PageA-Wednesday, February 22, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eigh tv-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 119 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Rhodesia's non-solution WASHINGTON - Chief Justice Warren E. Burger is about as private a public figure as this city offers, a man who most often effectively avoids news media attention unless it suits his purpose. But the nation's top judge found himself the center of a much- publicized controversy when arriving in New Orleans for the American Bar Association con- vention last week. HIS CHARGE that one-half of Chief Justice Burger's gripe By Richard Carelli I s CAN LICK 6'006 OF1ME TIAL LANW N - T1IS BAR 9 ANAL YSIS THE ODD thing about the recent Rhodesian majority rule "set- ement" is that it really doesn't settle anything. It is true that Prime Minister Ian Smith and the three moderate black leaders he was negotiating with may have reached agreement on something. Trouble is, these are not the people who have been waging a jlerrilla war in Rhodesia for the past five years. Settlement or no set- tlement, that war continues-even as government leaders shake hands in S~plisbury. The agreement, reached last week after months of negotiations, provides for a black majority government to be established by a one-man, one-vote election. Unfortunately, in the terms of tie agreement, the black government would not effectively have power for another ten years. Smith has procured some crafty safeguards for the white minority, among them, 28 reserved seats in the 100-seat Rhodesian parliament for the next ten years. Those 28 seats insure the white control of Rhodesia's economy and army for years to come. And until those ten years'are up, there will be no real transfer of power from white to black. What the four leaders have agreed to, in fact, is not the ter- mination of white minority rule in Rhodesia, but the outright extension of it. Is this what the so-called moderate black leaders have been negotiating for? If so, then the recent cries of "sell-out" are all too true. Smith now has the ingenuity and the gall to propose that he remain at the head of the half-white, half-black tran- sitional government prior to free elec- tions. Black negotiators, although said to be upset by this proposal, may just allow such a concession if their past actions are any indication. All four leaders have, for the pur- poses of a settlement, chosen to ignore altogether the significance of an ongoing war in their country. It is ap- parently expected that the black Rhodesian population do the same: ignore the 40,000 persons fighting; ignore the 8,500 dead; in fact, ignore For an ope W ITH THE Fourth Ward primary election out 9f the way, epublican victor David Fisher and emocrat LeRoy Cappaert begin their ace for the hotly contested swing City >ouncil seat. The beginning of a political cam- >aign is typically a time for eassessment. The hopefuls look at the oters they want to reach, the issues hey wish to raise and plan a strategy or doing so. THE DAILY sincerely hopes that avid Fisher will take a second look at is camaign strategy and make him- elf more available for interview and uestioning. Students make up a significant tortion of the Fourth Ward. For most Ftudent voters - in spite of anything the Fisher campaign may believe - *.he Daily is a prime source of infor- nation about candidates and issues. And yet, so far, we have been unable o present a balanced picture of the ourth Ward contestants to our. ptudent readers because of the inac- tessibility of one of our candidates. Our feelings about this de-facto news blackout were made quite clear in a >revious editorial, in which we Teclined to endorse either Fisher or Jarl McIntire in Monday's Republican Primary. " Now. as the general election cam- any stray bullets which might pass overhead as blacks go to the polls for one-man,one-vote rule. Many American officials who have been involved on a peripheral level with the Salisbury talks believe that the Rhodesian leader's disregard for the current war will not only take its toll on the stability of any new gover- nment,, but will eventually serve to escalate the fighting between guerrilla forces and the white minority gover- nment. There is speculaton, too, that the new agreements could further enflame dif- ferences between the various black factions in Rhodesia, creating the threat of civil war and possibly erasing any advances toward majority rule which may have already been made. W HATEVER FINALLY does hap- pen as a result of this latest agreement, it will surely not be a set- tlement. Even if the free elections materialize within 12 months as promised, they will do little good if the guerrilla forces fail to recognize a new government. What's more, if the 'new government fails to acknowledge the presence of a major war going on within Rhodesia - as the current government seems in- tent on doing - it will only compound the mess. Despite the many efforts of the United States and Britain, Prime Minister Smith has failed to draw black guerrilla groups into construc- tive negotiations for peace and the transfer of power. Until the Rhodesian minority leader can do so, no plan for majority rule can be effective. The Patriotic Front nationalist alliance, which leads the guerrillas fighting from within countries neigh- boring Rhodesia,has stated simply that the war would continue until there is "an unfettered, total and complete transfer of power from white to black. By any democratic standard, the Patriotic Front's demands are not only reasonable, they are fundamental to any true and lasting settlement which is to come out of Salisbury. n campalgn Ward City Council seat. He does not have to be locked into the short-sighted and ill-considered tactics of the primary. The public is the ultimate loser when a office-seeker makes him or herself unavailable to the media. We would hope that Fisher - and the organizers behind the Fisher campaign - would come to agree with us on this. all trial lawyers are incompetent had rankled a group of lawyers from Illinois enough to spark a resolution that the ABA rebuke Burger. In his annual speech to the association. Burger welcomed the controversy because, he said, it focused new light on an old problem. In the end the ABA backed down, seemingly vin- dicating the chief justice's remarks. But let's take a closer look. BURGER'S COMMENTS were made during testimony before a legal services commission in London last July-testimony not made public until November. For Burger, it was a forum, he almost never sees in the United States, an impromptu question-and- answer session which he had no control over. Transcripts of Burger's testimony showed that the chief justice said he favored a system in which trial lawyers-one in 10 U.S. lawyers that ever enter a court- room - would be required to pass some kind of "written examination." O u , -... N. 1 a N. Spann had labeled Burger's estimate on trial lawyer incom- petency as "grossly dispropor- tionate." THE FIGURE was more like 20 per cent, said Spann - sounding much like the man who claims he beats his wife only two times a week instead of five. Burger picked up, on Spann's quibbling, noting in his speech: "Even if 20 per cent are incom- petent, we ought to be doing a great deal more about it than we have up till now." The next day, the ABA's policy- making House of Delegates briefly debated the resolution seeking a Burger apology. THE MOST effective speakers argued that adoption of the resolution would be interpreted by the public as a cop-out --that the organized bar doesn't want to, do anything about cleaning up its act. Other speakers defended the chief justice as a "good friend" and a citizen who has the right to speak his mind. But no speaker , agreed that the chief's specific charges were on target - or even close. The consensus seemed to be that the numbers do not matter - that if there are some incom- petent trial lawyers not earning their fees the legal profession better redouble its efforts to train or weed out those lawyers. Burger's troops at the Supreme Court report that the chief justice's remark spurred many callers and letter-writers to register their support, and many editorial pages have awarded him a unanimous decision. Burger also said his obser- vations from the bench and statements from other judges led him to believe about half of all trial lawyers now are unqualified to represent their clients. HAD THE chief justice exaggerated and offered a guess not grounded in any legitimate data? Perhaps, but a public relations nightmare for the folks from Illinois let Burger off the hook. The gist of the resolution was that Burger's "negativism" had been overstated, that there in- deed was a problem but not of the scope discussed by the chief justice. Burger's escape became ap- parent even before he arrived in New Orleans. Talking to repor- ters, ABA President William B. Richard (:arelli is .a correspon dent for ''Te Assoc(j(iedIPress. LETTERS TO THE DAILY Another view o To The Daily: The letter published in The Daily on February 11, signed by 15 Bursley staff members, labels coverage of the Eric Arnson firing "patently absurd," a distorted image of Bursley's staff interactions. Bill and Sue McGee's view is equally distor- ted. This is the consensus of fellow staff members we have talked to, some of whom weren't asked to sign the letter, and sur- prisingly, others who did sign. The McGees resent accusations that dissent at Bursley is being stifled, just as could be expected from Tod Hanson's RDs. We see Mr. Arnson's firing as the last of a long series of encounters be- tween Hanson and this outspoken RA. Tod Hanson, it seems cer- tain, has knowledge of other staff members - RDs included - who have been at least as involved with marijuana. His inconsistent enforcement suggests that he is less concerned with applying regulations to those staff mem- bers he doesn't dislike. We can all agree that there has not been a drug crackdown at Bursley; the crackdown was on Eric Arnson. The building director's desire to have the whole staff on his side appears to be the driving force behind this action. As this letter shows, enthusiasm for his policies still isn't unanimous. Staff selection procedures follow the same outline as before, just as the letter of February 11th claims. Tod always has, and con- tinues to, encourage student and staff "input." He is a master of listening to what'he agrees with and responding "I know where you're coming from" to what he doesn't want to hear. Few people, we feel, deal with Tod extensively enough to understand this. Since 'last year, when Tod went against the RD selection committee's recommendations, we have been skeptical about the value of our participation in staff selection. The need to ask three times for student participation, the fact that volunteers, aren't knocking his door down, seems sym- ptomatic of the way residents perceive their voice. It's not the procedure that has changed, rather the way it works. The RD staff may in fact have a greater voice than ever before, as they say. This, we feel, is possible because they are team players hand picked never to buck Tod's authority. Many of us find Tod's RDs lacking creativity, com- passion for individuals, under- standine of residents' mntives. In general, we are quick to agree with other staff members in their summary of Tod's per- formance; he is reasonable, dedicated and professional. However, it should be noted that Tod is first dedicated to himself and his career aspirations within U of M staff; residents and staff at Bursley come second. We have, accepted this and sincerely hope that Bursley staff 'members will not be devisive, vengeful, or un- professional in their actions. As a group we can still do great things. Let us recognize each others' talents and work together for the residents. -A member of Bursley staff EDITOR 'S NOTE: The wri- ter's name was withheld upon request, because of Bursley's ongoing staff selection pro- cess. defending samoff To The Daily: I am impelled to respond to the general charge made in your paper by a student that Prof. Joel Burse Samoff is "punitive" or" tarian" and thereforeu ving of tenure. As a senio ate student, I can test these charges are abs baseless. In fact, Prof. has gained a reputation department, both amo colleagues and studen being very "democratic partly this orientation which has garnered hin whelming student supp has put him at odds with his colleagues. As a TA in several polil ence courses, Iam veryf with the fall-back positio competents and slacke think that they can "g without doing the require Undoubtedly, many pr are similarly acquainted1 ter term with the kind o tine bellowing such Black's. -Obi Political Science Dep 7 .y s RAs 'authori- been presented to the Ann Arbor undeser- Democratic Party for considera- r gradu- tion at their Feb. meeting to be ify that held on Feb. 22 in. the Michigan solutely League, Michigan Room, of the Samoff University of Michigan: in this WHEREAS the debate in the ong his scientific community concerning nts, for the hazards of recombinant DNA ". It is research continues, of his WHEREAS some bioldgists of the n over- highest standing in their ort and profession believe that a public some of health or environmental catastrophe might result from tical sci- recombinant DNA research, familiar WHEREAS no one has given a on of in- rigorous demonstration that the ers who risks are small, et over" WHEREAS the people of the ed work. world have not given their "in- ofessors formed consent" to recombinant term af- DNA experiments which risk f philis- their health, as Bob BE IT RESOLVED that we urge that recombinant DNA research ika Gray be prohibited and that this artment prohibition be rescinded only if the people of the world freely and DNA democratically give their consent to recombinant DNA research. ion has -Robert Ball To The Daily: The following resolut --- Health Service Handbook I 01,4c Michigan Baiig EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief - PA ,DAVID GOODMAN GREGG KRUP Managing Editors EILEEN DALEY.......... ............... University LANI JORDAN .................................... City LINDA WILLCOX ......................... Features/Projects BARBARA ZAHS ............Personnel KEN PARSIGIAN Editorial Director BOB ROSENBAUM Sunday Magazine Editors PATTY MONTEMURRI TOM O'CONNELL SPORTS STAFF BOB MILLER........... ..............Sports Editor PAUL CAMPBELL................... Executive Sports Editor ERNIE' DUNBAR.................. Executive Sports Editor HENRY ENGELHARDT ... .......Executive Sports Editor RICK MADDOCK...............Executive Sports Editor CUB SCHWARTZ.................. Executive Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Frank, Gary Kicinski, Geoff Larcom, Brian Martin, Brian Miller, Billy Neff, Dan Perrin, Dave Renbarger, Billy Sahn, Errol Shifman, Jamie Turner, Bob Warren. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Blake, Elisa Frye, Pete Leininger. Liz Mac. Eric Olson. Kevin Roseborough. Diane By Sylvia Hacker and Nancy Palchik QUESTION; How do I know when to come in about a fever and a cough? When is it a bad cold an when is it the real flu? Is the Russian flu different from other types? ANSWER: Since so many people are now in the throes of all kinds of respiratory distress, this is a good time to do a quick flu review. Influenza, or the "real" flu, (whether it be Vic- torian, Tesan, Russian, etc.), is a viral respiratory disease. The symptoms are: abrupt onset, headache, chills, fever, muscle aching and weakness, pain in the windpipe and upperchest, dry cough, loss of appetite and, to top it all off, oc- casional nausea and vomiting. A patient can ex- pect to be sick from 3 to 7 days and may feel under the weather for 2 or 3 weeks more. We're sorry to say that there is no specific treatment for.this charming collection of symptoms. Antibiotics are not recommended in the uncomplicated case since it is 'a viral disease and antibiotics work only against bacterial and certain other kinds of infec- tion. Don't pay any attention to those funny folk who recommend chicken soup for most flu types and borscht for the Russian variety. What should you do, therefore? Our chief of the medical clinic, Dr. Paul Seifert (with the support of the other medicine men), recommends rest (admit defeat), fluids, aspirin for the aches, ob- servation 'of your temperature, and steam inhalations 4 times daily (a pan of boiling water with a towel over your head, or a vaporizer for the affluent). Certain folks, however, should consult a physician at the onset of the symptoms described:-pregnant women, those over 60, and DeoDle with a history of bronchitis, asthma. the doctor, with the expectation, however, that there may not be much that will be able to be done. It may be of some comfort to know that the now popular Russian variety is somewhat milder than the others. However, it mainly affects people un- der age 30. The reason for this is that it is making its second appearance in the world, It appears that it was probably active in 1947 and therefore, anyone born in 1946 or before has probable developed an immunity to it. If you do decide to come to Health Service to be treated, at least the older doctors and nurses will be here to comfort you. QUESTION: What is cancer? What does it mean to say that cancer has metastasized? These terms are used so much that I'm almost embarrassed to send in this question. ANSWER: Cancer, in humans, refers to over 100 related diseases that may arise in any of the body's tissues and that are characterized by the uncontrolled and disorderly multiplication of ab- normal cells. Initially, cancerous cells may resemble those cells from which they arise (their tissues of origin), but as the disease progresses, theae cells usually become increasingly abnormal in appearance, structure and function. A major problem in the treatment of cancers is the ability of cancerous cells to spread. This may occur through the infiltration of adjacent tissue. It also may occur if a cancer cell or group of cells separate from the main mass and travel in the lymph system, the blood, or through body tracts to another part of the body. If not destroyed in tran- sit, these cells may become implanted in a new location and start to grow there. This process by which cancers spread to distant parts of the body is called "metastases." As metastases occur later, after the primary cancer has attained con- E