Page 4-Wednesday, March 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 129 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Time to check the charges g y Munich, Kiryat Shemona, Maalot, Zion Square and now Saturday's Palestinian raid on the Israeli coast. Once again Yassir Arafat's band of radical guerrillas have murdered innocent Israelis. Once again the Palestinian Liberation Organization has proudly proclaimed respon- sibility for this brutal act, rationalizing it as a necessary step to achieve their aims of an in- dependent Palestinian state on the West Bank. And once again the world has remained silent except for messages of sympathy from President Carter, United Nations Secretary Waldheim and British Prime Minister Callahan. ABSENT FROM the processions of sym- pathy and regret over the weekend raid, is any hint of a United Nations resolution con- demning the raid, at least against its effect in delaying the intricate peace process. Coun- tless times in the past the U.N. and its Arab- oil-blackmailed third world countries have strongly condemned Israeli reprisal acts against Palestinian guerrilla camps as acts of brutal aggression. But the world has remained silent, bracing itself to criticize the inevitable Israeli The need for U.9S., sympathy By Michael Arkush peace talks. Former Foreign Minister Yigal Allon claims the Begin government is being too tough in its stance during negotiations, especially on the settlement issue. Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has denounced the Begin government for not capitalizing on the great opportunity for peace following President Sadat's initiative last November. The Begin government has even encountered SEVERAL WEEKS ago The Detroit Free Press revealed that mental patients at the. Plymouth Center for Human Development were being abused and neglected by the institute's staff. The state legislature has finally got- ten around to establishing a committee charged with looking into the problem. Approved legislation establishes a 14- member committee armed with the power to issue subpoenasin its probe of abuse charges which have rocked the State Department of Mental Health. The scandal led to the resignation last week of Dr. Donald Smith, the direcor of the department. Such legislation, albeit long in coming, is well founded. The charges leveled at the institution, including some that patients were beaten by the attendants, are truly disturbing. The widespread mistrust that now surrounds the state's mental health community can only be dispelled by careful and in-depth investigation. Governor William Milliken has also established a task force to investigate the situation at the Plymouth Center and at other state institutions. Hopefully, both the governor's task force and the legislature's committee will investigate the broad spectrum of state health care institutions, including those that cater to the aged, the destitute and the physicallyahandicap- ped. If it is found that the Department of Mental Health is unable to police the state's mental health care community, then the various investigative bodies should be made a permanent part of the governmental structure.. Only then can the citizens of the state be confident that their loved ones are receiving humane care at state health facilities. It is inconceivable the Israelis can agree to permit the establishment of a Palestinian homeland and the implementation of the self-rule principle. before the Israelis retaliate. In his message of sympathy sent to Prime Minister Begin, President Carter admitted the attack was one of senseless brutality. Car- ter, however, also cautioned Mr. Begin not to retaliate, claiming it would only further harm the peace process and lead to no constructive result. BESIDES HIS public statement, President Carter has attempted to influence Israeli policy through private channels. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance has conveyed the American position concerning a reprisal at- tack to Israel's ambassador to the U.S. Sim- cha Dinitz. This expression of U.S. policy in the Middle East is a further example of the Carter Ad- ministration's insensitivity to the crux of the Middle East problem. The United States and other countries have claimed the heart of the Arab-Israeli dispute lies in the struggle of the Palestinians for a national homeland. Perhaps there they are right, but they fail to grasp the potential character of such a homeland. Carter and others believe the Palestinian people have a legitimate right to a national homeland and a right to self-rule in that homeland. Even though it may be possible for the Palestinian "people" to have that right, it is inconceivable the Israelis can agree to permit the establishment of a Palestinian homeland and the implementation of the self- rule principle. WHAT THE Carter Administration must. realize is a Palestinian homeland most likely will turn into a Palestinian state, led by the terrorist PLO. It would be used as a future base in the struggle to destroy Israel - a struggle which is explicitly stated in the organization's doctrine. The Carter Administration must demon- strate a greater sensitivity to Israel's - defense interests. This most. recent Palestinian raid should show President Car- ter just why Israel is so wary of a Palestinian homeland in the West Bank. This is just another in a long line of Palestinian raids which have plagued Israel in its 30 years of statehood. Carter should understand now why Israel considers it so dangerous for there to be a Palestinian state - most likely to be led by the PLO. When Carter finally does meet with Prime Minister Begin, he should be more sym- pathetic to Israel's concerns, especially in light of the most recent guerrilla attack. The attack was a senseless, brutal and atrocious act and Prime Minister Begin is telling the truth when he says Israel will never forget it. ' Neither should Jimmy Carter. Behind the scenes on Panama reprisal. Terrorism has struck another blow into the heart of humanity. By their recent raid on the coast near Israel's largest city, Tel Aviv, the Palestinian guerrillas have achieved their immediate aims of postponing and ultimately hindering the chance for suc- cess in the peace talks between Israel and Egypt. They have made it known they don't want a separate peace between the Israelis and Egyptians and they have set out to make sure it doesn't happen. THE TIMING of their raid was obviously on purpose. The Palestinians were fearful that the Carter Administration's pressure on Prime Minister Begin would finally result in some substantial Israeli concessions on all the major issues: The West Bank, the set- tlements in the Sinai, and the armaments dispute. Prime Minister Begin has faced severe in- ternal pressure within the last few weeks over his government's attitude and position in the dispute within its own party ranks. Defense Minister Weizmann threatened to resign last week unless Begin ceased expansion of set- tlements in the West Bank: The government quickly complied by postponing further ex- pansion for at least another few weeks. The effect of the recent raid on Israeli in- ternal policy remains very uncertain. MORE IMPORTANT,. though, is what the American reaction to the guerrilla attack will be. Carter Administration officials have been preparing extensively for weeks to present the administration's peace proposals to Begin, who was scheduled to arrive in the United States Sunday for talks with the President. But the Prime Minister im- mediately postponed his trip for at least a week to consider Israel's response to the terrorist attack. As of yesterday, Israel had not staged a reprisal act against Palestinian guerrilla bases in southern Lebanon but many Western observers believe it is only a matter of time S THE TIME for voting draws 1 near, the two sides in the Panama Canal treaties debate are using every means available to secure support. The means range from those of an honest sort - like good healthy argument - to those of a more shady nature. It is traditional, for instance, for lawmakers to make "deals" with one another on various issues. One senator Smay promise to support a bill spon- sored by another senator, if and only if that senator supports a bill in common with the first senator. This "trading back and forth has become a mainstay of American Democracy, as it is visible at all levels of government. Even the President participates in this bill-bartering from time to time - on a very quiet basis, of course - and the Canal treaties offer a good exam- ple of White House pressure. there is something mindless going on. Supposedly, the President and his staff had thoroughly researched the issue in question - in this case, a $2.3 billion emergency farm aid bill - and decided in a responsible manner that the White House would oppose such legislation. Then along comes this senator who literally snaps his fingers and "convinces" the President to end his opposition to the aid bill, simply because it would mean another vote for the treaties. This type of activity compromises the integrity of both the White House and the Congress. How much other legislation is ban- died about in this manner? It may be a sad fact that some of the nation's most influential laws could have been deter- mined in this thoughtless way. The trading back and forth must go on, though, if fair legislation such as the Panama treaties is to be enacted. The best one can do is simply to make people aware that this trading is a common method in shaping law, even if it is not the most forthright and honest procedure." After much debate, as well as much trading back and forth, senators have scheduled a vote on one of the Panama Canal treaties for tomorrow. As has been argued here before, Panama has lived long enough under the thumb of the United States and deserves the treaties it has helped negotiate as a means to real freedom from im- perialism. The Senate should take a realistic glance into the twenty-first century and realize that Panama will have its freedom - with or without the cooperation of this country. They should approve the treaty. wwmmmmmml LETTERS TO THE DAILY: On Fleming, divestment and integrity President Carter believes, and with good reason, that the vote on the treaties will foreshadow Congress' ac- tivities for the remainder of his first term. He is therefore approaching the Senate vote in an aggressive manner - contacting senators and placing the power of the President at their dispos- al. "What do you want me to do for you," Carter has reportedly been saying to some of the Canal treaty holdouts. A To say that such pandering is wrong would be to go too far, but it does give one some doubts about how our political system operates. : If, as in one case documented this week, the White House reverses its stand on an issue just to please one senator who has expressed opposition to the Canal treaties and to charm the lawmaker into changing positions, THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL-/' DIST.fED NiEWSPAPERSYNDICATEi9n j -- Ow -. a PA A~CANL --l P/ K- To The Daily: This is SALC's response to Robben W. Fleming's article in the Daily 3/1/78: We note with approval that University of.Michigan President Robben Fleming has modified his position on South Africa. In July 1st year President Fleming thought thesSouth African gov- ernment was "doing the best it can to ease the situation there, and to bring about majority rule." (Daily 7/11/77) Now he believes in "the evils of Apar- theid." (Daily 3/1/78). We would like to review some history with which present U-M students may not be familiar. In 1976 Mr. Fleming spoke at a public forum in the Union Ballroom on behalf of the CIA, defending their right to recruit U- M students on campus. While his speech was in progress, two ob- ese uniformed police officers were discovered in a closet, photographing members of the audience. Though visibly em- barassed, Mr. Fleming offered no comment on the incident. It was no surprise then, to learn that Mr. Fleming is also spokesman for Chrysler and Deere Corporations, both of which do extensive business with South Africa: "If you see these Africans on Friday afternoon af- ter payday you would see that they are not quite human ... African men smell and can't keep clean." (John Deere manager, Daily 2/19/78). Mr. Fleming admits these cor- porate connections. (Daily 3/1/ 78) Instead of defending them, he pointed out that a great deal of money is channeled to the U-M, i.e. to us, in consequence of these connections. Mr. Fleming him- self has given $99,551.68 (tax- deductible?) Mr. Fleming claims that Deere and Chrysler cor- porations similarly "gave" the U-M large sums of money. How much of this was obtained from forced labor in South Africa? We conclude from Mr. Fleming's article that he is a conduit for corporate money to the U-M, some of it deriving from the highly profitable system of Apartheid. This arrangement benefits the corporations, the U- M.. .and Mr. Fleming, who con- tinues to draw the highest salary nf anv state emniovee in asked the U-M to disengage from South Africa; so has the Daily, as have numerous student and community organizations and in- dividuals, "including congressman Charles Diggs and the, Democratic party. And so have a number of South African organizations, including the African National Congress, the Black People's Convention and the South African Student's Movement. at the U-M, just as in South Africa, the corporations, which Mr. Fleming represents, are not responive to the people's demands. Our message to the regents is simple, we say: begin your disengagement from South Africa by =March 21, Sharpeville Day. And to other students at the U-M we say: if you ever engage Mr. Fleming in conversation, fir- st check the closets. -South Africa Liberation Committee s To The Daily: Robben Fleming's recent ar- ticle defending his corporate ties to apartheid is confusing and con- tradictory. Fleming suggests that per- sonal "integrity" will prevent his directorships in Chrysler and John Deere from influencing his position on U-M investments in firms which (like the two above companies) do business in South Africa. Fleming's integrity, however - i.e. his "wholeness" or "com- pleteness," in Webster's usae - is precisely the problem. If Robben Fleming were a schizophrenic, an amnesiac, or a scoundrel, he could presumably decide the South Africa issue one way as a Chrysler director and an entirelyndifferent way as U-M president. If he is a whole person, his in- tegrity should push him to recon- cile the two positions. To do otherwise is to invite cognitive dissonance, which psychologists tell us is highly uncomfortable and therefore almost universally avoided. Like Andrew Young, who, as a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral.-Commission, has ex- tensive ties to multinational cor- porations, Fleming cannot help but be influenced by his business commitments. Since U.S.-based multination-. als have - until recently - made enormous profits out of apar- enormous profits out of apar- theid, it is nottsurprising to hear Young defend their "constructive role" in South Africa, despite all available evidence. It is to be hoped that Fleming will resist the temptation to follow suit. Elementary psychology suggests otherwise. -Andy Feeney Alumnus Contact your reps Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen idg., Washington, DA.20510 Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515 Rep. Carl Pursell (Rep.), 1709 Longworth House Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515 Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lan. sing, MI 48933 Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), House of Representatives, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933 .r.rww. "ri/iirr. rrr~ -Health Service Handbook Li By Sylvia Hacker and Nancy Palchik QUESTION: I'm 25 and still have my wisdom teeth. Will I know if they need to be pulled; will they bother me - or will I need to see a dentist, and if so, when? Can the dental technicians at the dental school that clean teeth tell if a person has cavities - or can only a dentist tell through x- rays? My teeth don't bother me, I have good den- tal hygiene, and although I haven't seen a dentist for 3 years, I have had my teeth cleaned each fall., Many of my friends my age seem to have had their wisdom teeth pulled already. ANSWER: In response to your first question, our initial reaction was to say, "Why worry about your wisdom teeth if they don't bother you?" However, we have learned from dental authorities, that it is always possible that there may be quietly lurking some problems which have as yet shown no signs or symptoms. Since you have not seen a dentist in 3 years, there is no way of being absolutely certain whether underlying difficulties exist. you would need to obtain an ,.<*afnf at ..n..artr..n.. ciaun n, h..n.,naI infection around the crown of the tooth, can displace the teeth in front of them or cause a resorption or loss of part of the roots of teeth in front of them. Impacted teeth can do some of these things too and can occasionally cause cysts to form in the jaws with resulting bone destruction. The older you are, the more difficult extractions can be and the greater the chance of com- plications. Therefore, having the situation evaluaed at a young age (preferably 18-25) can make their removal, if necessary, easier, and recovery from extraction quicker. Don't be unduly alarmed by all this because it is possible that, upon evaluation, your particular mouth has ac- commodated the wisdom teeth well and that they are exhibiting no problems needing drastic treat- ment. With regard to your 'second question, dental hygienists at the dental school are competent members of the dental health team and as such, make their contribution by educating patients about oral health and by removing stains, plaque and calcific deposits adhering to the teeth. They can, by virtue of their training, see cavities which are accessible to a dental mirror end exploration of the mouth, but they do not diagnose. Diagnosis w.