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February 22, 1978 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-22

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 22, 1978-Page 3

Housing reapplication
Reapplication drawings for students wishing to return to their dor-
mitories next fall will take place tonight at 7:30 in each dorm. Those
students must have turned in reapplication cards to their dorms by
February 8. Also, students can only participate in the drawings of
their respective dorms at this time, but need not be present at the ac-
tual drawings. 'The Housing Office stresses that historically, most
people who have folowed the reapplication procedure have been able
to return to their dorms.
Special election
The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) holds its special election
today with polls open at the following locations: Angell Hall Fishbowl,
Geddes bus stop, N. University St. across from Huron Valley Bank,
across from the Union on State Street, south of the Engin Arch and the
corner of Monroe and Tappan St. At 4 p.m. polls will open at South
Quad, East Quad, Markley, Bursley, the Graduate Library and the
UGLI. Students must present their validated ID card in order to vote.
The ballot questions'include a referendum to change the structure of
MSA from a combination of at large and appointed seats to a com-
pletely at-large system, with a- certain number of seats apportioned
for each school and college within the University. If passed, the
referendum would also require that both the president and vice
president be elected by the students rather than from the MSA. Don't
forget to vote.
A decade ago.. .
February 22, 1968: The Student Government Council approved a
resolution similar to one passed yesterday by the Graduate Assembly
declaring March 19 a "Day of Deliberation" when students should
boycott classes in opposition to the war and the draft.
Happenings;... .
... students who want to be managers for the Wolverine football
team next fall should contact Mark Andrews at 995-4825, after 6
p.m.... the Union gallery will present a'sale and exhibition of Orien-
tal art today and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. . . . at 11:15 the
Friends of the WEarth will meet on the Diag to protest Project
Seafarer... at noon the International Center series on European
Travel continues, with a talk on backpacking, camping, hiking and
equipment... at 12:10 in 2040 LSA, Nancy Hicks, former Washington
correspondent for the New York Times speaks on "Problems of the
Woman Journalist.". .. at 4 p.m. "Maternal Effects and Non-Effects
on Lanfuage Acquisition" will be discussed in the School of Education
Schorling Auditorium.. . also at 4, William Mirsky will speak on
"Methods for Computing Air-Fuel Ratio From Exhaust Products of
Internal Combustion Engines," Rm 2042 Brown Lab.. .and in 3056
NatSci, George Sugihara will discuss "Toward a Unified Theory of
Species Abyndahce: Nature is Really a Crack-Up".. . events taper
off until 8; when Professor William Adams speaks on the European
economy in Lecture- Rm 1, MLB. . . also at 8, the Ann Arbor
Democratic Committee meets with Senate Candidate Carl Levin as
featured speaker . . .at 8:15 the Prostitution Education Project
presents two films on the economics of prostitution in Alice Lloyd's
LKline Lounge.
Frat officers
The Fraternity Coordinating Council, overseeing body to what goes
on inside frats, announces its new board of directors. This year the
positions were filled by: Vice President for Rush, Dave Deploy; Vice
President for inter-fraternity relations, Jack Withrow; and Vice
President for University Relations, Brian Laskey. This year's
secretary, the first woman to hold a position on the board, is Michelle
Brown, the new treasurer is Bruce Dane. Appointed officers, chosen
by the fifteen-member council, were FCC rep to the Pan-Hellenic
Association (the organization for sororities on campus), Paul Brown;
the Social Chairman, Pete Wiltse; and the rep to the Student Buyers
Association, Adam Emerson. District reps are Dave Findley, John
Babrowski, Chris Donahue, and Rick Simon. Good luck.
On the outside . .

You couldn't exactly call it balmy, but for the fourth day in a row
skies will be blue and temperatures, relatively speaking, mild.
Today's high will be 25 with sunny skies. Expect a low of near zero
tonight. Thursday's outlook calls for more of the same.


Are IQ tests cu

Intelligence tests are widely used as
basic guidelines for determining a
child's capacity for learning and what
type of educational program he/she ,is
best suited to. Recently, however, these
tests have come under fire from educa-
tional psychologists, teachers and
parents as being culturally biased and
therefore discriminating against cer-
tain groups of children.
The parents of 15 black children who
attend Ann Arbor's Martin Luther King
Jr. Elementary School have filed a.
suit against the school district charging
that cultural biases in both intelligence
(IQ) tests and instruction practices
have caused their children to be labeled
as "underachievers." A district judge,
hoping to avoid a trial, has given the
school system three weeks to devise a
program to aid these children.
WHILE OTHER factors, including
dialect, are important issues in the
case, IQ tests play an important role.
Ruth Zweifler, a spokesperson for the
parents and children, said, "I think
there's no question that tests prejudice
children and reinforces the perceptions
of teachers."
IQ tests are generally administered
to children in the elementary grades.
These tests are standardized and test
only the knowledge a child has acquired
to that point. The tests concentrate on
- measuring verbal and perceptual
The tests are used in the Ann Arbor
school system, school psychologist Dale
Bell' said, as a means of determining
students' eligibility for special
education programs and to measure the
success of certain teaching methods
and programs.
ZWEIFLER SAID she feels the tests
discriminate against minority children.
"The WISC and Stanford-Binet (two
types of tests) special education statis-
tics (turn up) disproportionate (num-
bers of) minorities. That judgement is
based on those tests."
Dr. Hazel Turner, spokespersonfor
the school district, maintains that the
term cultural bias has been loosely de-
fined. "We have the same environment.
We have different resources. But we
don't live in an exclusive ghetto.
Children come into contact with all kin-
ds of people."
Turner refused further comment on
the cast.
A UNIVERSITY professor of
psychology, Harvey Reed, said the IQ
tests discriminate against minorities
most likely because the questions "are
naturally culturally biased. It is im-
possible to construct such a test that
would not be biased against some cul-
tural group."

According to Reed, IQ is simply a
person's score on one of these tests,
derived by dividing -mental age by
chronological age. "What these tests
measure actually is unclear," he said,
"except how well you do on these
IQ test questions are usually devised
by psychologists. "These questions,"
Reed said, "reflect our middle class
culture. They try not to, but they
IQ test
"Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?"
"You are inside a large airport when
you find a letter, already sealed and
addressed with a stamp on it. You: a)
put the letter in a nearby mailbox. b)
give the letter to a man in a uniform
standing behind a desk. c) open the en-
velope to see if there is money inside."
"Who discovered America? a) Chris-
topher Columbus b) Leif Erickson."
probably do discriminate against the
poor, blacks, etc."
QUESTIONS which, are labeled as
culturally discriminating fall under
several categories. An example of a
specific cultural question would be
"Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?" A
child from a lower income or minority
family would be less likely to know the
answer to this than a child from a
higher income family. Not knowing the
answer, however, is not necessarily an
indication of how bright a child is. This
example, taken from a California IQ
test, was cited by Asa Hillard, Dean of
Education at San Francisco State
University, during a trial charging
cultural biases on tests in that state.
Other questions deal with specific
values: "You are inside a large airport
when you find a letter, already sealed
and addressed with a stamp on it. You
a) put the letter in a nearby mailbox. b)
give the letter to a man in a uniform
standing behind a desk. or c) open the
envelope to see if there,-is money in-
side." According to Robert Green, a
professor of educational psychology at
Michigan State University, who cited
the question, a child's answer could
vary with his community values, but an
incorrect answer would still be

A THIRD kind of question, also from
the California test cited by Hillard, has
been misdefined, according to testing
experts, as being part of a person's
,general information. The question -
"Who discovered America?" with
possible answers a) Christopher Co-
lumbus and b) Leif Erikson, would be
disputable with an American Indian
child. Although the child disagreed with
the answers available, not marking an
answer would also be considered
Relying on information based on
these types of testing questions can
lead, Reed says; to children who are
otherwise bright being mis-classed. A
child can be labelled as slow or retar-
ded and placed in a lower level educa-
tion class which may have an effect on
his achievement for the rest of his life.
IQ tests cannot be thrown out alto-
gether, however, educators say.
Although they refute the test's ability to
determine a child's intelligence, they
say some information can be obtained
through them.
ALICE WARSHAW, a member of a
local group for parents of children with
learning disabilities, defends the tests
for obtaining diagnosis of these
problems. "You get performance and
verbal diagnosis. Learning disabled
children have a discrepancy between
the two.
"We use them to find out strengths
and weaknesses," she added. "The
total IQ score will usually not be
correct. (But) we are not interested in
Educators are also confined to the
\tests by governmental standards. In
order for school districts to obtain
government money for a special
education program, each child must be
tested. This leads the problem in a full
. .

circle. In order to aid educationally im-
paired children, they must be tested. In
order to test them, the culturally biased
tests are used and the possibility of in-
cluding children who are not in need of
special education under that label oc-
TO: Read the
Michigan Daily
WHEN: Tuesday-Sunday

,,Y. I

WHERE: Anywhere you


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February 22nd

Daily Official Bulletin

7:00 and 9:00


Daily Calendar:
Friends of the Earth: Rally to protest Project
Seafarer, meet Diag, 11:45Ha.m.
Journalism: Nancy Hicks, former Wash.
correspondent for the New York Times, "Problems
of the Woman Journalist," 2040 LSA, 12:10 p.m.
Ind./Oper. Eng.: Dr. J. B. Bryan, Chief
Metrologist, Lawrence Livermore Labs., Livermore,
Calif., "Precision Engineering," 229 W.E., 2:30 p.m.
Physics: J. B. Hartle, U.C. Santa Barbara, "Black
Holes," 296 Dennison, 4 p.m.
Statistics: Lorraine De'Robertis, Yale U., "Use of
Prior Knowledge in Bayesian Inference," 451 Mason
Hall, 4p.m.
Astronomy: J. Huchra, Center for Astrophysics.,
"Groups of Galaxies," 845 Dennison, 4p.m.
Ctr. Western European Studies: William James
Adams, "The European 'Economy: Bureaucratic
Management and Large Industrial Corporations,"
Lec. rm. 1.MLB, 8 p.m.
General Notice:
CEW will hold an admissions Information Clinic
for women who want to return to school at a brown
bag lunch on Friday, February 24, 1978. Topics to be
discussed include choice of program, degree and
non-degree admissions categories, processing ap-
plications, and finding help with individual problems
and questions.
Admissions Information Clinic will be held from
12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Center, 328 Thompson.
All persons who are making plans to begin or con-
tinue an education are welcome. For further infor-
mationm contact the CEW at 763-1353 or 764-6555.
3200 SAB 763-4117
W. R. Grace & Co., Columbia, Maryland. Summer
Intern Program. Must have chemical background
and a year of study toward an MBA. Further details

Summer Intern Government Programs available
to undergrads, and grads. various agencies covers
fields of drug abuse, mental health, research analyst
in Gerontology, poli. science majors, admin. and
tech, openings. You must study these on your own.
Camp Echo Lake, New York Coed. Will interview
Thurs. Feb. 23 from 1 to 5. Openings include ar-
ts/crafts, waterfront (WSI), nature, tennis, dance,
cabin counselors. Register by phone or in person.
National Music Camp, Interlochen, Mi. Will inter-
view Tues., Feb. 28 from 9 to 5. Openings include
nature, arts/crafts, waterfront (WSI), athletics,
cabin counselors. Register by phone or in person.
Camp Tamarack, Mi. Coed. Will interview Tues.,
Feb. 21 and Mon., Feb. 27 from 9 to 5. Openings for
counselors, specialists, kitchen staff, nurses,
caseworkers, and bus drivers.
Blue Lakes Fine Arts Camp. Mi. Coed. Will inter-
view Thurs., Mar. 2 from 9 to 5. Openings include
waterfront (WSI), recreation director, archery,
cabin counselors.
Nippersink Manor Resort, Wisc. Will interview
Mar. 1 and 2 - Weds., Thurs, from 9 to 5. Openings:
waiters, waitresses, recreation staff, maids, kitchen
help and many others. Register in person or by

NEW YORK (AP) - The American
publisher Helen Wolff is the winner of
he Second Annual Publisher Citation
from P.E.N., the American writers' or-
She began her publishing career in
ermany. In 1941, she and her husband,
he late Kurt Wolff, came to the United
tates and started Pantheon Books,
here she edited adult and juvenile
ooks, worked on publicity and adver-
ising and production operations. The
olffs joined Harcourt Brace
ovanovich in 1961 as the first editors to
ork with an ongoing house as a co-
ublishing team with their own imprint.
P.E.N. is an acronym for poets, play-
rights, essayists, editors and
A Vintage Documentary on what
happened to Hollywood during the
McCarthy persecutions of the 1950's.
Historical footage of the Hollywood
r__--- _ ~fr I Aon'NFIE IR r~ARY

volume LXXXVIII, No. 119
Wednesday. February 22, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning.subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.


t 0theh rborfilm co-operative
presents at ANGELL HALL
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these or in homes for the mentally-impaired. Since 1958 he has lived in com-
parative freedom, but in his own private world. Thnaks to the remarkable
cinematic presence of Bruno, who reminisces about his life, Lutz Eisholz has

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