Page 8-Sunday, March 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily BRIDGE/ ken parsigian N- I was already 15 minutes late for a dinner engagement, so I was anxious to finish the rubber. I had tried to leave, earlier, but I was having a good day, and my opponents wanted desperately to get some of their money, back. So, reluctantly, I had agreed to one more rubber-that was an hour and a half ago. My partner had become ill, so my opponents (unbiased and friendly chaps that they were) invited a nearby kibit- zer to take his place, and that was the reason for this marathon set. At first I wasn't-too concerned because I was so far ahead I figured to win even though my partner was a rank beginner. But when he sat down at the table and asked innocently, "Are aces high or low in this game?" I knew I was headed for a bloodbath. Hand after hand we bid too high (did I say we?), played in the wrong suit, forgot the meaning of bids, and lost oodles of points, and more importantly, money. Somehow we managed to make a game (I really don't remember it, but it was certainly unbidable, and probably unmakable too), and-now there was ac- tually hope of ending the carnage. If we could just stumble into one more game contract and manage to make it the rubber would be over. It was a slim chance, but I had to have hope, and as I picked up my hand and I crossed my fingers and cast a hopeful look up to- ward the bridge gods. The bidding was inexplicable, insignificant and almost certainly wrong, so let it suffice to say that we were in 5 hearts after West had preempted 4 spades. I was not confident about our chances, so that should tell you who was declarer. These were the four hands: North (me) S5 HAJ 107 D 1097 CAK982 West East SAKQJ109876 S32 H H65432 DJ5 DQ83 C106 CQJ4 South (my Partner) S4 HKQ98 DAK642 C753 I got up from the table and went around behind my partner to see his hand, and as I did East, who had been licking his chops and looking ready to double all through the auction, led a small spade. "But, uh, I'm sorry, but it's not your lead," my partner said timidly. Having been confronted with a lead out of turn many times, I proceeded to explain to my partner what options he had, and he had just enough sense to give himself a chance on the hand by forbidding a spade lead. With a spade lead he would have had three sure losers-a diamond, a club and a spade (and with the 5-0 break, a heart, too). But without a spade lead there was still the hope of some kind of dndplay. So, East picked up his small spade, and West led the club 10. Now my partner stopped to study the hand (a futile gesture, but it looked nice) and I joined him. Even without the spade lead it looked bad, but while I was trying to construct a position of the cards that would allow the hand to be made, my partner, un- deterred by the apparent inevitability of losing three tricks, forged Lhead by winning the first trick in dummy and leading a small trump to his 8. When West showed out, it was panic time, and my partner turned white as a sheet. I was pleased to see him shocked, because it gave me a chance to study the hand. I knew I had to throw West in-to have any hope, but that would only save one trick, and with a 5-0 trump break we needed to save two. Was there -A-T any way? Finally it hit me. It was a long shot, but it was our only hope: partner would have to cash his top diamonds and top club, and then lead a spade hoping that West would have to win it. So far, so good, but it gets har- der. Next, West would have to be down to nothing but spades now, and thus for-- ced to lead one. Now for the key play, my palooka partner would have to spurn the ruff, and discard a diamond from dummy and a club from his hand. He could now make the remainder of the tricks on a high cross-ruff. It was a pretty play, and I would have been quite pleased with myself if I'd made it at the table. But with this buffoon playing the hand I was lost. He wouldn't understand this play when I explained it to him after the hand, so there was lit- tle chance he would find it now-unless I could prod him a bit ... By this time, partner had resumed play of the hand, and since he couldn't draw all the trump (since East had more than he did) he just cashed side- suit winners, alias the top diamonds and the top club. The stage was set. Now partner gave me the break I was looking for by mumbling something to himself. Quick as a flash I flicked the spade 5 on the table. "What are you doing?" he shouted. "I didn't call for that-card." "Oh; I'm so sorry," I replied, "I thought you said 'small spade.' Well, it's my fault and I guess we'll just have to suffer." My opponents were suspicious of my magnanimity, but they couldn't dope out my plan, so they let the spade lead stand. One down, one to go, I thought. Now West led, perforce, another spade, and partner called for a small trump from dummy. But I didn't .give up so easily. Instead of playing the heart 7, I nonchalantly tossed the diamond 7 on the table. East nearly spoiled my gambit by pointing out my misplay, but just before he opened his mouth he thought better of it and followed silently with the small spade. Partner, who was blithely< unaware of my chicanery, still thought he had ruf- fed in dummy, so he pitched a club from his hand and reached to gather in the trick. "Excuse me," East said curtly, "but the trick is ours." "No it isn'.t, I ruffed it," my partner said indignantly. "Look again," said East. And when my partner looked at the trick again he saw the diamond seven and shot me a disparaging look. "Sorry partner," I said, feigning disappointment. East was guffawing loudly since his side already had two tricks, and he still had at least a trump trick coming-or did he? A few seconds later partner had taken the last six tricks with East un- derruffing helplessly four times. East and West, who were both on to me by now, were red-faced and ready to strangle me, but my partner broke the tension with his comment. "I'd probably have made six if you handn't misplayed dummy, but since we were only in five, I suppose it doesn't reakly matter." stallone (Continued from Page 7) at writing is devoted to sketches of the characters and descriptions of the tough poverty of Hell's Kitchen. It's boring. One suspects that Stallone is not very interested in it either, and that that is why his prose is so self- consciously primitive:. Across the street was Mickey's Bar. As usual, the bar was stuffed with broad-backed working class guzzlers. Nobody really enjoyed themselves in Mickey 's Bar. They just floated from one brew .0e next. From one slool to the next. From one dirty joke to the next. T HESE ONE-LINE paragraphs recur throughout the book. In some cases a single sentence is strung out over two or three paragraphs. Then, midway through Paradise Alley, con-man Cosmo hits on an in- spired scheme: he will make a fortune by turning Victor into a wrestler. Victor hesitates, then agrees to go along with the plan. The musclebound iceman, dubbed Kid Salami (you thought "Italian Stallion" was corny), begins to dispatch opponents in seedy clubs throughout Hell's Kitchen. Brother Lenny, who had initially urged Victor not to wrestle, consents to becoming his manager. He takes over Victor's life, promoting and wagering heavily, all the while pushing him . into the background while he takes Annie O'Sherlock away from him.- Lenny becomes a man possessed, relentlessly pushing Victor to fight several brutal opponents a week. The continual bat- tering ruins Victor's face, hearing, and temperament. Victor becomes something he has never been - mean. This part of the novel moves quickly. Stallone seems to be more in his element. He has said that he hates the sport of boxing, and here his dislike of wrestling is clear. The savage tricks the small-time wrestlers use to win their bouts, the effects the fighting has on Victor, and Stallone's deep feelings about physical struggles show through and reach the reader. The irritating stylistic devices fade a bit. In the end, Victor throws his big fight upon which Lenny has bet the entire winnings from previous matches, and goes back to being an iceman. Cosmo, horrified now by the extent to which Lenny has exploited his own brother, sticks to more benign scams, and Len- ny gets Annie O'Sherlock. How does Paradise Alley compare with Rocky? Will the inevitable film version be any good? My feeling is that Paradise Alley is a lesser work and is likely to remain so when transferred to film. It's not full of cultural stereotypes the way Rocky was - there is no mousy girl turning beautiful, no hard-boiled trainer, no Muhammed Ali - but to a large extent, those stereotypes are responsible for the almost mythic power in Rocky. There is more sen- timent here than in Rocky, and less compensating emotional toughness. But Stallone will make a fine Victor, and a good supporting cast could turn Paradise Alley into an enjoyable movie. The film will not have to suffer the burden of Stallone's unlovely prose. journals, (Continued from Page 7) set of poems about Ginsberg's dying father, and two "hot hearted love poems" called "I Lay Love On My Knee" and "Love Replied" are a bit easier to take. In addition, Ginsberg has written simple musical accompaniment, com- plete with letter-coded guitar chords, for some of the poems in Mind Breaths. From the not-so-callow youth ofrthe Journals to the blissed-out author of Mind Breaths, Allen Ginsberg has un- dergone many transformations, remaining throughout a controversial, outgoing, intensely generative artist. This makes these two new books quite fascinating - if not always nice reading. sundamagadzine Co-editors inside: s Patty Montemurri Tom O'Connell Books Editor Brian Blanchard Cover photo of Tahquamenon Falls by Alan Bilinsky Perspective on Allen- Ginsberg Photo essay: America' s Southwest A 'Rock first novel t Supplement to The Michigan Daily A ! Ann Arbor, Michigan--Sunday, March 19, 1978r.4,. . f ~a" "Ffrbs V 4