PROF'S PLIGHT See Editorial Page LAt t r 1 ai0 MIGRATORY High - 260° Low-19 0 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 3,1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages r b' Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG have other ideas about who's ' asked to control own S. African ties Railroading Amtrak may be "working on the railroad" but this trio at the Penn Central station may doing the real labor. By RENE BECKER A University committee has recom- mended that the Regents terminate all business with banks which make or renew loans to the South African gover- nment. The Senate Assembly Advisory Committee on Financial Affairs, an eight-member faculty group, will also ask the Regents at their March meeting not to sell University stocks and bonds in corporations with South Africa operations. ACCORDING TO Norman Herbert, the University's chief investment of- ficer, if the Regents accept the recommendation of the committee the University would no longer be able to buy certificates of deposit (CDs) from banks, who make or renew loans to the South African government. This would include the over $1 million the University has in CDs in such com- panieskas Wells Fargo Bank and Citibank. However, this would not force the Regents to sell stock of those financial institutions, such as the American Ex- press Company, who make loans to the South African government. The University holds over $1.5 million in the American Express Company. THE COMMITTEE'S report on University investment policies and social responsibility, which includes specific recommendations on South Africa, suggests that the University take part in corporate decisions as an investor. Since 1971, the University investment policy has been either to vote with management on shareholder resolutions or to sell the stock. The committee recommendation is an administrative response to groups and individuals on and off campus, in- cluding the African Student Association (ASA) and the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA), who have asked the University to cut all ties with South Africa. ACCORDING TO these groups, the financial ties, which include stocks and bonds the University holds in cor- porations which have South African operations, help maintain apar- theid-the system of segregation and discrimination indiginous to South Africa. The committee's report states full divestiture of holdings in corporations with South African operations, "would preclude any further influence that the University of Michigan might have in effecting change in South Africa." Rather, the committee recommends the University support the abolition of apartheid, "through judicious exercise of its rights as a shareholder." TO DO THIS the committee suggests two steps: Investment committee suggestions debated " direct communication of the University's concern to corporate management via letters or meetings; * the publication of statements describing the University's general position on the issue and, when judged most effective, explanation of these statements at shareholders meetings. LETTERS FROM the University to corporate management should make clear the University considers the en- dorsement and implementation of the principles in the Sullivan statement "as the minimum prerequisite for con- tinued investment of University funds in any corporation," according to the report. See PANEL, Page 2 Carter plans 'sweeping' "._ 0 civii service WASHINGTON (AP) - President The proposals Carter sent to Congress yesterday a federal hiring an package of proposals that he described ces now given b as the most sweeping reform of the civil World War II service system since its creation in veterans, institu 1883. salary bonuses f He said the federal government's executives, and personnel system has "grown into a counsel to prot tangled web of complicated rules and blowers" wh regulations" that makes it hard to fire mismanagemen incompetent workers or to reward good government. ones. Carter said th originally design CARTER'S proposals would force patronage hiring federal managers making over $26,000 a year to earn their pay raises, and would make it easier to fire consistently mediocre ,performers. It would 'also B uL d split the Civil Service Commission into new agencies. By MARK University budg Friday Campus Legal A voluntary student Michigan Studer Get a good look at this issue President Jon La because it's the last one you'll see "The Michiga until March 14. In the meantime, will do everything rest well and have a good vaca- that there is a h tio-! campus next year OFFICE OF SO * A South African government Assistant Vice policy can raise or lower a person's Easthope confir economic and social status with the funding of the pr stroke of a pen. See story, Page 2 eliminated, but final decision has Easthope said $150,000 from it million. He expla For happenings, weather grams are being and local briefs, According to E see TODAY, page 3. the budget cut b ver Manv nther reforms call for an end to nd retention preferen- by law to able-bodied and Korean conflict ute corporation-stylse or the top 9,200 federal create a new special ect federal "whistle- o expose gross nt or corruption in e civil service system, ed to replace political with a system based on merit, has lost its original purpose. He said that 99 per cent of all federal employes got merit ratings last year and only 226 were fired for inefficiency or incompetence out of a work force of more than two million. "THE SAD fact is that it is easier to promote and transfer incompetent em- ployes than to get rid of them," the /President said in a televised address at the National Press Club. "It may take as long as three years See CARTER, Page 7 By ELISA ISAACSON The recommendations on University investment policies offered by the Senate Assembly Advisory Committee on Financial Affairs have met with various reactions from involved mem- bers of the University community. Heidi Gottfried, one of the two student members on the Committee on Communications - a group set up by University President Robben Fleming to gather University opinion on the South African issue - said she agrees with the Advisory Committee's suggestion to vote apart from manage- ment at stockholder's meetings. But she said that she doubts the Univer- sity's ability to change corporate policy through lobbying or voting. "COULD the University be an effec- tive an active shareholder?" Gottfried asked. "Personally, I don't think they can." "It (active shareholding) takes a lot of time and a lot of effort," she said. "It's taken so long to get them (the University) to recognize there's a problem." The University would require "constant pushing" to keep it from being "negligent" in voting, she said. University financial vice-president James Brinkerhoff said he found the recommendations "reasonable" and "appropriate." He will present the report and recommendations to the Regents at their March meeting. POLITICAL SCIENCE Assistant Professor Joel Samoff stated "what they (the committee) are recommend- ing is what other universities have tried. It has been found not to work; I guess it won't work for Michigan, either." Samoff said the universities that tried to influence the South African regime through active shareholding ended up divesting after one year. Blrinkeg()rito(41 get cuts threaten K PARRENT get cuts may force the Aid program to seek t funding, according to nt Assembly (MSA) uer. n Student Assembly g in its power to assure egal aid program on r," said Lauer. tudent Services (OSS) President Thomas med that University ogram may be cut or emphasized that no been reached. that OSS must trim s budget of over $3 ained that all OSS pro- considered. Easthope the need for became apparent last r departments across campus are experiencing similar budget cuts to avoid a University deficit. IN THE 1977-78 fiscal year, Legal Aid received $28,400 from OSS along with about $20,000 in outside funding, ac-, cording to Campus Legal Aid director Jonathon Rose. Legal Aid provides free legal assist- ance to students meeting income eligibility requirements. Students with a yearly income of less than $3,713 (plus tuition costs) are eligible to receive the free service, said Rose. Landlord-tenant problems, divorces, misdemeanors and certain types of suits are among the cases handled by the agency. Legal Aid estimates 2,400 students receive advice each year. ' THE AGENCY is also involved in the Housing Law Reform Project which is co-sponsored by MSA. The housing ;project employs one full-time lawyer, as does Legal Aid, with Rose dividing Ai Legal Aid his time between the two. Lauer has been meeting with Easthope and OSS Vice Pres'ident Henry Johnson to address the legal aid problem. Lauer said he was meeting with the administrators to "try to con- vey the needs of students to OSS. I guess they wanted to talk to me because this is a service used by a great many students," said Lauer. He added that they might work on "ar alternate sour- ce of funding for Legal Aid." Lauer said a funding system similar to MSA's voluntary student assessment is a "strong possibility." MSA's assess- ment is presently $1.15 per term per See BUDGET, Page 7 According to Samoff, the Advisory Committee's recommendations are a "step forward, but a step that will prove ineffective." He commended the committee for recognizing "the impor- tance of the issue" which the University had not recognized before. John Powell, chairman of the Washtenaw County Coalition Against See INVESTMENT, Page 10 I %iiii - MKOF yea . lWAy Group seeks injunction against Plymouth Center; alleges abuse By MICHAEL ARKUSH of the court and public to take action in CAMPBELL said the suit's request Chesler. denied* pro motion By MITCH CANTOR An appeal made by Sociology Depar- tment Chairman William Gamsonto grant Associate Sociology Professor Mark Chesler a full professorship was rejected yesterday by the Literary College (LSA) Executive Committee. Gamson, who spoke to the committee early yesterday afternoon, refused to comment on the decision. Chesler also refused to talk about his denied promotion. LSA Dean Billy Frye and Associate Dean for General Adminis- tration Eva.Mueller were unavailable for comment. TWO STUDENT groups met with Mueller this morning to discuss the Chesler issue. Mauricio Font, who has been a teaching assistant for Chesler, was part of a group of seven people "representing Third World interests" who met with Mueller to tell her how important Chesler is to them. "I got the impression that Miss Mueller thought the main concern in the minds of the other people in the committee was the quality of his (Chesler's) research," Font said. One other student present at the meeting said, "There's an enormous amount of outrage among faculty and students about this." CHESLER WAS recommended for promotion several weeks ago by the Sociology Department. However, his promotion was rejected by the LSA Executive Committee over two weeks ago. Frv eid Wednesdav vester- ts A federal judge in Detroit will decide today whether to issue an injunction against the state Department of Mental Health (DMH) and the Plymouth Cen- ter for Human Development, charging them with violations of federal and state laws. The district court injunction would accuse DMH Director Donald Smith, Regional Director Don Worden, and Dr. William Womack, former Plymouth. Center director, of mishandling an alleged patient abuse problem at the center, and violating the federal and state constitutions. ATTORNEYS for the Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service for Developmentally Disabled (MPASD- DC), a private group, filed a suit last week against the Plymouth Center and rM aaina t+n ini~mninnS this serious case. "The irreparable harm caused by Plymouth Center and the public in- terest in the case now makes me be- lieve the court will issue the injunc- tion," said Campbell. ATTORNEYS for MPASDDC today will also ask the court to initiate certain action "designed to improve conditions at Plymouth," including a system to account for the staff's whereabouts at all hours. MPASDDC lawyers also want the court to begin a program sending two teams of two observers to the Plymouth Center daily to file reports to the court. They would be assigned to ensure that expected services to the residents are provided and that residents suffer no abuse. The MPASDDC is also asking the . . n. - . . . ~ would be acted upon in the interim period between a preliminary injun- ction and a final injunction. Campbell charged the DMH and the Plymouth Center have violated the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Con- stitution which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment and the Civil Rights Act which guarantees equal treatment for all citizens. Campbell said the agencies have also violated the Michigan Health Code and the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Act. SUPPORTING the suit's arguments is the Plymouth Association for Retar- ded Children (PARC), a group of 250 concerned individuals, mostly Plymouth parents. "We strongly support the suit and hope it can contribute to better con- ,m:-nn nt Pivmanth_" a PARC Shcharansky Soviet wife seeks aid for jailed husband By MICHAEL ARKUSH Condemning Soviet authorities for in- carcerating her husband, Avital Sh- charansky, wife of imprisoned Soviet disident Anatolv Shcharanskv. said States to gather support for her husband and other Soviet dissidents, appealed to the East Quad crowd to "fight the battle and win the war" to save the Russian hostages. A XT mn. I