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January 13, 1978 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1978-01-13

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Page 6-Friday, January 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily

All Week
Telefon (Campus) Charles Bronson
portrays a Russian KGB agent in this
Don Siegel action-thriller. It throws
away an interesting plot idea half-way
through, but has more than enough
gratuitous explosive sequences to keep
action-lovers happy. **1/
The Gauntlet (State) Clint Eastwood
stars in and directed this hilarious

piece of self-parody. Eastwood fans,
come one, come all! ***
The World's Greatest Lover (Michi-
gan) GeneWilder's second stab at writ-
ing, directing and starring in his own
film is more pale, bland and completely
unamusing than his first. *1/2
Semi-Tough (Fifth Forum) A thinly-
amusing satire with psychological self-
help theories as its target. Michael Rit-
chie's direction just sprawls all over the
place; the result doesn't have a chance
to hang together. With Burt Reynolds,
Kris Kristofferson and Jill Clayburgh.

Events and Entertainment


AUD. A, Angell Hall

Fri., Jan. 13

Director-FRED ZINNEMAN (1953)
Winner of eight Academy Awards including Best Picture, this critically
acclaimed WorldWar II film, based on James Jones' epic novel, is set in
Hawaii, just prior to the Pearl Harbor attack. BURT LANCASTER plays the
popular, but troubled, first sergeant who is having an affair with .the
captain's wife (DEBORAH KERR). Also starring FRANK SINATRA and DONNA
REED, who both won Oscars for their performances.
7 and 9 p.m. $1.501

Close Encounters of the Third Kind
(Fox Village) Steven Spielberg's ma-
jestic film about UFOs has an ambien-
ce of innocence and freshness that is
totally exhiliarating. Makes Star Wars
look like a TV movie. ****
The Goodbye Girl (Briarwood) Neil
Simon's script is his most'compelling
and human, yet refreshingly free of the
stodginess and obsessive one-liners that
characterized The Sunshine Boys and
Murder By Death. Richard Dreyfuss
performs marvelously. ***%
Star Wars (Briarwood) The one and
only. ***1/2
First Love (Briarwood) Starring
Susan Day of The Partridge Family
and William Katt, who might just turn
out to be the next Robert Redford. The
film suffers from an acute lack of in-
sight, intelligence, depth, humor and
sensitivity. Otherwise, a fine flick. *1/2
Saturday Night Fever (Briarwood)
Excellent sequences of disco dancing
and a surprisingly good performance
by John Travolta help overcome a
cliche script, and make this film an en-
tertainment. ***
January 1
Horsefeathers and Love Happy MLB
4, Horsefeathers at 7:00 and 10:15, Love
Happy at 8:30) Respectively, one of the
very best, and THE worst film the
Marx brothers ever made.
Slaughterhouse Five (Nat Sci Aud,
7:30 and 9:30) George Roy Hill's inter-
esting adaptation of the Vonnegut novel
has many redeeming qualities, yet the
very idea of transferring such a book to
the screen is inherently silly. ***
From Here to Eternity (Angell Aud
A, 7:00 and 9:15) Fred Zinneman's
classic World War II drama stars
Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster. "I
never knew it could be like this!" ***%
You Can't Take it With You (Old
A&D, 7:00 and 9:15) Unless you're ab-
solutely comatose, this jolly Frank
Capra film is sure to put a smile on your
face. With Jimmy Stewart. ****

for week of Jan.


Mp-_- -
M s
T 15
H -
E 2
A }r
T 8
R pm
"An Amazing Theatrical Creation" - San Francisco Chronicle.
p'4ck Aranson has done it superbly" - Time 'Magazine
r Extraordinary Experience" - BostonHerald American
Advance ticket sale through PTP Ticket Office Mendelssohn Theatre Lobby,
Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. -1 p.m.; 2d-5 p.m.
Call 764-0450 for more information. Tickets also available through Hudson's stores.

Jazz - Marcus Belgrave Orchestra
performs in the first concert in the
Bright Moments Series, sponsored by
Eclipse Jazz. At the Residential College
Auditorium at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m.
Music - The faculty of the Music
School perform French Harpsichord
Music from the 17 and 18 Centuries.
School of Music Recital Hall at 8 p.m.
Ark - The Original Sloth Band plays
New Orleans jazz and a variety of
novelty songs. Begins at 8:30 p.m.
Gymnastics -A Stars of Big Ten gym-
nastic squads perform at the Big Ten
Invitational at Crisler Arena, 7:30 p.m.
Lasts all weekend.
January 14
Bringing Up Baby and To Catch a
Thief (MLB 3, 7:00 and 9:00, respec-
tively) Bringing Up Baby is one of the
classic screwball comedies, and stars
Hepburn and Cary Grant. To Catch a
Thief, an absolutely first-class Hitch-
cock thriller, also stars Grant, and
boasts the classic crop-dusting sequen-
ce. .
Diamonds Are Forever (Nat Sci Aud,
7:30 and 9:30) Not one of the better
Bond flicks, but it stars the better Bond,
Sean Connery. ***
Lacombe, Lucien (Angell Aud A, 7:00
and 9:30) A sensitive, absorbing, at
times stunning examination of a young,
unhappy laborer during the German
occupation of France in World War II.
Written and directed by Louis Malle.
*** 1/
Small Change (7:00 and 9:05) Truf-
faut's affectionate look at the beauty
and innocence of childhood can only be
described as warm, witty and wonder-
ful. A must-see. **""'
Ski - Department of Recreation
Sports sponsors a cross-country ski
clinic for all those interested. At the
North Campus Rec. Building. 2 p.m.
Gymnastics - The Big Ten Invita-
tional continues at Crisler Arena be-
ginning at 2:30 p.m.
January 15
Midnight Cowboy (Angell Aud A, 7:00

and 9:00) John Schlesinger's night-
marish New York City is a rather
superficial satire of America, but the
brilliant performances of both Dustin
Hoffman and Jon Voight make this a
memorably moving look at two aim-
less, lonely souls. ***1/2
The Seven Samurai (Old A&D, 7:00
and 10:00) Arguably the best of Kuro-
sawa's film's, this grand epic has ex-
citement, dynamic realism and stun-
ning visual movement, all of which
combine to make it a masterpiece of the
highest order.*
PTP - "Moby Dick," the American
classic is presented at Mendelssohn
Theatre 2, 8 p.m.
Musical Society - Rosinni's "Barber
of Seville" at Power Center at 3, 8 p.m.
Music - Lynne Lynch and Donald
Morelock, perform a variety of classi-
cal masterpieces including Men-
delssohn's "Allegro Brillante" at 4 p.m.
at the Recital Hall in the School of
Ark - Ed Trickett, ex-member of
The Golden Ring, plays mellow, sing-a-
long music at 8:30 p.m.
January 16
Written On the Wind (Angell Aud A,
9:10 only, free showing) A 1956 film by
little-known director Douglas Sirk.
Starring Lauren Bacall and Rock Hud-
Does'Koden (Old A&D, 8:00 only, free
showing) Another Kurosawa film.
Music - The Music School sponsors
the performance of selections by Bach,
Vivaldi, Handel. Rackham Auditorium
8:30 p.m.
Poetry - Philip Levine, Michigan-
born poet reads his poetry, much of it
dealing with Detroit and the area at the
Student Center Building of Wayne State
University at 8 p.m.
January 17
2001: A Space Odyssey (Angell Aud
A, 6:45 and 9:30) Kubrick's remarkable
film probes the questions of human pro-


gress and destiny, and remains a true
original. Many breath-takingly beauti-
fulsequences. ***%
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Old
A&D, 8:00 only, free showing) This
silent, German expressionist classic is
a beautifully-crafted vision of chilling
horror and suspense. ***
Fireman's 'Ball (MLB 3, 7:00, 8:30
and 10:00) An early film by the director
of Cuckoo's Nest. Could be interesting.
A Streetcar Named Desire (Nat Sci
Aud, 7:00 and 9:30) Brando and Leigh
are magnificent in this superb adapta-
tion of the Tennessee -Williams play.
Elia Kazan directed. ****
Women - An all day conference dis-
cussing "New Research on Women:
Work, Family Roles and Support Sys-
tems," sponsored by the Center of Con-
tinuing Education for Women. Begins
at 9 a.m. at Rackham Aud. No advance
registration is necessary.
Environment - Friends of the Earth
presents a documentary on the non-
violent occupation of the proposed site
of a nuclear plant in Seabrook, New
Hampshire. The film, The Last Resort,
and speaker Kristie Conrad of the
Clamshell Alliance begins at 8 p.m. in
the Anderson Room of the Union.
Musical Society - The Hungarian
Folk Ballet of Budapest appears here
for the first time. The ensemble in-'
cludes 45 dancers, singers, and instru-
mentalists performing traditional Hun-
garian dances and songs. Power Cen-
ter,8 p.m.
wednes day
Cries and Whispers (Angell Aud A,
7:00, 8:40 and 10:00) Many consider this
to be Bergman's masterpiece, and in-
deed, it boasts fine performances by
Liv Ullman and Ingrid Thulin, as well
as a beautifully-photographed set of in-
teriors. Unfortunately, the characteri-
zations are manifestly shallow, and
Bergman's supposed insight into the
nature of "woman" is almost offen-
sive. **
The Last Picture Show (Nat Sci And,
7:00 and 9:00) By far the best film by
Peter Bogdonovich, this low-key and
perceptive examination of small-town
American life in the '50s has many a
fine moment. ***1/2
Shane (Old A&D, 7:00 and 9:15) A
Hopwood Progmm - Marge Percy, a
well-known novelist and poet, alumnus'
of the University of Michigan, is the
featured guest of the Hopwood Pro-
gram. Percy will speak at the under-
graduate Hopwood awards presenta-
tion. Rackham Amphitheatre, 4 p.m.
Citizen Kane (Old A&D, 7:00 and
9:05) Orson Welles' first and best film
never seems to lose its freshness and
vitality. For those who haven't seen it,
a must-see. ****
Music - The 33rd Annual Conference
of Vocal and Instrumental Music pre-
sents a concert at Hill Auditorium. 8
Basketball - The University of Mich-
igan men's basketball team takes on
Wisconsin at Crisler Arena at 8:05 p.m.
Second Chance - The Raisins play

their own brand of "Grape Nuts" rock
through Sunday. All next week, the
disco group Thunder, led by two superb
black vocalists, will be featured. The
cover charge varies.
Abigail's - Mugsy goes punk with
Iggy, the Stranglers, and others while
also playing more traditional rock for-
ms this weekend. The cover charge is
Roadhouse - Three Ring Circus, the
RinglingBros. with Les Pauls and Mar-
shall stacks, performs this weekend.
Cover charge is $2.00.
Underground - Stutz, those rockers
out of the northern tundra of Canada,
plays the top of the pop charts this.
weekend. Cover charge is $1.00.
Blind Pig - Blind John Davis sings
the blues this weekend. Club regular
Boogie Woogie Red plays the blues in-
spired by the assembly line on Monday.
Thursday, The Other Side with Larry
Manderville plays mainstream jazz.
The cover charge is $1.50 on weekends
and $1.00 during the week.
Mr. Flood's - Country Folk performs
a mixture of C&W and Folk this week-
end. $1.50 cover charge.

Frank Capra's 1939
"What makes grass green" wonders JAMES STEWART, banker's son, as he
ponders his former ambitions. JEAN ARTHUR and her wacky poor family make
him question even more of his family's rich, stuffy stuffy ways. A farce of
philosophy and life style based on Kaufman & Hart's rip roaring comedy. Also
starring LIONEL BARRYMORE in one of his funniest roles and SPRING
CINEMA GUILD 7:OOa9:16 Admission$1.50

The essentials can be so fine, yet take up so little
of your space or budget. Come and listen!


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