LEBANESE REFUGEES See Editorial Page r . ir tti SNAINY High-39 LOW-28 See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 139 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 26, 1978 T-gn Cents Eiaht Paaes olus Sunnlements' '-- , 'U'administrators tackle budget problem By SUE WARNER Students currently forking over money for both this month's rent and March tuition statements are apparently not alone in facing financial con- straints. University administrators, too, are tackling budget woes amounting to almost $1 million. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Harold Shaprio, who is also the University's top budget executive, told the Regents last week that the current General Fund budget is ''in a much more precarious position" now than was anticipated last July when the budget was made out. SHAPIRO SAID the financial problem began with a $1 million deficit already built into this year's budget and a $1.6.million shortfall in the expected tuition revenue. In addition, Medical School underfunding and a deficit in unexpended salaries brought the miscalculation to over $3.5 million. The University has already enacted measures to combat the deficit. Increased energy conser- vation, freezing expenditures from central ac- counts and initiating a hiring freeze on unfilled, non-instructional positions should recover $2.5 million. But the budget is still out of balance by $855,000. SHAPRIO SAID the administration is not sure how it will make up the money by the end of the fiscal year, June 30. But, he did say ad- ministrators are "going through this University unit by unit searching for ways right now." "I don't have any problem believing we'll have a balanced budget by the end of the fiscal year," said Vice-President for State Relations Richard Kennedy. Chief Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff said the University is not planning any cuts in program budgets for this year. He said that if the deficit can not be made up in unexpected funds by the year's end the University will probably carry the deficit forward to next year's budget. ACCORDING TO the budget officials this year's crunch has come as a result of tighter budgeting over the past years to meet increasing expen- ditures in areas such as social security payments and health insurance. Also, Shapiro complained that although state appropriations have risen they have not kept pace with inflation which has hiked costs for supplies such as scientific equipment and library'books. In previous years unexpected drains on the University funds have been recovered at the end of the year in the form of unexpended dollars, primarily salaries. But tighter budgeting in the last few years has sharply decreased the amount of left over funds as unit directors have been for- ced to budget with more precision. "It's not unusual to have this problem," said Kennedy. "What is unusual this year is that we've been doing this sort of thing (cutting down) for a number of years now and the funds expected not to be spent have simply run out." SHAPRIO CALLED measures such as the hiring freeze and paring down energy costs as "band-aid solutions" which the University has been using as short-run answers to the budget crisis. "It is important to recognize that our short-run adjustments to balance the budget for this year require a more permanent resolution in next year's budget," said Shapiro. He stressed the University budget will have to be more flexible in the future to accommodate unexpected "shocks" such as the tuition shortfall. According to Shapiro the loss in expected tuition revenue has been the result of students taking fewer credit hours and a slight shift from number of graduate students (who pay higher fees) towar- ds undergraduate students. BRINKERHOFF suggested the drop in graduate tuition revenue could have come as a result of changes in the fee structure which were See 'U', Page 2 IV is important to recognize that our short-run adjustments to bal- ance the budget for this year require a more permanent resolution in next year's budget.' - Vice-President Harold Shapiro Carter orders changes in urban aid programs; remains within They shoot horses, don t they? By ELISA ISAACSON If you happened to be on the second floor of the Union Friday night, the pulsating energy of a live rock band (a la the Bee Gees), the pungent aroma of beer, intriguing snatches of jokes, laughter and conversation, glimpses ofs couples in everything from blue and gold rugby shirts to tuxedos darting back and forth at the end of the hall, all with the familiar promise of a party,( probably would have drawn you toward the open doors of the ballroom for ar closer look.; But this was no ordinary party. The band struck up a rendition of "Night Fever," cheering couples instantly in-. vaded the dance floor, and the second annual 30-hour dance marathon for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, sponsored by Sigma Nu fraternity was in full swing. "SHE TALKED me into it," announ- ced sophomore Paul Hartge, pointing to his dance partner, Julaine deMink. "Well, thirty hours didn't sound like so, much back then," Julaine countered.r Paul claimed, "We're going to give it our best bet." His date, more positive, stated, "We are going to dance all thir- ty hours." Paul laughed, "Yes, accor- ding to her." And, sure enough, last night, only hours away from the 30-hour mark, the couple was still on the floor, though with faces somewhat more pallid andf feet considerably less energetic than the night before. Both were confident they would finish. "We've come this far .. ." Julaine said. THE SIGMA NU brothers stayed in the Union ballroom throughout the dan- Daily Photos by JOHN KNOx ce session, setting up the lighting for% MARATHON MAN hustles to the beat of a local band while above two dancers See DANCERS, Page 2 relieve the terpsichorean tedium by engaging in a game of backgammon. WASHINGTON (AP) - President Car- ter, revealing an urban policy whose "bottom line is to make better use of what we already have", will announce tomorrow that he is ordering 160 changes in federal programs designed to help American cities. Knowledgeable sources said Carter also will urge new spending of about $2.6-billion during an urban policy speech tomorrow and in an accom- panying message to Congress. THE SOURCES, who declined to be identified, described Carter's urban policy in detail. Meanwhile, the White House released the final report of the Cabinet-level Urban and Regional Policy Group that has worked for almost one year to prepare the plan for Carter along with a paper summarizing policy goals. The price tag of the urban policy is likely to come in for criticism. The U.S. Conference of Mayors, for example, says $11 billion is needed, and state and local officials were unsuccessful in urging $600 million in immediate relief from soaring welfare costs. The president, fighting an uphill bat- tle to achieve a balanced budget by 1981, apparently decided that more federal aid will not make a significant dent in the nation's urban morass, and one White House paper concludes, "The bottom line of the Carter approach is to make better use of what we already have." PAST FEDERAL action on urban problems "has been fragmentary and inadequate," the task force said, "Many federal programs have had unintended negative impacts on cities and their neighborhoods." But under the Carter proposal "federal activities will be evaluated before approval to determine they are in line" with Carter's urban policy goals. Such urban impact evaluations are a long-sought priority of local government officials. The urban task force said, "The ad- ministration ought to be willing to amend, change or abolish government sections not consistent with national urban policy," and Carter ordered an exhaustive review two months ago of the urban impact of 40 government programs. He received back a ton of paper which showed graphically that many programs were inconsistent with his goals. "THIS EFFORT resulted in over 160 proposals to improve these programs,'' says the White House paper. "Most of the improvements will begin now through administrative changes. Some require legislative action and could be put into place in the near future. "None of the improvements will have ;an effect on the budget,' it said. AFTER SOME vacillation, Carter approved aditional spending for items such as neighborhood rehabilitation groups, and he approved a $1 billion plan to create jobs and renovate public facilities. Other new programs will range from establishment of a National Develop- ment Bank to subsidize business ac- tivities in distressed cities and urban areas, to a $40 million fund for urban volunteer programs. There is also $200 million for incentives to state gover- nments that come up with acceptable FBI political spying .spurs ciizenlwsuits budget urban policies of their own and $150 million for urban parks and recreation Carter's urban policy is thought to be the first White House across-the-board look at federal urban-related programs. His speech tomorrow at the White House will be witnessed by about 250 guests, including 55 mayors, a han- dful of governors and a large group of other urban interests "THE MAGNITUDE of our urban problems and the fact that billions of dollars are now spent on our cities, of- ten in an uncoordinated way, make a comprehensive urban policy essen- tial," Carter's urban task force says in its final report. By RENE BECKER Recent revelations from the Senate Select Committee hearings on U.S. in- telligence activities have shown that many unassuming groups and in- dividuals have been or are the targets of government surveillance. As a result, the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation, (FBI), and state and local police nation-wide have been hit by a barrage of lawsuits charging the agen- cy with violating basic civil liberties. ROBERT GUTTMAN, a Chicago at- torney who is representing the Alliance to End Repression (AER) in its lawsuit against the FBI and the Chicago Police department, and Marv Davidov, who is partner to a lawsuit against the FBI and Honeywell Corp., spoke in Detroit this weekend on "Political Surveillance as Political Repression." "Political Freedom means the right to dissent," said Guttman, speaking to about forty people at a forum on gover- nment spying at Wayne State Univer- sity Friday night. "Dissent shouldn't be something that is tolerated but should be encouraged." But the Senate Select Committee hearings reveal that the government actively worked to curtail criticism of itself throughout the 50s and 60s, said Guttman. The mechanism the gover- nment used to control criticism was COINTELPRO (counterintelligence program), he said. ACCORDING TO the final report of the Senate committee, "COINTELPRO is the FBI acronym for a series of covert action programs directed again- (i timanI st domestic groups." Guttman said COINTELPRO was "a disruption campaign" aimed at people who were merely exercising their con- stitutional rights of free speech and assembly. The AER, a coalition of about 50 religious, professional and community groups in the Chicago area, organized in 1970 "to defend our constitutionally- granted civil and private freedoms." According to Guttman, it was categorized by the FBI as part of the New Left." IN A LETTER from FBI headquar- ters, the supervisor of the COIN- TELPRO against the New Left said the purpose of the program was "to expose, disrupt, and otherwise neutralize" the activities of the New Left. See POLITICAL, Page 2 - Sunday - Spring-Summer sublet search underway. By RICHARD BERKE For tenants who want to get a good deal in the local housing market, spring-summer subletting is the way to do it. Jo Williams, adviser at the Univer- sity Off-Campus Housing Office, estimates that half the housing market is available on a sublet basis which, she aid. nit nronsective subletters in a negotiable," said Williams. The burden, Williams stressed, is on the person trying to get subletters. The first means by which they can find spring-summer tenants is through run- ning classified ads in local newspapers, placing signs on campus kiosks, or ad- vertising on bulletin boards in the Off- Campus Housing Office. AFTER FINDING a spring-summer tenant fails to pay rent or damage payments. Most landlords agree to act as agents for the regular tenant-collecting rent, holding the security deposit, and con- ducting inspections-but the regular tenant still remains liable for the unit. Some landlords, however, will not act as agents, which leaves the regular tenant to make all the leasing collected from the new tenant. SINCE THE regular tenant will likely rent the unit at a lower price than the landlord has set, the regular tenant has to pay the landlord the differen- ce-usually in a lump sum before the new tenant moves in. After these steps are taken, the full responsibility for rental payments and for the apart- ment belongs to the new tenant. Williams advises students to have some kind of written document between themselves and the subletter. The Off- Campus Housing Office provides copies of the University rental lease and in- ventory check list for students who want to use them. "STUDENTS SUBLETTING have to technically become landlords," Williams said. " In yesterday's NCAA basket- ball semi-finals Duke defeated Notre Dame 90-86 and Kentucky beat Arkansas 64-59. See Page 7 for details. " For a listing of available sublets for Spring-Summer, see the Sublet Supplement. " Former Daily Editor George. Lobsenz examines the rhymes and reasons of student suicide. See The Sunday Magazine. . Theweek ' t Ina I