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April 01, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-04-01

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See Editorial Page

crMIE it pprn.

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See Today for details

10 Pages

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 144

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 1, 1978

Ten Cents

10 Pages


Wheeler, Beicher try it

Regardless of who wins Monday's
mayoral contest, incumbent Democrat
Albert Wheeler will have ensured him-
self a spot in the city's record books as
the only person who has run for mayor
three times in just four years.
And if either Wheeler or his
Republican challenger Louis Belcher is
declared a clear-cut winner Monday
night it will set another record - it will
mark the first time since 1973 that the
voters will know immediately who they
have elected.
IN 1975, Wheeler was apparently
defeated by incumbent Republican
James Stephenson. However, because
of the controversial preferential voting
system, -which allowed voters to in-
dicate a second choice, Wheeler was
later awarded enough votes to make

him mayor. The victory came only af-
ter a three-month court battle and the
controversial preferential voting
system was defeated by the voters the
next year.
Wheeler's days in court, however,
had just begun. After last year's twice
recounted one-vote win, Belcher filed
suit charging Wheeler was holding the
mayor's seat illegally.
This past February, 10 months after
the election, visiting judge James.
Kelley ruled that the candidates' names
should be placed on Monday's ballot for
the voters to decide who should serve
the last year of the two-year mayoral
BECAUSE OF time constraints'
which have kept the candidates from
raising as much money as last year,
this campaign has been considerably
more low-key than last year's contest.

The major mode of communicating
with the voters this time around has
been public debates, and door-to-door
WHEN HE IS not busy with his
mayoral duties, the 62-year-old
Wheeler is a professor of Microbiology
here at the University, a job he has held
for the past 25 years. He insists that his
affiliation with the U does not pose any
conflict of interest with his job as
"I don't let the 'U' buy my soul or tell
me in any way what to do," Wheeler
said. "That's who I am and what I am
and they know it."
Belcher, 38, is a management con-
sultant for the First Ann Arbor Cor-
poration and teaches small business
management at a number of local
"LET'S FACE it, city government

begins right here," Belcher said. "If
you want to take the glory, you've got to
take the heavies too."
Like many of the Council candidates
this year, Belcher sees Ann Arbor's
most critical problem as the condition
of the city's streets.
"I just couldn't believe that we were
paying $1,800 a year in property taxes
and we couldn't even get our potholes
fixed," he said. "It is just inconceivable
to me that what was supposedly the
Athens of the 'west, and the symbol of
everything great in the midwest
couldn't even fix its potholes."
WHEELER SAYS his first priority is
not streets, but getting a new
wastewater treatment plant so the city
can expand its sewer capacity and stop
polluting the Huron River.
"If we don't get that treatment cen-
See MAYORAL, Page 3

I Iu're s no iray,)rirtlte e eopers4
cani Gutild ite Iind (of husing ice
toei'ed ril ho tsIfederalI inceEiil ires."
--Albert Jjiit'eh#'r

the' housinig 1rohh'ois to Ingelt/Irirumf'
developer is in here ..
- I'mniis lIh'Ither






of South Africa

The Michigan State University (MSU)
Board of Trustees voted unanimously
yesterday to take "prudent" action to
ultimately cut all business ties with
MSU will drop any investment in
companies operating in South Africa as
soon as it is "in the best interests of the
University (MSU), unless the trustees
receive sufficient evidence or assuran-
ces" that the companies plan to pull out'
of the country by Dec. 1, according to
Raymond Krolikowski, one of the seven
Trustees who approved the resolution.
BUT KROLIKOWSKI stressed that
"the resolution is conditioned on a
prudent divestiture." He said
"prudent" meant, "we must be
satisfied that it is the best interests of
the University (MSU) if we do
The resolution also called for the
withdrawal of funds and halting further
investments with banks granting or
renewing loans to South Africa. "They
have to grant a new loan" in order to
lose MSU investment, said
Krolikowski said MSU's stocks total
about $10 million. According to the
United Press International, that $10
million is invested in 20 companies in-
cluding Ford Motor Co., Dow Chemical
Co., and General Motors Corp.
THE MSU resolution was designed to
cut off support to South Africa in
protest of its system of racial segrega-
tion called apartheid. The measure is
among the most strongly worded
statements among the resolutions
passed by universities and 9ther in-
stitutions around the country recently
which censure the apartheid practice.
Another trustee, Donald Stevens, said
that the resolution "included a
r provision that directs the University
(MSU) to explore all of the corporations
and their track record" through a
e faculty-student committee appointed
y by the Trustees.
0 Stevens echoed Krolikowski's

"prudent" condition. "If you sell stocks
you are going to sell them at the best
possible time within the limits of time
arrived at by the (faculty) commit-
BOTH OF THE Trustees refused to
speculate how long it might be before
MSU has no business ties with South
Africa or to compare their resolution
with a measure passed unanimously by
the Trustees' counterparts at this
University on March 16.
At their March meeting, the Univer-
sity Regents adopted a three-page
resolution calling for the University to
assume responsibility for voting at
shareholder meetings and to send let-

ters to corporations asking them to af-
firm the anti-discriminatory Sullivan
principles. The MSU resolution appears
to be much closer to a complete
divestment statement than the Univer-
sity resolution.
Norman Herbert, of the University
investment office, said this week that
the University has, been "reviewing the
various proxy statements" made
available by corporations and is almost
finished drafting the letters that will be
sent to all of the corporations in South.
Africa with, which the University has
financial ties. The University has ap-
proximately $80.5 million worth of
stocks and bonds tied to South Africa.
See MSU, Page 2

Carter 's visit to

A lick of spring "aiy "o"o
Ice cream became a popular favorite yesterday afternoon as the temperature hit 600. Similar crowds in cutoffs and
culottes appeared all over campus as Ann Arborites seem to be convinced that winter is finally over.
Peve l cattle on Mch
farm again exceedS state limit

Nige rio0
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - President
Carter arrived yesterday in black
Africa on the first state visit by an
American chief of state amid official
reports that Cuban troops are playing a
new combat role on this continent.
The President was met by Olusegun
Obasanjo, the general running
Nigeria's military government. They
will confer on efforts to bring black
majority rule to Southern Africa, the
U.S.-Nigerian relationship and Cuban.
and Soviet activity in the Horn of
AN ADMINiSTRATION official said
the White House has increased its
estimate of the number of Cuban troops
in Ethiopia from 11,000 six weeks ago to
16,000 or 17,000 now. The new figures
represent a revised estimate, not an in-
crease in the number of troops.
The official, who declined to be iden-
tified, told reporters on Carter's plane
en route to Lagos that the troops are

being deployed against Eritreans
fighting to break their former Italian
colony away from Ethiopia.
Carter's visit to Africa is aimed at
showing new U.S. recognition of the
importance of developing nations on the
subcontinent. The President also 'will
visit Liberia, on Africa's south Atlantic
PRESIDENT Franklin Roosevelt
stopped in Liberia in 1943 on his way
home from the Casablanca Conference.
He had lunch with then-President Ed-
win Barclay, but Roosevelt's brief hop
to this World War II refueling point was
not considered a state visit.
During his stay in Lagos, Carter
might meet with Joshua 'Nkomo, a
leader of black guerrillas attempting to
overthrow the Rhodesian government
headed by white Prime Minister Ian
British and American sources in
See CARTER'S, Page 3

One Calhoun County farm has been
branded recontaminated with PBB
(polybrominated -biphenals), and ap-
proximately 30 other Michigan farms
exposed to similar levels of PBB may
be in the same position.
Meanwhile, the University's School of
Public Health continues to conduct
telephone . interviews with 6,000
Michigan families who might have been
exposed to low levels of the chemical.
FOR SIX WEEDS a veterinarian has
been testing the herd of Frederick
Halbert in Calhoun in an attempt to
discover the sources of the recon-
tamination. Halbert's livestock was ex-
terminated after the state set limits for
PBB concentration at 20 parts per
billion following the 1973 spill of the
toxic fire retardant. Halbert, a
biochemist as well as a farmer, said 40
percent of his new stock, purchased out-
of-state, are exhibiting PBB levels
above state limits.
" It's the Daily's turn to lampoon
itself when the April Fool's Day
issue makes its annual appear-
ance on the back page.
" Those fat-cat Yankees have
more bang for their bucks, and
they're picked to lead this year's

Jerry Dunn, a Michigan Department
of Agriculture spokesman, speculated
that Halbert might have retained some
young animals which were
unknowingly contaminated.
" Other possible origins of the recon-
tamination, according to Dunn, are
feed conveyors, plants, soil and residue
inherited from animals whose concen-
trations did not violate state standards.
HOWEVER, DUNN was optimistic
about preventing further human health
problems. "We are identifying the
(contaminated) animals, we have a
testing program and we're keeping
PBB out of the food chain," he said.
He said the other farms that might be
recontaminated are undergoing tests.
All Michigan meat and milk products
are being monitored, and levels above

five parts per billion dictate their
Dean Richard Remington of the
Pubic Health School said yesterday
that the telephone survey is expected to
be expanded to all Michigan resident
to determine PBB influence on health
trends. Statistics from hospitals
causes of death, and other data taken
prior to 1972 and after 1973 are being
compared to draw conclusions abou
PBB effects. The study is part of a $2.:
million research program on the effect
of PBB on public health.
Remington reported an 80 percen
response rate to the telephone probe
but was less confident about turnout fo
clinical examinations. He said if suf
ficient funds are available, direct-hous
See MORE, Page 3


Israel, Egypt still apart

Pursell pushes for
laser fusion funds

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Israel and
Egypt remain deeply divided on how to
achieve peace, President Anwar Sadat
said yesterday after ending talks with
Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weiz-
Weizman continued to express hope
for an eventual Mideast settlement. He
flew back to Israel, conferred with
Prime Minister Menachem Begin and'
then told reporters: "I've never been a'
pessimist in my life, and I'm not now."
SADAT TOLD 70 visiting U.S.
business executives after his second
meeting with Weizman in two days:
"Until this moment really, there is a
very severe difference and it is mainly
in the field of solving the Palestinian
Egypt has demanded self deter-
mination for Palestinians in the Israeli-
occupied West Bank of the Jordan
River, a principle that could lead to
creation of an independent Palestinian
state. Israel rejects that idea and has
suggested a degree of autonomy for the
m-4# Ran Arnc wit n mn mmnnp

Sadat told the business executives.
Still, he added, "Let us hope that in
the future and by keeping in contact
and with the help of President Carter
... that we can reach one language and
give momentum to the peace process."
Cairo Radio said Sadat sent Carter a
letter yesterday about the meeting, his
first with an Israeli official in two mon-
CAIRO RADIO said Israel's oc-
cupation of south Lebanon was among
the matters Sadat and Weizman
discussed in their first meeting, and a
presidential spokesman said Friday's
discussion was a "continuation of the
consultations started Thursday."
The radio said Weizman assured
Sadat that Israel's troops would be
withdrawn as soon as the U.N.
peacekeeping force was fully deployed
in south Lebanon, where a cease-fire
between the Israelis and Palestinian
guerrillas appeared to be holding
In Beirut, Lebanese Foreign Minister
Lam- A n..1 4 ..1A l ro fc nTT N

over a key bridge across the Litani
River to the international force.
Guerrillas and Lebanese leftists
retain control of the Qasmieh Bridge on
the coastal highway, the only route to
Tyre from the north not controlled by
Israeli or U.N. forces. The U.N. troops
hold two inland bridges on the Litani,
northern limit of the Israeli advance.

Congressman Carl Pursell is sponsor-
ing a bill which would add $8.8 million
of government funds towards the
development of alternative energy
programs. If the bill passes, $3.8 million
will be given to KMS Fusion of Ann Ar-
bor for researching laser fusion as a
potential energy source. .
r _ _.t ,, ...,1. . f n Unty

fusion is coming closer to meeting those
four criteria than any other energy
Laserfusion is achieved by fusing
hydrogen atoms with helium atoms. In
the process, energy is released.
The bill is presently in the House and
still have to pass the Senate but Pursell
says it will pass.
The major hurdle blocking the bill

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