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March 31, 1978 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-03-31

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At last! Netters take to the court

Way back in September of last year,
the youthful Michigan women's tennis
team first took to the court, preparing
for the upcoming season.
Since that day coach John Atwood's
netters have logged more courttime
than F. Lee Bailey and Charles Finley
put together, supplying their own com-
petition for each other.
is slated to face somebody else-or
three other teams, to be exact-in the
first meet of the season. The Wolver-
ines will be in Madison, competing
in the Wisconsin Quadrangular against
Northwestern,' Michigan State and the
hosting Badgers.
And, according to their top player,

it's about time.
"I'll sure be glad to get off this sur-
face for a change," said first singles
player Kathy Karzen of the Track/Ten-
nis Building's tartan. "We haven't
played enough matches to test our
strength and get what we call tour-
THE REST of the team shares Kar-
zen's opinion.
"I'll be glad to play some different
people," said Sue Weber, the creme of a
superb recruiting crop. "It's easy to get
into a rut playing amongst ourselves all
the time. You know each other's game
so well, plus they're all your friends."
Karzen, the first singles player most
of last year, had quite a duel with
Weber to retain that distinction this

time around. In fact the spot was still
up for grabs until yesterday, when Kar-
zen topped the newcomer from Reston,
Va., 6-3, 7-6 in a challenge match.
Weber moves to second singles for the
two-day Quad.
"FIRST SINGLES has got a lot of
prestige to it," commented Karzen.
"But this is a good solid team, and with
our depth, anyone from one through six
could play it on any given day."
Playing behind Karzen and Weber
this weekend are Kathy Krickstein,
Leticia Diaz-Perez, Ann Kercher, Lisa
Wood and Elaine Crosby. Karzen and
Kercher will team up in the first
doubles slot, followed by Weber/Diaz-
Perez and Krickstein/Wood.
Of the seven players, four are fresh-


Gridders grind while Bo strolls

Spring football practice, says Coach
Bo Schembechler, is the time when his
staff has the most opportunity to con-
centrate on the development of in-
dividual player skills.
This means that a great deal of time
is spent with individual drills, broken
down by position. At Michigan Stadium,
where the team has been working out to
avoid the disruptive - spring winds,
Schembechler and his assistants have
been systematically running the squad
through the fundamentals.
A STROLL AROUND the stadium
along row one puts the observer just a
few feet away from the specialty
stations scattered about the field.
"In your hands, in your hands,"
shouts the defensive back coach at his
charges. They are running through
pass catching drills and are taught,
through endless repetition, not to catch
)the ball against their bodies.

Later, the backs go through one on
one tackling drills, perfecting their
positioning on their tackles. "Face in
the chest, head inside and up," the
coach exhorts.
IN THE NORTH end zone, the outside
linebackers are practicing dropping off
into zones in passing situations.
"Look," said a coach, "behind you
there is the safety and the strong half-
back. This area (in front of you) is the
most open, you got it?"
Along the west sideline the defensive'
linemen are working on positioning and
rushing. "The outfielder knows what he
wants to do with the ball on a single
with men on second and third. It's got to
be concentration, explains a coach.
"Goddammit," he screams a moment
later when one of his linemen false star-
ts across the line.
THE SOUTH END zone is the domain
of the offensive backs. The option is the
subject of the lesson, with B. J. Dickey
filling in at the number one quarter-

Blue crossers cruise

back spot for the absent Rick Leach.
The frigid weather is making the ball
hard to handle, and the offensive back-
field coaches are steaming as the back-
field teams have their problems
executing with the expected degree of
The hardest hitting of the specialty
drills takes place in the pits, as the two
teams of offensive linemen take turns
moving out a team of defenders. The
crack of pads slamming together is
startlingly loud, echoing across the
vacant rows of the stadium.
On the "snap", the crouched for-
mation of the biggest young men on the
field springs into action, executing a
variety of blocking assignments. "Both
of you ends are too soft," shouts a
coach. "Unload on that defensive end!"
THROUGHOUT these specialty
drills, Schembechler strolls slowly
from station to station, shouting a
comment or training his eye on a
specific player. The tension noticeably
rises when the head coach is looking on.
The players are anxious to perform
well before the main man, and the
coaches will tolerate no mistakes from
their charges. These practices are
serious business..
So what appears to be eleven
Wolverines on the field out-toughing
their opponents each Saturday is
revealed in practice to be much more
than that. The remarkably extensive
training these athletes go through con-
ditions them, making the correct
response to a situation an essentially
instinctive one.
It is the combination of the players'
talent and the preparation the coaches
give them that makes for the gridiron
success Michigan has enjoyed.
The men's tennis match with Southern
Illinois University-Edwardsville was'.
canceled due to the abundance of in-
juries and sickness on the SIU team.
The match was scheduled for tonight at
7 p.m. in the Track and Tennis
Building. Michigan's netters will still
play Kentucky tomorrow night at 7 in
the same building.
* * *
All those interested in being football
managers for the .1978 season contact
Mark Andrews at 995-4825.

women (Weber, Krickstein, Diaz-Perez
and Wood). In addition, another first-
year Wolverine, Wit Stodghill, will be
on the sidelines temporarily with a
stress fracture. Stodghill had played
her way to the number five spot prior to
her injury.
WITH A TEAM that seems like it
should still be wet behind the ears, the'
natural assumption would be to write
this year off at the start for rebuilding
purposes. But Atwood certainly doesn't
see things that way.
"It would seem to be the case, but not
here," he said. "Our freshmen are
every bit as experienced as the rest. In
ofact, I can guarantee that Susan Weber
has played in more competitive mat-
ches than anyone else on the team."
Weber, indeed, has taken heavy doses
of competitive tennis for the past five
years, averaging approximately 15
tournaments per year since she was 14
years old. Likewise, Krickstein rarely
sets down her racquet, playing in U.S.
National tourneys for six years before
gaining considerable experience last
summer playing on a European circuit.
APPARENTLY, what the netters
lack in age, they more than make up for
in experience and talent. But the first
indication of what lies ahead will come
this weekend in Madison. Atwood ex-
pects the NU Wildcats to provide most
of the competition.
"Northwestern should be good," said
Atwood. "They'll put some pressure on
us. But if we play well, we should win."
Provided, of course, that their well-
rested competition racquets wake up in
a great big hurry. After all, this is the
first time in seven months that the net-
ters will be facing perfect strangers on
the other side of the net.,
San Antonio99. Cleveland 95
Milwaukee 105,Indiana 100
Washington 123, New York Knicks 108
Exhibition Baseball
DETROIT 3. Pittsburgh 1
Texas 6. Kansas City 5
'San Francisco7, Cleveland 4
Boston 8, New York Mets 0
Cincinnati 5. St. Louis 4
Toronto 3, Philadelphia 2
San Diego 7.California 2
Los Angeles 3, DETROIT 0
Boston 6. Pittsburgh 3

The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 31, 1978-Page 11
Wings in playoffs
despite 4-0, LA loss.
special to The Daily
DETROIT-For the Detroit Red Wings, last night's National Hockey
League action resulted in some good news and some bad news.
The bad news was that the Wings came off on the short end of a 4-0,
decision to the Los Angeles Kings at Olympia. The loss to the Kings, their,
Norris division arch rival, spoiled the Wings' plans to get-a solid grip on
second place. Instead they dropped into third while the Kings jumped a point
up in the race for second.
But the good news is that the Wings, on the strength of last night's Pitts-'
burgh 6-3 loss to Boston, have clinched the final wild card playoff berth;'
Their loss to Boston puts the Wings out of the Penguin's reach as they are 1
points up with just five games to go.
Detroit just couldn't get untracked at any time during the game. They.
could manage only a meager 13 shots on goal for the entire contest.
The Kings came out flying and the Wings just couldn't keep up with the '
hustling purple and gold. The Detroit defense was continually confounded by.s,
the swerving pass plays that LA worked in the Detroit end.
The Kings grabbed the lead at 10:21 of the first period as Mike Murphy'
banged in his 18th goal of the year. He rammed home the puck after being '
fed by Butch Goring, who was handed the puck by Detroit's Billy Lochead.
It was more of the same in the second period, as Syl Apps tipped in a-
pass from Hiagland Monahan as he stood alone in front of the Detroit net.
Red Wing Jean Hamel was the culprit on the next goal, as he fanned on a
clearing pass deep in the Red Wings' end. Butch Goring alertly slid a quick
pass to Tommy Williams, who buried a slapper in the lower right corner.
Marcel Dionne picked up the final King tally, his 32nd of the year, on a,
hard high drive from the right side.
Rob Palmer, a former member of the University of Michigan hockey
team, dressed for the Kings but saw no action.
It was sloppy play all around that caused Detroit's first loss in their last
ten games at Olympia.
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Michigan State's varsity lacrosse
team was no match for this year's
Wolverine club team at Elbel Field
Wednesday night. The Blue took their
outclassed opponents into the locker
rooms at halftime leading 6-2.
Thesecond half was more of the same.
as the many Michigan midfielders
shared playing time, totally outhustled
the tired Spartans, and kept up
ferocious pressure throughout the half
on their way to a 12-3 home field romp.
Michigan coach Bob Di Giovanni
wasn't overly satisfied with the big win
however. "There were a lot of
problems," he said after the game.
"The field was muddy and torn up and
the lights were bad. But there are a lot
of fundamental things we still aren't
doing well, just little things like picking
up loose balls and passing. I'd have to
say we played a poor game and won on
superior skill." -
There was a lot of talk on the team
about the unsatisfactory playing con-
ditions. The game was supposed to be
played on the Tartan Turf just south of
Yost, where the field is dry and the
lights adequate. But the lines there had
been freshly painted and the location
was changed at the last minute to the
mud at Elbel Field.
To the winners goes the Bagattaway
trophy, the annual prize for this game.
From the roughness of play it was easy
to see that each team wanted it pretty
badly. "That was probably' the best
checking we've seen in a Big Ten game
this year," commented Di Giovanni.
The Michigan scoring parade was led
by Chris Phillips with four goals and
two assists. Bobby Fleischman had
three goals and a pair of assists.
Rick Bays scored three times, in-
cluding twice in rapid succession from
the same spot in the third quarter. Both
shots were blistering overhanders that
the State goalie might have regretted
saving if he had been able to reach

The lacrosse club's next game is
Saturday night on the Tartan Turf with
Indiana. Game time is 8:00.
Davis dominates
So what if most of the field entered in
the Cape Coral Intercollegiate a has
played year-round. Doug Davis doesn't
mind. His rounds of 72-67 give him a
one-stroke lead at the midway point,
and puts the Wolverines in ninth place
Host team University of Florida is the
runaway leader with a 10-stroke lead
over second-place Jacksonville. After
that, things clog up as only one shot
separates each of the next six teams.
Michigan would be in third place had
not freshman Ed Humenik signed an
incorrect scorecard and had his first
round 76 disqualified. That forced the
Wolverines to settle for Rod Pafford's
83 and consequently knock them seven
strokes further back.
-Daily Sports


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