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January 11, 1978 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-01-11

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MSA composition to remain


The Central Student Juciciary (CSJ)
announced last night that it will not cer-
tify an amendment to the All-Campus
Constitution which would have
dramatically altered the composition of
the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
UNDER THE amendment, approved
by students in November's general
election with 68 per cent of the vote, the
present MSA composition would have
been replaced. by an assembly com-
posed of elected delegates representing
groups of 1,250 students per school and
college and fractions thereof.
MSA is composed of 17 appointed
school and college representatives and
18 members who are elected at-large.
Chief Justice Tom Potter, who an-
nounced the court's ruling to the
(Continued from Page 1)
to still another grueling session later
this month before it comes up for a
second vote. Wheeler, however, says he
is personally opposed to another debate
over the bill.
"I'm willing to put it on the table
right now," he said.
BEFORE THE ordinance comes up
for second reading, however, several
k clauses are expected to be potential ob-
stacles to its passing. One section would
force businesses to set goals for em-
ploying minorities in order to receive
city contracts.
To force businesses to set "goals" is
often interpreted as establishing a
quota system, and quotas are currently
being contested in the U.S. Supreme
Wheeler said yesterday he would be
reluctant to take out the clause
demanding contractors set goals. "I'm
not going to give in easily on that one,"
he said.
block concerns a section of the ordinan-
ce that would prohibit an employer
from classifying his workers in any way
"which would deprive or tend to
deprive any individual of employment
During Monday night debate, Coun-
cilamn Ronald Trowbridge (R-Fourth
Ward), who along with Bertoia voted
against the ordinance, was concerned
that the clause might inadvertantly
outlaw the seniority system as
Wheeler yesterday defended that
clause and said "I would probably hold
tight on that one also."
MOST CRITICISM of the ordinance
saw it as too long and including so many
categories that the law would be un-
workable. Bertoia referred to it as a
"laundry list" which had in it
everything but the whales-"And they
made the endangered species list," he
"People talk about it's too long,"
Wheeler said. "I don't care how long it
Councilman Earl Greene (D-Second
Ward), a strong proponent of the anti-
discrimination ordinance and the only
council member who objected to
removing "personal appearance" from
the list of protected classes, also is not
concerned about the length.

"Philosophically, I think more is bet-
ter," Greene said. "We should try to
cover as many bases as we can."
Greene, like Wheeler, would also like
to see the ordinance passed as is. "It's
clearly a model and it's stronger than
even Detroit's."

assembly last night, said the amen-
dment was unconstitutional because it
contained contradictiory clauses. Ac-
cording to Potter, the proposed
realignment scheme conflicts with the
stated purpose of the amendment-to
guarantee every student "equality of
the weight of (their) vote" on all elec-
ted boards.
Last night's action ends a chain of
events which began last March 22.
Then, CSJ, the judicial arm for student
government, ruled clauses in the con-
stitution which provide the appointed
seats had been written into the
document improperly.
According to informed sources,
David Schaper-who for a long time
was active in school politics while not
enrolled at the University-wrote those
clauses into the constitution without the
consent of either the student body or
IF BY APRIL MSA has done nothing
to make the appointed seats con-
stitutional, those seats will be
abolished, Potter said. ,
It is likely, however, that MSA will
propose another amendment to guaran-
tee each school and college a represen-
tative, according to John Gibson, who
wrote the original amendment. He ad-
ded that rewriting his amendment to
comply. with CSJ's objections will in-
volve "only paperwork."
"When the School of Library Science,

which has 250 students, and the School
of Business Administration, which has
1600 students, both get one represen-
tative, a Library Science student's
voice is six times stronger," Potter said
of Gibson's amendment. "That is not
what I call equality of the weight of the
HE ADDED that if it had contained a
clause stating the proposed election
scheme was merely defining "equality
of the weight of the vote," then, in his
mind, it would have been acceptable.
The original version of the amen-
dment did contain such a clause, but it
was removed following an objection
from one MSA member.
Justice Steve Mehlman, who voted
for the amendment said: "It (the
amendment) was passed con-
phanie Spencer has been named
associate curator of the Memorial
Art Gallery of the University of
Ms. Spencer has been associated
with the Wadsworth Atheneum in
Hartford, Conn., the Museum of Art
at the University of Michigan, the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New
York, and the Isabel Gardner Mu-
seum in Boston. She succeeds Renee
Beller, who has joined the staff of the
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum in
San Francisco.

stitutionally and it redefined equal
weight of the vote."
AMONG OTHER plans currently un-
der MSA consideration are:
-a revised version of Gibson's
amendment containing the necessary
-a plan devised by MSA member
Jasper DiGuiseppe similar to Gibson's
but which would allow for fairer
representation; i
-correctly inserting into the con-*
stitution, provisions for the appointed

school and coll
than a month
during which t
the case twice
deliberating b
dict. After dea
during deliber
court finally a
Justice Rick S
"I don't t
numerical val

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, January 11, 1978-Page 7
ege representatives. vote, and that's what the amendment
did," said Shahin.
SION culminates more . Since the general election this fall,
and a half of activity CSJ has successfully prevented new
CSJ heard arguments on MSA officer elections while waiting for
e and spent three nights a final decision on the composition of
efore arriving at a ver- MSA. Those elections were held last
adlocking three to three night. (See related story, Page 1.)
ations Monday night, the "Basically I feel pretty good (about
rrived at a decision when the court's decision)," Gibson said.
hahin reversed his vote "Sure I'm frustrated but the idea was to
keep the school and college represen-
hink you can put a tatives on the body. We've done that, at
ue on the weight of the least temporarily."

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Mergot Morrow, Building Director for Pilot Program/Alice Lloyd Hall has announced a Resident
Advisor position opening on a women's corridor for the Winter Term 1978.
Candidates must be enrolled in a graduate degree program. Preference will be given to those
who, in addition to corridor advising are also able to teach a credit mini-course in the Winter
Semester and/dr can co-direct a new Pilot Program field placement project. Full details are
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Margot and the nominating committee will review the applications and resumes and will
contact individuals whose background and experience coincides with the position open to
arrange an interview time.
REMUNERATION: 100% room and board plus a $200.00 stipend
for the academic responsibilities.
The application process has two steps:


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