See Editorial Page
i ai1
High-57 T
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No, 143
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 31, 1978
Ten Cents
12 Pages
1. .1
Carter feels Begin
can ne
RIO DE JANIERO, Brazil (AP) -.
President Carter, stalked on his Third
World tour by problems in the Middle
East, said yesterday, he is confident
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin can negotiate peace with his
Arab neighbors.
At the same time, Carter grappled
with problems back home, saying price
hikes posted by major U.S. steel
producers are a serious blow to his an-
ti-inflation program. He said he will
announce new steps to control inflation
when he returns to Washington.
CARTER SPOKE at a news con-
ference in Brasilia before flying to Rio
de Janeiro with his wife, daughter Amy
and top foreign policy advisers, the
third stop on his seven-day tour of
developing countries in Latin America
and Africa. .
The news conference in Brasilia,
televised throughout Brazil and in the
United States, was Carter's second
formal away-from-home meeting with
reporters since he took office. His first
was last Dec. 30 during a visit to
The questions in Brasilia alternated
between Brazilian and U.S. reporters.
Carter wore an earphone to provide
him with a simultaneous translation
from Portuguese, which is spoken in
Brazil. The President said he still has
not found a way to hurdle the biggest
obstacle to a negotiated settlement in
the Middle East - Begin's refusal to
commit his government to ultimate
withdrawal from occupiediArab lands.
BUT CARTER denied reports at
home and in Jerusalem that officials in
his administration have said Begin
stands in the way of any settlement and
that peace prospects would be better
without him.
"I can say unequivocally that no one
in any position of responsibility in the
See CARTER, Page 12
No progress in
Mideast talks
The hole to China? Daily Photo by.ANDY FREEBERC
Actually we're not exactly sure where it leads to. You can use your imagination, but considering this is the view
overlooking the court yard in the Dental Building, it may be hard to come up with an answer that's better than ours.
Ward focuses onpotholes
As in several other wards this year,
the City Council campaign in the Fifth
Ward has skipped by the usual partisan
skirmishing over traditional party dif-
ferences to a discussion of one central
issue-the horrendous condition of city
"I believe that the people of this town
want to see the streets repaired very
badly and as their representative I
have to see that done first," states
Republican candidate James Cmeirek.
CMEJREK CONTENDS that there is
"fat" in the city budget which could be
used towards the cost of road repairs.
city elections '78
He also favors investigating the
possibility of receiing state funds for
Joel Goldberg, the Democratic can-
didate, also suggest eliminating any
waste in the city budget but stresses,
that there are definitely not enough
funds there to solve the street problem.
Both candidates agree that the voters
will have to approve millages for road
See FOCUS, Page 5
CAIRO, Egypt (AP)-Ezar Weiz-
man's visit could be "a last chance" for
Israel to prove it wants peace, a high
Egyptian official said yesterday., No
progress was reported in the Israeli
defense minister's talks with President
Anwar Sadat on resuming deadlocked
The lack of progress was reported by
official Cairo radio. In a later broadcast
last night, it said Sadat was sending a
letter today to President Carter
outlining the results of the talks.
WEIZMAN WAS reported\ spending
the night here, but his schedule today
was not known.
Dr. Osama elsBax, Egypt's under-
secretary of state for foreign affairs,
said in Cairo the Weizman-Sadat
meeting did not mean Egypt and Israel
were "reopening the chapter of back-
and-forth negotiations" that ended with
the suspension of direct talks 10 weeks
Speaking while Weizman met with
Sadat at the presidential villa 15 miles,
north of Cairo, el-Bax said: "We are
simply giving the Begin government a
chance, which may be a last chance, to
prove to us and to the world at large
that it is changing its attitude because
in the absence of a significant change in.
the Israeli attitude no progress can be
achieved and no negotiations can. be
OTHER FOREIGN Ministry officials
said unusual government, restrictions
on press coverage were apparently an
effort "not to give more importance
than is merited to the Weizman trip."
Reporters were kept far from both. the
Sadat-Weizman conference and a later
meeting the Israeli delegation held with
top Egyptian military officials.
Cairo radio said Sadat and Weizman
also discussed Israel's occupation of
south Lebanon- and Weizman assured
the Egyptian leader Israeli forces
would withdraw as soon as the U.N.
peacekeeping contingent is fully
The cease-fire between Palestinian
guerrillas and Israeli troops appeared
to be holding yesterday in most of south
Lebanon. But there were reports
guerrillas were refusing to allow U.N.
peacekeeping troops to take over two
See MIDEAST, Page 12
* The Coalition for Better
Housing yesterday announced
the winner in its "Worst Lease
Contract." See story, Page 2.
" If you're on the Pill and
smoking cigarettes, don't expect
to remain in the best of health.
See story, Page 9.
" A Republican has announced
her write-in candidacy for the
Second Ward City Council . . .
and the election is only three
days away! See story, Page 12.
For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.
(me jrek
High times expected
at 7th Hash Bash
Once again, there will be high times
on the Diag. For the seventh year in a
row, an assortment of scruffy high
school kids, somewhat bemused
collegiate types and harrassed Ann Ar-
bor cops will congregate before the
University's Graduate Library for that
annual rite of spring - the Hash Bash.
"We anticipate an orderly, happy-go-
lucky crowd," says Ann Arbor police
major Walter Hawkins with tongue
firmly in cheek. "We see no need for a
concentrated effort by the 30 or 40
'police who will be present to arrest pot
HAWKINS SAYS those caught
smoking will have to pay a $5 fine under
city ordinances, but "if a kid has less
than two grams, we'd probably knock it
off as a simple misdemeanor."
Adds Ann Arborofficer Kerry Smith:
"We plan to cause as little problem as
possible without letting, them walk
away with the town."
Hawkins estimates that the size of the
crowd this year may be either larger or
smaller than usual due to the fact that
the Bash will be held on a Saturday
for the first time ever.
"News travels faster when students
are in organized classrooms,"
speculates Hawkins in forecasting
reduced attendance at the smoke-in.
ANN ARBOR Pioneer High principal
Milo White agrees with Hawkins.
See HIGH, Page 2
St. James
Margo St. James was a prostitute.
Four years ago she "became aware of
the complete hypocrisy in
prostitution," became an "enlightened
feminist," and now says she 'could
never turn another trick as long as I
After her change of heart, St. James
advocated the need for recognition of
the rights of prostitutes and founded
COYOTE (Call Off Your Old, Tired
CONTENTS OF THIS STUDENT sampler kit are surely enough to fill anyone's medicine cabinet. You'll get the whole
menagerie free if you live in University housing next fall.
The great- giveaway
Dorm dw
For those dormitory dwellers who
think all, the frills are gone from
University housing, there's a surprise
in store next fall.
'116.++-+ A -f - - ofthd rIn.
ellers to gel
throughout the country. Based out of
Knoxville, Tennessee, the corporation +
was formed in 1969 by four University
of Tennessee graduates who, while in
college, published a magazine for in-
nnmint O narintc °
soliciting its magazine advertisers to
donate their products for the sampler.
The scheme worked. Teri schools par-
ticipated in the trial run last year and
next fall the University will be among
400 universities in the nrogram. which