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February 17, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-17

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See Editorial Page



High - 22 °
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 115

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 17, 1978

Ten Cents

10 Pages

The Regents at yesterday's meeting
approved an increase in student ac-
tivities space which will be supported
by a mandatory $1.50 student fee and
also agreed that the University should
look into the possibilities of Union
At a special session last evening, the
Regents listened to a plan by private
consultant Richard Wolsfeld that would
increase traffic access to the Univer-
sity Hospital. The scheme calls for
Fuller Road to be "pulled up out of the
park," that 'is, "the center of Huron
Valley, and the construction of a four-
lane road over the field next to the
Huron River.
THE UNIVERSITY is looking at
Hospital access plans in hopes of in-
fluencing the final decision by the
Huron' Area Transportation Study
)uats), a local planning group charged
by the federal government to coor-
dinate all highway plans that involve
government money.
The University is about to decide on a
site for the new University Hospital and
has threatened to move the building if
adequate changes aren't made' in
Huron Valley traffic patterns..
A Student space plan that has the en-
dorsement of student leaders and ad-

ministrators was passed
during the Februar
Renovation and equipme
creased student activitie
Plant Building next to
and the Student Activ
(SAB) workshop will b
bus service expansion<
maintenance will add $2
the total. Theatre and cra
expect more room when
chips in "less than the pri
as Fleming described the
will be added to student ft
After the eight elec
unanimously approve
proposal, lix student lea
their support for Fleming
the Regents relinquish
Union so it can be reor
tract more students.
Michigan Student Asse
said that compared to th
original intentions for the
1918, it is "an institut
soul." Arnson said that
shake up of some kind
Union soul.

rec. areas
I unanimously Georgraphy Professor and Vice-
ry meeting. president of the University Club, noted
nt costs for in- during the discussion about the Union
s space in the . proposal that since there is now just one
Crisler Arena person coordinating 'U' Club operations
ities Building he expects a reverse in "some of the
e $360,000 and many problems we have had over the
and increased years."
4,000 a year to The scheduled vote on the Rate Study
afts groups can Committee request for a 7.4 per cent
a each student hike for unmarried student housing was
ice a move,'tht held over for this morning's session of
$1.50 sum ha the two day gathering. There seemed to
ted officials be no opposition to the request that
!td d heoficas paewould cost dormitory residents about
d the space $150 more to live in University housing
ders expressed next year, altough Regent Sarah Power
c's request that (D-Ann Arbor) asked about the
ganized to at- possibility of consolidating food ser-
vices and boosting summer use.
resident of the meeting, Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
embly (MSA), Arbor) read a 14-oage memo he had
he University's written to President Robben Fleming
e Union back in Feb. 13 warning that, "irrevocably the
ion without a
it will take "a See REGENTS, Page 10

Daaiy Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
REGENT THOMAS ROACH (D-Detroit) puffed on one of his ever-present pipes at yesterday's Regents meeting, where topics
from increased student space to dorm rate hikes were discussed. The Regents also heard representatives fo the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) endorse President Robben Fleming's proposed Union reorganization plan.

I" to give the

Fleming's outline of problems in the 5i
Union included a pessimistic
which occupies a large part of thea t sr k
ground floor. Donald Deskins,


WASHINGTON (AP)-Labor Secre-
tary Ray Marshall kept 'union and
industry negotiators at an all-day
bargaining session yesterday in efforts
to meetta self -imposed/deadline for set-
tling the 73-day-old coal strike
sometime today.
"Face-to-face coal negotiations are
continuing which, in itself, must be con-
sidered a good sign," Marshall told
reporters during a dinner break in the
HOWEVER, HE added "that many
difficulties remain" and said he would
continue negotiations "as long into the
night as seems advisable."
Throughout the day, the Carter ad-
ministration gradually stepped up
pressure.on the negotiators to resolve
their differences.
"We are already experiencing severe
job losses ..and periodic outbreaks of
violence," Carter said.
seriousness of the problem we have
here, if they are not successful in
reaching an agreement," he said.
"I think the collective bargaining
process itself would be severely
damaged and I think the status of the
United Mine Workers' union would be
damaged as well."
Meanwhile in Michigan, Governor
William Milliken says the economy
could be "virtually immobilized"
unless the coal strike is settled prom-
MILLIKEN AND A dozen other
governors from hard-hit states met in
Washington with President Carter to
discuss the strike yesterday. The
governor said he -outlined for the
president some of the contingency
plans under way in Michigan and some
energy conservation plans already im-
"If the strike, which has already

lasted more than 10 weeks, is not settled
soon our economy could be virtually
immobilized and there could be
widespread economic and personal
hardships," Milliken said.
If the state's residents voluntarily
conserve, he said, Michigan may be
able to avoid mandatory and more
severe cutbacks ordered by the federal
acting as chief mediator in the talks,
said he w6uld keep bargainers for the
striking UMW and the soft-coal in-
dustry in session throughout the night if
necessary to rheet today's deadline.
He stressed the difficulty of trying to
resolve the issues in the strike but said:
"We obviously don't have long. This
thing can't go on."
Marshall declined to say what steps
might be taken if negotiators are
unable to reach agreement by today.
He met with reporters after a
bargaining session that lasted more
than three hours.
"The parties are exploring the major
problem areas of concern to both
sides," the labor secretary said, in-
dicating the immediate aim is to get the
parties to agree on what issues should
be discussed.

iks continue
Detroit Edison says
blackouts possible,

Detroit Edison announced yesterday
that if the strike by the United Mine
Workers continues past mid-March
area consumers may be .confronted
with rotating blackouts.
"There is probably a 50-50 chance of
these blackouts occurring," said
Walter McCarthy an Edison ivice-
president. "The important thing is that
we have a plan.in case it happens. If
there was a one-in-100 chance we
wouldn't be making this announ-
ACCORDING TO the tentative
Edison plans customers would shot have
power service twice a day for two-hour
intervals. McCarthy said the power cut-
backs would interrupt distribution cir-
cuits in the Edison substations, which
allocate power to customers. Edison of-
ficials would send an operator to dif-
ferent groups of substations and curtail
power for the specified time.
Edison would curtail power for 90
seconds and then restore it for 15
minutes in order to forewarn customers
of the following two-hour blackout.
"We're exploring ways to notify

DENIS 10NDEJE, a member of the African Students Association's special
committee on South Africa, who spoke at yesterdays press conference.
S. Af rican te
'bias Regents?-

The Regents may have a possible
conflict of interest in the issue of South
African ties, according to John Powell,
chairman of the Washtenaw County
Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA).
Addressing the Regents during their
monthly meeting yesterday, Powell
'urged all Regents to reveal any connec-
tion they have with corporations
operating in South Africa.
THE REQUEST was made in light of
the recent revelation concerning
University President Robben
Fleming's role as board member of the
John Deere Corp., which operates in
South Africa.
According to Moody's Industrial
Manual for 1977, a book which lists the
vital statistics of all American corpora-
tions, Robben Fleming is a member of
the board of directors of John Deere
Corporation and Chrysler Corporation.
Various groups and individuals, on
and off campus, such as the African
Students Association (ASA), South Afri-
can Liberation Committee (SALC), and
the Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid (WCCAA) have
demanded the University cut all ties
with South Africa.
ACCORDING TO these groups, the
ties, which include stocks and bonds the
University holds in corporations
operating in South Africa, help support
apartheid in South Africa.
Apartheid is that system of
discrimination and segregation in-

"IF WE ARE to address this matter
openly and freely, it would appear to
me there should be no snakes in the
grass," said Powell.
Regent Deane Baker called Powell's
comments a "personal attack", and
said he was personally disappointed
that the debate over South African ties
has been brought down to that level.
The issue of conflicting interest arose
when Thomas Detwyler, a geography
See 'U', ,Pa ge 2

people including balancing it with other
agencies," said one Edison official.
EXEMPTED FROM the blackouts
are hospitals, fire stations, governmen-
tal detention institutions, water pum-
ping plants, sewage pumping plants,
and places where life subport equip-
ment is used.
University officials said several days
ago that the utility asked the University
to cut its electric consumption by up to;
10 per cent. In response to this request,
Vice-President and Chief Financial Of-
ficer James Brinkerhoff asked all stu-
dents and staff to turn off all unneces-
sary lights and to turn thermostats
down to 65 degrees.
"We should do all we can to cut our
use of electricity without jeopardizing
our operations," said Brinkerhoff,.
"Electricity we don't use here can help
keep some industries in operation, and
houses lit, as coal stockpiles dwindle."
EDISON SAID IT was down to a 50-
day coal supply at its huge Monroe
power plant and 39 days at a Trenton
facility, the two major facilities in the
system that rely on coal. McCarthy said,
the situation changes daily as Detroit
Edison evaluates how much electricity
is consumed by industries and con-
sumers. He also indicated that if indus-
tries and consumers save enough
energy, the blackouts could be initiated
Edison officials said penalties would
be levied against any industries who
disobey any mandatory orders to
reduce electricity use by 10 per cent.
Currently, industries have been asked
to voluntarily cut back on electricity
use and many have complied.
They also announced the start of an
advertising campaign to ask people to
voluntarily conserve energy, and they
suggested ways for the consumer to
conserve energy and stretch the coal
"THE CONSUMER could turn his
lights off' when not using them, turn
down the thermostats and make their
refrigerators warmer," said McCar-
thy. Friday
" Officials at the School of Pub-
lic Health are testing a new drug
that may provide a care for the
Russian flu. See story on Page 2.
" Israeli Foreign Minister
Moshe Dayan said the U.S. sale of
F-15 fighters to Saudi Arabia
threatens Israeli . security.
Dayan, in Washington today, said
the sale will force Israel to main-
tain air force bases in the Sinai.
See story on Page 2.
" Bruce :Brumberg analyzes a
different sort of affirmative ac-
tion program being implemented
at Temple University. See the
Editorial on Page 4.
" For a complete list of events
you can attend and places you
can party this weekend, check
out our Happenings items on
Page 7.
" The Michigan basketball


Nixon the

force behind break-in

NEW YORK (AP) - Richard Nixon's
No. 1 White House aide says the former
President was the driving force behind
the Watergate break-in and then threat-
ened to embarrass the Central Intelli-
gence Agency if it refused to partici-
pate in the cover-up.
In a new book, "The Ends of Power,"
H.R. Haldeman suggests Nixon and
former aide Charles Colson pushed for
the break-in at Democratic Party
headquarters to obtain inside infor-
mation about chairman Lawrence
O'Brien, whom they suspected was on
the payroll of industrialist Howard
"sometimes seemed to lose touch with

37th President by the man who was
never far from his side in his first term.
BUT NOWHERE in the book does
Haldeman offer proof of his allegations.
The former President's, reaction to
the sensational charges was contained
in a one-sentence statement issued by
his office in San Clemente, Calif.
"Former President Nixon's memoirs
will be published in May."
NIXON AIDES refused to return tele-
phone calls.
The book was not due in stores until
Feb. 27, but excerpts were sold to news-
papers for publication next week.
Newsweek magazine paid about
$125,000 for 30,000 words to be printed in
its next two issues.

Several University students have started a new chapter of the Infant Formula
Action Coalition to encourage Ann Arbor's participation in the nation-wide boy-
cott of Nestle products.
New Stu dent group
to boycott Nestle 's

Charging deceptive advertising and
promotional techniques leading to in-
fant deaths from malnutrition and in-
fection, some University students have
started a chapter of the Infant Formula
Action Committee (INFACT) to "en-
courage Ann Arbor participation in the
national boycott of Nestle products."
According to INFACT Ann Arbor
spokeswoman Debbie Howe, the pur-

City, Philippines.
Frances Moore Lopay (author of
Diet For a Small Plant) and Eleanor
McCallie, who did research in the
Philippines for the Interfaith Center for
Corporate Responsibility, add in a yet
unpublished report that "the hospital
has established a closed-marketing
arrangement with thre of the formula
manufacturers. Mead Johnson, Nestle
and Wyeth Laboratories are each
allowed 15 days in rotation during

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