CITY.STREETS See Editorial Page P LIEV 1E~aiI HOWEVER High-27 Low-14o See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 122 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 25, 1978 Ten Cents 8 Pages Detroit Edison asks for cut in dorm energy use By RICHARD BERKE light fixtures. single glass panes. Whoever fills this position in early April program. During this first year, an ef- ALSO LAST summer insulated glass While these energy-saving recon Other planned measures include re- will have the responsibility of fort is planned to compile basic windows were installed in Northwood The dim lighting in dorm cafeterias is mendations are for the current roofing several dorms and adding new monitoring energy use in the dorms and technical data for each residence hall. Two Four and Five as well as in Bur- not an attempt by the University to hide emergency situation, the Housing Of- insulation. developing a formal energy Bowyer stressed the difficulty of esti sley. Finally, a new roof was installed moldy roast beef or encourage roman fice also has long-range plans to reduce mating savings made from energy cut- on Couzens Hall to improve insulating tic interludes. Rather, it's part of soaring dorm energy costs.bak.Bthdisyifptenry qlt. emergency efforts to reduce dorm Dorm utility expenses - which ac- "The redbc tn edsuy- fuhast energyowuait. lighting loads to offset the current coal count for nearly ten per cent of room "The 30 per cat ettergy re(dIUtioi is totf tla CIarve n reduction measures - such as conver- Bowyer said he hopes dorm residents shorage andboad fes -hav mor thn - sions to fluorescent lighting -- had not will realize the need to limit their Detroit Edison has asked University doubledi since 1973. Paul Bowyer, -e le goal. I will requ ir' proje(t f i dsaf(/1the been put into effect, the University energy consumption. He said a task HeroigtEdsonedu skedr Unvergyity-doublsisiingm973. nauBowyer-Housing energy bill would be double force was formed earlier this year for Housing to reduce dorm energy con- University housing maintenance coor- op('(eJratio of asflhtV people (is we callt iae aware what it is today.. The fluorescent the purpose of publicizing eiiergy. con- sumption by ten per cent. Specific cut- dintator, has set a goal of reducing ~cag vrrsle n5 e etsrainpasadacmlsmns backs are being left up to individual energy usage by 30 per cent in the next of our programs., progre>ss acid projects." change-over resulted in 50 per cent servation plans and accomplishments. residence halls, but the Housing Office three savings plus a 100 per cent in- Bowyer added, however, that ever has recommended cost-saving steps. -Pail Do Ver crease in light output. Currently, most since the 1973 energy crunch, public AS A FIRST major energy saving dorms receive annual utility bills top- awareness of the necessity of cutbacks gA, A FIST jo e ergy n titaersity Housing Main tenan ce ping the $100,000 mark. has led to substantial energy savings. ASiDE FROM urging frugal use of target, an audit of every type and stywill Other recent energy-saving "The 30 per cent energy reduction is diigro lgtteHosn fie fdr ido tteUivriywl measures include the insulation of the. not an easily achievable goal," Bowyer suggests that dorm maintenance be conducted beginning this summer. To administer the energy reduction management program. Oxfor Houe thw o or an easill reqire oect Bu wyar workers cut down on the frequent tur- Poory insulated windows are a major plans, the Housing Office is inter- HOUSING officials are requesting Five, and Fletcher last summer. Those the cooperation of as many people as ning on and off of ventilation fans and cause of heat loss in the dorms, with viewing applicants for the new position that $50,000 be allotted for the initial efforts amounted to an eight and a half we can make aware of our programs, also remove tubes from unnecessary some windows not insulated and with of energy conservation manager. year to operate an energy conservation per cent savings in fuel consdkwption. progress and projects." pe etsvns nfe osmpin rges n rjcs Ministers object to proposed OER cut By RON GIFFORD A group of campus ministers is con- sidering taking legal action against the University in an attempt to stop a proposed re-organization of the Office of Ethics and Religion (OER). The proposal, which involves relocating OER's only counselor to the counseling offices of Student Services, would "dilute what the University will be doing in the area of ethics and religion," according to a letter the ministers sent to administration of- ficials Thursday. THE MINISTERS base their legal ob- jections on an agreement made in 1937, between the Student Christian Association (SCA) and the University's Regents. Under that agreement the SCA donated Lane and Newberry Halls to the University on the condition that the Regents agreed to "assume the responsibility for a program that will tend to encourage student interest and, study in the broader aspects of religious education and properly coordinated student activities in religious and allied fields," according to minutes of the Regents' meeting. Today, OER serves three primary functions: student counseling, program organization, and coordination between the various campus religious organiza- tions. According to the letter, OER is concerned not only with religious issues, but also, with major political and social questions. OER is a "locus for support for loyal opposition and the dissenting point of See 'OER', Page 8 Carter: ratify new coal contract now By-APandUPI WASHINGTON - President Carter announced a contract settlement in the nation's longest coal strike yesterday and warned miners he will take "drastic actions" if they do not ratify it. The agreement was reached under heavy White House pressure just hours after Carter announced plans to inter- vene in the crippling 81-day-old walkout. TERMS OF THE agreement were not announced immediately. Officials have estimated it would take nearly three weeks before coal production could be back to normal. Although Carter did not say what ac- tion he had in mind, administration of- ficials said the President was ready to order the miners back to work under the Taft-Hartley Act and perhaps to Saturday * The results of the recent MSA elections will dictate some changes in the structure of the assembly. See story on Page 2. * If you are thinking about cud- dling up to a nice bottle of wine tonight, you might want to read our wine story on Page 8 before you make your selection. For happenings, weather and local briefs, see TODAY, page 3. seek congressional approval for a federal takeover of the mines. But in a quickly arranged, live ap- pearance on national television, Carter said federal intervention had been averted for the time being by a hurriedly arranged agreement between the Bituminous Coal Operators Association and the United Mine Workers (UMW). UMW PRESIDENT Arnold Miller termed the agreement a "good con- tract," and said it included all the health and pension guarantees the union sought. He said the agreement was even better than the pact reached with the Pittsburg and Midway Coal Co., Monday, an agreement the BCOA had earlier refused to consider. Speaking directly to the strikers, Car- ter praised their dedication and patriotism and said, "I hope you will follow the lead of your bargaining council and ratify the settlement. It serves the national interest as well as your interests and those of your families. -If it is not approved, I will have to take the drastic actions I was prepared to take tonight." The President then announced he is See CARTER, Page 8 AP Photo Carter's image slips President Carter outlines his anti-discrimination plan at the White House Thursday with (1-r) Rep. Parren Mitchell (D-Md.); Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.); Coretta King; an unidentified person; and Rep. Claude Pepper (D-Fla.). Carter's nationwide image plummeted this month according to an AP)NBC News poll. Stalled Middle East peace negotiations and the coal strike have left only 34 per cent of those interviewed willing to say that Carter has done an "excellent" or "good" job as President. Sixty-two per cent of those interviewed this week gave Carter "only fair" or "poor" marks. These ratings represent the lowest for Carter since he took office. Carter announced yesterday that he will leave Washington on March 28 for his first state visit to South America and Africa. $1.5 million to fix A2 streets By KEITH RICHBURG City Administrator Sylvester Murray has been ordered to find $1.5 million dollars somewhere in the city budget to be allocated for fixing Ann Arbor's blighted roads.I In a resolution passed by City Council Thursday night, Council suggested that Murray consider cutting some funds from other city services, like the Com- munity Development Block Grant federal funds., THE RESOLUTION also suggests that the administrator look -for the road repair money in the general fund sur- plus, any excess revenues from the state fire services reimbursement, and the possibility of changing the leaf pick- up program from the streets, traffic and parking department to plastic bag pick-ups. The $1.5 million still won't let Ann Arbor taxpayers off the hook in November. Council still plans to put a millage increase on the November ballot, and calls the new funding just a prelude to off-set the tax hike. Mayor Pro Tem Louis Belcher, who' introduced the resolution, said Thur- sday, "I'm giving the city ad- ministrator several different areas to consider." "This is saying to the administrator, regardless of what you do in the budget next year, we want a minimum of $1.5 million to repair the streets," Belcher said. 'Basically, we're going to have to make some cuts, but we've been told in the polls and elsewhere that the citizens want this." COUNCILMAN Louis Senunas (R- Third Ward) said the resolution will call for "a massive reduction in the services that the city fought for for years." "I suggest that they send the city postcards or whatever and tell us what services they would like to see cut," Senunas said. Mayor Albert Wheeler, however, called the Belcher. plan "fiscally irresponsible," and introduced his own substitute amendment which Council rejected in a 6-5 partisan split vote. "It would be fiscally irresponsible for Council to direct the city administrator to find $1.5 million and not tell him what has to give," Wheeler said. The Wheeler plan called for the ad- ministrator to search the budget and see exactly how much money was available for road repair without drastic service cuts. The Wheeler sub- stitute also suggested the city explore the possibility of a federal grant for road work currently pending in the U.S. Congress. Belcher called Wheeler's substitute amendment "purely political folderol, cannon fodder put out by the Democratic caucus." "If we wait for Congress to fix our roais, I guarantee they'll never get fixed," Belcher said. "That's just a pie in the sky.". BASIM ESMAIL, brother of Sami who has been jailed by the Israeli government for alleged membership in an illegal organization, charged Thursday night that his brother has been tortured while in prison. 75 discuss Israeli, jailing of MSupil NUTRITION AIDS UNUSED: Food stamp hassles limit aid By DAN OBERDORFER Speeches by jailed MSU student Sami Esmail's brother and his attorney in the United States drew a crowd of nearly 75 highly charged Israeli and Palestinian supporters to the Wesleyan Church Thursday night. Esmail has been held in an Israeli jail since late December on charges that he is a member of an organization which is outlawed in Israel and that he has had contact with an enemy agent, accor- ding to Dan Kyram, a spokesman for the Israeli consulate in Chicago. Esmail, who is one semester away from a master's degree in electrical engineering, has denied both charges. He can face up to ten years imprison- ment if convicted by a three-judge Israeli civilian court. Emotions flared at the church Thurs- day night when one spectator, who claimed to be an Israeli lawyer which is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. The American-born Esmail was on his way to visit his dying father on the West Bank when he was arrested im- mediately after landing at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport. Basim Esmail charged that his brother has been tor- tured while awaiting trial. "I saw the symptoms of his torture," he said. "There were red marks all over his body. "You have to understand that Sami was in the hands of savage in- terrogators," he added. Esmail, who works for an electronics firm in Chicago, charged that his brother was punched repeatedly and told he would never see his dying father unless he confessed. He said Sami was interrogated around the clock in a small cell without being permitted to sleep for more than two consecutive hours. By AMY SALTZMAN Nearly one-half of the people eligible for nutritional benefits like food stamps and Salvation Army meals in Washtenaw County are not taking ad- vantage of those services, according to the Michigan Legal Services 1977 statistics. what can be as little as $20 per household. The time required to buy food stamps is a problem for John Leone, a junior in psychology eligible for food stamps. "When you first apply for food stamps you have to be there from 7 to 10 a.m. or you're out of luck," Leone said, "Even if you have an appointment, they have concerning their possible eligibility," said Advocacy Project coordinator Mayfield. "They could then send the forms to us and we could tell them if they're eligible. That way, people could avoid a lot of the problems involved in originally finding out they're entitled to food stamps." r 'ii s; s!! ; r. s