Page 4-Thursday, March 2, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 126 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan etback for Motor City A UNITED STATES District Judge ruled Monday that the affirma- tive action program implemented by the city of Detroit to raise the number of black officers in its police depart- ment is unconstitutional. for1 The ruling is a giant step backwards for the city and for race relations in general. When Mayor Coleman Young took office in 1973 only 16 per cent of the Detroit Police Department was black. At that time the black population of that troubled urban area was 47.9 per cent. The Young administration implemen- ted a 50 per cent departmental hiring quota in a move to wipe out what Young called the police force's "extremely racist attitudes.." Five years later the police depart- ment is 35 per cent black while the population of the city is 55 per cent black. And Federal Bureau of Investi- gation crime figures show that all crimes in Detroit dropped 20 per cent in 1977. The affirmative action program im- plemented by Young can not only be credited for rectifying hiring discrepen- cies within the department but it also has contributed to the dramatic de- crease in crime in the Vity. Judge Fred Kaess ruled that "racial discrimination is as indefensible when practiced against whites as when prac- ticed against blacks." We agree with Judge Kaess. Racial discrimination is ugly, ignorant, and it should be avoided at all costs. However, when discrimination against blacks over some 100 years causes a totally disproportionate number of whites to be hired, something must be done, and done quickly, to restructure the depart- nent. What Young did was only just. The Detroit Police Officers Associa- tion (DPOA), who won the favorable ruling from Kaess has long been op- posed to Mayor Young. The DPOA is a white dominated labor group. Many black officers in the department have formed there own labor organizations although they too are bound by the DPOA contract. The DPOA has pressed to overturn the affirmative action pro- gram and has also pressed to have the residency rule for police officers in the city overturned, allowing officers to live outside the community they serve - a community they should be familiar with and feel some allegiance to. The affirmative action programs implemented by Mayor Young in the Detroit police and fire departments have done nothing but improve the living environment of the city. There are now more job opportunities for ur- ban blacks. And the major reason for white flight from the city - the ever rising crime rate - has been turned around. We are hopeful that upon the city's appeal Kaess' regressive ruling will be overturned and Mayor Young will be allowed to continue to move Detroit forward. Economics has often been called the "dismal science." This is not the case in Ann Arbor, though. The Spa'rtacus Youth League's (S.Y.L.) "course offer- ings" in the Fishbowl and the Diag are really quite amusing. Their leaflets and sermons should be clumped with James Thurbers "things that go bump in the night." Only in a superficial sense can the Spartacist diatribes be considered intellectual dis- course. For those who are not yet ac- quainted with the S.Y.L., the Spartacus Youth League is a group of people who believe that the United States and the world would be best served by adopting a universal communist society. This goal, however, does not make the S.Y.L. -intrinsically nasty; the views of Joseph Mc- Carthy not withstanding. KARL MARX' theories de- serve study for two reasons. Intellectually,. speaking, Marx was a thoughtful and even bril- liant economist. A valid argu- ment can be made for many of Marx' ideas. Communist Russians and Chinese, for exam- ple, have much higher standards of living than did their Tsarist and Manchu ancestors. Anyone seriously concerned with eco- nomics should be familiar with Marxism. On a pragmatic basic, a knowl- edge of Marxism is essential for those interested in world affairs. Currently, the population of Marxist nations outnumbers that of the capitalist world. While large numbers ensure neither truth nor strength, it would be preposterous to unnecessarily of- fend such an enormous chunk of the earth. While Ann Arbor is not the tumultuous college town it was during the '60's, there is still much active political debate. This is as a university should be. The Spartacists are offensive, however, not for the position they advocate, but for the way in which they do so. Very few people are ever impressed by screaming tirades. S.Y.L. members who foam at the mouth should consid- er shaving instead of discussing economics. AS IS TYPICAL of most defen- ses of Marxism, only rarely does Aneconomics primer ,for A2 By Jonathan Reiskin the S.Y.L. publish in English. quisite tool for supplying human Usually pamphlets are printed in needs. Soviet bureaucrats are "thesaurus-dogma." This is a searching for capitalist nasty dialect of freeze-dried technology and incentives to in- phrases brimming with hideous 'crease production. In contrast, adjectives. For example, a busi- Jimmy Carter's administration nessman is a "capitalistic fascis- is trying to implement socialist .. A businessman is a "capital- istic-fascistic-imperialistic tool of bourgeois - international - finance capitalism." All of that for an M.B.A..?OR Capitalism as practiced by the West has worked very well in the West., Admittedly, this system has many faults and has created gross injustices. Winston Chur- chill, though, might have stum- bled upon capitalism's most ap- pealing argument. "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." CITIZENS of the United States and Western Europe enjoy high standards of living and a gener- ous amount of political freedom. In ordler to cure the social, eco- nomic and political problems of the United States, it seems silly to opt for the shortages of goods and human rights which now exist in Easten Europe and the Soviet Union. The British thinkers John Locke and John Maynard Keynes gave the United States a political and economic system that places great importancehon individual freedom. While this system has flourished in nations which have already undergone industrial revolutions, capitalism and rep- resentative democracy may not be feasible in developing coun- tries. Marxism has great value for countries which need to develop an industrial plant. It is much more efficient than democracy at organizing government institu- tions. The people of impoverished nations are probably willing to trade First Amendment rights for food - and rightly so. How- ever, with the United States at its present stage of development,, -I would not choose to trade Consti- tutional checks and balances for the omniscient wisdom of a prole- tarian politburo. In a calm, rational manner, we ought all try to answer the ques- tions: If the U.S. continues on its present course, what will hap- pen? Is there a better way to run a country? A planet? What is that way? Ultimate, blinding diplectrical truths do not haphazardly pop in- to well-intentioned minds. They probably do not even exist. Per- haps if lucky though, we can find a good hunch on which to act. Jonathan Reiskin is a run- of-the-mill LSA sophomore. tic-imperialistic tool of bour- geois-international-finance capi- talism." All of that for an M.B.A.? Admittedly, both advocates and critics of Marxism occasion- ally tend toward the absurd. In Annie Hall, Woody Allen said he worried about becoming a dod- dering old man with saliva run- ning down his chin - the kind who walks around carrying a shopping bag while screaming about socialism. This is indeed a morbid thought. I submit, how- ever, that it is equally frightening that one might become a droolipg twenty-five year old bellowing about capitalism. A wise sage (my father) was correct in noting that the radical right is just as mindless as the radical left. Is not Stalin as contemptible as Hitler? Strict adherence to radical ideology is not only obnoxious, but impractical. Many govern- ments are finally learning that people cannot digest ideology. Pragmatism may compromise the conscience, but it is an ex- programs to aid the poor. CAPITALISTS, communists and the general public would all benefit if economic discussion were to take place calmly. No one would be harmed if both sides toned down their jargon and each stopped cringing at the name of the other. Last October I had a chat with an S.Y.L. member: Him: People's newspaper? The socialist view from the Spartacus Youth League. Me: No thank you. I'm a Key- nesian. Him: (Astonished) What? Me: You're a Marxist; I'm a Keynesian. Him: That doesn't even make sense! Me: Of course it does. Him: (Scowl) Including the course I am now taking, I have only 14 credits in economics. Neither Paul Samuel- son nor Milton Freidman need worry about my snatching their jobs. Therefore, I would be truly pleased if the S.Y.L. would calm- ly reply to the following observa- tions of mine. A new, SAFE place to go LETTERS TO THE DAILY Nursing cut would threaten system VICTIMS OF domestic violence now have a place to seek shelter and protection with the opening of the She1- ter Available for Emergencies (SAFE House) in Ypsilanti. The shelter, which opened -yester- day, is one of only a handful in Michi- gan. It will provide lodging and coun-, seling for battered spouses for up to 30 days. SAFE House directors estimate the center will operate at full capacity housing nearly 50 residents at all times. Figures like these indicate the seri- ous extent of domestic violence in this and other communities. Fifty persons threatened with physical abuse to a degree which makes them seek assistance from a shelter is a bad enough number, but these people are only the tip of the iceberg. According to estimates made by groups studying domestic violence, the actual number of these assaults is many times greater than cases reported. With the opening of SAFE House, Washtenaw County area residents should no longer be afraid to seek help when threatened with physical injury by their spouses. And by seeking help for their problem, battered spouses can prevent further harm to themselves and their children. People should not hesitate to take advantage of the facility when necessary - particularly its peer counseling program - in at- tempting to find some solution to their dilemma. The area is fortunate to have SAFE House. In order to maintain this center, however, continued donations and sup- port from the community is necessary. Protection and counseling for bat- tered spouses has been too long in coming. Too many persons have sus- tained irreparable mental and physical injury inflicted upon them by their mates. While SAFE House cannot com- pletely end these beatings, with con- tinued community support, it can help. "ICON Nor IVLL ALie..,. NixoN DIa it t To The Daily: I have recently been informed of President Carter's plan to cut back on the Nursing Education budget. I am a graduate student in pharmacy and would like to express to you how alarming the outcome of this is, as well as why I am outraged against this proposal. As you are probably aware, in todays medical health care system, nurses take care of 70 per cent of all health care patients. There is a shortage of registered nurses, especially those who are well trained. The only way to maintain and increase the com- petence of our RNs is through good education. By eliminating funds for nursing education you eliminate the major health care personnel in our system. There are only two groups of people left to attempt filling the role of the nurse. These two groups are the clinical phar- macist and the physician. You should, however, be aware that there are very few clinical phar- macists and they are involved in helping the physician in diagnosis and proper drug therapy. In ter- ms of the physician, in my estimation, there are none who would give up their respon- sibilities of diagnosis and initialization of treatment to have the responsibility of 24 hour patient treatment.and care. We must not forget the other responsibility nurses have which involves the health care checks and balance system. The RNs are the checks and balance for the physician's diagnosis and treat- ment procedures. They are also the ones to check on the phar- macist's proposed drug therapy. I hope you can see how impor- tant it is to maintain or even in- crease the nursing education budget. If you eliminate the nur- ses which a drastic cut in the educational budget would do, there is no one to replace them. This means: A cut in the budget would cause a tremendous decrease in the credibility of the American health care system! -Gary Ross Owens' history recall, the tone in which the Daily responded to Owens' removal as director of the Center for Afro- American and African Studies in 1974 was only more biased than the manner in which*your recent attempts at "impartiality" fails to take Owens to task for the characteristic egocentricities that stands as a trademark of his temperament. Parenthetically, it is worth commenting that a good deal of Owens' recent display of jugmental vagaries are probably traceable to the stubborn resen- tment he has harbored ever since his CAAS debacle some four years ago. While it is not the purpose of this mini-missile to render a full judgment in the Owens affair (since I do not have all the facts), a number of his allegations do warrant critical response. In view of what most individuals .comprehend about Owens' problems, it is difficult to discern precisely what "principles" he is so determined not to com- promise: "But this is a matter of principle, and I just can't com- promise principle," he was quoted as saying. Certainly one's academic career at the Univer- sity of Michigan ought to involve one's principles, but also the priorities of one's interests. In Owens' case, his tenured postion at the University of Michigan is inextricably tied in with any "principles" he cares to avow. And if the priority of certain of Owens' "interests" don't correspond with what should, prima facia, underscore his prin- ciples, then there is something questionable about his interests outside of the academic confines of the University of Michigan. This, of course, throws into doubt many of Owens' allegations used to support his actions. He claims that certain "High ranking administrators are against the black movement and the teaching of courses related to it." That may be true, but it is like saying that there never has been an academic innovation in. the entire history of American academia that did not have its established coterie of detractors. Professor Owens ought to keep in mind the fact that those an- tagonists among the high ranking gan in 1971; there were civil rights courses taught in 1968, 1969 and 1970 introduced by others before Leslie Owens' celebrated arrival-and in the face of more opposition and controversy than Owens subsequently had to con- front. In fact, part of Owens' en- suing ideological and academic problems, following his arrival in 1971, was that he never quite un- derstood the intimate facts surrounding the development of "civil rights" courses between 1968 and 1971. Moreover, those who were in the position to know the facts better than anyone else couldn't advise Owens because, similar to the attitudes of the Six- ties crop of graduate students of which Owens is one prime exem- plar, he thought he knew everything that was important? When he was appointed director of the Center for Afro-American and African Studies in 1973, he showed the most contemptuous disregard for the experiences and knowledge of those who preceded him in CAAS, and who would have been quite willing to advise him on how best to manage his directorship. His academic training as, a historian did not lead him to investigate thg essen- tial history of the very academic institution he presumed to ad- minister in 1973-the history of the Center for Afro-American and African Studies and the history of the evolution of civil rights courses at the University of Michigan. If he had done so, he might still be the director today, and would not find himself in the awkward position of having to legitimize his "principles" in the University of Detroit. Moreover, had The Michigan daily, in 1974, seen fit to interview available CAAS senior members on their reactions to Owens' dismissal, The Daily would have, perhaps, had more to offer editorially than the facile, white liberal con- clusion that the administration was all wrong in dismissing Owens. As a director of CAAS, Owens was not all right in some of the immature atrocities he committed as director of CAAS. As a result, Professor Owens is still committing immature unor- thodoxies. He has left scores of Michigan students stranded in crusaders review To The Daily: I am outraged by your review of the Crusader's concert, which is both ignorant and musically chauvinistic. It is evident that your reviewer knows little or nothing about the contemporary jazz scene. The Crusaders are a progres- sive band, whose sound is con- stantly evolving and changing. If the reviewer had listened to any of the band's latest albums, (Southern Comfort, Those South- ern Knights, Free as the Wind) he would have known that the Crusa- ders have shifted their emphasis from jazz to funk (which is not a derogatory term) while still re- taining their jazz roots. This "commercial sell-out band's" last album received five stars (highest rating) in Downbeat iagazine, the jazz Bible. The Crusaders have been to- gether for 25 years and their ability to evolve their sound and consistently please their audi- ences is a credit to their creative musicianship. The audience at the concert thought the band was so "sloppy" that they refused to leave until after two encores. The fact that the reviewer derogates the audience ("disco kings and queens") because they ap- preciated the music and he didn't, is testimony to his unpro- fessionalism and musical imma- turity. This review is just another in a long line of misinformed and unsubstantiated musical reviews that have appeared in your news- paper. -Tom Hagopian divest To The Daily: I am a white student, but I want to know what the hell is going on with this South African divest- ment issue. Why is everyone so quiet in the face of the compro- mising mood of the Regents who have been left home to tend the farm while farmer Fleming takes a vacation? Divestment is the only alternative open to the Re- gents, and they better realize it soon! Divestment is the only suba stantial action the university can take against these corporations;. Divestment, in short, is the only way to save blacks' lives in South Africa. !U igm