanian government to accept the treaties with all Senate added changes included. This will attract greater support on Capitol Hill for the treaties. Happenings The fun starts at noon today with a bloody clash on the Diag between Palestinian terrorists, UN peacekeepers, and Israeli "police forces." . . . But rest up tonight when East Quad holds their annual jail-bait jamboree with the first-graders of Bryant elementary school. . . . At midnight there'll be a chain saw mixer in the Arb, music provided by Ricky Wayne Wilson and the Coed-Killers singing "I Love You Just the Way You Scar" ... Snuff said?... Have it your way Mariamadriasangria Island, a small country off the coast of Italy has been found to be a haven for Italian cannibals. The gruesome situation came to light last night when the caretaker of the island phoned a mainland pizzaria and ordered'47 dead bodies with pep- peroni. The caretaker, Antonioni Queequeg, refused comment except to say "sometimes it's fun to order carry-outs." On the inside What is the sex life of a Daily editor really like? See Sports of the Daily, page 10. Deposed University President Robben Fleming decides to join a punk rock band-Flaming Flemings. See story, page 87. In a completely unprecedented move yes- terday, Athletic Director Don Canham took avantage of Robben Fleming's absence on a good-will visit to South Africa to seize control of the University. Canham said he staged the coup to stabilize the financial position of the University. "FINDERS KEEPERS, losers weepers," remark- ed Canham at an improm- ptu press conference late yesterday. "I hope Flem gets a good job down there because thereain't going to be anything for him here if he comes back," Canham added. "I was getting a lot of bad press because the Athletic Department was making more money than the rest of the University," he explained. "I figure it Fleming was time a real professional took over." Canham's power-grab received a quick OK from the Regents, who appeared relieved that a proven money-maker was finally at the helm of the University. "WE'LL GET RESULTS with Canham as president," said Regent Thomas Roach, between tokes on his ever- present happy pipe. "It'll be great to go to a meeting and not hear Rob make excuses for the mess our books are in," Roach added. Making money has never been a problem for Canham. From the day he took over as Athletic Director in 1967, revenues have soared to the point where the department was regarded as the richest in the country: Canham bounded into his new job with enthusiasm, as his proposals to make the University more cost efficient pour~d out in torrents. "The first thing I'm going to do -is raze that ugly Chemistry Building," he said, "the damn thing's an eyesore, and totally obsolete. By rebuilding Barbour-Waterman Gym on the vacant area, we'll have an athletic complex that we can all be proud of." See DOUBLE, Page 47 Anybody here see ng y ol ren... e First lady Rosalyn Carter looks on seconds before President Jimmy Carter was stabbed to death by the Easter bunny while on his South American trip. (Note the pointed object in the Easter bunny's left hand.) See story, Page 94-D. Belcher wears- Bill Blass suits By I.M.A. FLAK and R.N.U.A. GEEK In its first official move after being sworn in at last night's meeting, Mayor Louis Belcher and the 10 Republicans on City Council votedato lengthenCoun- cil terms to 20 years and make the mayor "Dictator for life." "We just want to get something done for a change," said Councilman Wen- dell Allen, whose surprise reelection victory prompted former Democratic Councilwoman Carol Jones to throw up him from her San Diego, California apartment. IN AN ATTEMPT to kill 2,000 birds with one stone, Council also passed an ordinance to use residents of the city's CDBG districts lying shoulder to shoulder to repave Ann Arbor's blighted roads. "We've found they last longer than asphalt or gravel," said Belcher, who renamed himself Il Duce.' Councilman Allen added, "We like them to feel useful." In other business, Council: "passed a new pornography or- dinance which will prohibit the showing of X-rated movies unless they are projected more than four feet off the floor. Also in the bill is a section requiring known eprostitutes to be locked in a room with Roger Bertoia. * voted to convert the Model Cities Dental Clinic on Spring Street into a parking structure. Plant rights subject of 3 wueek fo rum By MICHAEL AIRBRUSH Anticipating a long bitter struggle to promote the rights of house plants, a leading University botanical resear- cher said yesterday he will "fight until the last plant on earth has freedom." Bud Rose, professor of house plants and- president of the American Plant Liberties Union (APLU), said recent criticism of the house plants rights movement will not deter an attempt by APLU advocates to achieve basic rights for all house plants. "HOUSE PLANTS are living creatures just like you and me and they deserve just as much freedom," com- plained Rose. Rose and other worldwide plant ex- perts are gathered in Ann Arbor to con- duct a three week symposium on plan- ts' rights, featuring several films depic- tingplant harassment in many coun- tries. SEE A SHRINK, Page 104 Belcher, elegantly decked out in his new Bill Blass suit and toupee, called the meeting to order at exactly 7:30 p.m., and it adjourned late, at 7:32. "It would have been earlier," I IDuce Belcher said, "but we had to teach the new members the pledge of allegian- ce.' COUNCIL MOVED through its four- line agenda with minimum difficulty and only one "no" vote was cast the en- tire night. Councilman Ronald Trowbridge (Fourth Ward) broke rank when he voted against buying each Coun- cilmember a custom-made Cadillac. "I'd rather have a Rolls," he said. In other news, sources told the Daily deposed Mayor Albert Wheeler had be- gun work on his memoirs detailing his fall from power. The book begins "I[was born in the low-income, CDBG- subsidized housing unit my father built." f TestyFl By B.A BOONE D~aily's top banana: Calling it "a waste of human life" and unnecessary, a group of 30 Literary College (LSA) students is protesting the use of eight Inteflex students in dorm food experiments which have already hospitalized one student. The "Committee to Save the Inteflex Eight" is distributing petitions and selling bumper stickers (which read: "The food stinks; eight doctors can't save it") in an attempt to halt the test. ACCORDING TO I.M. Sick, the ex- periment coordinator, the students are being subjected to three weeks' worth of dormitory food with no supplements or snacks. The students, all participan- ts in the University's special six-year medical program, started their special diets Thursday. Lexies protest test Housing ' e Housg crisis over!. By NORM THE DORMIE For the last decade, dormitory observers have watched singles turn into doubles, doubles into triples, triples into quads, and so forth. But the University has finally found a solution to its acute housing crunch. Yesterday, University procurement officers went scurrying through junkyards on the fringes of the city and returned with a 1934 Plymouth sedan. The car will be structually improved to facilitate one student, which includes the in- stallation of a mousetrap which, ac- cording to Housing Director Robert Hughes, will eliminate visits from "those unfriendly little creatures." The car will be officially dedicated in the fall to mark the end of Univer- sity's housing woes. See TRAPS, Page 31% {. - o 411T' -.-h c*i1 (bIT A f 1 fo* 96C Air 1 - ,