Page 4-Friday, February 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily h£e Mibigan :9 iajj Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 121 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Europe and Communism LETTERS TO THE DAILY Good citizen must be reinstated T HE PANIC ENGENDERED last year by the Italian elections in which the Communist party under the leadership of Enrico Berlinguer very nearly got control of the Italian gover- nment has been in no way reproduced by the upcoming French elections. The situations in France and Italy bear similarities. Both the type of Communism - popularly dubbed "Euro-communism - and the social situations leading to the high represen- tation in each country's government enjoyed by the Communists suggests that there is no call for panic. We are not faced here with an un- popular party forcing itself upon a free state any more in France than in Italy. The opinions of many are now that Eurocommunism is not the threat it had been thought to be. There are two basic reasons for this shift of opinion: first, the Communist parties in each country have freely elected representatives. While this doesn't necessarily mean that free elections are guaranteeable under totalitarian rule, nether does it mean the opposite. And it does mean that the French Communist Party has a strong base in its constituents. The other consideration is this idea of "Eurocommunism", as represented by Georges Marchais, leader of the French Communist party, and Berlinguer. This encompasses an idea of Communists working primarily in coalition governments (a necessity, considering the way European Assem- blies are ordered), working together on legislation to achieve a set of aims according to the laws of the country. The time has come to stop thinking of "Communists" as being without a country (except Russia), of assuming that any policy and possibility of rule has more to do with the Moscow party line than that of the host country. Mar- chais and his party are French first and Communist second. Even Stefan Chervonenko, Soviet Ambassador to France, is reported to be quietly supporting the Gallists. Moscow is not pleased with Eurocom- munism, because it strays too far from the Soviet line. Thus, fears of Communist takeover in France and Italy are basically unrealistic and attune to a kind of Cold War thinking we can live without. To The Daily: As faculty members of the Uni- versity of Michigan, we wish to express grave concern over the case of Mr. Hank Bryant which comes up for arbitration in the near future. During the trial of the VA nur- ses, Mr. Bryant, properly distressed at the inaction of his superiors, took that responsibili- ty we all of us bear as citizens and informed the press about a crucial aspect of the case. His disclosure involved a woman, already deceased, who had con- fessed to the murders. The validity of her confession is not at issue; the importance of such in- formation for a fair trial is evi- dent. For his action Mr. Bryant was summarily fired from his job. The legal implications of his case are complex and may eventually have to be decided upon in federal court. The injustice of the University's action is, however, quite clear. Mr. Bryant placed his duty as a citizen with import- ant evidence in this particular capital case over bureaucratic regulations. He acted as a private citizen when the University would not act as a responsible in- stitution. He was not alone in his, action; he was alone in his readi- ness to attach his name, and thus risk his job. In microcosm, Mr. Bryant's case reflects others in which in- dividual citizens have, in the face of institutional inaction or decep- tion, acted for the larger good. We wish to let the University know we support him in his de- mands for reinstatement with full back pay. -William Alexander, Dept. of English Bunyan Bryant, School of Natural Resources James C. Crowfoot, School of Natural Resources Thomas Detwyler, Dept. of Geography Karl Figlio, Dept. of History Zelda Gamson, School of Education Robin M. Jacoby, Dept. of History Norman Owen, Dept. of History Michael Taussig, - Dept. of Anthropology Arthur Schwartz, Dept. of Mathematics Thomas E. Weisskopf, Dept. of Economics Marilyn B. Young, Residential College Rhodesian rule To The Daily: I am not sure that I follow the reasoning of your editorial "Rho- desia's non-oolution" (Wednes- day, February 22). You suggest that the 10-year guarantee to the white minority of 28 seats in the 100-seat legislature "insures white control of Rhodesia's econ- omy and army for years to come." How so? ' - In a legislature of 100 seats, 28 seats do not a majority make. These seats will not even consti- tute the minority of one-thirdr needed to block legislative action under Rhodesian parliamentary procedure. Furthermore, Ian Smith is reported to have con- ceded the right of black nationalist guerrillas to be in- cluded in the armed forces of the new Rhodesian government' (Wall Street Journal, 17 Feb. 1978, p.1). Smith is not such a fool as to hope seriously that the guerrillas will meekly submit to white domination. Perhaps you worry that black votes will be scattered among many small parties and hence will be vulnerable to a more cohesive white vote. But such fragmentation would not prevent forming a black coalition on clear-cut black vs. white issues. Black moderates in Rhodesia do, after all, have politically skillful, articulate leaders with con- siderable national appeal to engineer such coalitions, among them Bishop Muzorewa and Rev. Sithole. Please do not read me wrong: if ever a people have enjoyed a right to revolution from such principles as are expressed in our own Declaration of Independ- ence, the blacks of Rhodesia en- joy it. But the price of exercising that right is bloodshed, chaos, and the ominous possibility of a repressive, Marxist regime similar to Mengistu's in Ethiopia. It is not clear to me from your editorial that Muzorewa and Sithole may not have chosen the better course. +Gregory S. Hill energy alternatives To The Daily: Barry Commoner recently ex- pressed his views at Rackham as to what he saw as the real (but undiscussed) issue underlying the energy crisis. He trew an analogy between the avoilance of this issue in the For(/Carter debates and the refusa during the Presidential campaigns of 1840-56 to discuss slavery. I found it distressing that this issue remained undiscussed in the Daily's coverage of his talk. As Commoner sees it, the issu is the failure of the free enter prise system to adequately solve the energy problem. The'problem is this: the cost of nonrenewable energy sources is increasing ex- ponentially. The cost of renewable sources (e.g. solar) is higf, but constant. When the cost of nrrenewable energy sources has rereased sufficiently, solar energ: will be economically feasibl. Thenare two possible ways of reachin this point sooner - ac- celeratethe rate of increase in the cost f nonrenewable sources, or reduc (by governmental sub- sidy or )therwise) the cost of solar po'er. Under the former, the futur cost of energy will be relativel3higher. This would be more burensome on the poor, whose entgy needs consume a disproporbnate share of their income. Uder the latter, there would be nrch less need for the tremendou. amounts of capital available ) the multi-billion dollar enety conglomerates. This would ofoundly affect the profits if noihe actual existence of companiefn the capital inten- sive industr: Needless, to' say. the Carter dministration has chosen the fonier. - Wiam J. Barron, III Intellectuals have always been un- certain of themselves in this country. They have always felt uncomfortable in a society that stressed economic development and the virtues of action over thought. And their discomfort has been enhanced by the popular view, maintained even today, that the univer- sity is a haven for the unproductive-a dream world. But actually, there is no such dis- tinction between the "campus" and the "real world." The university plays quite an active role in our national life. To put it bluntly, the intellectual work that goes on at the university level is for the most part the work that is required to justify the perpetuation of the exist- ing social order - to protect the status quo. The university is in fact not an ivory tower. It is integrally related to the rest of the social system. Academ- ics, whether they know it or not, do a job and perform a service for the benefit of the dominant classes in a society. THIS HAS BEEN clear enough in the past. In the years following World War II, as the United States approached a period of political reaction, literary scholars throughout the country advan- ced the theories of New Criticism, which claimed that only the text of a literary work, not an author's era, mat- tered in scholarship. Sociologists ad- vanced the idea that our society had reached the "end of ideology." Histori- ans spoke in the same terms; Daniel Boorstin, for one, in his book The Genius of American Politics, argued that ideology, meaning, in his terms, a systematic program of political prin- ciples and social objectives, was never part of American politics and was in fact un-American - a convenient in- tellectual justification for the McCar- thyite witch-hunt of the foreign "enemy within." The fifties and sixties saw an in- crease in classified military research on American campuses and in govern- ment-supported studies in social scien- ce departments. It certainly reached its extreme when the Political Science Department of Michigan State Univer- sity helped write the constitution for the government of South Vietnam. BY NOW, the University of Michigan, for one, has severed official ties with classified research, but such a step should not lead us to think that the political, economic and social nature of higher education has significantly changed. It may simply be obscured. For the trend of the last few years - ever since Congress rid the country of Nixon and began congratulating itself for the efficiency of the "democratic process" - has been to further obscure the social realities of our world with humanitarian talk of change. The political exploitation of a "progressive" rhetoric of harmony and human rights has helped elect and sup- port the new administration in Wash- ington, but the society, as a matter of course, retains all the destructive ten- How scholars play with the-poor By Howard Brick prove themselves," CSF has done nutri- tional research in various part of the Third World, including Thailand, Co- lombia, and Chile, with funding from the U.S. Agency for International De- velopment (USAID). Since 1974, the or- ganization has worked in the Cauca Valley' of Columbia, developing programs supposed to end the wide- spread malnutrition in the region. But a careful analysis of CSF's work there belies its intentions. While CSF sports the lingo of community self-help theories and progressive education movements, the organization only helps to perpetuate the real social basis of hunger and starvation. This is pointed out in an article by University of Michigan Anthropology Professor Mick Taussig in the current issue of the International Journal of Health Services. On Friday, February 24, Prof. Taussig will join with Dr. Giorgio Solimano, an exiled Chilean nu- tritionist who once directed Salvador Allende's free milk distribution pro- gram, in a panel discussion entitled "Science and Imperialism: The Politics of Nutrition Research in Chile and the Third World," 12 noon to 2 p.m. in 1035 Angell Hall. THE ANN ARBOR Committee for Human Rights in Latin America, the sponsor of the meeting, has invited several members of, CSF to the ses- sion, but it is yet unsure whether any CSF representatives will attend. The discussion is part of a series of lectures and discussions on Thursday and Fri- day, sponsored by the Committee, focusing on education and public health in Chile before and after the 1973 mili- tary coup. In the Villa Rica area in the south of the Cauca Valley, it is estimated that 50 per cent of the children under six years of age suffer 'from malnutrition. Fifty per cent of the population in the area suffers from hookworm infestation. The causes of nutritional' and health problems are explained clearly in Taussig's article: past decades have seen the conversion of the region from small-scale peasant agriculture, culti- vating subsistence food crops, to plan- tations of non-staple crops. AFTER THE completion of the Pana- ma Canal and a Colombian rail line to the Pacific in 1914, the region was opened to world trade, and land values in the valley soared. Peasants were driven from their land by direct force, flooding of plots, and aerial spraying of herbicides, in order to make way for large sugar-cane plantations, which were substantially financed by U.S. in- vestments. Since the 1950's, the U.S. corporation Ralston Purina has turned nthv r argesections of the Cauca Valley coming increasingly concentrated into fewer owners. The majority of holdings are so small that their peasant owners are forced to work on the large estates. My own cen- sus in 1971 indicated that 30 per, cent of households in the Villa Rica' jurisdiction are landless, while another 50 per cent have less than the two hectares necessary for sub- sistence. Even the land that remains in peasant hands has been converted, through the efforts of a USAID-support- ed government program, from the tra- ditional crop mix of cocoa, coffee, plan- small subsistence farmers to super- exploited day laborers, who live as the prey of corrupt labor contractors and a degrading piece-work pay system. The people in the area, Taussig says, refer to sugar cane as a plant "which dries one up" and claim that the detested work in the cane fields makes one thin and prematurely old. Financially strapped families find it increasingly hard to feed themselves, and most 'of the limited nutritious food inevitably goes to the adult laborer at the expense of the small children, whose physical and perhaps mental development is thus stunted. charge eating habits. One of the prin- cipal devices CSF proposes is an educa- tional program based on John Dewey's concepts of "learping through doing." Bringing peasant children.into schools whee they will participate in gathering nutritional information through experi- ments with laboratory rats will create an elite of "agents of change." The children will go back to their communi- ties, tell people that soya is more nutri- tious than plantain and yuca, and begin measuring and weighing their brothers and sisters to test their physical devel- opment. As one CSF writer, who now teaches in Michigan's department of journal- ism, explains CSF strategy: Its roots lie inextricably em-' bedded in Darwinism. CSF is try- ing to compress a behavioral ver- sion of adaptive selection into a very short time frame. It seeks to produce life-enhancing habit pat- terns harnessing the scientific method to functional adaptation. Only local stimuli are used to speed the process, for they alone can produce modifications tailored to immediate conditions. In es- sence, CSF methodology is a be- havioral analogue of the evolution- ary process of natural selection. Through artificially-induced bom- . bardments of local, stimuli, com- munity habit patterns are shifted to produce permanent, functional adaptation to local conditions." This sort of social science jargon is appalling, when it is perfectly clear that the problem lies in the nature of "local conditions" themselves. To en- courage adaptation to local conditions is to avoid solving the problem, to rec- oncile the sufferers of oppression to their oppressors. It pictures the "local, conditions" as somehow parallel to the natural environment to which species adapt through selection of mutations. But there is no such parallel. The local conditions are social ones, established by people and changeable by people. They are not fixed or permanent, but the analogy to Darwinism pictures them as such. The analogy is pernici- ous. FURTHERMORE, the notion CSF adlvances that the "community" of poor peasants can solve the problem of mal- nutrition solely through "self-help" is absurd. The "community" cannot be abstracted from the society as a whole and the sys- tem of social relationships that link its members to those who hold power outside the community. The absurdity is all the more obvious if we look at a situation closer to home. Would the CSF ized federal goverient budget, and the conflicts betyn profit-seeking management and lair? Activities like Malcolm X once pied with ideas of community uplift, btby the end of his life Malcolm X saw ;speople's prob- lems as broad, sociql ones, and the word "revolution" wanore frequently on his lips. Of course, the notiothat things will get better if only the pr change their attitudes has ever beethe favorite of liberal -reformers. 'le underlying assumption is that the-oblems of the poor are their own faulhnd their fault is mainly that they are spid. IN ONE GLOWING (F report, the educational projects ofhe group are described. The children ae encouraged to run experiments witt-ats. The ex- periments are their ow hey think up different menus and se which ones nourish the rats best. he students weigh and measure the animals to chart their progress, and rd that soya is the most successful diefor physical development. "Instead C words we have our rats," a 17-yearild peasant girl, Aida, says. "Thanks tour experi- ment, we realize what }akes good nourishment. We will start ) weigh our younger brothers and sistes at home and to see what they eat, .st like we did with our rats at school.'The writer of the report gloats over the uccess the school has had in teaching te children the basics of scientific methd and the tenefits of inductive inquiv. "After eleven weeks," the writer ays, "the nutritional relationship betteen rats and mankind had been firnly estab- lished." What can be said of this organization and itsmethods, this grotesqe mixture of cormunity self-help, Darwinism, Dewey', instrumentalism, behaviorist psychology, and laboratiry animal testing techniques? Ve should recognizi it perhaps as an elaborate way, of voiding solvirg a social problem tid a way of actually contin- uing a deumanizing set of social cir- cumstance. Perhaps the researchers themselve do not understand this; they insist ley are helping the poor. BUT THIY may be deluded. In fact what more ould we expect out of an organizatio. like CSF?)'unded by USAID, an ency that openly avows its purposes, encouraging private en- terprise andnsuring an openness to U.S. investmpts, an agency which is and sees itsells an arm of U.S. foreign policy -- worhg with Colombian sci- entists who ar in turn funded by the Rockefeller ftndation - operating with the apprral of the Colombian government %ose interests lie in quieting rural deontent without alter- ing the power ructure, could CSF come up with aniing else? And when Aid-and her classmates return to theiihomes and star measuring their ratives "to see which tains and fruit trees to mechanized sin- gle-crop cultivation of soya, beans or corn. This conversion has actually ten- ded to increase peasant indebtedness, and the transfer of land to large owners But CSF's program of change com- pletely ignores the social relationships, the inequality and fierce oppression, which lie at the heart of this problem and has advanced the incredible idea