URBAN POLICY See Editorial Page S44icra i ailg TEPID High--46° Low-20* See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 141 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 29, 1978 Ten Cents 8 Pages CANDIDATES' VIEWS SIMILAR ............. Issues don't divide Third Ward By BRIAN BLANCHARD and JUDY RAKOWSKY In City Council chambers, Repub- licans and Democrats almost never see eye to eye. But Third Ward opponents Patrick Mitchell (D) and Clifford Sheldon (R) have to try their hardest just to disagree. While they do differ on the housing referenda, road improvement funding and parking structures, it's not sur- prising that they both consider their April 3 contest a toss-up, since they agree on nearly everything else. "MY OPPONENT and I agree on the issues and the solutions to the problems," said Mitchell. "I think Mitchell and I are closer on the issues than any other ward can- didates," echoed Sheldon. The candidates find themselves nod- ding their heads to what the other has to say about the need to improve road student-shy Third Ward which is boun- ded by Huron Parkway, Packard Rd., U.S. 23, and Glacier Way, and houses a sizeable segment of the city's Republican voters. The ward has never elected a Democrat, and incumbent city elections'78 "Four kids (students) with $150 each can out-price any black family right out," he said. Sheldon, on the other hand, said, "The message that we've been getting from the citizens is that road im- provement is the number one priority." ALTHOUGH THEY concur on the concept of fair renting, the two can- didates differ on the two housing referenda which will also appear on the ballot next week. The two ballot proposals are the "Truth in Renting Act," which prohibits landlords from including illegal or unenforceable clauses in their See ISSUES, Page 2 conditions, housing availability, city services, planning and citizen par- ticipation in zoning and land-use questions. MITCHELL and Sheldon are com- peting to represnt the spacious, Republican council member Roger Bertoia, who isn't seeking reelection, won two years ago by a 2000 vote margin out of only 5000 votes cast. Mitchell says housing is the Third Ward's most pressing problem. Mitchell Sheldon Guerrillas vow to fight UN. cease-fire BEAUFORT CASTLE, Lebanon (AP)-Yasser Arafat said yesterday that his Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) would extend "all our military capacities" to help U.N. peacekeeping troops in southern Lebanon disengage the Palestinians and invading Israeli forces. But radical guerrillas in the field, un- der Arafat's nominal but imperfect control, vowed to fight any U.N. attem- pt to impose a cease-fire in their two- week-old battle with the Israelis inside Lebanon. AND THE commander of the U.N. forces-Maj. Gen. Emmanuel Erskine of Ghana-said, despite Arafat's offer of cooperation -"Whether they vill stop firing or not, I can't tell." The complexity of the situation was further underlined when a U.N. spokesman in New York, reading a statement from Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, said: "Mr. Arafat in- formed me, through Gen. Erskine, of his acceptance of my call for a general cease-fire." Waldheim issued his ap- peal Monday after the Security Council made a similar call March 18. Arafat, speaking to Erskine before reporters after the two men met in Beirut, did not say specifically that his guerrillas would observe the cease-fire declared by Israel last Tuesday. NONETHELESS, only scattered shooting incidents were reported yester- day, after heavy clashes and artillery See PALESTINIANS, Page 8 Wednesday- " Guess who's going to win the NL East this year? The Pitts- burgh Pirates that's who. See the story on Page 7. " Fredrick Wagman, retiring University Library Director, tells the story of 25 years of service to us all. See story on Page 3. 1 For happenings, weather, see'Tdloca be fs,3 Carter. arrives in Venezuela Ar roto PRESIDENTS CARLOS ANDRES PEREZ and Jimmy Carter stand togethr in Caracas, Venezuela. The trip is Carter's first to Latin America. he was received warmly and delivered several speeches in Spanish. PLAN WOULD END FORCED RETIREMENT: CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Jim- my Carter, the most popular U.S. President in Latin America since John Kennedy, told Venezuelans yesterday that Senate approval of his Panama Canal treaties "will be a cause for celebration." Carter spoke in fluent Spanish during his arrival ceremony, surprising many on his first state visit to America's southern neighbors. He learned Spanish as a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy, and he made only a few small grammatical errors in his remarks. It was a welcome gesture in this Spanish-speaking nation. It also avoided repetition of embarrassing translation errors that plagued his visit earlier this year to Poland. Carter, his wife Rosalynn, 10-year-old daughter Amy and top American of- ficials, including Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and national security ad- viser Zbigniew Brzezinski, arrived shortly after noon EST aboard Air For- ce One, the blue and silver presidential jet. They will fly to Brazil today, then ride Air Force One across the Atlantic where Carter will become the first American chief executive to make a state visit to black Africa. He will visit Nigeria and Liberia. The President and his party will return to Washington early next week. Shortly after his arrival at the Caracas airport, named for national hero Simon Bolivar, Carter placed a wreath at Bolivar's tomb in the nave of the National Pantheon, a century-old State bill anger By MITCH CANTOR A bill now pending in the state Senate which would outlaw mandatory retirement has sparked opposition from several University professors. The legislation, introduced by Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) passed the House last January by a 97-2 vote. It is now in the Senate Health, Social Ser- vices and Retirement Committee chaired by John Otterbacher (D-Grand Rapids). CAMPUS PROFESSORS have ex- pressed particular concern over the bill's effects on University instructors, concentrating on the idea that tenured professors could continue working unless they are found incompetent. "We are concerned about the im- plications for young people being allowed on to the faculty," said Internal Medicine Assistant Professor May Votaw. "The implications are that the faculty will be getting older and older and older and no fresh blood will be coming in," she said. THE TWO MAJOR arguments given by opponents of the bill are that it would limit new teaching positions and that the University's budget would suffer because professors who could teach in- definitely would be paid a much greater salary than new instructors. Mathematics Professor Wilfred Kaplan concurs. "The way it (the bill) is worded, you can't say the salaries (will) decrease at a certain age, because that would be discrimination," he said. DENTISTRY Professor Richard Corpron said he has mixed feelings about the bill. "I have some reservations about it from a variety of standpoints. I think it needs thorough discussion," he said. Chuck Allmand, assistant to Vice- President for Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro said, "We don't really an- ticipate a problem (with the legislation)." ALLMAND SAID he does not believe professors will continue to teach any longer than they do now. He noted that the average retirement age for professors is presently 67.5. "The reality of the situation is that people won't stay any longer than is ~prof necessary," he said. While Allmand conceded that there would be some professors who would teach after age 70 (the present man- datory retirement age at the Univer- sity) were the law passed, but he said they would represent a small group. One problem about which both op- ponents and advocates of the bill are worried is that of assessing a professor's competence, an evaluation which may be implemented often if the bill is passed by the state Senate. See U', Page 8 Vsl TH F a:.:;. Spanish Renaissance style church dedicated to the Holy Trinity. He was greeted by cheering, flag- waving Venezuelans. He spoke again in Spanish, saying Bolivar's dreams were the same as those held by George Washington, Argentine independence hero Jose San Martin and "all those who struggle today for human liberty." The President ended the speech with a cry: "Viva Venezuela." A crowd of 2,000, the largest he en- countered on his first day here, waved paper U.S. and Venezuelan flags and cheered. The President waded into the See CARTER, Page Council year produces f rustration By KEITH RICHBURG Daily News Analysis When George Wallace said there wasn't "a dime's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats, he obviously wasn'tlooking at Ann Ar- bor's City Council With deep ideological differences that transcend the usual partisan bickering, City Council Monday night wrapped up another year which, both sides agree, produced more frustration than legislation. AT LEAST TWO Council members, Republican Roger Bertoia (R-Third Ward) and Democrat Jamie Kenwor- thy (D-Fourth Ward), became so disen- chanted with the partisan deadlock of the last year that they decided not to seek re-election. Bertoia was one clear loser in the last Council year. He watched his por- nography bill-which would have defined obscenity and all but banned it from the city-go down to a 10-1 defeat. Bertoia still calls that one "a disap- pointment." ANOTHER LOSER was Councilman Ken Latta (D-First Ward). Earlier this month Latta saw the Republican- controlled Council defeat two of his proposals: one which would have outlined landlords' right of access into their tenants apartments, and the other which would have forced the city to stop investing in banks that loan money to South Africa. Latta brought his right-of-access bill up two weeks in a row. The first time he saw it tabled, after being lambasted by Mayor Pro-Tem Louis Belcher (R- Third Ward) as being a mirror-image of an already-existing state law. When Latta reintroduced the ordinance a week later, Republican Belcher said "It stinks," and led his caucus to kill the proposal. Of his South Africa bill, which met a similar fate at the hands of unsym- ~~ 7 Ypsi Cente By JOHN SINKEVICS With reports of patient abuse at Plymouth Center underscoring the problem of poor conditions in mental institutions, Ypsilanti's York Woods Center has moved to guard against any possibility of similar abuses occurring there. "All patients in this institution have the right to be safe," said Dr. Norma Gutierrez, Director of York Woods, which is the children's division of Yp- silanti Regional Psychiatric Hospital (YRPH). "I have never heard of any in- tentional abuse at the center while I have been here," she added. . YORK WOODS Center provides both in- and outpatient psychiatric services to mentally disturbed children. Therapy includes counseling, group r fights pat "We try to give the kids as normal an environment as possible." WALTER KENZIE, YRPH Director, announced yesterday that York Woods Center had been awarded full ac- creditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. The com- mission found the Center in compliance with standards in each of 34 areas, in- cluding both the physical plant and patient care. "This renewed two years ac- creditation is indeed a clear affir- mation of our belief that York Woods Center provides good quality services to emotionally disburbed children, adolescents, and their families," said Gutierrez. A number of precautions are taken to protect the rights and safety of the nt abuse BOYD SAID THE conditions at Plymouth Center were quite different from those existing at York Woods. "The problem at Plymouth was that they had far too small a staff," he said. "In these instances, a staff person can become overwhelmed with the problems so many children create. This leads to frustration and use of poor judgment in disciplining the patients." The ratio of on-duty.staff members to patients at York Woods is better than one-to-five and extra staff members are often assigned to special cases. The ratio at Plymouth Center is ap- proximately one-to-eight. "Budget is really our last priority," admitted Gutierrez. "We feel our first responsibility is the safety of the kids. "AN UNDERSTAFFED institution Iranian students take part in a chant at the onset of their hunger strike to protest political conditions in their home countries. They wear masks during their meetings to protect themselves from agents of SAVAK, the Iranian Secret Police. Iran ian students start hunger strike By RICHARD BERKE Fifteen Iranian students began a hunger strike last night, joining political prisoners in Iran who have every eight hours and will remain in a room at the Lord of Light Lutheran Church on South Forest until the strike ends. mu.'iTWWV ' A 1IK'I5K E' nQ a +teir i