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March 22, 1978 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-03-22

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Page 10-Wednesday, March 22, 1978-The Michigan Daily
ontest seeks best,

worst leases

If you're tired of "Let's Make A
Deal," and you find no more challenge
in "The Price Is Right," then Ann Ar-
bor's own addition to the array of
available contests may be just for you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for.
"The Worst Lease and Best Lease Con-
Sponsored by the Coalition for Better
Ijousing (CBH), the contests are
designed to "dramatize the severity of
the problems of deceptive clauses in
local leases."
"BEST" AND "WORST" are, for
contest purposes, defined in terms of
the number of deceptive and unenfor-
ceable clauses contained in the leases.

The "worst lease" contest is open
only to tenants, with the tenant submit-
ting the lease with the highest number
of deceptive or unenforceable clauses
being the winner. The "best lease"
contest is open only to landlords, with
the winner being the landlord entering
the lease with the fewest
"questionable" clauses.
The winning tenant will be treated to
free legal advice from a housing attor-
ney, over lunch at Dominick's
restaurant. The winning landlord will
receive a copy of the guide to local
housing law, "How to Evict Your Lan-
dlord." In addition, CBH members said
the landlord will get "public acclaim."
LANDLORDS AND tenants in-

terested in entering the contest should
send CBH the following information:
the number of deceptive or unenfor-
ceable clauses in the lease, plus name,
address and telephone number. Tenan-
ts should also include the name of their
landlord. This information, and a copy
of the lease, should be sent to: 508 Ben-
jamin Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
48104. The deadline for entries is March
28 and only one tenant per dwelling is
eligible for the "worst lease" contest.
The contests come at a time when
CBH is sponsoring two tenants' rights
information referendums which will
appear on the April 3 city election
ballot. The "Truth in Renting" proposal
would make it illegal for landlords to

have deceptive and unenforceable
clauses in their leases. The "Fair Ren-
tal Information" proposal would direct
the city to publish a new tenants' rights
"Ann Arbor has the worst leases in
Michigan and we're trying to draw at-
tention to the fact that people are
abused by their leases," said Tim
Kunin of CBH. "The contest is meant to
illustrate the seriousness of the
problem of deceptive leases."
CBH MEMBERS said tenants
shouldn't have much trouble
discovering questionable clauses. The
study also showed that Ann Arbor
leases contain an average of 6.6 decep-
tive clauses per lease-the highest
average of any city in the state.

Journalist sees hope in Viet documentary

Journalist Tom Fox ended the second
day of the Vietnam teach-in yesterday
with a showing of his 60's anti-war
documentary "Hearts and Minds" and
a reminder that "this isn't the final
word, it's only the first question."
Fox spent six years off and on in
Vietnam from 1966 to 1972 helping to

make the award-winning film. He
became interested in this project
because the Vietnamese people were
telling him "If you really want to help
us, tell your people." The people of
Vietnam, Fox said, "didn't blame the
war on the people of America as much
as on the government." He added that
the Vietnamese had and still have faith

Samoff will appeal

his tenure
(Continued from Page 1)
about to say 'you've got to give this per-
son (Samoff) tenure,' " Galler said.
"Legally they could, but I don't think
they will."
TIE PANEL'S options include sen-
ding the case back to the Political
Science Department or suggesting the
LSA Executive Committee settle the
But Galler pointed out that the
ultimate authority rests with the LSA
Executive Committee which is com-
off suggested list
Your chance to buy the

rej ection
prised of six LSA professors and Dean
Frye. That committee could ignore the
panel's recommendation.
Meanwhile, students in the depar-
tment continueto voice support for
Samoff and maintain that his case is
still a live issuer
Last week both the Michigan Student
Assembly and the LSA Student Gover-
nment sent resolutions to Frye suppor-
ting Samoff. On Monday, some 25
Samoff backers - both students and
faculty members - met to plan
strategy to assist Samoff in his appeal.
Participants encouraged Samoff
supporters to contact LSA Executive
Committee members as well as state

in the American public.
"WE WERE trying to show the effect
of the war on the Vietnamese," Fox
said. "We weren't trying to be a CBS
news crew. . . but to interview and let
the people speak as to how the war was
affecting their lives."
Fox said that during the war the
media in general left an "environment
of total misunderstanding" by their
inadequate coverage.
"Oneof the problems during the war
was that the media, the networks, AP
and UPI ... had a very strong influence
and were continually taking the ad-
ministrative view of the war," he ex-
plained. "It was very easy for the
major newspapers to record and accept
(the official news briefings) as reality
- when it wasn't - it was just easy
THE MAIN problem, he said, with
the media attitude - and indeed the at-
titude of some of the anti-war activists
- was that "the ideology was placed
above human concern. I always had
trouble with people who saw Vietnam
as an issue."
"Hearts and Minds" received only
limited distribution. It was shown in
theaters for a few weeks after its
release and then disappeared. Fox said
that the United States simply "wasn't
ready for it." The recent spate of Viet-
nam films will "shed very little light on

Vietnam" Fox said, because Vietnam is
incidental to the films, "just
background for a love story or
But there are Vietnam films that the
public will never see. "In the late part
of the war," Fox related, "they (the
American government) developed
bombs with cameras attached to them
that filmed as the bombs dropped.
Somewhere buried in the Pentagon are
hours and hours of films of the bombs
dropping and the people scat -
Surprisingly, Fox still thinks that the
Vietnamese people don't blame the
American people, and actually want to
establish close ties with the American
public. But Fox added that, "The
problem is the government of the
United States still follows the policies
(towards the Vietnamese people) held
at the time the film was made."
To this end Fox says that those par-
ticipating in this week's teach-in
"should work toward reconciliation
with Vietnam - not just because the
Vietnamese people need it but because
the U.S. needs it."
Fox was insistent about the impor-
tance of "Hearts and Minds" in the
history of the war and the three nations
involved - Vietnam, the United States,
and before it France - and more im-
portant, of the people involved.
"This is going to be a film that's going
to stand," Fox said. "It's a chunk of
history presented in two hours."k
In 1976, the American worker with
a family income of between $7,000
and $9,999 lost nearly twice as many
workdays due to accident or illness
as did the worker with an income of
$25,000 or more.
Hair Care
UM Stylists
at the UNION '
Open Mon-Sot

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
He Followed Me Home - Can I Keep
Him Ma?
Gregory Fiedler is under close surveillance of a bloated toad whose down vest
fails to warm his ample paunch. Fiedler is using the inflatable croaker for his
Journalism 405 project- "Herman Goes To College."
Double decker buses
to circle-Ann Arbor

Will Show You How It's "no problem" At Their
And Demonstration Of Their Word Processing
Typing and Dictation Systems
9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

There'll be a touch of merry o1' Lon-
don town in Ann Arbor come mid-May,
when three brand-new, bright red,
double-decker buses start their daily
downtown runs.
The double-deckers will run in two
routes, looping State and Main streets
to connect downtown with the State
Street merchant area.
THE CHARGE for the ride will either
be a flat rate of ten cents or a suggested
ten cents donation, according to Carol
Sullivan of Ann Arbor Tomorrow, the
group purchasing the buses.
Sullivan insists that the bright red-
double-decks will be there for more
than just show.I
"Part of the whole debate on down-
town development has centered on the

assumption that it would be just a
marketing thing," she said, noting the
opposition to the downtown trolley as
flashy and too costly.
"WE'RE HOPING to stop some of the
congestion we see in the city," Sullivan
said. " esides capturing the pedestrian
traffic e want to capture the people
who can park their cars far away and
ride the bus downtown."
The project will be self-sqpporting, as
each of the new buses will sport adver-
tising on its side.
Already the buses have one suppor-
ter, City Administrator SylVestor
Murray. In a memorandum to City
Council Monday night, he said, "I
suggest that the City Council support
the double-decker project although
fortnal approval isn't necessary."

Taxi bias charged

(Continued from Page 1)
one of these guys was just a driver," he
said. "I can understand Mr. Lalonde's
concern. If there's any threat that he's
not getting a fair deal, we should
correct it."
Wheeler suggested asking Council to
reclassify Kyes as the industry
representative, since Spies' term ex-
pired officially at the end of December.
Spies, however, is still attending


good stuff

at honest

Purim Celebration
on the Hill area & East Quad
Wednesday, March 22
An Evening of
Mime & Hamentaschen
with KEN FEiT "The Fool"
6:15-7 p.m. Markley dorm
Angela Davis Lounge
10:30-11:30 p.m. East Quad
Anderson Lounge

meetings and voting. Laporte said she
would notify him this week that he is no
longer on the board.
"I think Council would understand
the situation and change Kyes'
designation," Wheeler said. "I don't
know why Lalonde's doing this, but he
is correct in that there should not be two
industry representatives on the board."
Head football coach Barry Switzer of
Oklahoma was a two-way player at
Arkansas in the late 1950s, snapping the
ball at center on offense and playing
linebacker on defense.
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Phone Quotes-
too busy during

Hey! UAC needs
new Program Directors
m' i

A ... w..A..L

The University Activities Center
(UAC) is the largest student run
organization on campus. We pro-
vide U-M students with hundreds of
cultural programs and entertaining
events each year. Responsible, cre-
ative people are needed for the
1978-79 school year to manage
UAC programs:


Eclipse Jazz

I .." ; -" -- I 1


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