Page 8-Sunday, March 26, 1978-The Michigan Daily suicide (Continued from Page 6) odds, with disastrous consequences for John's well-being. "I've always felt a very grievious wound within me that I didn't feel could be healed. I think my father was the main reason-that one ex- perience with my father and the rest of my life with my father. He just made me feel guilty, like I was no good, that everybody was against me and that I had to fight off the whole universe . . . like I was all alone. My father put me down so bad I couldn't accept myself, I was always punishing myself." A related problem is the effect of a parent's suicide or the suicide of a significant person in a child's life. For those individuals who have experienced such a loss, the chances are greater that they will attempt suicide: a "ker- nel of destruction" lies within them. Finally, John shares one- other statistically significant attribute of potentially suicidal people-he has at- tempted suicide before. Seventy-five per cent of those who at- tempt suicide have tried it before. EXPERTS HAVE also noted an interesting distinction between men and women in regards to suicidal behavior. While women attem- pt suicide three times as often as men, men are three times more likely to suc- ceed. This is largely due to the different methods used by each sex. "Women tend much more to be ingesters and slicers; taking pills, slicing the wrists," says Gerler. "Men are more likely to engage in more non-reversible ways-shooting yourself or hanging yourself." As for the reason why, there are only guesses. "Part of this might be attributed to our culture where women, by and large, are less violent than men. But no one really knows." And although those who deal with suicide say it is impossible to detect a suicidal person, there are several well- known clues that, while they may not indicate suicide in and of themselves, are strong indicators of deep psychological trouble. These include: -a marked change in behavior. Says Carli: "They were sociable, now they're withdrawn; they were neat, now they don't take care of themselves. Those are tip-offs that something is going wrong.'' -verbalizations or hints about a suicidal desire. -a noticeably large number of self- deprecating remarks. -giving away many prized possessions. Again Carli: "That's someone who's planning. They're just taking care of business, setting things straight." WHILE THESE clues and other general knowledge about suicide apply in all age groups to varying degrees, University psychiatrists, naturally, have an inside view of one aspect of the suicide problem that has drawn increasing at- tention of late-student suicide. Recent research has shown that student suicide rates have grown dramatically in the last several decades. And while this might partly be attributed to the. general rise in suicides among youth, at least one study has revealed that the student suicide rate is 50 per cent higher than that of non-students in a similar age group. To some degree, student suicides are precipitated by the especially tumultous life-stage most college students are passing through-the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Consequently, when studen- ts come in for counseling they are most often concerned about personal problems such as "identity crises of one sort or another, troubles with interper- sonal relationships or even existential questions like 'What's the meaning of what I'm doing and why am I at the University?'," says Harold Corn of University Counseling Services. Sur- prisingly enough, University coun- selors say they see very few students who are despondent solely over academic problems. Furthermore, suicides do not cluster around finals time (as popular belief might have it) but rather in the middle of the two regular semesters, around October and March. Nevertheless, there are pressures related to the competitive, achievement-oriented atmosphere of the college campus. They can generate intense feelings of inadequacy and failure which, in turn, can lead to severe mental disturbances among some students. "Students come to college and they have been, by and large, academically successful-or they wouldn't be here," notes Gerler. "Obviously, now they are in a different league where some students can succeed as before and others are not as successful as they used to be. For the second kind of student, in their own eyes, they may feel they've failed. They may get a 'B', but what is failure? For some people a gentleman 'C' is fine but to some a 'B' is a miserable failure. If you have been a straight 'A' student, all these expec-. tations, these standards-your own, yourbparents', friends', relatives'-may just become too heavy." Moreover, some studies have in- dicated that this problem of not measuring up to standards (and instan- ces of mental problems in general, in- cluding suicide) may be more prevalent at top-flight colleges such as Michigan, Harvard, and Berkeley. Some psychiatrists here see an "in- teraction effect" in terms of the kind of students these elite institutions attract and the additional stresses that may come from a scholastically high- powered atmosphere. In short, students at these institutions may have higher aspirations for themselves than the average student, while the competition may be all that much keener. Another widespread problem among college students is loneliness. Ob- viously, this is especially true at very large universities-such as Michigan-where students may feel anonymous, cut off from meaningful communication, and, in some instan- ces, completely friendless nd isolated. While in some cases this may simply be the student's perception, it may be the reality as well. One study of suicide at Berkeley revealed that one student lay dead in his room for 18 days before anyone noticed his absence. And in Oc- tober, 1976, a University sophomore was found dead in his South Quad room, a full four days after putting a gun to his head. These students may communicate their feelings of desperation through academic channels. Says Gerler: "You'd be surprised how frequently students, in papers, write about topics that cause questions to arise . . . a teacher will come to me and say, 'I have this student and he wrote a paper that really scared me.' And you can look at that as a cry for help." HERE ARE certain "target groups" of students who may be especially prone to severe psychological distress, and thus suicide. One such group is incoming freshpersons. These students face ob- vious hurdles in trying to adjust to campus life, and the insecurities and uncertainties that are involved in being away from home. "For some," observes one psychiatric counselor, "it's the first time they're away from home and Mom and Dad. And when the pressure is on and Mom and Dad aren't there for the first time, some people might have the tendency to kind of go to their room and suck their thumb and wait for Mom to bring them a cup of tea or something." Another such group is graduating seniors, who are wrestling with what they want to do with their life. And one group that is widely believed to be un- der the most stress and to have a high incidence of psychological disturbance is medical students. Popularly typified as highly-motivated, intense in- dividuals, they are seen as likely can- didates for psychological overload-a conception recently reinforced on cam- pus when a fourth-year Inteflex student hurled himself out of a Burton Tower window last month. In fact, doctors have one of the highest rates of suicide and psychiatric trouble of all oc- cupational categories. However, Dr. Irv Smokler of the University's Medical School believes that the mental health of medical students is "essentially no different from that of undergraduates or other graduate students. Despite the greater time commitment the medical school requires and the additional stresses it brings . . . I don't think there's any more of a problem here than anywhere else." However, Dr. Danto of the Suicide Prevention Center says he thinks medical studentsdo experiencekmore psychological difficulties, largely because of stiff competition. "Many med students wind up as psychiatric casualties because of the cut-throat competition." In fact, Danto asserts that, "At one time, for example, one third of med students at Wayne State were in psychiatric treatment." And yet, Danto notes, other grad schools, such as nursing schools, also have many students who ask for help. INALLY, A very visible group on campus, in regard to suicide, is foreign students. According to John Heise of the University's Inter- national Center, when a foreign student commits suicide the University must take care of the details the student's family usually handles, and there is more attendant publicity. Actually, Heise says, suicide rates for foreign students at Michigan run on a par with or below those for regular students. "We have about one every two years. Usually it's the result of some problem that students brought from home. . . a bad marital situation or whatever." Regardless of who the suicide victim happens to be, the effects on those left behind are devastating. And though some research has been done on the suicide victims themselves, relatively little has been done on what are called "the survivor-victims." Psychology Prof. Albert Cain, the author of a book entitled Survivors of Suicide, has done extensive research on the feelings and emotions that typically afflict those close to the suicide victim. "For the people involved," says Cain, "there is not only the stark, momentary shock of it all, but in addition there are a number of fairly typical reactions. One you see fairly often is. that of denial, that 'No, it couldn't be that, it was an accident, he was just cleaning the gun', or whatever. Of course, that's ' very saving to believe. This kind of reaction finds its way into the death certification process, where pretty ob- vious suicides are classified as "equivocal' or 'accidental'." Guilt is also a common and crippling reaction. "In what ways should I have known? In what ways could I have helped?. What messages did I miss? These are profound and grinding questions to those who are left," notes Cain. For some survivors, there may be more self-directed questions that can prove equally disturbing. "There may be anxieties that 'he or she (the suicide victim) didn't seem that much more upset or under more tension or stress than I am.' For some, it immediately raised questions like 'Is it possible I could go this far?' " AND WHILE survivors are very much in need of counseling, clearly the major thrust of psy- chiatric counseling in suicides is direc- ted toward those who have tried com- mitting suicide. Again, therapy is very much an individualized process, depending on the extent and nature of the person's problems. All in all, says Dr. Carli, "Almost everybody who tries it is ambivalent about it. They want to die, but they want to live." Accordingly, "you try to tie in with the healthier side of the per- son ... and with the suicide attempter, we try to tap into the part of them-which may be quite deeply buried-that really does want to live." Carli emphasizes that "any blanket re-assurances don't work. People, in order to accept someone else as a helper, have to feel that that person has some awareness of the personal, unique suffering they're going through. If I just give blanket assurances-Life is worth living, life is tough'-the person might feel that 'Hey, you don't know what I'm going through."' Dr. Corn sees therapy as "essen- tially, helping this person forgive them- selves so that instead of saying I failed this particular course or in this par- ticular relationship and I am a wor- thless person', you try to get them to look at the circumstances that led to the failure ... if it was a relationship, well, the other person was certainly con- tributing to that failure, or if it was a course, well, maybe you really didn't want to be there in the Basically, that it's not all their fault." BVIOUSLY, THE best therapy comes before the attempt is made. Ideally, psychiatrists say, someone close to a troubled in- dividual will notice that something is wrong, talk to the individual and take appropriate action. In most cases, this involves either persuading the in- dividual to seek professional help, or conferring with a counselor yourself to talk about the individual. Other than that, all experts agree that the most helpful thing a friend can do is simply listen to the other person and show them you care. Above all, says Carli, "take any sort of hint or threat seriously. Joking about it, ignoring it, pretending it didn't hap- pen-it doesn't work. What this does to the person is tell them that they can't talk to anybody about it." Adds Carli: "One of the most helpful things a friend can do is recognize that the other person is suffering and that it must be very painful, but that there are other solutions besides killing them- selves." In a crunch, says one counselor, "the best thing anyone can offer is what I call 'across-the-back-fence' help, just friendly conversation and concern. You just can't underestimate how much or- dinary, everyday human caring can help." Ns 1) l% IU I A inside: Suicide: the hidden tragedy and cry for help Books: Tennenbaum 's 'The Rabbi's Wifi Supplement to The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 26, 1978