The Michigan Doily-Tuesday, February 28, 1978-Page 3
Poll shows public favors
Students support Samoff
About twenty undergraduate and graduate political science students
met yesterday in the political science ounge to discuss strategy for
their efforts to aid Assistant Political Science Professor Joel Samoff in
his attempt to get tenure at the University. Several actions in the
planning stages included a campus-wide meeting tentatively
scheduled for March 20 to inform students and faculty of all the facts
surrounding the Samoff issue. The students also intend to deliver let-
ters to President Fleming, Vice-President Shapiro, Graduate School
Dean Alfred Sussman, and Literary College Dean Billy Frye. The let-
ters accuse the Political Science Department of "factionalism" and
"an attempt on the part of certain faculty and department ad-
ministrators to. curtail our education." Students interested in
organizing the March 20 meeting will get together tomorrow at two
o'clock in the Political Science Lounge to discuss plans for the event.
Students interested in facilitating a Womens Studies 200 section can
pick up an application in the Woman's Studies office, 1058 LSA, from
today until March 16.. . at noon today the Ecumenical Center/Inter-
national Center will sponsor J.E. Shiroya who will speak on "Re-
appraisal of the East African Community" at 603 E. Madison ... Iris
Kaplan will play Bach, Beethoven and Kouperin in the Pendleton Arts
Center on the second floor of the Union today as a part of the School of
Music's "Music at Midday" program. . . also at noon, D. Awasi will
speak on "Some Aspects of Arabic Influence on Spanish Culture" in
the Commons Room of Lane Hall at noon. . . at 3:30 Mark Green,
.Director of Congress Watch, will speak on "Access to Justice' in Room
150 of the Law School ... at 4 p.m., Raymond Plaut of the Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University will speak on "Vibration
and Stability of Structures Subjected to Several Independent Loads",,
in 229 West Engineering . . . also at 4, T.D. Brock will speak on "Fac-
tors Influencing the Development and Distribution and Dissipation of
Blue-Green Algal Blooms in Freshwater Lakes" in MLB Aud.
4 ... also at 4, Michael Stone of the University of Pennsylvania will
speak on Judaism in the Third Century: The New Manuscripts of the
Book of Enoch" in 3050 Frieze. . . at 4:10, John Bowlt will speak on
"The Theme of Flight in Modern Russian Art" in Angell Hall Aud.
D. ... The University Rowing Club will meet at 7:30 in 2220 Central
Campus Recreation Building ... Professor Samual Barnes of the
Political Science Department will speak on "Eurocommunism" at 8
p.m. in MLB Lecture Room 1 ... at 8 p.m. The Chamber 'Orchestra
and the University Choir will perform in Hill Aud.... the German
film "The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick" will be shown at the
Max Kade German Haus in Oxford Housing, also at 8.
Psychiatric panacea
Psychiatrists and psych students beware! A New Jersey artist's
disposal guilt bag could take the place of a therapist's couch and do
away with some of the old axioms of the profession. Instructions on the
ordinary-looking brown paper bag say to "place the bag securely over
your mouth. Take a deep breath and blow guilt out. Dispose of bag
immediately." About 2,500 kits of 10 bags have been sold for $2.50 each
since they went on the market just befre Christmas, said Jack Golden-
berg, who is marketing them. The purchasers include model Margaux
Hemingway, who bought a suitcase full, movie stars'Candice Berger,
William Holden, Ingrid Bergman, and comedian Rodney Dangerfield.
An unconfirmed rumor circulating says heavy orders had been taken
from the Ann Arbor area frop students feeling guilty about not
studying for mid-terms.
Robbin' hoods
Left-wing guerrillas hijacked a truck loaded with thousands of
chocolate bars last week and distributed the candy in a Bogota slum,
most of it to children, police reported. The police said during the mor-
ning rush hour, an undetermined number of gunmen stopped the truck
at an intersection near downtown Bogota and ordered the driver out.
The hijackers drove the vehicle to a squatters' slum, and when hun-
dred of persons gathered around they shouted anti-government
slogans and passed out the chocolate. The guerrillas, who want to
establish socialism in Colombia, have been generous with other
people's property in the past. Last Christmas they seized a depar-
tment store truck carrying toys and gave the toys to poor youngsters
in a slum area. In January, they hijacked a truck in the city of
Medellin and distributed its cargo of chickens to slum residents.
On the outside.. .
... Occasional snow is likely today with a high near 30 degrees.
Winds will be out of the south at 10 mph. The low tonight will be in the
middle teens. The outlook for the rest of the week is pretty bleak as the
highs wil be mostly in the upper teens. Old Man Winter just won't let
go, will be?
Daily Official Bulletin
U.S. involvement in Mideast
American people say they want less
U.S. involvement in the Middle East,
whether in selling warplanes or in
pressuring Israel or Egypt to make
concessions, an Associated Press-NBC
News poll shows.
And the survey found indications that
the public is growing disenchanted with
the Israeli stance in the current series
of peace moves.
ABOUT 5 per cent of those
questioned opposed the proposed U.S.
sale of warplanes to all three countries
- Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Only one part of a $4.8 billion package
proposed by President Carter earlier
this month - planes for Israel - is
supported by as many as 24 per cent of
the 1,600 adults questioned by telephone
last week.
Opinions about the sales to each coun-
try were asked as separate questions.
ON THE sale of 90 highly
sophisticated F-15 and F-16 fighters to
Israel, 63 per cent of the American
people were opposed. Only 24 per cent
said they favored the deal. Thirteen per
cent were undecided.
Selling 50 less advanced F-5E fighters
to Israel's neighbor and sometime op-
ponent, Egypt, drew support from 21
per cent of those questioned. Sixty-six
per cent opposed the sale, with 13 per
cent again undecided.
And 17 per cent were in favor of the
sale of 60 F-15 fighters to Saudi Arabia
with 69 per cent opposed. Fourteen per
cent were not sure.
THOSE WHO opposed sales to one
nation were likely to oppose sales to all
of the countries. Those who answered
no to each of the three questions on
plane sales totaled 57 per cent of those
Only 14 per cent were in favor of all
the sales.
Opinions about the sales to each coun-
try were asked as separate questions.
The desire for less involvementin the
Middle East was also shown by the an-
swers to a question on whether the
United States should pressure Israel or
Egypt into concessions in the current
round of peace talks.
Only six per cent said the United
States should pressure Israel and only
two per cent agreed with pressure on
TWENTY-ONE per cent said both
countries should feel the weight of U.S.
influence, while 62 per cent thought the
United States should avoid leaning on
either side.
Disenchantment with the Israelis was
found in three questions.
First, 55 per cent said President An-
war Sadat of Egypt had made more
concessions than Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin. Only 15 per
cent felt Begin had made -more con-
cessions. Eight per cent thought both
sides had yielded, while 22 per cent
were not sure.
This perception of Begin's lack of
concession has had a negative effect on
his standing with the American people.
Only 29 per cent now give him "ex-
cellent" or "good" ratings for his role
as a Mideast peace negotiator, down 20
points from the 49 per cent found in a
January AP-NBC News poll.
IN CONTRAST, Sadat received ex-
cellent or good markds from 56 per cent
of the American public, down about
nine points from his January rating.
As with any sample survey, the
results of the AP-NBC News poll can
vary from the exact opinions of all
Americans with telephones solely
because of chance variations in the
For a poll of 1,600 adults, the
variation due to sampling error is no
more than three percentage points
either way. The error margin is said to
be valid at the.95 per cent confidence
level. This means that, if the same
IPSWICH, Mass. (AP) - Her friends
told Anne Bapson football with the boys
would be tough but the sturdy eighth-
grader says she didn't find it that way.
Anne played on the Ipswich Junior High
School team in the fall of 1977. And she
had as much playing time as any boy on
the squad.
"The game is not as rough, not as
physically tough, as I thought, it would
be," Anne said. "One thing that really
helped was the boys accepted me right
off. They would defend me against
hecklers, many of them girls."
Anne is 5-foot-7 and weighs 150 poun-
ds. She played both defensive and offen-
sive tackle and defense end. She wants
to play high school football next year.
Volume LXXXVIII No. 124
Tuesday, February 28, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Seco d class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigah 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1978-8 P.M.
218 N. Division
Charles Laughton in 1939
Laughton may well have rendered
the definitive Quasimodo in this ver-
sion of the Victor Hugo classic. With
a fine supporting cast featuring
Chaplin's The Gold Rush (at 7 & 10)
Keaton's The General (at 8:30)
TONIGHT at 7:00 & 9:05
question were repeated in 20 polls, the
results of at least 19 surveys would be
within three percentage points of the
results of this survey.
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
The Great Encounter?
The Michigan farm residents who built this weathervane are very happy with the
way it works, but they report they've had, some trouble with a fellow who calls
himself "Quixote."
Tuesday, February 28
Director: ALAIN TANNER (1972)
Vaulting its director into the front ranks of European filmmakers, this
film presents the story of a free spirited working-class woman, who
becomes involved with two different men who inevitably become en-
chanted with her inimitable charms. A charming, delightful film about
the unfettered and unconventional lifestyle,of its courageous heroine.
In French, with subtitles.
78 9:15 1.50
Every TUESDA Y-7:00 p.m.
$1.00 per person
Draw your partner
The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication
of the University of Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson,
before 2 p.m. of the day preceeding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Items appear once only. Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication. For more informa-
tion, phone 764-9270.
Tuesday, February 28, 1978
Daily Calendar
Ecumenical Ctr./Int'l Ctr.: Okete J.E. Shiroya,
"Reappraisal of the East African Community," 603
E Madison, noon.
Natural Resources: Richard Macias, "Preser-
veation or Conservation: A Look at Urban Resource
Management," 1040 Nat. Res., 4 p.m.; Roy Mann,
Roy Mann Assoc., Cambridge, Mass., "People and
the Shoreline: A Concern, and A New Movement,"
Rackham Amph., 7:30 p.m.
Classical Studies/Kelsey Museum: Martin Biddle,
U-Penna., "The Destruction of Archaeological Sites
in the Old World," Lec. rm. 1, MLB, 4 p.m.
Great Lakes/Marine Environment: John Glude,
retired aquaculture program coordinator for NOAA,
165 Chrysler, 4 p.m.
Bioengineering: Barry Romick, "Communication
and Environmental Control Aids," 5804 Med Sci. II, 4
p m.
Physics/Astronomy: G. Karl, U-Guelph, Ont.,
"How Do Fermions Scatter when Parity'is not Con-
cerved." 2038 Randall Lab., 4 p.m.
Ctr. Western European Studies: Samuel Barnes,
"Eurocommunism," Lec. rm. 1, MLB, 8 p.m.
Music School: Winners, grad, undergrad perfor-
mance competitions, Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
Stereo &T. Service
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