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February 24, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-02-24

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Hat -trick .
To Buckeye fan Reggie Rose, the November 19 Michigan-Ohio State
game was mote that just:a football loss. Known as "Captain Ohio",
Rose came to Arn Aibor sporting his treasured OSU hat of many but-
tons. During the game, a zealous Wolverine fan appropriated the cap
for his own purposes. Captain Ohio, a 1972 Ohio State grad, went to
great lengths to regaim his hat including appearing on.a WRCN radio
talk show, writing our own President Fleming and offering a $50
reward. Finally the culprit, a Wolverine fan who calls himself the
"Maize and Blue Streak" suggested a bargain: in order to regain his
prized possession, Roe must appear in the Ohio State Lantern, the
student newspaper, grbed in a 1978 Michigan Rose Bowl T-shirt. The
day after the photo gpeared, Captain Ohio got his hat back. Unfor-
tunately (or fortunatly, depending on the way you look at it) it was
not the same hat. Mbch to Rose's chagrin, several of the 25 buttons
pinned on his cap ha been replaced by Michigan buttons. Lucky Rose
also received a Mihigan T-shirt from the "Streak" as well as a
promise of a beer 'hen the Wolverine's clash with the Buckeyes in
Columbus this fall..o, Blue!

The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 24, 1978-Page 3
Fines stiffened for
handieauped Zone
By MITCH MARGO tickets. I've heard that the police
department has, but I've instructed my ?
Selfish Ann Arbor and University department to hold off until some -
motorists are in for a surprise if they publicity about the ordinance gets in
continue to park in handicapped the papers," said Hughes.
motorist zones. A new interpretation of The tougher ordinance is in response
a city ordinance raises the fine for to citizen's lack of observance of the
parking in these spots without a permit parking stalls provided solely for the
from $5 to $50.
The new fines, adopted several weeks handichpped.o
ago by Ann Arbor District Court judges, "There have been a lot of complaints,
have caught many "deserving' especially from the University area and
parkers by surprise. Briarwood," said Friend. "The area
THERE H AVE been about 25 around the hospital is especially
"TERE AV," been JaboFrutn troublesome," Hughes added.
callers thus far," says Jan Friend of TO BE ELIGIBLE for a handicapped
City Hall Public Information. "Most parking sticker, "A person must use a
can't believe the fine and want to con- wheelchair or have a physical charac-
es it." eteristic that limits ambulation," accor-
Friend said even those unaware of ding to the ordinance.
the new ordinance would have to pay The sticker is then placed in the
the fine. lower left-hand side of the windshield
But Cy Hughes, manager of the Ann and a sticker for the license plate is also
Arbor Parking System, gave a more available.
lienent view of the situation.' The new $50 fine may be deterrent
"WE HAVE NOT yet issued any enough.

Specially allocated parking spots for handicapped persons are usually located
conveniently close to the buildings they serve. As such, they almost invite abuse
by non-handicapped persons. New ordinances in Ann Arbor raise the fine for doing
so from $5 to $50 in an attempt to curb the abuses.





The clockstrikes . .


If you've been ptting off going to class for the last couple of days for
various reasons, dd not knowing what time it is to your list of ex-
cuses. Seems as if several clocks around central campus, most
notably the east ockface on Burton Tower, have decided to take their
spring break a 1w days early. For quite sometime, that clock has
been stuck at 6:i. Now the clock on the front of the LSA building has
frozen itself at a5. Is there a clock strike sweeping the campus? The
answer is probaly not. According to Plant Department officials, the
central campuslock's work stoppage is not due to a disgruntled clock
strike or someort of energy saving scheme but it is because elec-
tricians are refiring them. Until then, you might as well stay home
because there'no point in going to class if you can't watch the clock,
... will ke. you on your toes today ... for all you early risers, our
own State Re Perry Bullard will speak to the Women's Council of the
Ann Arbor oard of Realtors at 8:30, Howard Johnson's Motor
Lodge.. . tin go back to bed until lunch time when the Center for
Continuing ducation of Women holds a brown-bag lunch and Ad-
missions lnrmation Clinic for women who want to return to school,
at noon, 32ghompson. . . also at noon head on over to 229 W. Engin
for "Form)rag, Lift and Propulsion," with James Daily or hear
Giorgio S&mano on "Science and Imperialism: The Politics of
Research iChile and the Third World," 1035 Angell Hall or see "Jolly
Corner", Tree film at the Schorling Aud. School of Education at
noon .. ax from lunch and then enjoy Mexican cooking at the In-
ternationiCenter at 3 p.m. and hurry over to the Dance Building, 1310
N. Univeity Ct., for an open house. .. also at 3, enjoy "Health and
Human Rhts in Chile," with speaker Giorgio Solimano at 3001 Henry
Vaughn Jilding ., . ,at 3:45 in 165 Chrysler Center, Dr. John Luxat
speaks o"Reactor Analysis of Candu PHWR" . . .at 4 p.m. catch
Prof. Mitel Stone's lecture on "Judiasm in the Third Century: The
New MaiscriptsOf the Book of Enoch," in 3050 Frieze.. . if you're
looking iward to spring, check out the organizational meeting for the
women'varsity softball team at 4 in the basement of the Athletic
Adminisation Bldg., corner of State and Hoover . . . take a break un-
til 8 p.r when the Resdential College players present 3 one-act plays
in the ]st Quad Auditorium ... also at 8, poet Gary Snyder will give
a readg in Rackham Auditorium.. . if you need a little exercise,
head oover to Xanadu Coop where the Folklore Society will present
an eveng of Square and Contra dancing at 8 p.m.. . . or see a series
of Spa' Shuttle films and a report on Viking 6 by astronomer Jim
Loudoat 8 in. MLB Aud. 3... end the evening with a cultural ex-
periere at Jim Grondin's poetry reading, 9 p.m., Markley Library.
Have good day.

Outer space buffs rejoice. The year
1979 will bring space events in "a num-
ber and variety unprecedented in all of
history," according to University
astronomy lecturer James Loudon.
Highlights of the upcoming year in
space include both man-made and
natural events, such as:
" The Pioneer-Venus probe, the first
planetary mission devoted exclusively
to the atmosphere, rather than the sur-
face, of a planet.
" The last total eclipse visible in the
contiguous United States in this cen-
tury, in February 1979.
" The first three flights of the Space
Shuttle into earth orbit which will, ac-
cording to Loudon, revolutionize near-
earth space and "cut the cost of space
flight to one-tenth of what it is now"
because the vehicles are reusable.
OTHER SPACE events anticipated
for 1979 include the arrival of the
Voyagers 1 and 2 on Jupiter to study the
planet and five of its moons. These
missions are important, Loudon says,
Daily Official Bulletin

od year
because Jupiter is "so different from
any worlds we've studied so far."
Jupiter is made entirely of gases and
liquids. Voyager 1 will arrive there in
March, followed by Voyager 2 in July.
Loudon, a life-long astronomy en-
thusiast, hopes to spend the entire
period, from December 1978 to Septem-
ber 1979, visiting the facilities coor-
dinating the study of these events -
everywhere from NASA's Ames
Research Center in San Francisco to
Cape Canaveral, Florida.
In addition to reporting these events
for National Public Radio, he will at-
tend the first International
Astronomical Union Space Conference,
a gathering of astronomers and
astrophysicists. Loudon will also attend
the next Princeton Space Colonization
meeting, which hopes to aid the
progress of establishing habitable
"worlds" in outer space to alleviate
many problems on earth, including
overpopulation-and the energy crisis.
LOUDON HOPES attending next
year's events will assist him in his role
as the University Exhibit Museum chief
planetarium demonstrator, as well as

to get spaced
make him better qualified forwhat he Viking spacec
laughingly refers to as the Mars.
"Astronomical Film Festival." Due to lack of
"It is sometimes astronomical, it be turned off in M
sometimes has films and whether it is a Anyone interes
festival I leave up to you," Loudon and Mars in part
says. the Viking result
Eight years ago, as an extension of a Loudon guarante
Residential College astronomy course not satisfied.
he taught, Loudon began showing films
and giving lectures on current space
topics to the general public. These mon-
thly programs grew in popularity and
are currently attended by up to 500
people.I -ti I


raft's discoveries on
funds, the Viking will
[arch, 1979.
ted in space in general
icular can learn about
s tonight. It's free and
ees your money back if

panied by his own slides, are sure to in-
terest the space devotee as well as the
casual observer.
Fridays at 8 p.m. during February in
Modern Languages Building
Auditorium 3, Loudon hosts a special
series of programs devoted to the

TIM u t u
I o



Cotgressional comeback...
Frmer U.S. Rep. Wayne Hays, who launched Elizabeth Ray to
fain as Capitol Hill's non-secretarial secretary, announced yesterday
he ould seek a seat in the Ohio House of Representatives. Hay's
resined from Congress in 1976 following charges that Ray was on his
payoll as a secretary when she was, in fact, his mistress. The former
cogressnian maintains that the whole incident was concocted by the
Wshington Post. "The investigation dragged on for 18 months and
the didn't find anything," he said. "I knew they wouldn't." Wonder if
Li Ray would consider moving to Columbus?
On the outside..
Oar fearless forcaster are envious of all the Florida bound students
next week as temperatires won't change much here between today
and }hen. Expect our wether to remain mostly cloudy with scattered
snow flurries early ths morning. The high should be around 28.
Tonight will also be clcidy with a low of 12. Tomorrow calls for more
of the same with sligitly colder temperatures. Enjoy Daytona, all
thosewho are leaving arly.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication
of the University of Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson,
before 2 p.m. of the day preceeding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Items appear once only. Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication. For more informa-
tion, phone 764-9270.
Friday. February 24, 1978
Guild House: Soup and Sandwich luncheon, 50¢,
Rick Gilkey, "Psycho-Analitic Interpretation of
Mystical Experiences," noon; ACLU Forum, Lynn
Johndahl, member of the State Legislature, Co-
sponsor of proposed bill to revise the Juvenile Code,
will discuss these revisions, 802 Monroe. 8 p.m.
General Notice
CEW announces a Research Grant Program sup-
ported by the Ford Foundation. Goal of the program
is to foster new research on women, particularly on
questions relating to adult development, education,
work, and family in the context of changing roles and
changing institutions. Limited number of research
grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded, on the basis of
merit, to individuals with interests in these areas.
Applications available at CEW, 330 Thompson St.
Applications due Oct. 15 (fall review) and April 14
(spring review).
Psychodrama Internships and Residencies
available for the program offered at Saint Elizabeths
Hospital, Washington, D.C. This hospital is a Federal
psychiatric facility which is organizationally a part
of the Dept. of HEW.
State Farm Companies Foundation Exceptional
Student Fellowship - Applications available. 12
fellowships, stipend $1,500 deadline is February 28.
Selection based on leadership, character, career in-
terest and desire, and scholarship. Eligibility is not
based on financial need.
National Newspaper Food Editors Internship
Program funded by Tupperware Home Parties.
Juniors or seniors majoring in Journalism or Home
Ecomonics can win a paid summer internship with
the food department of a major daily newspaper.
Stipend $2,000.

Ex*prof. dies
Kenneth Stewart, a professor of
Journalism at the University from 1952
to 1962, died Wednesday in Palo Alto,
California. He was 76.
He was the author of News is What
You Make It, and co-author of Makers
of Modern Journalism. He wrote for
many newspapers, and contributed to
many national magazines.
Stewart is survived by his wife
Evelyn and two children. Funeral
arrangements are incomplete.
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CALL 487-2424


Friday, February 24, 78
1s edited aria managed by studen(,t the University
f Michigan. News phone 764-92" Second class
postage is paid at Ann ArborMichigan 48109.'
Published daily Tuesday througSunday morning
Ouring the University year at 4 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. )scription rates:
$12 September through April (Vmesters); $13 by
miail outside Anq Arbor.
Summer session published Tyday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription ratCS6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor

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