See Editorial Page
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 131
Ann Arbor, Michigan-,-Friday, March 17, 1978
Ten Cents
14 Pages
orders Israeli
forces out of Lebanon
WASHINGTON (AP)-The United States
demanded yesterday that Israel withdraw
from southern' Lebanon, possibly to be
replaced by a United Nation's peacekeeping
force to promote stability in the area.
"We expect Israel to withdraw and we have
made our views in this respect known to the
Israeli government," said the U.S. statement,
issued at President Carter's direction by the
State Department.
solution" to Israel's security problem and
Mideast violence generally is a }comprehen-
sive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
"We don't intend to be distracted from ef-
forts to resolve these basic problems," said.
the statement read by spokesman Hodding
He said the United States was exploring, in
"urgent discussions" at the United Nations
and elsewhere, arrangements for southern
Lebanon's future and that it would support
Security Council consideration of placing a
peacekeeping force in the area.
IT WAS NOT clear I whether the U.S.
position 'diverges from the Israeli gover-
nment's view that its troops should remain in.
southern Lebanon until arrangements are
completed for preventing Palestinian'
terrorists from staging raids from the area.
Spokesman Carter, although declining ex-
tensive elaboration, said there has to be "a
linkage" between the U.S.-demanded Israeli
withdrawal and "measures which would
restore stability" in southern Lebanon.
Earlier yesterday, Israeli jets struck at
Palestinian artillery positions and ground
forces fought gunnery duels,and hit-and-run
battles with guerrillas as Israeli troops set-
tled into a six-mile-wide strip of southern
Lebanon for what could be a long stay.
Minister Menachem Begin was hoping to
negotiate with Lebanon and the Syrian
peacekeeping forces for an agreement that
would prevent the guerrillas from returning
to southern Lebanon. The Syrians make up
the bulk of the 30,000-man Arab League force
which has been in the country since the
Lebanese civil war.
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat condem-
ned the operation, launched early yesterday,
See U.S., Page 9
AP Photo
Palestinian guerrillas, with Soviet weapons, take up positions in an orange grove i southern Lebanon.
The fighting has continued as Israeli forces retaliate for Saturday's terrorist raid.
In an atmosphere reminiscent of the
anti-war demonstrations which once
rocked the University, protesters mar-
ched and chanted on campus yesterday
urging the Regents to divest all Univer-
sity owned stocks and bonds in cor-
porations with South African sub-
The small group of about thirty
protesters who began marching in front
of the Graduate Library at noon grew
steadily until about 150 people circled
the Diag chanting "U of M, out now."
THE PROTEST was sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid (WCCAA), a collection of
local groups including the African
Student Association (ASA), the South
See ISSUE, Page 9
Regents vote to use
new investment policy
Before a vocal, disapproving crowd
of about 200 in the Union Ballroom
yesterday afternoon the Regents rejec-
ted the possibility of complete
divestiture of University stocks and
bonds from U.S. corporations doing
business in South Africa.
The eight Regents unanimously ap-
proved a three-page resolution
proposed for the first time during the
meeting by Regent Thomas (D-Detroit)
which calls for the University to
assume responsibility for voting at
shareholder meetings and letters to
corporations asking them to affirm the
anti-discriminatory Sullivan principles.-
UNLIKE ITS model-a report from
the Senate Assembly Advisory Com-
mittee on Financial Affairs-Roach's
resolution does not require the Univer-
sity to pull its money out of cor-
porations which fail to sign the Sullivan
guidelines and drops the obligation to
divest investments from banks making
or increasing loans to the South African
If corporations take "reasonable
Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Economics Prof. Thomas Weisskopf was one of 18 members of the University community who yesterday in the Union
Ballroom urged the Regents to divest financial ties with South Africa.
steps" in a "reasonable period of time"
towards progressive policies, the
University does not have to sell shares
in those corporations, according to the
resolution. The Advisory Committee
report had recommended adoption of
the six point equal opportunity
guidelines, written by Rev. Leon
Sullivan, a member of the Board of
Directors of the General Motors Cor-
The six Sullivan principles are: non-
segregation in public places; equal op-
portunity; equal pay for comparable
work;' development of training
programs; increasing the number of
non-whites in management; and im-
proving the quality of lives outside the
working environment.
The resolution falls short of adoption
of the guidelines because, several
Regents said, some corporations may
satisfy the conditions of the principles
without actually signing the statement.
IF BANKS MAKE loans "conditioned
upon (South African) governmental ac-
tion which shall tend to end the system
of apartheid," the University need not
divest its holdings from those in-
stitutions. Roach said he left in the
possibility of such investments
because, "You can make a loan if you
get something for it," that is, an ex-
change of investments for anti-
apartheid policy.
See REGENTS, Page 6
" The House approves the Hum-
phrey-Hawkins full employment
bill. See story, Page 2.
* Washtenaw County joins the
boycott against states which
have not ratified the ERA. See
story, Page 11.
Senate passe
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate Shortly after the vote, Carter read a
proved the first of two Panama Canal brief statement to reporters, saying
aties yesterday with one vote to "approval of the treaty marks a new
are, delivering to President Carter a and promising step" in relations with
ctory he had said was vital to his all of Latin America.
credibility as an international leader.
The 68-to-32 vote came on a treaty
that provides for permanent neutrality
of the 64-year-old waterway and for
joint U.S.-Panamanian defense after
the year 2000.
STILL TO BE considered is the
second treaty which provides for the
gradual transfer of the canal to
Panama over the next 22 years. In ad-
dition, both houses of Congress must
approve a huge package of legislation
to implement the turnover. ,
The Carter administration had
repeatedly stressed that an adverse
decision on the pact could undermine
U.S. efforts to improve its image in'
Latin America.
APPROVAL CAME only after the
Senate passed an amendment that
would permit U.S. Military forces to in-
tervene to keep the canal open after
control is transferred.
The amendment by Sen. Dennis
DeConcini (D-Ariz.), would allow in-
s frst
tervention even if canal operations
were threatened by labor strikes or
other internal Panamanian problems.
However, Carter said in his
statement that the treaty will insure
neutrality and accessibility of the canal
but will not include a "right of interven-
tion" in the internal affairs of Panama.
Panamanian thinking on the issue in-
dicated the government of Panamanian
leader Omar Torrijos might reject the
DeConcini amendment.
The State- Department had asked
DeConcini to soften the wording of his
amendment because it could cause
problems with Panama. But he conten-
ded the language had to be specific so
canal treaty
there could be no misunderstandings
about U.S. rights to intervene.
Before voting approval of
ratification, the Senate turned down, 67
to 33, a motion by Sen. Robert Griffin
(R-Mich.), to send the pact back to Car-
ter for renegotiation.
EARLIER, A White House
spokesman, Rex Granum,
acknowledged that Carter had spent 15
to 20 minutes talking by telephone to
Torrijos Wednesday. Granum said the
call was prompted by reports of
Panamanian "concerns and questions"
about treaty amendments.
Panama's ambassador to the United
Nations, Jorge Illeuca, said Torrijos
himself would have to evaluate the ef-
See SENATE, Page 11
For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.]
Fafth and egorra!
Everyone's Irish on
St. Patrick's Day
Everyone's a little bit Irish on St. Even staunch Scottish lass Nancy
Patrick's Day and probably a little bit Ferguson turns green for today. "I'm
one hundred per cent Scottish but on St.
hung over the morning after if you can Patrick's Day I miraculously become -:.
go by the plans of some University half Irish and half Scottish," she says.
students. IRISH OR NOT, "wearers o' the
Kevin McErney, who claims to be one green" should have a good time
hundred per cent Irish, says he is going celebrating tonight between the dance
to celebrate today by "wearing all at 9 p.m. in the Union Ballroom and all
green, talking with an Irish accent and n pm n * im h corva at
Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D- Wisc.),
who cast the deciding vote on the
first of the Panama Canal treaties.
Armed terrorists abduct
ROME (AP) - In one of Europe's
boldest terror strikes, a dozen armed
extremists yesterday kidnapped five-
time former Premier Aldo Moro,
Italy's probable next president, killing
his five bodyguards in a meticulously
planned street ambush.
The government reacted swiftly with
a manhunt of unprecedented scope that
turned Rome into a besieged city. "We
.- - ,..- .1 ._1_ _A T ..1 .11- L1 4
Italian politician
The government threw 50,000 troops
and police, aided by helicopters and
dogs, into the search for Moro and his
captors - 11 men and one woman.
Italy's major unions called a one-day
work stoppage and massed hundreds of
thousands of workers in city squares
throughout the nation to protest the at-
011r - -l[.il hi f -na nfin - m
your dear husband unharmed."
The Soviet news agency Tass
described the attack as a "new
dangerous provocation" by "the forces
of reaction," an apparent reference' to
right-wing extremists in Italy:
THE ITALIAN Communist Party,
which has long condemned the Red
Brigade terrorists, denounced the kid-
nnnino afia harharmus act." The