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March 26, 1978 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1978-03-26

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age 4-Sunday, March 26,1978-The Michigan Daily

Mideast on the Diag
The crisis over Israel's invasion of
southern Lebanon came closer to
resolution last week, but the conflict.
briefly spilled over onto the University
On Monday, Palestinian sym-
pathizers scheduled a demonstration on
the 'U' Diagonal to protest the Israeli
military incursion. The rally also drew
an angry crowd of Jewish students who
objected to the attacks on Israel's
Scuffles broke out, and each side ac-
cused the other of instigating the
violence. Fortunately, no serious in-
juries occurred and Ann Arbor Police
kept the two groups in check.
Events on campus were only a
microcosm of the broader conflict in
the Mideast. United Nations troops
gradually moved into the Israeli-held
portion of Lebanon south of the Litani
River. At week's end, however, it was
still unclear whether Israel would with-
draw its forces from the area without
strong guarantee against return of
Palestinian commandos to the region.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister
Menachem Begin paid a visit to
Washington for a no-holds-barred con-
frontation over Begin's intransigence
on such issues as Israeli withdrawal
from Arab lands.
At week's end, peace seemed distant

Teach-in urges action
The Vietnam War, an issue which
electrified this University community
and campuses across the country, in
the '60s and early '70s, again entered
the limelight as a week-long teach-in
entitled "What War? What Now?"
came to town.
Participants included prominent an-
ti-war leaders, 'U' faculty members
and many people still active in various
political movements.
David Dellinger, defendant in the
1969 Chicago Seven conspiracy trial
said there is still a need for the kind of
movement that the anti-war forces
"Nothing has changed," he said of
the society and government which
spawned Vietnam. "The institutions,
are still intact."
Dellinger's remarks were echoed
throughout the week-long forum, as
speaker after speaker called for a
renewal of the spirit of activism which
characterized the anti-war effort.
The teach-in climaxed with a
gathering Friday at Guild House where
present and former activists discussed
strategy for the future.
Al Haber, one of the founders of
Students for a Democratic Society, one
of the groups which spearheaded the
anti-war movement, called for creation
of a broad-based leftist organization to

promote basic change in this country.
Haber pointed to the problems
created when various small activist
groups work for narrow goals, each
lacking the power to effect them alone.

Pay-off by lawyers charged
The Detroit Edison bulb exchange
system was in the spotlight at week's
end as a result of evidence showing
questionable practices by lawyers
suing to end the utility's program.
A Daily investigation uncovered
evidence that lawyers representing the
drug store owner who sued Edison over
the bulb exchange program solicited
him as a client and paid him with a ski
vacation for lending his name to the
As a result of the suit, the drug store
owner will get next to nothing, Edison
customers lose the 92-year-old bulb
service and the lawyers stand to gain
up to $1.5 million in legal fees. If
Federal District Judge John Feikens
grants the lawyer's fee request, the cost
would also be passed, on to Detroit
Edison customers.
According to Nancy Cantor, daughter
of Southfield drug store owner Lawren-
ce Cantor, her father received part-
payment for an Aspen, Colorado ski
vacation from lawyers representing
him in court. This payment was in ex-
change for lending his name to the suit.
Paying a client for suing in his or her
name is a violation of lawyers' codes of
professional conduct and grounds for
disciplinary action or disbarment.
Both Cantor and his lawyers later
denied any pay-off. Other sources close
to the Cantor family, however, confir-
med Nancy Cantor's account.
What happens next will be -up to
Judge Feikens and state Bar officials in
Illinois, where the lawyers practice.


Other participants spoke of the need
for creation of a campus political group
to work through student government
for change on campus.
The Michigan Student Assembly
"should be more vocal and take an ac-
tive stand against University policy" on
such issues as South African invest-
ments and affirmative action, said LSA
undergraduate Rachel Rosenthal, part
of a party which plans to make that


Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
AN ANN ARBOR police officer responds to the melee created when pro-Palestin-
ian demonstrators and pro-Israeli onlookers clashed on the Diag Monday. The con-
frontation mirrored developments in the Mideast.

L Ifr Mit4b Wa n :43ai1
Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 139N
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Lebanon calls for help

Training while
By Julie Rovner
It was still pitch black outside parents and high school
when the alarm went off at 5:30 cheerleaders.
Sunday morning. Dressing in the He smiled as I added my name
dark so as not to wake my to his yellow legal pad (number
sleeping roommate (who thought 54) and told me I would have to
I was crazy anyway) I managed check in with him at three that af-
to be out the door by 5:45. ternoon, at nine that night, and
As I drove through the outskirts then would have to be there at
of the campus-downtown area I seven the next morning and stay
marvelled at the fact that it was on through to keep my place in
the first time in my two years line.'
here I had ever seen this town SO BACK I went at three, and
asleep. I really felt like I was the the nametaker smiled again and
only person awake at this reminded me not to be late for the
ungodly hour on this very cold nine o'clock roll call. That was
morning as I parked my car, the last time I saw him'smile.
Then I turned the corner and saw At nine he grimly informed me
that I was not alone. and the person I was with that we V
THERE, UNDER a just- would have to show up at six Sun-
Waiting in line for everything, from
concert tickets to a hamburger at
McDonald's, says something about
the psyche of the average student.

you wait

armies and other groups concern
themselves with the occupation and
eventual withdrawal of Israeli forces
from southern Lebanon, the people of
northern Lebanon are suffering.
News reports tell of overcrowding in
Beirut, shortages of food and supplies
-'troubles which are attributed to the
number of displaced families in that
region as a result of almost two weeks
of war in the south.
Estimates say more than 350,000
Lebanese and Palestinians have aban-
doneel their homes ahead of invading
Israeli troops, and their unexpected
presence in the north has created a
temporary strain on life in cities like
Beirut. Lebanese government officials
are asking for aid and supplies on
behalf of the new refugees.
What worries the government of
Lebanon more than the situation today
is what the situation will be in a matter
of weeks. Many of the refugees from
southern Lebanon have no homes to
return to; their villages have been
demolished. Others say they will not
return home unless Israeli forces
remain in southern Lebanon to repel
Palestinian guerrillas.
If, in fact, sizable numbers of
families remain in the north, the
current temporary shelter and food
problem will become a permanent
one; one that the civil war-ridden
government of Lebanon can not afford
to deal with by itself.
So officials are already assembling

programs to rebuild and renovate
southern Lebanon - programs which
could make the area better than it was
even before last week's destruction -
to encourage people to return to the
area and rebuild their lives there. The
program is modeled after one which
aided displaced people during the civil
war of two years ago.
To implement the program, the
government will need. financial help
from other countries. Certainly, the
United States can afford to give such
assistance to a nation such as
Lebanon's. The citizens of Lebanon are
now victims of an uncontrollable,
devastating event - one which can
only be compared to a natural disaster.
Their displacement was the only way
residents of southern Lebanon were to
survive, and now it threatens the coun-
try with overcrowding, starvation and
It is the responsibility of strong and
solvent countries, such as ours, to aid
countries like Lebanon when
catastrophic occurances threaten the
nation's very existence.
We hope that President Carter will
see this threat and respond without
haste to Lebanon's call for aid.
BOB MILLER..................... ........Sports Editor
PAUL CAMPBELL... .......... ... . Executive Sports Editor
ERNIE I)UNBAR................... Executive Sports Editor
HENR{Y ENGEL.HARIYP.............. Executive Sports Editor
RICK MAI)IOCK................... Executive Sports Editor
CUB SCHWARTZ.... ............ Executive Sports Editor

- $.


lightening sky overlooking a
beautiful vista of Ann Arbor stood
183 other cold people. And I
guarantee you, they weren't
there to watch the sun rise.
What we were doing that mor-
ning at Crisler Arena has become
an Ann Arbor ritual-the endless
quest for tickets, in this case for
the Jackson Browne concert.
Sometimes people don't even
want to see what they are waiting
in line for, or by the time they get
to the box office they have forgot-
ten who the act is. But they wait
anyway. The same faces can be
seen in almost every line. And I
confess, I wasn't there just to
watch these crazies. I was one of
It all started at about one
o'clock the afternoon before,
when I braved the crowds atten-
ding a state championship
basketball tournament at Crisler
and found a lone person with a list
who looked lost among all the

day morning, not seven. I1
the guy felt that since he h,
spend the night we shouldn't
it so easy. Actually, I can'tr
blame him.
So, operating more on in
than consciousness (anyon
has woken me up on a weeke
11:00 or noon will attest t
fact that I am not by natu
early riser), I stood pat
in line Sunday morning.and
ched the grow of the flashli
the now tattered yellow sh
the nametaker called the n
Once we were assembled h
proper order, the waiterss
like a herd of sheep just watt
each other for a few min
Finally a brave soul sat dow
that very cold and slightly
concrete and everyone
followed suit.
Despite distractions from
competing radios and the
(the sun had risen, but those

lad to
really \
e who
end at."..*"
o the
re an
iently lucky enough to be near the front
I wat- of the line were also unlucky
igt on enough to be in the shadow of the
eet as Arena), I spent a good portion of
.ames my five-hour wait trying to
decide what the hell could prompt
n the 200 people to do what we were
stood doing.
ching IT SEEMS to me that waiting
utes. in line for everything, from con-
vn on cert tickets to a hamburger at
wet McDonald's, says something
else about the psyche of the average
University student. Competition
n the has become so fierce for all
cold elements of life that students are
of us afraid if they are not first for
everything, they will be left
behind by society.
For doubters of this theory, a
few examples:
.e Before the Administration
got smart and made CRISP ap-
pointment times computer-
assigned, people would line up in
advance to get the earliest days.
For those at the beginning of the
alphabet, the earliest arriving
students showed up about two
hqurs before the appointment
cards were distributed. As word
spread that people were arriving
early, more people tried to get
the earliest times by coming
earlier than the early ones. By
the time they got to the Zs, about
a week later, the line had formed

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
" Leases for off-campus
housing are usually available in
January or February; often a full
seven months before the move-in
IT'S HARD to say exactly why
most of us feel this way. Many
wouldsay that it's the tight job
market that makes everyone
want to get one up on everyone
else. Others are convinced that it
is capitalism itself which causes
a compulsion for competition.
I think that the University 'is
doing it to us-on purpose. No, I
am not paranoid, but I seriously
believe they feel the most impor-
tant part of a college education is
learning how to strive for that
elusive number one.
If not, why else do officials allot
only 25,000 of 100,000 football
tickets for students? Why do they
continue Ito refuse to build any
new housing, even though
enrollment is still rising? And
why are they always raising their
standards to make the outstan-
ding students comprise a smaller
and smaller partof the whole?
Of course the University
almost'has some logical answers
to these questions, most of them
having to do in some way with
But I think the Administration






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