The Michigan Daily-Saturday, March 18, 1978-Page 3, I Mauldin saw'differentkind of wa' ,;. ,til : it +l U E NE ROM PENCALL A-D& Swin-a-thon sponsors It's not too late to sponsor a sorority swimmer in the two-day Sigma Chi swim-a-thon. Proceeds from the event will aid the American Cancer Society and the Women's Crisis Center. The meet, which raised approximately $5000 for charity last year, starts at 7 p.m. at Matt Mann Pool. If you're interested in sponsoring a tanker (per lap or in one lump sum) call Tom Slikkers at 668-9336. An Apology We wish to express our regrets for an item which ran in this column Friday, March 3. The story dealt with the allocation of LSA Student Government funds to bring a speaker from COYOTE, a group advocating legalized prostitution, to the University. The item poked fun at the student government decision and implied that the funding the speech was improper. Upon reflection - and after receiving criticism of the story - we feel it was inappropriate and in poor taste. }0 By KEITH RICHBURG Douglas MacArthur once said that old generals never die, "They just fade away." History is spotted with men and women who have made their reputations during wartime, only to see the bubble reputation explode once the guns have stilled. Cartoonist Bill Mauldin, who made his own fame with the "Willie and Joe" characters of World War II, was determined to outlive his war era notoriety, and became a contemporary political car- toonist for the Chicago Sun-Times. "WARTIME reputations, especially literary reputations, are a very dangerous and fragile thing," he said. "I don't know of any war reputation that lasted." Of his war notoriety, 56-year-old Mauldin said, "I did not try to exploit it. I did not try to cash in on it. I became a political cartoonist." And far from fading away, Mauldin has, like fine vintage wine, simply grown better with age. MAULDIN WAS in Ann Arbor Thur- sday, to show slides in a history depar- tment mini-course, have dinner with an old friend, Detroit News cartoonist Draper Hill, and tell a receptive audience at Rackham Auditorium about a "different kind of war." World War II, as Mauldin described it, "was the last war when you could tell the good guys from the bad guys without a scorecard. We were the good guys, and there was no question about it." The cartoonist had delivered the same central theme pearlier. "If you came home from World War II alive, people brought you drinks," he told the history class in Angell Hall. "Times have changed. My son was on combat tour in Vietnam, and when he came home you tried to get out of your uniform as fast as you could before they stoned you in the street." BUT IF MAULDIN'S young audience in Ann Arbor was indeed the Vietnam generation, their nostalgia for the old war would never give them away. The cartoonist devoted his entire classroom lecture to slides of his earlier barracks and infantry cartoons of the second world war. At Rackham, Mauldin drew his greatest applause when asked to re- create on an overhead projector the sketch that made him famous - Willie, the battle-weary, bearded infantryman depicting "soldier life as it was then." Mauldin began his career at an early age, attending the Chicago Art Academy after leaving high school without a diploma. "Formal education is the one thing I've always missed," Mauldin said. "I have to go look up things I should already know." AFTER JOINING the army in 1940, Mauldin found that his artistic prowess gained him an easy way out of the thir- ty-mile hikes at boot camp. "I got Fridays off to draw the things, so I was grateful," he said. When Mauldin went overseas, it was the time of the Allied thrust into southern Europe, starting with the lan- dings at Sicily. The Army apparently decided that the cartoons were good for morale, and Mauldin began drawing regularly for Stars and Stripes. His cartoons of the era were drawn, as he says, not "for the generals, but for the soldier up front." His caricatures depicted troops coping with the adver- sities of war in an almost too casual \bravado. One drawing, showing two in- fantry men pinned down under enemy fire, showed one saying to the other, "I can't get any lower, Willie, me buttons is in the way!" BUT THE ENEMY was not all the soldier in the field was forced to cope with. Mauldin lampooned the constant rainfalls, sleeping on cold ground, and the depleted sense of values that makes one cartoon soldier say to another "You saved my life and I'm going to repay you. Here's my last pair of dry socks." This was the kind of war that Mauldin remembers, the kind depicted in his, cartoons. The cartoonist also had a few things to say about the more recent con- flicts. He described Vietnam as "like; seening your mother-in-law go over cliff in your new car." .1 "I felt like saying 'go get 'em!' and at the same time thinking, 'My God, what' are we getting into?' " he said. "I decided at that time to stop covering war; I've never been very objective anyway." Mauldin's visit was sponsored by Viewpoint lectures and the history'' department. -Ur fly-- GET MOVING, AMERICA! Happenings ... celebrated St. Patrick's Day a little too much last night? Well, (if you can) roll out to East Quad for the second day of the Educational Conference on Women. The program starts at 9:30 a.m. with coffee, tea, and a self-defense workshop. At 11 a.m., Carolyn Bode, a lobbyist with' the Women's Lobby, Inc., will discuss "Abortion in the Legislative Process" . .. also at 11 a.m., Prof. John Clark will talk about solar energy in room 133, Chrysler Center on North Campus ... Washtenaw County Living Theatre will audition aspiring thespians from noon to 2 p.m. for three one-act romantic comedies. Auditions are at the Washtenaw County Service Center, 4133 Washtenaw . . . a conference on Christianity and the Black Collegiate at Schorling starts at noon and runs to 6 p.m. . . . a game of tug-of-war over the Huron River, and relay races from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. kick off Greek Week ... Prof. Emmet Leith of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., discusses Holography (with demos even), at 1 p.m. Room 133 Chrysler Center. . . make it back to East Quad's women's conference by 1:30 for a self-help workshop. . . at 3 p.m., Nuclear Engineering Dept.'s Chihiro Kikuchi speaks about Masers and Lasers in Nuclear Engineer- ing, room 133, Chrysler Center.. . the film "In the best Interests of the Children" will be shown at 6 p.m. as part of East Quad's Women's Con- ference. A discussion on lesbian motherhood will follow . . . the evening program of the Conference on Christianity and the Black Collegiate starts at 7.30 p.m. at Bethel A.M.E. Church, 900 Plum St... at 7:30 p.m., Prof. Chen-To Tai of the Electrical Engineering Dept. talks about the "History of Mathematics in China"' in the Michigan League's Henderson room . . . burn off extra calories at the Central Campus Rec Building's all-night open house ... a six-person art show opens at 7 p.m. in the Rackham art galleries. 0 Birdd discrimrination Men and pigeons are apparen- tly not created equal. If you want to take a pigeon to a disco or bar,/ or get married to one, if you re in Ohio, forget it. A Youngstown judge has ruled that the Con- stitution "guarantees life, liber- ty, and the pursuit of happiness for citizens, but I find no such constitutional protection for pigeons." The decision frees the Youngstown Board of Health to go ahead with a pigeon exter- minating program. This tragic flaw in our nation's creed may be WE "(WD ThE attributed to the fact that no TO 'ESE- pigeons signed the document. The pigeons are expected to VlE T protest. Film at 11. t0 On the Outside,. .. Today we should have partly cloudy skies, with southeast winds at about 15-20 mph. It will become increasingly cloudy during the day.. The high will be 42, and the low 25. Tomorrow will be mostly. cloudy with a very slight chance of snow and a high of 45. MEDIATRICS BOBBY DEERFIELD AL PACINO Plays a despondent race-car champion. MARTHE KELLER is the only woman who can make him smile . MARCH 18th 7:00 and 9:30 Mauldin Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG' NAT SCI AUD WED., MARCH 22- NINOTCHKA -7:00 and 9:00 in MLB 3 The inn Arbor Film Cooperative Presents at MLB SATURDAY, MARCH 18 CARNAL KNOWLEDGE (Mike Nichols, 1971) 7 & 9-MLB 3 This compelling, fascinating film examines two friends from their college days in the 40's to their adult lives in the 70's. In the sensitive and blackly humorous screenplay by Jules Feiffer, Sandy (ART GARFUNKEL) and Jonathan (JACK NICHOLSON) undergo a sad odyssey from sex-hungry adolescents to sexually bewildered adults. Both Feiffer and Nichols are almost painfully funny' about the bleak lies people tell themselves and one another about love. With Ann-Margart. "I've experienced only three or four movies that I genuinely was sorry to see end. I was sorry to see CARNAL KNOWLEDGE end."-Vincent Canby. THE GRADUATE ° ' (Mike Nichols, 1967) 7 only-MLB 4c.,a DUSTIN HOFFMAN stars as a college graduate who has his first sexual encounter with a friend of his parents (ANNE BANCROFT) and proceeds to fall in love with that woman's daughter. The first movie to deal with the "I refuse to feel guilty" youth theme. "The freshest, funniest, and most touching film of the year."-Hollis Alpert. PETU LA (Richard Lester, 1968) 9 only-MLB 4 JULIE CHRISTIE stars as Petulia, a "free spirit" who tries to liberate a middle-aged doctor (GEORGE C. SCOTT) through an affair. RICHARD CHAM- BERLAIN sheds his clean-cut image as Petulia's emotionally-disturbed hus- band. On another level, the film is a look at 1968 southern California, com- plete with justling chicano kids, mod gadgetry, and super-contemporary interiors similar to those of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. Skeptical, funny, one of Lester's best. Nurses ratify new contract agreement By SUE WARNER The University of Michigan Professional Nurses Council agreed late Wednesday night to ratify a new contract agreement with the Univer- sity. The council represents over 800 non- supervisory nurses on campus and has been without a new contract since last Dec. 31. The old contract was extended several times and a mediator was also called in to assist in the negotiations. ACCORDING TO the nurses, the most significant improvements in the new pact concern professional issues relating to improved patient care. Margo Barron, the nurses' chief negotiator, said the new contract recognizes. "the shared obligations and responsibilities of the University and the professional nurses to provide, maintain, and improve nursing care which is consistent within the resources and environment provided by the University." The nurses' new economic package will increase wages across the eleven Metropolis Film Society Presents: A Roman Polanski Film steps of their pay scale in addition to improving fringe benefits. Barron said the economic provisions were improved to "facilitate recruitment and to en- courage the retainment of professional nurses.' University negotiator John Forsyth said he thinks the new contract "meets the objectives of both the nurses council and the University." The new contract is set to expire June 30, 1980 r. SlOP SMOK(ING IN FIVE DAYS Whether this is your first, fifth or fiftieth attempt to stop smoking, it will be your last. Because our 5-day group program neutralizes your desire for tobacco. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXviII, No. 132 Saturday, March 18,.1978 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. -Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters): $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur- day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. You don't need anyone to tell you the draw- backs of smoking but if you continue smoking in face of the evidence, you probably need help in quitting. Or maybe it's easy for you to stop, but staying stopped is something else. If you want to quit smoking, we will show you how to stop. At the end of five days, you will be through with cigarettes forever. Even the most hard to cure smokers find that the Smoke Stoppers program works for them. How Smoke Stoppers Works Our program doesn't just stop you from smok-' ing, but rids you completely from your depen- dence on nicotine. We don't use hypnosis, scare tactics or filters and devices to get you to stop smoking. And you won't need will power either. Years of research on habit formation allow our skilled therapists to show you how to quickly break your smoking habit through the development of new associations in the sub- conscious memory. Here's What People Say About Smoke Stoppers Marcy people tell us that a valuable part of our program is the section that shows you how to minimize or eliminate the weight gain that often accompanies smoking cessation pro- grams. Here are some of the other things our graduates tell us about our program: Mr. S. G. from Southfield - 2 pack a day smoker for 10 yrs. "I had tried to quit smoking about ten other times by myself but without success. With the help of the program Ilam now free of cigarettes for the first time since high school and I have not been irritable either. Mrs. C. S. from Ann Arbor - 1 pack a day smoker for 23 yrs. "I was amazed that after the first day I hardly had any urges for a cigarette nor did I crave food. The Smoke Stoppers program m ade this possible:Mr T C . " ro s i 4 pack a day smoker for 46 yrs. "I didn't know quitting could ever be this easy. The Smoke Stoppers program was almost magical in the way it got me off cigarettes and has kept me off. I'll never smoke again" Saturday, March 18, MLB Room 1 Admission $1.50, Showtimes 7:30, 9:45 Paranoia strikes deep and Polanski twists the knife with an accommodating smile. r {F{y/ #i ,, . . .:4 >4<,',i#G +fr /,r><>A 4''t v'f r 4 r>a,:>1}>':r^ 'f >4 ;4 .4 ; t> lr o CJ 4<75'> Q V, ,.4>1Y A 1J u;M, . .r . .' .. . ..tN- ..-. , _ .r . i 3..- . t>c 1 r "Y.."J? .}?r .. , t .. u , .i i.r f4. .(_- r-. f. ~} ..: ?,. .. .',.. ,( s . . "./M ( r . c W .. .. r .( iX , iJ1 f Five Hours To Freedom At the completion of-the Smoke Stoppers program you will find thEt you are once again your own person. You will be completely free from the need to smoke. And all it takes,is five days ... five hours ... and the first session is free. now 0M FREE INTRODUCTORY MEETING 7:30 PM Monday, March 20 or Tuesday, March 21 Michigan League - Conference Room #4 Ann Arhnr I I - I I