NEW FIRE FOR MSA See Editorial Page E t t i Ui1Q ETHEREAL High-53 Low-40 See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 30, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages APPLICANT DENIED NEWBERRY RD POST: Sex is the By RICHARD BERKE Maybe it was a boring life at Bursley that gave Richard Khederian the idea of surroun- ding himself with women. Whatever the reason, the junior journalism major applied in January for the Resident Director (RD) position at the all-female Helen Newberry Residence. But that's only where the story begins. Khederian was denied the RD job on groun- ds that his qualifications weren't adequate and has filed a grievance with the University Housing Office charging that he was discriminated against because of his gender. He vows to take the matter to court if his ap- plication isn't given fair reconsideration and has asked that the University pay him com- pensation for the 1978-79 Helen Newberry RD salary he says is rightfully his. KHEDERIAN submitted his application along with seven others to Leon West, West Quad building director. West then sent the applicatioris to Donna Britt, current Newberry I D and head of the selection com- mittee for her successor. Housing Office reason* Guidelines dictate that all Newberry plications originate in West Quad. Britt said after scanning Khederian's plication she found his qualifications not u par with the other applicants, so she ca West for advice on whether she should in Khederian for an interview with the selec committee. According to Britt, West told to eliminate Khederian from consideratioi But Khederian said qualifications wer the basis for his rejection. He said he con ted West in February, asking why he rejected and West admitted to discrimina reasons. "MR. WEST ASKED me if I was as nai to believe that I would ever be granted the position in an all-female dormito Khederian said in his grievance. "Mr.I told me that he had discriminated agains and that his action was in violation of He Education and Welfare guidelines." West declined comment on the matter Britt emphasized that Khederian was tu away only because of his lack qualifications. Male says - apm "If he had been a more qualified man (the situation) would have been different," said ap- Newberry RD Britt. "I asked West what to do p to and he said I didn't have to interview lled anybody." ivite BRITT POINTED out that six of the other tion RD applicants were graduate students and her the seventh is currently a resident adviser at n. Newberry..Khederian has never held a ren't residence staff position. itac- Charlene Coady, assistant housing director, was said a single male has never been hired on the tory residence staff at either Newberry or Betsy Barbour, its sister women's residence. But ve as Coady said if the male was best qualified for a e RD position, "He'd be eligible." ry," Khederian said West's alleged comments West and the fact that he wasn't interviewed by the t me Newberry staff selection committee are the alth, basis for his grievance. "IF THEY HAD interviewed me and said, Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE ,but 'Richard, you have certain problems,' that rned would have been the end of it," the student Things seemed sedate last night at Helen Newberry, where Carol Rosey and Rochelle Hrigora were of said. "I was cheated as far as the due process studying. But Richard Kherderian's attemt to be hired as Resident Director at the all-women's residence See SEX, Page 2 should liven things up. Carter, in Brazil, urges human rights BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) - President Carter arrived yesterday in Brazil and told the four-star general who heads its government that all nations must recognize their shor- tcomings in human rights and can use atomic power without adding to the world's nuclear arsenal. Both are touchy subjects in this largest nation in South America, the second Carter has visited on his first trip to Latin America as president. BRAZIL HAS CANCELED military agreements with the United States because of Carter's human rights crusade. And the Brazilian military government has said it will go ahead with the purchase of a nuclear processing plant from West Germany despite American expressions of concern that it could be used to make atomic weapons. "Today all of us are joining in the worldwide struggle to advance the cause of human freedom and the rule of law," Carter said during his arrival ceremony at Brasilia Inter- national Airport. "This is a struggle that will prevail only when we are willing'to recognize our own limitations and to speak to each other frankly and with understanding." Then, referring to the danger of nuclear weaponry, the president declared: "Both our nations are turning to nuclear power as one of the answers to our energy problems, and we both believe that peaceful use of atomic power is not incom- patible with the need to prevent nuclear proliferation." HIS STATEMENTS seemed less blunt than others he has made at home on both issues. Carter told oil-rich Venezuela earlier in the day that major petroleum exporting nations must share their wealth with poor nations of the world "to meet the human needs of the world's people." The president made the statement in a major address to Venezuela's national congress before meeting for a second day with President Carlos Andres Perez. Carter wants Perez to hold down oil prices. Venezuela is the third largest supplier EgytIsrael of oil to the United States. After the talks, Carter, his wife Rosalynn, 10-year'old daughter Amy and top U.S. officials including national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance left in the presidential jet, Air Force One, for Brazil's capital of Brasilia. They will fly to Rio de Janeiro today. FROM BRAZIL, the presidential party flies across the Atlantic, where Carter will become the first American president to make a state visit to black Africa. He will confer with leaders in Nigeria and Liberia before returning to Washington early next week. In Brazil, two key parts of Carter's foreign policy - his human rights crusade and his efforts to curb the spread of nuclear weapons - are under attack. Administration of- ficials traveling with the president, who asked not to be iden- tified, said they expected both issues to come up in two days of talks with President Ernesto Geisel. Time for discussions with Geisel was set aside in late af- ternoon, during a working dinner and after a Carter news conference, to be televised live by ABC and NBC in the United States at 7 a.m. EST today. The talks marked Carter's first meeting with the Brazilian chief of state. ONE ADMINISTRATION official said Carter did not-in- tend to "get into specifics of what is going on within Brazil" on human rights. "We certainly don't expect to determine the course of what is going to go on in Brazil," the official said. "I don't expect in the short term the visit will have any discer- nable impact within Brazil." Geisel, the fourth general to govern Brazil since a military coup in 1964, has responded bitterly to Carter's human rights stand. He has refused U.S. military aid-and canceled military accords because of an American requirement that aid recipients show good marks on human rights. SThursday ~- -AP Photo PRESIDENT CARTER reviews troops upon his arrival in Brazilia, Brazil yesterday. Carter expressed concern over the Brazilian military's plans to purchase a nuclear processing plant from West Germany. 4th Ward e lnes are drawn By R.J. SMITH and SHELLEY WOLSON Political observers often see the lack of essential differences between op- posing candidates as a major problem for voters seeking the most qualified person to represent them. But this should pose no difficulty for the elec- torate in the city's Fourth Ward which will choose between two candidates with widely differing views when they go to the polls April 3. Vying for the Fourth Ward Council seat vacated by retiring Democrat James Kenworthy are political veteran Democrat Leroy Cappaert and Republican newcomer David Fisher. A FAMILIAR face incity political circles, Cappaert served on Council from 1964 to 1970 as a representative of the old Fifth Ward, as well as manager of Mayor Albert Wheeler's re-election campaign last year. Fisher, a former Wolverine football star, is a 15-year resident of Ann Arbor. A Certified Public Accountant and civil engineer, Fisher said his love for the city spurred him to enter this, his first political race. With the annual debate over the con- dition of city roads peaking following the severe winter, both candidates see street repairs as a major issue. Fisher said road repairs represent the most important issue Council must handle. "I DON'T CARE whether you walk, ride a bicycle or drive a car; you almost feel like you were in a war zone," he said of street conditions. While Cappaert sees street repairs as an important issue, he also views it as a problem which will always exist. "Potholes are a glamorous issue right now," he said, "but they are not the be all and end all of our needs." The two candidates disagree strongly on the other end of the transportation spectrum - mass transit. Fisher said he believes the city's bus system and Dial-a-Ride service are ineffective. He would like to see the city system modeled after the University's. FISHER ALSO favors increased parking facilities in the downtown area and if elected, would work on Council to accomplish this. Cappaert conceded there are problems with the city's mass transit system but said he prefers to concen- trate Council effort on improving them rather than expanding parking for automobiles. "It's popular to want to kill Dial-A-Ride, but I'd much rather push Dial-A-Ride - cars are a helluva lot more costly." Results of the Fourth Ward race are See 4th, Page 7 l- J tore-open. JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel will He then send Defense Minister Ezer Weizman opposition to Egypt today to reopen the direct stand on t Mideast peace talks that were suspen- ds - onec ded two months ago, Israeli radio and betweenI Egyptian sources said yesterday. and betw The reports here and in Cairo in- Arab neig dicated Israel was undertaking 'a new It wasa diplomatic initiative following Prime Egyptian Minister Menachem Begin's tense talks there was with President Carter last week in stay, mil Washington, where the U.S. desire for The defer new Israeli accommodation with the on Feb Arabs was made manifest. arrangem Desert. STILL, Begin vowed in Parliament yesterday to continue resisting ISRAE American pressure. S talks saw his supporters beat back n attempts to soften Israel's he issue of occupied Arab Ian- of the major points of conflict Israel and its American ally, een the Jewish state and its ghbors. assumed Weizman would see President Anwar Sadat but no word on how long he would itary sources said in Cairo. nse minister last was in Egypt . 1 to discuss military rents in the occupied Sinai LI RADIO reported that the :_ecr..'.m n-, _age ; " There'll be American Indian music and dance this Saturday at Huron High School. Read about an Indian pow-wow on Page 3. * City officials around the country are saying that President Carter's $8.3 billion city aid package might not be enough. See the story on Page 7. * We've already told you that it'll be Pittsburgh in the NL East this year. We're just as sure that it'll be Cincinnati on the other side of the National League. Get the pitch on Page 9. 'Potholes are a glamorous issue right now, but they are not the be all and end all of our needs.' -Leroy Cappaert, Democrat 'I don't care whether you walk, ride a * bicycle or drive a car; you almost feel like you were in war zone.' --David Fisher, Republican I See EGP' , age 1 I I Mayoral candidates square off By JULIE ROVNER With only five weeks instead of the normal three months to splash their names around before Monday's special election, the two mayoral candidates have turned to the old- i V I