5 ': CoSMOPOLITAN ISEL: TEL AVIV UNiVERSITY Sunlight reflects right off the ice and snow at this scenic spot just above Tahquamenon Falls in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY Cocaine brings 'big b ucks'to Colombians BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)-Cocaine smuggling from Colombia, with the United States thE main destination, has grown -so big as to rival coffee as the country's largest export, law enfor- cement officials ay. Colombia supples 70 percent of the illegal cocaine consumed in the United States, with most of the rest coming from southeast 'sia. Some estimates put the value of .he drug smuggled out of the country list year at $1.5 billion, equal to coffee Ornings. SOME ECOOMISTS believe the record 29 percent inflation last year in Colombia was iue as much to the influx of drug moneyas to skyrocketing coffee prices. And ociologists think the in- crease in theamount of illicit money, mostly dollas, has given growth to a new upper-noddle class. Colombia,fearing the situation even- tually may hreaten the stability of the governmen, has created a special anti- cocaine stike force to be trained by Americanadvisers. The United States has invesed $600 million in Colombia since 19740 combat the drug trade and as muchas $600 million more may be added ir the next two years, officials said. The ise in cocaine usage in the United States has relegated marijuna to a lower spot on the prioritr list of American law enfor- ceme4t personnel. "SC MANY AMERICANS are using mariuana and so little has been proved abou whether it is really dangerous to yourhealth, that we think it is just not worth wasting a lot of effort in the marijuana deal," said an American drug expert here who asked not to be identified. "But cocaine is serious business, and it is gradually becoming as mass con- sumption a drug as marijuana, and this troubles American leaders," he said. The coca bush, the leaves of which provides the raw material for the drug, grows in Colombia, but the local variety is said to be poor. Higher quality leaves come from Peru and Bolivia where they are reduced to paste and smuggled into Colombia by nearly every means imaginable-cars and trucks, air- planes, canoes and animals, among others. In Colombia, it is processed in .laboratories spread throughout the country. New laboratories spring, up almost as fast as police find them and destroy them, drug enforcement of- ficials say. .. w'c: '~y'.r,::5}:.+" y ..l": :4;;:~ s ' : ..:..." ,.. . "............ ... :.;...f :" .,." Getting Bored? California and Florida are 2 of the many places you can choose to live in the Navy . Nurse Corps. Senior B.S.N. Students may -' apply. For further information call your Nurse Programs Officer COLLECT at (313) 226-7795/7845f t t ::t "x s} .: . : :. ;t" ?'3:+' f'.'n'i~'s: ~t # ..+ .;tt;yt.. ,,s .;+ '',' p } ..n~hey. ,,.:r >. "s :'" %fi" 'x: ,. 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