E rrr iro rr y
The Michigan Daily-Thursday, January 12, 1978-Page 3
World coffee prices to stabilize
Brrreak out
A Jackson State Prison inmate, clad only in a thin hospital gown,
walked out of the University hospital into the early morning cold yes-
terday and hasn't been seen since. Police say Thomas Stevens, 34, left his
10th floor hospital room about 2:30 a.m. and presumably went right on
walking. Stevens, described as a white male, 5'9" with brown hair and a
heavy mustache, is serving 4-5 years for carrying a concealed weapon.
Police do not consider him dangerous. "He'd have to have been moving
pretty fast in this cold before he got frostbite," speculated one police of-
A license to do anything
Would you vote for #62345? He's had all his shots and he's paper
trained. Tags around the neck may not be necessary, but if a Kentucky
legislator has his way, politicians will have to be licensed by their state
before they can seek public office. "Think of it," says Rep. Bruce Blythe
of the Kentucky House. "Doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, even
barbers and beauticians, must have state government sanction in order
to serve the public." Blythe's proposal would require an office-seeker to
have a basic education and knowledge of government function and "other
necessary requirements." The license would be good for four years.
A spirited vacation
Forget the Florida beaches. Forget the slopes of Aspen. The U.S.
Travel Service now has the ultimate in vacationtours - a guide to the
hangouts of ghosts and goblins and things that go bump in the night. The
eight-page guide, "The Supernatural - Haunted Houses and Legendary
Ghosts," lists 29 sites where the adventurous can hobnob with friendly
and not-so friendly spirits. The list includes Southern plantations,
boyhood homes, a governor's mansion, an Army fort and a U.S. battle-
ship. Among the spooks in residence are said to be the ghost of General
Robert E. Lee, hanging out at his childhood home in Alexandria, Va., and
the ghosts of several Revolutionary War participants. Better than spen-
ding the vacation with Aunt Gert and Uncle Edgar.
...are primarily intellectual today. Quench your thirst for art at the
art prints sale sponsored by the Mad Hatters Tea Party from 9 to 5 in both
the Union lobby and the Fishbowl. The sale benefits the Child Care Action
Center ... At 11, Edward Paul speaks on "Mixing and Product Distribu-
tion for a Liquid-Phase, Second-Order Competitive-Consecutive Reac-
tion" in 3515 E. Engin. ... If your mind is still holding up, drop over to 4001
C.C. Little at 4 to hear Dr. John Bird expound on "Plate Tectonics and
Ore Deposits" ... Over at Hillel on 1429 Hill, a meeting for "Aliyah" and
registration for Beit Midrash classes begin at 7 ... and if you want a little
input on "Introduction to Digital Computers and Computing Languages"
sign on with Bruce Carr at 7:30 in the Nat. Sci. Auditorium ... Have fun.
. On the Outside....
Well, you can take off at least one of the three sweaters you've been
wearing for the past week. You might even be able to turn the electric
blanket down to 3. Today will border on livable with a high of 270 and
a low of only 20. Expect some snow late this afternoon which may con-
tinue tomorrow. Welcome back from the Ice Age!
Coffee drinkers, jolted in the past by
sharp price rises that have now drop-
ped below their peak, can expect the
cost of their beverage to hold steady
during 1978, Brazilian coffee experts
"Barring some major unforeseen
problem, stability will be the watch-
word in international coffee markets
for several months to come," said a top
analyst at the Brazilian Coffee Insti-
'THE INSTITUTE expert, who asked
not to be identified by name, said
American consumers could expect to
pay about $3.10 to $3.20 a pound over the
next few months. "Maybe that's a little
more than they are paying now, but we
do not expect a substantial increase,"
he said.
The expert predicted coffee will sell
at about $2.10 per pound on interna-
tional markets and added that super-
market prices in the United States are
usually about $1 higher than the inter-
national market price.
He said approximately 55.8 million
bags of coffee, weighing 132 pounds
each, will be available for export in
1978, compared to an average annual
import demand by consuming countries
for 76 million bags. Discounting stocks
already in hand, the expert calculated a
shortage of about 9 million bags.
THE LARGEST exporter, he said,
will again be Brazil which will supply 12
million bags out of a total 1977-78 pro-
duction estimated at 16 million bags.
Four million bags are needed for
Brazilian domestic consumption.
Colombia, the second largest
producer, was expected to exprt six
million bags. The remainder of the crop
will come from Africa, Mexico, Central
America and Indonesia.
Before the 1975 frost Brazil's annual
production averaged 22 million bags. It
dropped to 6 million in 1975-76 and in
1976-77. Production is expected to re-
cover fully in 1978-79 when a crop of 22
million bags is predicted..
The coffee price boom in late 1976 and
early 1977 brought Brazil record in=
come of $2.3 billion in 1976 and $2.6
billion last year, despite the smaller
exports. Brazil's price per pound rose
from an average 53 cents before the
frost to a high of $3.63 during the boom:
Last Decengber Brazil, which had
withheld coffee from the market for
nearly seven months to halt sliding
prices, reduced its minimum export
price from $3.20 per pound to $2.20 in a
step that institute president Camilo
Callazans said was "in accord with the
realities of the market."
HEW kicks-off new
anti-smoking program
tary Joseph Califano launched a
massive government attack yesterday
on cigarette smoking, declaring it
"public health enemy No. 1" and a
killer of thousands of Americans.
Califano promised help for the
nation's 54 million smokers to quit the
habit. The government will expand its
smoking research and urge broad-
casters and educators to spread the
message that "smoking maims,
smoking kills."
HE ANNOUNCED that a joint
Health, Education and Welfare-
Treasury Department task force will
study the possibility of recommending
that Congress raise the eight-cent-a-
pack federal excise tax on cigarettes.
The panel also will consider the
possibility of graduating the tax accor-
ding to the tar, nicotine and carbon
monoxide in cigarettes.
The .Tobacco Institute, voice of the
$14 billion-a-year cigarette industry, at-
tacked Califano's program before its
unveiling and said the government
should nbot intrude into people's per-
sonal habits.
Califano urged the Civil Aeronautics
Board to ban all smoking on commer-
cial flights. He announced a tightening
of smoking restrictions in HEW
buildings and urged industry and other
federal agencies to follow his example.
CALIFANO SAID a new Office on
Smoking and Health with a $23 million
budget will coordinate all HEW's
$noking research and information ef-
forts. It will spend $6 million next year
orr-information and education, com-
pared with less than $1 million last
Right Hand Technique
Basic Classical and Folk
Reasonable Rates
Guitar Gallery
286 Nickels Arcade
year. i
Califano announced his program on
the 14th anniversary of former Surgeon
General Luther Terry's famous report
on smoking and health. Thirty million
Americans have quit smoking since
1964, and the percentage of adult
smokers has dropped from 42 per cent
to 34 per cent.
Smoking is "a major factor" in the
premature deaths of at least 320,000
Americans each yar from heart
disease, ing cancer and other 4iseases,
Califano declared, saying the program
would be "a counterweight to the in-
dustry's blandishments" to youth to
take up smoking.
Dr. Sidney Wolfe, head of the Ralph
Nader-linked Health Research Group,
said that Califano should have forced
hospitals to stop selling cigarettes. He
added that if the government can spend
"$250 million to combat a non-existent
disease-swine flu," it should spend at
least that much on smoking.
- The Universityof Michigan
Professional Theatre Frogram
presents from Detroit
- .- 0
Jan. 19,20 8pm, Jan.21 2&8pm
Residential College Theatre
PTP Ticket Office, Mendelssohn Theatre Lobby
For information;ca 33-764-0450
All seats $3.50
More than fifty percent of the world is starving.
Another twenty percent, just plain hungry. And yet, in the
face of starvation, they have hope. Hope that the rains will
return to the African Plain. Hope that the Asian rice crop
will be bigger this year. Hope that someone, anyone, with
anything to offer will come to help them fight the battle for
life. Someone in the Peace Corps. They'd like to stand up
, ..
for themselves, these prisoners of fate, but they'rejust
too weak to stand up. But with the Peace Corps a flame
begins to flicker. They've seen other like you before. Seen
the changes you can bring. Two thousand wells on the
parched earth of Sahel. Seen how their knowledge helped
reduce the grain losses. Who are they? They're people
pretty much like you. People with commitment and skills
who've assessed their lives and decided there must be
more than just having a job. They looked into themselves
and knew it was time for the talk to end and the work to
begin. They're very special people, these people. Totally
prepared to give everything they've got. And getting back
even more than they give. That's the beauty of the Peace
Corps. The work is hard and the pay is
lousy,c and the progress comes a drop
at a time. But the rewards are infinite.
Join the Peace Corps and then
take a good long lool in the mirror.
You'll never look the same to
yourself again.
The Peace Corps is alive and
ell. Call toll free:
800-424-8580. Or write: The
Peace Corps, Box A,
Washington, D.C. 20525
A Public Service of This Newspaper
& The Advertising Council
Daily Official Bulletin
Thursday, January 12, 1978
WUOM: "Cambodia: Behind the Curtain of Si-
;.fence. In April, 1975, the U.S. severed its diplomatic
ties with the revolutionary government which had
taken over in Cambodia. Reporter Paul Steinle, who
ji, based in Hong Kong, has been able to piec to-
.;gether what has happened during the past two years
4iy talking with diplomats and journalists who have
;;en there, and by talking with refugees who have
lft, 10:00a.m.
SMHRI: Barbara Turner, "Ontogeny of Glucocor-
,ticoid Binding in the Brain," 1057 MHRI, 3:45 p.m.
*ATTENTION! Have received supply of appis. for
openings in National Forests, Dept. Agri. also Nat.
Parks, Bureau Interior. Pick up at your convenience.
Apps. must be filed between Dec. 1 and January 15.
Complete details available.
art and cr
feeling crafty?
batik, backstrap, and cord-weaving,
clay workshops as well as drawing,
photography, sculpture and 10 other
raft classes with the collaborative
col ObrQt lve
2nd Fl. Michigan Union
We've been, reading
/ 4
LIY +ui g
Available Starting January 16, 1978
In Ms. Charlene Coady's Office, 1500 SAB
POSITIONS INCLUDE: Head Resident, Resident Director,
Assistant Resident Director, Resident
Advisor, Head Librarian, Resident
Fellow, CULS Counselor and Graduate
Student Teaching Assistant
Advisory positions require the completion of a minimum of 55 credit hours by
the end of the 1978 Winter term for the Resident Fellows in Residential College,
Resident Advisor and CULS Counselor positions: Graduate status for Graduate r
Student Teaching Assistant in Pilot Program, Head Librarian, Head Resident
and Resident Director positions. However, qualified undergraduate applicants }
may be considered for the Resident Director positions.
QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Must be a registered U. of M. student on the Ann Arbor Campus during
the period of employment. (2) Must have completed a minimum of 55 credit hours by the end
of the 1978 Winter term. (3) Preference will be given to applicants who have lived in residence
halls at University level for at least one year. (4) Undergraduate applicants must have a 2.5
cumulative grade point average and graduate applitants must be in good academic standing
at the end of the 1977 Fall term in the school or college in which they are enrolled. (5) Prefer-
ence is given to applicants who do not intend to carry heavy academic schedules and who do
not have rigorous outside commitments. (6) Applicants with children will 'not be considered.
(7) Proof of these qualnification nsmv be reauired.
since 1890-
haven't you?