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March 16, 1978 - Image 1

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S.African investments preview, see Page 4
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 130 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 16, 1978 Ten Cents 12 Pages



troops to

stay until

Minister Menachem Begin said Israeli
forces completed their mnassive strike
into Lebanon yesterday and he vowed
the troops would remain until it was
certain Palestinian guerrillas would not
return to their bases.
"The operation ... was completed
today in the afternoon," Begin told a
news conference in Jerusalem. He said
Israel would seek agreements to
guarantee that "in all those places ...
from which the murderers have been
ejected they should not return."
witnesses in Lebanon reported that
Israeli land, sea and air forces had
routed Palestinians from guerrilla
strongholds in the south and rocketed
refugee camps as far north as Beirut,
killing Palestinians and Lebanese.
An Israeli military spokesman denied
jets attacked civilians in refugee cam-
ps. He said they hit "only military
targets of the terrorists." All aircraft
returned safely, he said.
Civilian casualties mounted into the
scores and Palestinians claimed they
had killed or wounded 300 troops of the
Israeli task force, which the guerrillas
estimated at more than 25,000 soldiers.

"WE HAVE been receiving
casualties.since this morning," said the
director of Rambam Hospital in Haifa,
northern Israel. The military command
issued no count.
Palestinian guerrillas said they had
unleashed a massive rocket retaliation
against the northern Israeli settlement
of Kiryat Shmona.
Syrian peacekeeping forces reported
their anti-aircraft positions in the
coastal town of Damur shot back and
hit one of the Israeli warplanes that at-
tacked the refugee camps. There was
no sign of Syrian involvement beyond
anti-aircraft fire.
BUT THE SPECTER loomed high of
hostilities escalating into a major

Syrian-Israeli confrontation, sparking
a new Middle East war.
Israeli Lt. Gen. Mordechai Gur told
reporters' the assault was aimed at
clearing a five-mile-deep guerrilla-free
zone along the 49-mile border with
Lebanon. The attack followed Israeli
pledges te prevent a repetition of
Saturday's'Palestinian terror raid near
Tel Avid, which Israel claimed was
launched from Lebanon and which
killed 34 Israelis.
Qualified sources in Israel said that
nation planned to maintain a strategic
presence in southern Lebanon until the
government in Beirut and the Syrian-
dominated Arab peacekeeping forces
agreed with Israel on curbing guerrilla

SYRIA and Lebanon requested big
power intervention, as did Egypt. The
Cairo government and the United
States, said the attack would hurt chan-
ces for Middle East peace.
Reports of killed and wounded
flooded into Beirut from across the
small country, making a determination
of total casualties difficult. The Israeli
command had said its thrust was at
military targets.
"The Jews fell on our heads from the
sky and spurted arrows of red-hot fire
straight into our homes," a badly
wounded 17-year-old refugee girl said in
a hospital at Beirut's Sabra camp after
See BEGIN, Page,6

Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE

Henry Kissinger was spotted on campus yesterday with his friend Heidi Gott-
leib. Actually, the Kissinger mannequin represents just one of the many po-
litical leaders depicted by cartoonist Bill Mauldin. Mauldin will lecture tonight
at 8 in Rackham Auditorium.

Ed. School Dean Cohen
to head Plymouth probe

Outgoing Education' School dean
Wilbur Cohen, chairman of the new
seven member task force assigned by
Governor . Milliken to investigate
Plymouth Center abuses, said yester-
day he will pursue the investigation
without any restrictions from the
Cohen, appointed to head the new
task force after Donald Smith (former
director of the state Department of
Mental Health) resigned last week, said

he will recommend any changes the
task force wants "regardless of the
"I AM NOT working for the gover-
nment or under any court order. We
will make any recommendations,
whatever they are," Cohen said.
Cohen briefed reporters before for-
mally adjourning the task force's first
meeting. He said he would not stop the
investigation at any level until all
charges are answered. He hinted he

State Senate votes
for lenient pot law

would carry the investigation to the
governor's office if necessary.
Joining Cohen on the task force are
representatives from the state Mental
Health Department, the state Social
Services Department, and the State
Cohen's committee will attempt to:
" Find out the facts of abuse charges
at Plymouth Center,
" See if any cover-up existed at the
center or in the department of mental
" Help in searching additional
allegations of abuse,
" Coordinate their findings with a
previously named state-panel on abuse,
" Investigate how abuse cases are
handled at all state institutions that
provide live-in care and treatment
ALSO APPOINTED to Cohen's com-
mittee were William Haber, a former
University dean, Detroit City Council
President Erma Henderson, and
National Bank of Detroit Vice
President Walter Greene.
John Dempsey, representing the
department of Social Services, stressed
the need for coordination among the
members of the task force.
"When three people are in charge, no
one is in charge," Dempsey said.

Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE

Michigan moved one step closer to
statewide decriminalization of
marijuana yesterday when the state
Senate approved a measure that would
end possible jail sentences for
possession of less than one ounce of
marijuana. -
The measure passed on a 25-12 vote
and it is now headed to the House,
which rejected similar legislation in-
troduced by Ann Arbor Rep. Perry.
uillard (D), last year.
Under the proposed legislation, of-
fenders caught with less than one ounce
of marijuana would receive a
'maximum fine up to $100. There would
be no criminal record and local gover-
nments would not be able to alter the
state law.
Currently, marijuana offenders
arrested with small amounts of the
widely-used drug could face up to 90
days in jail, a $100 fine, or both.
The bill's sponsors, state Senators
Anthony Derezinski (D-Muskegon) and
Jerome Hart, (D-Bay City) both expect
the legislation to receive similar
favorable support in the House. If the
Th ursdayv
* The Regents are expeclt to
make a decision today on the
future of the University's in-
vestments in companies with
holdings in South Africa. See
story, Page 3.
* The Senate will vote today on

bill receives House approval, it could
become law later this year or possibly
in early 1979.
Hart, chairman of the Senate ap-
propriations committee said at least $25
million in state funds could be saved
annually if the money now used for
marijuana law enforcement was
reallocated for the prevention of more
serious crimes.
According to Derezinski, both
marijuana users and law officers have
See NEW, Page 9

Housing, mass transit and roads were
among the issues prompting a heated
and biting debate yesterday between'
mayoral candidates Louis Belcher and'
Albert Wheeler in their first formal1
debate of the campaign season.
The face-off, held in the. Anderson
Room of the Michigan Union was spon-
sored by SDX, a professional jour-
nalism fraternity. SDX provided a
panel of three Michigan Daily reporters
who questioned the candidates.

Even before the debate began, it was
apparent the emotional fever was high.
The two men were involved in the
closest race in the city's history last
spring, when Belcher lost to Wheeler by
one vote. After 11 months of legal bat-
tles, the court ordered a new election
last month.
Neither candidate has had much time
to campaing for the April election but
their spontaneity indicated they were
eager to discuss the issues.
"Tthere are a lot of basic differences
between the two of us, differences in
philosophy and priorities," said
Wheeler. "We are different in our
respect for fact and truth and I am
anxious for these differences to become
Belcher claimed to hold the same
regard for fact and truth as his running
mate, saying it was one of the reasons
he is in favor of the debate.
"I love these debates," remarked
Belcher. "It's time we nailed the.

S debate
mayor. None of his programs relate
and it's time we made this clear. What
is different about this election is that it
is 365 days later and nothing has
Housing continues to be one of the
most disputed issues of the campaign.
Wheeler was quick to refute
Belcher's accusations that he con-
tinuously vetoed all housing legislation.
Wheeler also claimed student housing
is primarily a University problem and
there is little that he can do.
"I have been to the University and
told them that they must build more
University, housing,"' Wheeler said.
"Student housing is our primary
problem. The only other thing I can do
is go to HUD and try to receive funds."
Belcher said he supports downtown
housing development, and recommends
calling in private contractors to do the
job. He also stressed the importance of
downtown revitalization. He added that
See MAYORAL, Page 6

Students rally for Scharansky

Nearly 300 University students
refused to eat dinner last night todsym-
bolize the first anniversary of the arrest
of Soviet dissident Anatoly Scharansky,
accused by the KGB (Soviet secret
police) of being a CIA spy.
Staging their hunger strike at East
Quad, the students sent their empty
paper plates to Soviet Ambassador to
the United States Anatoly Dobrynin, to

protest the Soviet mistreatment of
"I THINK IT was very important for
all these people to get involved. It was
just an overwhelming response," said
Brian Miller, a member of AKTSIA
(Action for Soviet Jewry and Human
Rights), the organization which coor-;
dinated the hunger strike. The Univer-
sity hunger strike is only one of the

many strikes occurring around. the
world to protest Scharansky's arrest.
AKTSIA, a studen-run organization
formed to promote the struggle for
human rights in the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe, sponsored a human
rights symposium in early February
and regularly urges students to write
letters to prominent U.S. and Soviet of-
ficials protesting the human rights
See STUDENTS, Page 6

Tentative pact OK'd

by UMW b
WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
Mine Workers' bargaining council ap-
proved a new tentative contract last
night and sent it to the coalfields for
miners to ratify and end their 100-day
coal strike.
The vote was 22 to 17, according to a
bargaining council member. A union

ar ain ers
The tentative contract, the third one
between the union and the Bituminous
Coal Operators Association in the 100-
day strike, contains key industry con-
cessions in the areas of health benefits
and wildcat strikes.
The council voted 25-13 in favor of a
earlier contract proposal that later was


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