The Michigan Daily-Sunday, February 26, 1978-Page 3 THOUSANDS GET 'BLACK LUNG': re The porn, church trade-off. . Michael Smith, a graduate student in zoology, is fond of por- nography and showed up at City Council this week to object to the new anti-smut bill to limit the popular pastime. "I like pornography," he said. "I think sexually oriented material contributes to -personal health." Smith said the new porn law "threatens my right to whole- some human interests." According to Smith, porno is wholesome "when it's on a neighborhood newstand and unhealthy when it's in the back room of some porn place." Incidentally, Smith does not have any particular fondness for church, and wonders why they don't pass a law "to prohibit churches from establishing within 700 feet of my neigh- borhood." He's got a point. There are indeed more churches than dirty book stores in town, and how many more people read dirty books than go to church? On the warpath ... again . . What was good enough for East Quad is apparently good enough for other dorms, and it's spreading like an epidemic. What is it? The Killer Game, of course. The contagion of battle fever spread from East Quad (where it originally broke out during the Fall term) to West Quad (where it was brought under control earlier this term) and now to South Quad. Reports from the battle fronts at Taylor and Hunt houses indicate at least 20 "bodies" have been taken from the scene. The infection broke out there at about 8 a.m. (can you believe anyone was awake at that hour?) Thursday and is raging through the hallways there. At last report, there was no word whether the infection may spread later to the Hill or North Campus dorms. Happenings ... Drag yer assets out of bed and into the Kelsey Museum of Archae- ology to start today with a gallery talk on "Islamic Art in the Univer- sity Collection," at 2 p.m. ... or, you can lay back for some PTP enter- tainment, "Ragtime Years" at Mendelssohn Theatre at 2 or 8 p.m.... those of you with a family can jog over to the North Campus Recreation building for a Family Fitness Follow-up clinic at 3 .. "Music by Black American Composers" will be performed by studen- ts from the School of Music an hour later in Rackham Assembly Hall. . . also at-four, Michigan literati will enjoy "Dried Tuna," a poetry collective, reading their work at the Guild House ... grab some buttered scones and a bit of tea for your late afternoon meal and in- form your string-playing friends that from 7-9 p.m. there is a for- mation meeting of the School of Music's Repertory Orchestra, then head for the Ann Arbor 'Y' for their "Making Wise Investments" program from 7:30-9:30. . . end your Sunday David G. Hollenbach's "Sacramental Imagination and the Search for Justice" talk at Saint Mary's Lower Chapel on Thompson Street, and trudge back to the dorm for all that homework you've been putting off ... then Monday if you dozed off at five that morning amid your notes, you should be able to make the noon lecture "Some Aspects of Arabic Influence on Spanish Culture," in the Commons room of Lane Hall in the Near Eastern Center.. . and at the same time you can be at the Mind over Body lecture in the South Lecture Hall of the Medi al Science Building II. . . samba over to "The Dance of Death", at 2114 MLB; a slide lec- ture sponsored by MARC and the RC at 2 . . . catch some classes or sleep (or both) till four when a plethora of lectures are offered. "Judaism in the Third Century: The New Manuscripts of the Book of Enoch," with Michael E. Stone at 3050 Frieze; Raymond Plaut's "Vibration and Stability of Structures Subjected to Several Indepen- dent Loads," in 229 West Engin; "Factors Influencing the Develop- ment and Dissipation of Blue-Green Algal Blooms in Freshwater Lakes"in MLB's auditorium 4; "Asymmetric Synthesis Via Polymer Attached Optically Active Catalysts" at 3005 Chemistry; and finally, John Bowlt will speak on"'The Theme of Flight in Modern Russian Art" in Angell Auditorium P. . . Governmental Accounting will be Marie Farrel-Donaldson's topic in the Wolverine Room of the Bus. Ad. School from 4:30-6:00 . . . "9 to 5, Other Women, Other Work" is the focus of Women's Studies in Auditorium 3, MLB at 7 p.m.. . . 7:30 brings another heady subject our way: "Housing, Sun, and Lan- dscape: Residential Development and Natural Systems" is Robert White's subject at Rackham Amphitheater. . . the Ann Arbor Bridge club will have duplicate open and newcomer games at the First Unitarian Church at 7:30 . .. 8 p.m. has two nice end-of-the-day ac- tivities: The Chamber Orchestra and University Choir will perform at Hill Aud.; and The Max Kade German House will feature a program called "The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick" . . . Shalom. On the outside.. .. We can expect a high of around 27 with cloudy skies and light to moderate winds. Skies will be continued cloudy tonight with a low of around 14. Continued cool on Monday with a high of 25 and partly cloudy. Ho-hum. Miner's work is tough, deadly HUNTINGTON, W. Va. (AP)-Imagine earning your daily bread deep underground in a dark, damp world, no more than 20 feet across and less than three feet high. You cannot stand straight, and the ground is ankle-deep in mud and the air is always chilled. And then there's the danger. GIANT, fast-moving cutting and hauling machines inflict death and disabling injuries. The roof could fall at any moment; the air carries an afflic- tion-black lung-which has caused countless thousands of slow agonizing deaths. Under what conditions and for how much money would you work in such a place? Would you do it for $60 a day? That's the salary earned by amajority of miners who labor in "low coal" un- der such conditions. More than two-thirds of all coal miners work underground. Thousands of them work in low coal, a term for a coal seam that ranges anywhere from 2 to 3 feet. All coal mining is dangerous but the world of low coal has been responsible for more than one-half of the 100,087 mine fatalities recorded sin- ce the turn of the century. Low coal now accounts for about 10 per cent to 20 per cent of the mining, but historically it played a much larger role. THE MORE than 100,000 deaths aerage out, over the years, to about 1,300 fatalities every YEAR. And while deaths have dropped sharply in recent times - 142 miners were killed last year, the same number that died the year before - the coal in- dustry's rate of disabling injuries still is more than twice that of any other in- dustry. At least some of the deaths resulted in safety reform attempts. A methane gas explosion, in November 1969 at Con- solidation Coal Co.'s No. 9 mine at Farmington, W.Va., killed 78 men and led to passage the following year of the sweeping federal Coal Mine Health & Safety Act. Now, miners are provided methane detectors, equipment has metal canopies to protect against roof falls, and there are numerous other regulations dealing with air quality and similar problems. And the federal government last summer opened an academy in Beckley, W.Va., to train mine safty inspectors. BUT. METHANE gas explosions, cave-ins and machine accidents still claim lives, and the danger is greatest in low coal mines. "I worked in low coal the more than 20 years I was in the mines," a 55-year- old established miner from southern West Virginia said recently. "The last two years of that time, I worked in mud and water and that, really, is what wiped me out. It was always cold and wet down there. I developed spinal ar- thritis and it got so bad, finally, that I couldn't even sleep." The miner recalling those sleepless nights was none other than .Arnold Miller, president of the United Mine Workers. Hampered by black lung, ar- thritis and chronic back trouble, Miller was declared disabled in 1970. "WATER is almost synonymous with mining," he said. "And mud is almost synonymous with water. I'd say almost all miners who had spent much time underground have some form of ar- thritis. It ranks just behind black lung as our most serious health problem." "Back problems are widespread, too. In fact, I never worked in a seam of coal that I could stand up in, not during the whole time I was in the mines. "We would have to crawl around like monkeys with our lunch buckets in our mouths. My knees had callouses so thick you couldn't drive a niil thorugh them." SOME MIGHT wonder why miners out up with such grueling conditions, but the fact is, in the coal fields, there are few jobs that pay $60 a day. Perhaps more so than anywhere else in the country, everything depends on one industry. . - --s, everything depends on one industry. Miners and their neighbors have learned to live with the hard times that come with the frequent strikes. Some. take extra jobs. There is even one working as a ski instructor at a ski resort during the current nationwide strike, the longest in the industry's history. A tentative settlement was reached Friday night. In addition to whatever outside jobs they might have landed, miners also receive other benefits during the strike. In West Virginia alone, 32,000 miners have been using food stamps at an estimated cost of $15 million to the federal government. MOST OF the miners who work in low coal live in Appalachia. They often begin their day by riding, flat on their stomachs, as many as five miles down into the earth. The long, cramped and bumpy ride in the "man trap" does lit- tle for the digestive system and ever less for the disposition Also, most miners spend their entire shift underground. There's no coming up for lunch and no such thing as rest rooms in coal mines. "The thing that scares me to death about low coal is running into somebody else on the side of the machine where I can't see them;" says Blaine Lester. a miner from Logan County, W.Va. "When I come around a corner win that cutting machine, I just have to guess where I'm going, and hope nobody is in the way." SUCH ACCIDENTS also occur in high coal, as Denver Hicks of Barrackville, W.Va., knows all too well. "I'm working in seven-foot coal when I was hurt," the 66-year-old retired miner recalled recently: "I was working as a helper on the cutting machine and I was busy taking off the cable when the operator suddenly decided to turn the machine around. "The conveyor boom caught me in the thigh," he said. "It threw me down in a hole, breaking three ribs on my left side and crushing my right hip. The! boss said I was lucky, though, because the boom pushed me back into that hole. Otherwise, I'd have been killed for sure. "LET'S SEE, I was hurt two or three times before that," he said, counting on his fingers as he spoke. "Those were mostly roof falls, but nothing too bad. "And, of course, I've got black lung." SANS SOUCI large furnished 1 and 2 bed- room apartments available for fall occupancy Located across from U of M stadium Bus Service every 15 minutes from Hoover St. to State St. call 995-3955 visit resident manager at apartment K-1 . .._ S. Africa break MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - The now the wi U.S. government should sever nment has diplomatic relations with South Africa Western nat and American corporations should cut think they h business ties with South Africa, the will conder AFL-CIO declared Friday in protesting do no more a racial policies of the white-minority. Then the( South African government. pressure the "I'm sure the profit-hungry business corporations of America will cry crocodile tears if these things are put in effect," said AFL-CIO leader George Meany. BUT SOUTH Africa's apartheid policy requiring separation of races won't change without outside pressure, he said, contending the alternative to peaceful change now is a "violent bloody civil war" in two or three years. Meany conceded cutting off U.S.- related business interests might cost jobs of union members in South Africa, but said the goal of equality was worth the price. "In the final analysis the big job is to bring human decency to South African workers and to all the citizens of South Africa, to get rid of this vicious policy of apartheid," Meany said. "Maybe theY South African workers would under- stand and be willing to make whatever sacrifices is involved to avoid the catastrophe of a bloody civil war." to end "subj the non-whit MEANY SPOKE to reporters after a Among the meeting of the AFL-CIO Executive . An endt Council which heard from ousted South surance an African journalist Donald Woods. promote flo Woods, a white who as editor of the South Africa Daily Dispatch in East London was " Withdra critical of the government, was banned with South by the government last October and athletic an fledtthe country with his family on New severing of Year's Eve. Woods now lives in United State England. * U. S. s Woods said economic reprisals would disciplinary help combat apartheid and that until Africa. urged hite South African gover- not taken protests by tions seriously. "Indeed, I ave gambled that the West nn apartheid verbally, but about it." council called for steps to South African government MOND CF NIG SPECIAL PRICES South University near Washtenaw " 769-1744 Study in London and Stockholm SUMMER OF78 COMPARATIVE HEALTH SYSTEMS July 8-Aug. 27, 1978 5 week intensive course 2 weeks free time 6 semester credits-grad or undergrad An opportunity to study, analyze and explore two different health care systems. Sponsored by Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn CONTACT: Dr. Marilyn Rosenthal, Instructor U-M Dearborn 4901 Evergreen Rd. Tele. (313) 271-2300, ext. 433 or 292 Dearborn, Michigan 48128 Mean y jugation and repression of te citizens." e council's demands were: to Export-Import Bank In- nd loan guarantees that w of capital and credit to a. wal from all participation African social, cultural, nd othercactivities" and diplomatic relations by the es. upport of United Nations y actions against South I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LxxxViii. No. 123 Sunday. February 26, 1978 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur- day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. FILMS OF JOSEPH BERNARD Tuesday, Feb. 28,1978-8 P.M. at CANTERBURY HOUSE 218 N. Division ADMISSION: FREE LORI CHRISTMASTREE fiber CYNTHIA WEBB tf% a NOW AVAILABLE AT CONLIN TRAVEL A Collection of the Latest Information on FOR PEACE OF FEET... TRY WALLA BEESĀ® i , A/ fin sand or brown suede and brown or black calf. Men's sizes $44.00-46.00 Women's sizes $41.00 fi "AIR ONLY - ABC CHARTER$" TO EUROPE ASK FOR YOUR FREE COPY AT ANY OF OUR THREE OFFICES