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March 15, 1978 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 15, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages

Coal bargainers



WASHINGTON (AP) - Bargainers
for the United Mine Workers (UMW)
and the coal industry agreed yesterday
on new contract terms that both sides
hoped stubborn miners would accept to
end their 99-day-old strike.
UMW President Arnold Miller sum-
moned his union's bargaining council to
Washington,. and a spokesman said the
group was likely to vote tonight on the
tentative agreement.
"WE THINK we have a package that
would be very good for the union, very
good for the country and get our mines
back to work and the country on its
feet," said Nicholas Camicia, chief in-
dustry bargainer.
S"I think we've got a good
agreement," said Miller, although he
declined to predict whether the union's
rank-and-file membership would ratify,
the proposal.
The union's ratification process nor-
mally takes about 10 days andMiller
said he wouldn't rush the process. Un-

der the union's constitution, if the
bargaining council were to vote today,
the earliest rank-and-file miners could
vote would be Monday.
THE COUNCIL rejected, one ten-
tative proposal on Feb. 12, and the
rebellious membership voted, down a
proposal sanctioned by the UMW
leadership more than a week ago.
Both sides are pinning their hopes on
approval by the miners to avert the
possibility of further federal interven-
tion and to preserve industry-wide
The Carter administration hailed the
tentative accord.
White House press secretary Jody
Powell said President Carter was
"pleased and encouraged" by the ten-
tative agreement.
"THE WELFARE of our country
requires a dependable supply of coal,"
Carter said. "And a negotiated national
contract is the best way to insure that

Negotiators for the two sides in the
long and bitter strike met for a little
more than three hours in a final session
before agreeing to terms.
It appeared that both sides made
concessions, although the Bituminous
Coal Operators Association seemed to
give more.
SOURCES SAID under the new
proposal miners would still be required
to pay a portion of their health care
costs, but the sums would be far less
than was called for under the contract
miners rejected a week ago.
Sources also said the industry gave
up its long fight for at least limited con-
tract controls on wildcat strikes but
won some form of productivity ,incen-
Sources said the contract includes
these terms:
" Active miners would be required to
pay up to $200 a year for family health
care, compared with a maximum of
See MINERS, Page 10

Mandatory student fee

may u
Campus Legal Aid may be funded by
a mandatory student assessment if
students and the Regents approve, a
proposed drafted last night by the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
Included in the proposed mandatory
assessment of $2.92 per student per
term is: $1.74 for Legal Aid, $.15 for the
MSA course evaluation project, $.06 for
legal services provided by the Tenants'
Union and $.97 general funding for
LEGAL AID is now funded primarily
by the University. Vice President for
Student Affairs Henry Johnson
promised Legal Aid would get funding,
but he said it has not yet been, deter-
mined if the program will be totally
eliminated from the Office of Student

nd 'U' legal aid

Services (OSS) budget.
MSA President Jon Lauer said,
however, he is "quite certain" Legal
Aid would be cut from the Office of
Student Services (OSS) budget. He
based this on his discussions with John-
son, Assistant OSS Vice President
Thomas Easthope, and University
President Robben Fleming.
Legal Aid director Jonathan Rose
said the agency's services could be ex-
panded if the funding is approved. He
said the free service would also become
available to all students regardless of
MSA PROJECTS are now funded by a
voluntary assessment of $1.15 per
student per term--
,Students will be asked to approve the
assessment in the April general MSA

election. The Regents must then ap-
prove the measure.
"I think this is the most significant
thing we have ever done," stated MSA
member Irving Freeman. He said
many students would be benefitted by
expanded free legal aid, especially in
landlord-tenant cases.
IN OTHER action last night, MSA
Treasurer Steve Beyer disclosed that
See STUDENT, Page 5

AP Photo
VIRGINIA STATE TROOPERS and drivers inspect a fallen pine tree which obstructed the transportation of non-union coal
yesterday. Police believe the UMWA miners are responsible for the roadblock and they watched as the non-union miners
removed it.

Israel attacks PLO in Lebanon

TEL AVIV (AP) - Israeli forces
crossed into Lebanon last night to wipe
out Palestinian guerrilla bases along its
border. Guerrilla spokesmen in Beirut
said tanks and planes were attacking
and gunboats were standing by to join
the assault.
An Israeli military communique of-
ficially called the border crossing a
"mopping-up operation," not merely
retaliation for a weekend terrorist at-
tack in which Palestinian commandos
killed 33 Israelis.

An Israeli radio reporter at the front
said long columns of tanks were
crossing the 40-mile-long border into
Lebanon, their way lit by flares drop-
ped by jets. Hd said a heavy Israeli ar-
tillery barrage preceded the attack and
Arab gunners returned the fire, bom-
barding some Israeli settlements.
A PALESTINIAN spokesman in
Beirut said guerrilla defenders met the
armored assault with fire from
bazookas, heavy machine guns and

mortars. "We are trying to stop them
every yard of the way," he said. "We
are using every weapon we have."
There was no sign that Syrian troops,
which make up i the bulk of the
peacekeeping forces stationed there
since the civil-war truce late in 1976 had
joined the fighting.
The sounds of fighting drove Israeli
border villagers into bomb shelters for
the night. Armed civil guardsmen at
Shelomi and Baram patrolled the dark
streets. Troops battled a few miles

City gets anti-discrimination law

away across the border fence.
"GET OFF THE streets! Get into
your bomb sl'elters!" police shouted
through loudspeakers mounted on
patrol cars.
Sources in Beirut said Israeli tanks
and troops supported by warplanes at-
tacked Palestinian guerrilla positions,
and Israeli gunboats massed off the
southern coast.
Witnesses reported sizable !Israeli
naval forces along a 30-mile stretch of
the southern coast, but said they did not.
open fire in the attack's initial stages.
A SPOKESPERSON for the, gover-
nor's office in the port city of Sidon said
Israeli gunboats drew a cordon along
the coast from the Palestinian-
controlled village of Aarafand to the
Israeli frontier.
A spokesman for the Yasser Arafat's
Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO) high command said the
guerrilla-held towns of Bint Jubayl,
Maroun el Ras, Yaroun, Taibe, Khiam
and Rashaya Foukhar were hit by air
See ISRAELI, Page 10

LOCAL MOTION'S TOM BEUKEMA discusses his organization's recently
discovered financial irregularities.
Fundraisers bilked

City Council passed a comprehensive
and controversial new anti-
discrimination law late Monday, after
hammering out a compromise version
of the bill which was originally in-
troduced in January.
The law, billed as the most sweeping
declaration of human rights ever at-
tempted by a local government, passed
by an 8-2 vote after several last-minute
amendments to weed out potential
trouble spots.
ITS PASSAGE was the culmination of
more than two months of far-reaching
Council debate and meticulous surgery
to appease critics of the ordinance.
Critics said the original bill was too
long and too broad.
The law prohibits discrimination
against anyone in the city because of
race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, age, condition of pregnancy,
marital status, physical disabilities,
source of income, family respon-
sibilities, educational association, or
sexual orientation. Those who do not
comply could face a $500 fine and 90
days in jail.

THE FIRST FIVE "protected
classes" are included in most civil
rights ordinances, but the list was ex-
tended to any possible case of discrim-
ination which could arise.
Complaints that welfare recipients
suffer discrimination in housing led to
the inclusion of the source of income
The educational association provision
prohibits discrimination against

THE NEW LAW prohibits such
discrimination in employment, housing
and public accommodation. The law
also forces contractors and venders
doing business with the city to set strict
affirmative action guidelines to employ
minorities and women.
Businesses competing for city con-
tracts must now hire employes based
on the percentage of minorities in the
Ann Arbor population. If the city
See COUNCIL, Page 2

Lobbyist wary of abortion foes

Local Motion, the agency which
funds such community agencies as
Drug Help and Community Switch-
board cannot locate more than $2000
of its funds. The agency and city
police are trying to find out what
happened to the money.
The agency's coordinator-
treasurer was suspended last month
after refusing to tell Local Motion of-
ficials what happened to the money.
the former coordinator, whose name

is being withheld pending an in-
vestigation of Local Motion's finan-
cial irregularities, has also refused
to release any of the agency's finan-
cial records.
Tom Beukema, current secretary-
treasurer, said the former coor-
dinator wrote checks to himself "in
excess of his salary." he said Local
Motion may file a civil suit against
the former coordinator.
Prior to the discovery of the finan-
cial irregularities, Beukema said he
See LOCAL, Page 5

Carolyn Bode, member of the
Women's Lobby, a national
organization geared to pass bills
beneficial to women, spoke on key abor-
tion issues to 65 people at the National
Organization for Women meeting last
Bode, who specializes in legislation
on abortion, detailed the structure and
purpose of her organization and then
discussed abortion and Congress.
Wedn esday
w mii re .,..,I T-..,-- +ve iy

"WE HAVE problems with abortion
and Congress," she said. "Bit by bit,
they're giving up our right to abortion."
Twenty thousand bills are brought
before Congress every year. Many of
those bills which don't focus directly on
"women's issues" have riders tacked
on which often deal with controversial
issues such as abortion.
According to Bode, at least four im-
portant bills concerning abortion were
debated by Congress last year: the
Medicaid Bill, the Pregnancy Disability

Bill, the Legal Aid bill, and the Labor-
HEW Appropriations Bill.
"THAT (Labor-HEW Appropriations
Bill) was the first bill I lobbied for,"
Bode said. "In lobbying that, I found
there is so much ignorance and
callousness capped by a reluctance to
listen (by Congress) I was horrified."
She said many congressmen "think
you're talking dirty to them when you
talk about abortion," and are reluctant
to discuss the issue. The response of the
See WOMEN'S, Page 10

Locals disagree on new liquor bill

Better learn to love your driver's
license photo, because starting next
year bouncers are going to be seeing a
lot more of it.

said the management had been plan-
ning to expand the restaurant until the
bill was introduced.
"If it is passed we can't do it," he

ANOTHER MANAGER of a local bar
said only, "It passed?"
Several students expressed concern
the law would exclude freshpersons
from campus socializing. East Quad

research associate says chances-
for peace in the Mideast are slim.
See story, page 10.
" Read about the PLO's latest
terrorist attack on Israel on the
editorial page.
* In the world of sports, U of

Syracuse woman up
for Ed. School dean



SHAPIRO SAID Stark is known at
Syracuse for "meticulous scholarship
and research as well as for being an

Joan Stark, associate professor and



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