Page 4-Tuesday, March 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat now con- front a new factor in the Mideast: Yasser Arafat and Menahem Begin have become allies - allies against peace., U.S. peace efforts long have encountered the stiffest opposition from the Israelis, and the bitterest opponents of President Sadat's peace initiative have been his fellow Arabs. But with recent events, the Israeli- Palestinian opposition to the Sadat-Carter peace efforts has assumed a pattern of syn- chronization. BEFORE THE PLO raid on Israel, Begin was on the defensive - both at home and in Washington. Before the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon, Arafat was also on the defensive. Today, thanks to each other's ac- tions, the prime minister of Israel and the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization have regained both inter- national and popular support for their har- dline policies.; They have reduced the pressures on each other for compromise by deepening the Mideast conflict. The terrorist nature of the PLO attack, for example, was far more im- portant for the opportunities it offered Begin than for what it accomplished for the Palestinians. Had the PLO attacked an Israeli military position in the Occupied Territories, it would have been widely accep- ted as a legitimate act of war, and further un- dermined Begin's position by showing Israel's conquests as a military, as well as diplomatic liability. Instead, the PLO chose to give credence to every one of Begin's asser- tions about the terrorist menace by attacking civilians inside Israel's pre-1967 borders. Prime Minister Begin quickly reciprocated with a major political favor for Arafat. Israeli retaliatory air raids also might have been accepted as an understan- dable response to the PLO attack. But by in- vading and occupying parts of southern Lebanon, Prime Minister Begin in turn strengthened all Arafat's claims that Israel opposes peace and. is an expansionist, militarist power. Why should two leaders whose peoples have suffered the most from the Mideast con- flict so oppose the peace plans of their respec- tive allies in Cairo and Washington? SINCE 1967, the- Palestinians have suf- All'ies against Mideast peace By T. D. Allman _. , :: ,. ' ,mow. j a .: Why should two leaders whose peoples have suffered the most from the Mideast conflict so oppose the peace plans of their respective allies in Cairo and Washington? Begin fered far more at the hands of the Arabs than they have from the Israelis. Jordan, Lebanon and Syria all have tried to emasculate the PLO. The PLO desperately fears that when President Sadat speaks of "comprehensive peace," it really is a code word for Arab abandonment of the Palestinian cause. The PLO sees continuing war as the only way first to retain Arab support, and eventually regain at least part of their homeland. One has only to visit Yad Vashem, the memorial to the Holocaust in Jerusalem, to understand Israeli fears. When four Mideast wars and Menahem Begin's religious fun- damentalism are superimposed on that trauma, the consequence is a preference for the certainties of confrontation over the risks of compromise. The Mideast conflict, however, always has been a most understandable conflict. The best of statesmanship, under such circumstances, is not to resolve enigmas, but to break down hostilities that are all too comprehensible. Jimmy Carter began soon after he took of- fice, by attempting what no other President had dared - a dialogue with the Palestinians. Behind the President's equivocation over a "Palestinian homeland," U.S. policy was clear. THE CARTER Administration would deal with the PLO and support Palestinian self- determination within the Occupied Territories if the PLO, in return, recognized Israel's right to exist. When President Sadat flew into Jerusalem, he carried a similar offer. Egypt would deal with the Begin government, and support Israel's right to exist if Israel, in return, agreed to the principle of Palestinian self-determination. It now is clear that both the Israelis and Palestinians have failed to rise to these un- precedented overtures. Menahem Begin, just after his first visit to Washington, personally affronted President Carter by authorizing new Jewish settlements in the Occupied 'Territories. Since then, in Washington, Ismailia and Jerusalem, Begin has stonewalled every attempt to open the road to peace. Yasser Arafat has had similar success using similar tactics. The terrorist incident in Cyprus, whichever Palestinian faction authorized it, was a calculated effort to humiliate the Egyptian president before his own people. The PLO raid into Israel was a A rafat premeditated attempt to kill Sadat's peace initiative entirely. WHILE ISRAELI and Palestinians har- dline tactics have succeeded, they amount to an awesome failure of responsible leadership on both sides. Had Prime Minister Begin been capable of matching Sadat's statesmanship, peace might truly be at hand in the Mideast today. Had Yasser Arafat arrived at the Cairo conference with a comprehensive peace plan of his own, rather than boycotting it, the worldwide pressures for Palestinian self- determination by now might be irresistible, even inside Israel. Instead both leaders now are riding high. on the untamed forces of division and hostility. The result is now proof that in the Machiavellian world of international power politics, there is no such thing as a reliable "client." Today President Sadat in many ways is less powerful in determining questions of war and peace than the PLO, and Israel has the power - and will - to frustrate any U.S. peace plan. The tragedy is that short-term success for both Arafat and Begin may spell long-term disaster for both Israelis and Palestinians. Current PLO doctrine, one of short-term despair and long-term optimism, holds that, with Israel adamantly opposing Palestinian statehood of any kind, the struggle must con- tinue until Israel's own "contradictions" make a settlement inescapable. But this strategy risks both endless Palestinian defeats at Israeli hands, and the Arab repudiation the Palestinians fear so much. CURRENT ISRAELI policy is based on short-term optimism, but it leads to an abyss. Prime Minister Begin correctly has decided that Jsrael now is both militarily and diplomatically supreme, and neither can be persuaded nor coerced into a settlement. But each year without peace for Israel is another year in which the Arabs grow wealthier, more populous and more powerful; in which Israel's subject population grows larger and more resentful while Israel's own economic and social divisions deepen; in which exasperated U.S. policy makers grow more and more "even-handed." Both President Carter and President Sadat have made extraordinary efforts to make these dangers understandable to Israelis and Palestinians alike. Carter tried again during Begin's latest mission to Washington. But politics is the art of the possible, and as President Sadat reconsiders his position in Cairo, and President Carter copes with Prime Minister Begin in Washington, the advocates of peace must con- front a terrible prospect. This is not just that the proponents of con- frontation now have the upperthand: but that peace now simply may not be possible in the' Mideast; If true, this is a situation filled with the gravest implications not merely or the Palestinians and the Israelis, and for the political futures of both Presidents Sadat and Carter, but for the United States and the whole Arab world. And the peril now is even more troublesome because in both Cairo and Washington, a truly admirable preoccupation with peace has prevented much serious con- sideration of the crises that must ihevitably flow from a renewal of war. S T.D. Al/man is a contributin editor of Harper's Magazine, and has written on the Mideast for various publ'cations. A l/man wrote this article for the Pacific - News Service. Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 140 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Light' IT'S TIME FOR to pick up th Edison light bulbE A Daily invest that attorneys rep in the dispute ga so he would sign covered testimon solicited the S( owner as a client. Paying some name on a lav unethical conduc for stripping an a practice law. Nancy Canto store owner Law mom and dad % Aspen, Colorado+ the lawyers picke Ms. Cantor s payoff for Cantor the lawsuit. Why, one mig want to pay some his name? The answer ap Cantor's lawy legal bill of $1 Edison as part o case out of c documents sub: bulb case needs attention 1 THE courts and bar request, this amounts to $427.50 per e ball on the Detroit hour for 3,600 hundred hours of work' exchange case. over the past four years. igation found evidence Edison's counter-offer was a mere presenting theplairtiff $690;000 to cover the lawyers' expenses, ve him a ski vacation which comes to about $200 per hour. a the suit. It also un- In a similar case in Illinois involving ny that the attorneys two of the four attorneys now represen- outhfield drug store ting Cantor against Edison, some $2.7 million in legal fees was demanded by one for use of their the plaintiff's lawyers. wsuit is considered Clearly, suing utilities over bulb ex- t and can be grounds change programs has a lucrative ap- attorney of the right to peal. Few professions offer such a han- dsome return. r, daughter of drug There's no crime in wanting to make rence Cantor, said her money. went on a ski trip to But, there are codes of professional on March 10, and that conduct in Michigan - and in Illinois, d up much of the tab. where three of the four principal aid the trip was the lawyers behind , Cantor practice - 's lending his name to which have regulations against soliciting a client or paying a client for ht ask, would lawyers the right to represent him or her. eone to let them sue in We ask the Illinois board of professional conduct to carefully pears to be money. examine the conduct of the attorneys in rers have submitted a the Detroit Edison case. We also ask .5 million to Detroit judge John Feikens to consider the f an offer to settle the serious allegations before reaching a ourt. According to decision on the bulb case now before Puttin Albert Einstein once said, "The World is not a safe place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of those who sit and do nothing about the evil done." In the college of LSA there are "those," the majority of students who abstain from participation in government, and there are This article was written by Katherine R. Friedman on be- half of the LSA-SG Executive Council. "those", the few students who sit on LSA college committees and the executive Council and ac- tively participa'te in Literature, Sciencepand Arts Student Gover- nment (LSA-SG). It is these few students who try to make the LSA a little less evil. REVISING THE Academic Judiciary and evaluating the Of- fice of Career Planning and Placement have been the two major concerns of appointees to the Administrative Board, which consists of Deb Filler, Rachel Rosenthal, Katherine Friedman, Colin Lichtenfeld, and Jim Sullivan. In revising the Judiciary, the Ad Board wants to insure that students accused of cheating, plagarism and other acts of academic misconduct are treated as fairly as possible. The g out) Board is conducting a massive evaluation into the effectiveness of Career Planning and Placement for the LSA student. Just as student input is essential for decisions that arise from this board, essential too, is student. input into the Curriculum Com- mittee of LSA-SG. The student members of the Curriculum Committee have not had a chance to rest. Since January, Bob Stechuk and Carol Rosenberg have lobbied to main- tain distribution plans A and B as a means of insuring flexibility in student scheduling. They also arranged to have an open hearing on distribution requirements, publicized by let- ters to The Daily, leaflets, and announcements in, classes, however, there was no support from the LSA student body as no one showed up. In addition to trying to main- tain the system of choice in distribution the Curriculum Committee's student members research course approvals and have initiated discussions on the use of TA's, the first two years of undergraduate education, and the time which departments devote to undergraduate courses. But committees are not the only outlet for staunch student gover- nment energy. THE LSA-SG Grevience Procedure Task Force: Di k Brazee,rPresident, Deb Filler, Treasurer, and Bob Stechuk, without have been working with Eva Mueller, the dean of faculty af- fairs, to change grade grievance procedures. They have drafted a proposal to take the burden off of students using the system. The same group of students has also drawn a draft on a model procedure for grade appeal. If adopted, these two proposals will offer extensive service to the LSA student with a grievance or grade problem. LSA is more than just a gover- nment that focuses itself on academic issues. LSA-SG was the only student government of the University to speak on the issue of divestment at the most recent Regents meeting. The student Council ar'e active members, and at present, the sole source of funding for the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid, a group committed to complete divest- ment' of stock in corporations having holdings in South Africa. Just as University policy stan- ds against divestment, the struc- ture of the University blocks any student voice in tenure decisions. SINCE SEPTEMBER, we have been lobbying for student representation in Executive Committee and tenure decisions. The cases of Professors Joel Samoff and Peg Lorne are two recent examples in which out- standing teaching performance has been ignored by the Univer- sity when both were denied input tenure. At present we are fighting vigorously to make sure that Joel Samoff, a great asset to the students, remains at the Univer- sity and receives tenure in the Political Science Department. With the 50 cents contributed by each LSA student, this gover- nment has given money to groups for film showings, lectures, teach-ins, and a project which of- fers free income tax assistance to students. Other beneficiaries in dlude a Mortor Board senior project, concerned with making the Union morv acceptable to students, and the Coalition for Better Housing. The future has much activity in store. In the planning stages %re a comprehensive student manual, a welcoming letter to all freshpersons, an easier funding process for student organizations, an LSA newsletter, and makiig appoin- tments to college ad to deanship committees. Since January, this is what the government of LSA has been con- cerned with. Like many of the other gover- nments on campuses all over the country LSA is lacking in student support. If you are interested, sincere, and dedifated, LSA needs you. For further information, please come to 4001 of the Michigan Union or call during the afternoons at 763-4799. We.will help you get involved. LETTERS TO THE DAILY mitted with the .fee him. PIR GIM backs newest To The Daily: If any one of us were "caught" with marijuana in Ann Arbor, the fine would amount to $5. Anywhere else in the state, the punishment could be up to one year in jail and $1000 fine. As possession is considered a crime, a criminal record follows all those convicted. In the U.S. over $600 million a year are spent for arrests and prosecution of marijuana-related offenses - money which could be spent on control of serious crime. In Michigan an estimated 15,000 people will be arrested, costing $20 million this year. According to the F.B.I.'s an- nual Uniform Crime Reports, 441,000 marijuana related arrests occurred in 1976 alone. This is more than the combined total for arrests for the violent crimes of homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. In the age group 18-25, 53 per cent have tried marijuana and 25 per cent are mful by any reputable studies. For these reasons, PIRGIM supports Senate Bill 1361, in- troduced by Senators Jerome Hart (D-Saginaw), and Anthony Derezinski (D-Muskegon, meant to- decriminalize the use of marijuana. Possession of less than one ounce would be reduced to a maximum fine of $100 and no jail sentence - and most impor- tant - no criminal record. The maximum penalty for possession of more than one ounce would be a misdemeanor with a penalty of 90 days in jail and a fine of $100. Rather than making an arrest, an officer would issue a court summons like a parking violation. After the sentence had been served, officials would be required to destroy records and files. Strict penalties would still be in force for trafficking in marijuana. The sales of one oun- ce would be subjct to a $1000 fine and one year in jail. This act only calls for the To insure a complete victory public pressure must be put on Representatives. PIRGIM suggests writing low-key, in- telligible letters to Paul A. Rosenbaum, (chairman of Judiciary) and other members of the Judiciary Committee as well as one's own representative. Remember, the tone and content of the letters can make or. break the campaign. Identify what you are concerned about and what you want your Representative to do. WRITE: Representatives Paul Rosenbaum; Gilbert DiNello; Jack Legel; William Bryant; Richard Fessler; Ernest Nash; David L. Campbell; Michael Busch; Dan Stevens as well as your own representative, c/o State Capitol, Lansing, Michigan 48909. -PIRGIM Ann Arbor .,. otbill nesty) for 790,000 Vietnath era veterans with less-than- honorable discharges, Levine failed to say one word about it. Vietnam veterans constitute the la'rgest category of those in need of a Universal Uncon- ditional'Amnesty, but there are also thousands of civilian resisters,, deserters, and American exiles who need U.U.A. as well. President Carter's so- called tamnesty has been an almost total failure since it affec- ted only 4,400 mainly white and middle class draft resisters. The vast majority of those in need of U.U.A. are black, white working class, and other minority groups. The wounds of Vietnam will not be healed until all victims of the war have been granted Universal Unconditional Amnesty! -Bruce Beyer ".._. '-'i l . xw 'G \ ,