Page 4-Tuesday, February 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily hire 4braniiI Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 118 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A new structure for MSA Quintessential eloquenc 78 I OMORROW, for what must feel like , the umpteenth time, students are being asked to go to a polling place and decide whether or not there should be a major change in the structure of their government, the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA). t Only last November, students ap- proved an amendment to the MSA char- ter, changing the make-up of that body and eliminating at-large representa- tion. That amendment, although passed, was later struck down as "un- constitutional" by the government's %entral Student Judiciary. Wednesday's amendments are an-. other attempt by MSA to make itself constitutional, thereby satiating the ;Student Judiciary. w As MSA currently operates, there *re 18 at-large seats which are filled by election, and 17 additional seats which ire filled by students appointed from each of the University's schools and kolleges. The proposed structure would e made up entirely of representatives rom each of the schools and colleges. eats would be filled through elections eld by each school. A school would be ntitled to one representative for each 150 enrolled students. The Daily endorses a yes vote on this mendment. The implementation of a chool-by-school election would bring SA closer to the students. Constitu- ents would have a better chance of get- ting to know their MSA representatives personally, since the representatives would be traceable to one school. What is more, overall representation on the body would be more equitable. Schools and students would be represented much more effectively. A second amendment provides for the direct election of a MSA president. Currently; a leader is appointed from among the ranks of the body. But in the past, the political squabbling which has gone on behind-the-scenes to provide support for a candidate has been disruptive to MSA. It makes more sense to let students themselves decide on an assembly President. Not only would this eliminate the behind-the-scenes haggling and make the government more open, it would generate more voter excitement around the time of an election. We urge approval of this amendment, as well. With this Wednesday's vote on con- stitutional amendments, one would hope that MSA could finally be done putting its own house into some kind of effective order. If the amendments are approved, government officers, as well as members of the Central Student Judiciary, should well be satisfied that MSA is constitutional. It is time to get on with the business of government. The senator glanced from the hushed galleries to his quiet col- leagues. Ignoring his notes, he moved to the conclusion of his re- marks. "Never did there devolve, on any generation of men, higher trusts than now devolve upon us for the preservation of this Con- stitution, and the harmony and peace of all who are destined to live under it. "LET US MAKE our genera- tion one of the strongest, and the brightest link, in the golden chain which is destined, I fully believe, to grapple the people of all the states to this Constitution for ages to come." He sat. Cascades of applause engulfed the Senate. THERE ARE SMILES T14AT MAKE "YW H APPY, .. By Jim T'obin S.. I determined to accept the, determination of those com- missioners making no deter- mination ... mined to accept the deter- mination of those Commissioners making no determination of in- jury to the monochrome televis- ion receiver industry as the de- termination of the Commission and to accept the determination of those Commissioners finding serious injury to that portion of the industry producing subassemblies as the determina- tion of the Commission." Says James Fallows, Carter's head speech writer, "Our mission is to see that whatever Carter wantsto say is said as clearly as possible. I think it's more appro- priate to the time. Fifteen years ago, the public responded to the graceful artifice of noble speech. People were less cynical." And on the subject of monochrome television receiv- ers, at least, they may have been less confused. FALLOWS, of course, pro- foundly misunderstands the nature of excellent expression. Carter's ad lib stumbling on the subject of television receivers notwithstanding, the stuff that Fallows and his cohorts write for the president is boring. Jimmy Carter speaks like a middle- management policy planner for the monochrome television re- ceiver industry, and he is going to suffer politically because of it, along with the thousands of politicians across the country who speak like him. Why? Because none of the myriad politicians who are run- ning against the Establishment again this year, nor Carter, realize that they sound just like the creaking, grunting bureau- cracy voters are so weary of. There, in the capital's plump regulatory agencies, is the wit- ch's cauldron of this evil. From a recent Federal Maritime Commission memo: "Despite the distastefulness at- tached to the announcement, without more, of the time certain appearance of the rate of return witness, the time certain will be grasped, not however, it is reiterated, as a precedent." Government bullshine is noth- ing new, by any means, but the '70s brand is of a deadening new variety. It has no flair, no flam- boyance, no hint of color or im- agination. The old style, pompous though it may have been, had just The year was 1850. The senator was Daniel Webster of Massachu- setts. The issue was preservation of the union. The magic eloquence of legis- lators like Webster is gone from government now, lynched by a Congress that has traded metaphor and clear expression for euphemism and the language of bureaucracy. Eloquence, if one counts official Washington as a measure, has died of slow and painful suffocation. CONSIDER former Rep. Bella Abzug of New York, who once put this question to her colleagues on the floor of the House of Repre- sentatives: "What is to be done with the Skylab program concerning the effect on putting into performan- ce the Space Shuttle program in terms of what would be neces- sary to show an improvement in the Skylab in order to put into ef- fect the Space Shuttle program, and also in terms of the time 'when we could put the Space Shuttle into effect in view of the fact that the Skylab program has not been performing effectively, and as it is'presently so doing?" Jimmy Carter himself, despite his vows to keep executive bran- ch language crisp and clear, was heard to make this rather curious comment last summer: "ON MAY 19, 1977, I deter- while in Congress, Rep. Abraham Lincoln once said, "He can com- press the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met." OR THAT BORE YOu 14ROUC-H AND -HRoUGH4., Then there was Senator Henry Clay, who one day encountered John Randolph, a bitter political opponent, at the foot of a plank sidewalk that spanned a wide pool of mud. Both wanted to cross. "I never step aside for scound- rels!" bellowed Randolph, barg- ing ahead of the diminutive Clay. "I always do," Clay replied, letting his flustered colleague pass. PEOPLE SUCH AS Lincoln and Clay had an advantage over people such as Carter and the rest of us: they lived in a time when most important communi- cation was written, not spoken. Decisions, questions,- and per- sonal feeling were relayed not by telephone and WATS line; but by the letter. It is a crucial dif- ference, and has a great deal to do with the demise of eloquence. The spoken word is cheap, forgot- ten the moment after it is uttered, and so the speaker can waste it without much worry. The written word takes a little more energy, and lasts longer. It makes neces- sary a certain commitment on the part of the writer, and thus is given more attention. In the oral culture of the telephone, people miss out on the good habits which writing taught to Lincoln and Clay.u The eloquence of Woodrow Wilson and FDR, of course, got along all right with the telephone. Perhaps we're all just plain bores after all, our imaginations atrophied by the monosodium glutamate and sodium nitrite in our systems. But Jimmy Carter might do well to take heed of his dullness. In 1980, a touch of elo- quence might do him good. 0 Jim Tobin is a former Daily co-editor-in-chief. Selfishness over sludge THERE ARE SMILES THAT FILL' HE Ar WITH GLADNESS... that - style. TAKE FORMER Senator Hiram Johnson ofhCalifornia. "Mr. President," he once ex- claimed on the Senate floor, "During the past year, bellowed from the hustings, tintinnabula- ted over the radio, ululated from a servile press, there has come to us the objurgation of a recalci- trant minority." Or consider the representative who, early in the century, regaled his colleagues with this breath- taking mix of metaphors: "If you don't stop shearing the wool off the sheep that laid the golden egg, you'll pump it dry." True eloquence has little to do with big words for their own sake, or with ostentatious syntax, or even with the ponderous style of an orator like Webster. It has much more to do with using wor- ds carefully, and dabbing their points with thought and wit. DESCRIBING a fellow lawyer A NN ARBOR has become involved in an almost childish dispute with its surrounding townships over the issue.Qf ,waste disposal - a dispute whi& could create health problems for to iEhip residents and delay construe- tion on much needed sewage treatment plant. Both the city and the townships are ip need of some method of disposing sewage waste products. Ann Arbor needs a location to dump its sludge, the final waste product of sewage treat- ment. The townships are searching for a means to process the waste from private septic tanks which serve rural ' residents. The ideal solution to both problems, it has already been determined, would be for Ann Arbor to dump its sludge in the numerous fields which dot the town- ships, and for the townships to process their septic tank waste through the city's sewage treatment plant. However ideal that idea is, the two sides are holding steadfast to decisions they both made previously. Last spring, a U.S. District Judge ruled that the city violated its Environ- mental Protection license by exceeding its dumping limits, as well as dumping improperly treated sewage into the Huron River. At that time, in order to cut down on city dumping needs, Ann Arbor City Council voted to prohibit any further treatment of non-city sewage. This meant that townships would not be able to process their septic sewage through the city plant. Public health of- Y, ficials say townships alone cannot han- dle all of their septic waste, and with increasing septage in the spring comes the possibility of health problems for residents. Other options for disposing of the township waste have been ruled out. due to distance and difficulty in trans- porting the material. Ann Arbor is now planning a new sewage treatment plant which would be used by the townships, but the city can- not begin construction until it proves it has an adequate location for disposing of sludge. The townships refuse to accept any city sludge until they are allowed to dispose of some of their septic waste at Ann Arbor's sewage treatment plant. Ann Arbor will not process any of the septage without an agreement from the townships to accommodate sludge. Neither side seems willing to make the first move. Both sides have valid concerns. The city fears if it accepts township wastes for processing, it will exceed the fed- erally-imposed dumping limitations once more. The townships say they are wary of city sludge dumping within their boundaries because of possible chemical contamination. Yet if both sides were to join together to solve each other's disposal problems, it would speed the way toward construction of a new enlarged treatment plant. City and township of- ficials will have to abandon their selfish perspectives before both their needs can be served. THERE AR~E SMILES ROME - Communists in this C o NATO country have publiclyo dropped their demands for a1 place in the Italian cabinet, but they appear to be succeeding in their plan to increase their power I a y s ,gv rmn ' men "asertatm. It aly's government and influence over the govern- Premier-designate Giulio An- By Michael Duff dreotti, a Christian Democrat trying now to form Italy's 36th Altho gh the Communists' de- set by a U.S. State Department post-war government, has pro- mand for cabinet representation policy statement Jan. 12, which posed a new cabinet of his own ended in defeat, Andreotti's new said the United States would like party members that would ex- plan would represent a victory to see the power of Communist elude the Communists once for them, because it would give parties diminish in NATO coun- again. them another slice of power.. tries like Italy. Italy's Com- A DEMAND by the Commu- Some political observers say that munist Party is the largest in nists for cabinet representation is all they wanted in the first Western Europe. helped bring down the govern- place. Communist leader Enrico ment on Jan. 16. Andreotti re- BOTH THE Christian Demo- Berlinguer, emerging from one signed rather than yield to pres- crats and the Communists have recent round of talks with An- sure to give them a role in the agreed to the broad cutlines of dreotti, called the proposed new cabinet. Andreotti's proposed solution. approach "an emergency pact." But Andreotti's new proposal But Andreotti still must work out "WE ARE taking a step for- calls for some form of parlia- a detailed agreement that stears ward and on this basis we believe mentary majority including the a delicate middle ground between that a solution to the government 1 Communists and for the creation the more conservative elements crisis can be found," the Com- of a new political body - again of his own party and the Commu- munist leader said. including the Communists - that nist Party's need to satisfy an in- The Communists have made would monitor the government's patient rank and file. consistent progress since they performance in fighting unem- The prospects of a solution virtually stalemated the Chris- ployment, political violence and along the lines proposed by An- tian Democrats in 1976 elections other problems. dreotti would go beyond the goals by taking 34 per cent of the 1 tle advance for those uninitiated in the complexities of Italian politics but it was viewed as a historical step here. In return fortheir cooperation, the Communists were given the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and chairmanships of key committees in Parliament. Last July, after a year of ab- stentions, theCommunists de- manded- and won - another step forward. The Communists and four other parties keeping Andreotti's government alive by abstentions helped formulate a- new government program with the Christian Democrats - the six-party pact." That agreement kept Andreotti going for another six 'months, but dissatisfaction with government implementationwofhthe pact and desire for another political ad- vance by the Communists ended his government. The Socialists and the Republicans backed Communist demands for a place in the government, and the Chris- tian Democrats were faced with the prospect of satisfying those demands by giving up as little as possible. Andreotti apparently believes his new formula meets those criteria. If he fails, Italy could face early elections, a possibility pub- licly opposed by all parties as useless for breaking the stalemate and dangerous in the current climate of political violence. If Andreotti succeeds, however, Berlinguar's strategy of a "step at a time" will have worked again. Michael J. Duffy is a correspondent for The Associated Press. g X1BY 9 Z-(9 8UT FOR'M A*)VK(HARN5S CHW~ O, FOP' FAYr H~OL-L2&) AS HY e i* r h e * popular vote, just four points short of the ruling party. The Christian Democrats star- ted out demanding that the Communists remain in the op- position, as they had since 1947. But the party that has ruled Italy alone or in coalition since World War II has been forced to g adu- ally give ground to the increas demands of the Communist, TO FORM his last go-' Andreotti had ihe benevolent ab n of the Communists instead of their traditional opposition. The "for- mula of abstantions" was a sub- _ rIY ~31-4 I - I .2 l t/vly m: ro ;:X.:: ........ .....