Pdge 2-Friday, March 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily PfOR RESERVE BOARD: Co mmi WASHINGTON (AP) - With only its chairman voting- no, the Senate Banking Committee recommended yesterday that the Senate confirm G. William Miller to head the Federal Reserve Board. Formal confirmation of the nomination of the 52-year-old board chairman of Textron Inc. to replace Ar- thur Burns, as the nation's central banker is expected in the full Senate today. THE 14-1 VOTE by which Banking Committee endorsed the the ttee OK' nomination came at the end of a five- week investigation which clearly tried1 the patience of some senators and led to an open revolt against the leader- ship of Sen. William Proxmire, (D- Wis.), the committee chairman. There were complaints that the nomination was being delayed unduly at a time when leadership is needed at the Federal Reserve to meet the problems of interest rates, economic expansion, unemployment, inflation' and the declining value of the dollar overseas. Proxmire replied that the in- vestigation had been thorough and complete, that Miller had been in- terrogated for parts of just two days and that the investigation had been completed as quickly as possible. HE SAID some senators apparently felt Miller was being subjected to "an1 inquisition." "As the immediate successor in the Senate to Sen. Joseph McCarthy, a disgrace to this body, I know what can happen," he said. "Perhaps I've done that. I hope not ... Nobody can say the hearings were stacked... I don't think Sring Break or any other time, you know we'll be here. U-M STYLISTS at the UNION s Miller in any sense Mr. Miller was browbeaten. I can't find one single per- sonal attack in the record." Sen. Adlai Stevenson III (D-Ill.), one senator who had pressed for an im- mediate decision Monday on MIller, told Proxmire that senators were only expressing fears of more delay and fears of a possible "inquisition." PROXMIRE said he still believes Miller's business background does not qualify him to head the Federal Reser- ve. He cited Miller's lack of experience in economics and monetary affairs and the fact that, for the first four to six months of his four-year term as chair- man of the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve System will be con- tinuing an investigation into certain Textron business practices. "I think the nation is not well served by this nomination," Proxmire told the 14 other committee members. HE ALSO claimed that the commit- tee's staff investigation led to the con- clusion that Miller should have known that Bell Helicopter, a Textron sub- sidiary, was dealing in Iran with a sales agency owned by the commander in chief of the Iranian Imperial Air Force, Gen. Mohammad Khatami. At the hearing Monday, Proxmire contendedaand Miller denied that a $2.95 million payment made to the sales agent, Air Taxi Inc., was a bribe made to clinch a $500 million helicopter sale to the Iranian army. Iranian army. Investigators never were able to show that Miller or other top Textron executives knew that Gen. Khatami owned Air Taxi. Other committee members said they believe Miller is fully qualified. Sen. Edward Brooke (R-Mass.), the panel's ranking Republican, said the in- vestigation and hearings have convin- ced him "that Mr. Miller was in no way involved in an impropriety' or an illegality.' Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG Decoys? No, just sleepy ducks settling down in the snow at Island Park. , . b T AND THE SHAVRT OF IT THE LONG: If you are between 17* and 32years old and would like to experience Israel for 6 months, a semester or year, we've got the programs! Learn Hebrew, volunteer in a development town, dig into a kibbutz, live the land and the people in these historic times. Most programs cost little more than airfare alone. Room and board are included. Col- lege credits are available where applicable. * and a high school graduate THE SHORT: If you are in high school, college, or older you should spend this summer in Israel. There are dozens of programs to choose from-many of- fering college credits. Be an archaeologist, work on a kibbutz, learn Hebrew, dance, tour, discover your Jewish roots. All programs offer rare challenges and in-depth Israeli experiences. By LEONARD BERNSTEIN It's that time of year again - tax time. But Project Community, with help from the IRS, is trying to make things just a little less painful for elderly, low income, and student tax- payers who come to them for a free in- come tax service. Student volunteers, trained by the p . ~a Project Community Ofers free federal income tax assistance i I t ; .r A ONE-YEAR MBA? Yes, at Ohio University! Fully accredited by AACSB. To apply: I. Write to me for application 2. Take the GMAT test on 3/18/78. Get admission ticket from "GMAT" ETS, Box 966, Princeton, NJ 08540 3. Have transcripts sent to me 4. Get 3 letters of recommendation en route to me: James Lee, MBA Director, CBA, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701. For more information call collect 614/594-5446. IRS under its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) plan, assist in filing tax forms in an effort to help people "get the deductions they deserve," ac- cording to Jeff Patterson, a Literary College (LSA) senior and one of Project Community's Income Tax service coor- dinators. THE SERVICE also saves the federal government money by cutting down on the number of incorrectly done tax returns the IRS has to go over, Patter- son added. "A lot of students simply do not know about the deductions they're entitled to," said Patterson. One commonly missed item is a statecredit offered for paid property taxes. Student apartment residents are sometimes eligible, depending on their income. Project Income Tax, the name of the service, runs three walk-in tax centers - one at the Michigan Union, another in the Ann Arbor Public Library and a third in the University Hospital com- Several salamanders, which are amphibians, have external gills. The redbacked salamander, common in suburban woodlands, has neither lungs nor gills, but breathes entirely' through its skin. plex - in addition to mobile units and dorm routes. IF THE taxpayer has all the necessary materials the federal and state short form process takes as little as fifteen minutes, Patterson said. Funding for the program comes from various sources. The IRS supplies trainers and forms free of charge. Project Community and Trotter House donate office space. Recruiting and advertising money was solicited by Patterson and Adrian Stern, an LSA Junior and the project's other coordinator. Ann Arbor Federal Savings contributed a $250 grant and Zontas, a woman's business organiza- tion donated $50. The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) gave $125. LSA Student Government has also pledged funds. Occasionally, volunteers run across people who want to take advantag of the service. "One lady wanted to claim enormous deductions for mileage on her car when she only drove it two miles a day to-work," Patterson said. "We just have to tell them it's illegal," he said. The project, in its seventh year, ap- pears to be a success. "I think people feel more comfortable with someone who isn't a federal employe or agent,": Patterson explained. So whether you're interested in the long or the short of it call today or write for the free descriptive booklet. ---------------------- - American Zionist Youth Foundation Israel Program Center 51 5 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 (212) 751-6070 Name Address j ALL KINDS OF FOLKS ENJOY BELL'S City State -___ Zip- Age _. Telephone (area code) I am interested in [{ long term 0i short termA programs A - .,.. ,. n° h x 7 i Race labels adjusted for South Africans - JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - Last year 115 South Africans who sought a change in their racial status were given a new color classifi- cation and a passport to a new life by the arbiters of racial purity in this land of apartheid. There have been about 100 reclassifi- cations a year since the Population Registration Act was passed in 1950. The new status can raise or lower a person's political, economic and social rights and privileges in a nation divided by race. RACE CLASSIFICATION became mandatory in 1966. Skin color and descent are regulating factors for South Africa's 26.6 million people. On the basis of these, South Africans are told whom they can marry, where they can live, what jobs THE HIGHLANDS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments includes security lock system, drapes, dishwasher, lighted tennis courts, and pool Buses to and from campus daily 1693 Broadway, Apt. 302 769-3672 Reaume and Doddes Management Co. they can get, how much they get paid and where they can eat or go for enter- tainment. "These racial changes are just ad- justments, like the fine tuner dial on the radio. In a complex country like ours, it's a matter if the individual feels more at home in one community or another," said Interior Secretary T. J. Booyens. BLACKS ARE the bottom caste with coloreds, or persons of mixed race, and Asians in the middle and whites at the top. The Department of Interior's annual report said last year nine whites were reclassified colored, 45 coloreds became whites, 17 blacks were changed to colored, 16 Indians became Malays, and three coloreds were reclassified as Indians. Many changes stem from incorrect classifications when people were first registered by race in 1950. Graduations of color and descent are especially blurred among the nation's 2.5 million coloreds. Some walk a tightrope of race, insecure in their genetics and stepping from race to race looking for identity. Foreigners are spared classification. Sizable groups of Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean and black businessmen or diplomats, including non-white Americans, are officially treated as whites. The status is known as "honorary white."