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February 15, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-15

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See Today for Details

Vol. LAAAV I, No. I 13

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 15, 1978

Ten Cents

Eiqht Pages


Committee to reconsider

After months of controversy, the case of
Assistant Political Science Professor Joel
Samoff, who was denied tenure last fall, will
likely strike new ground tomorrow when mem-
bers of the department's executive committee
meet to review the decision.
Executive committee members declined to
say whether or not they will take definite action,
but sources within the department speculated
that the issue could be settled. Any final decision
would have to meet approval of a Literary
College (LSA) Committee and the Regents.

SAMOFF CAME TO the University in fall,
1970, and will have to leave within a year if he is
ultimately rejected tenure.
Concerned about attention surrounding
Samoff and other cases in which tenure was
denied, LSA Dean Billy Frye asked the Political
Science Executive Committee to reconsider
"I urged them to consider the arguments
presented and invited them to re-open these
cases," Frye said.
FOLLOWING DEAN FRYE'S suggestion, the
Political Science Executive Committee met and
decided not to reconsider any of their recom-

mendations, but later opte
case tomorrow.
Even before the tenure
ted attention due to his poli
, fessor, known for his expe
affairs and political econ
some as a "Marxist politica
The tenure review proc
ber when aSamoff, along
was considered by the Po.
tive Committee for tenure
sists of ten members - fiv
voting. Among the non-vot
students, with the remainin
and non-tenured faculty m

Samo tenur
d to review the Samoff ment.
issue, Samoff attrac- mend Samoff for tenure promotion by a 3-2 vote,
[tical outlook. The pro- while unaminously voting in favor of tensure for
rtise in South African assistant professor John Chamberlin. Also up for
nomy, is labelled by consideration and unanimously rejected were
al economist." assistant professors Arnold Kanter, Frances
ess began last Novem- Svenson, and associate professor Katherine
with four colleagues, Kelleher.
litical Science Execu- The two recommendations for tenure then
. The committee con- proceeded to the tenured faculty members, who
e voting and five non- make the department's final determination.
ing members are two Chamberlin was approved at this stage, but in
ng eight being tenured Samoff's case, the faculty members overturned
embers in the depart- See COMMITTEE, Page 2

.. to describe (critics of the
tenure decision) as frustrated,
concerned, and pissed-offf-
that's a fairly accurate de-
--Oscar Morales, president;
Graduate Poli. Sci. Assoc:








From Wire Service Reports
As the nationwide coal strike goes
into its 72nd day, industry spokesper-
sons warn that U.S. auto production
could cease within two weeks due to in-
creasing electric power cutbaks.
Spokespersons for the Big Four auto
companies said electric power cut-
backs predicted in coal-starved Ohio
next week will force a shutdown of key
component plants in that state, causing
critical parts shortages at most
domestic assembly plants.
_ GENERAL MOTORS Copp. officials
said yesterday if that happens, the No. 1
automaker will be forced to stop all
domestic automotive production and
lay off 300,000 GM employes nation-
See POWER, Page 2

By The Associated Press
As National Guardsmen assembled
to convoy coal in Indiana ard auto-
makers warned of layoffs soon,
President Carter called for both sides in
the nationwide coal strike to negotiate
at .the White House and warned of
"stronger measures" if that doesn't
end the'strike.
Asked if the "stronger measures"
would include invoking the Taft-
Hartley Act, Carter said that would be
"one of my options." He could order
miners back to work for an 80-day
cooling off period.
CARTER SAID he wanted "to end the
present stalemate" in the 72-day-old
strike. "The negotiations at the White
House must be viewed as a final oppor-
tunity for the bargaining process to
"If it does not, I will have no choice
but to resort to stronger measures," the
president said.

United Mine Workers (UMW)
President Arnold Miller said he is
ready "to negotiate at any time-the
sooner the better." There was no im-
mediate comment from the industry.
cement, Labor Secretary Ray Marshall
expressed optimism that bargaining
would resume this week. Then Joseph
Brennan, president of the Bituminous
Coal Operators Association, asked the
UMW bargaining council to review the
contract it rejected last Sunday.
A UMW spokesman said the request,
in a letter to Miller, "surprised and
shocked the union." He said the coal
operators were "playing games."
Meanwhile, the affects of the coal
strike deepened.
IN INDIANA, where 'mandatory
power cutbacks have been ordered,
Gov. Otis Bowen activated 350 National
Guardsmen to help move coal to
See CARTER, Page 2

MSA plansstudent

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY

The shadow knows .0

Carter approves weapons sale

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter, in a major, policy shift an-
nounced yesterday, approved the sale
of war planes to Egypt for the first time
as part of a $4.8 billion Middle East
weapons package that would send more
sophisticated aircraft to Israel and
Saudi Arabia.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance,
declaring that the weapons sales would
not upset the balance of power in the
region, said Carter will soon seek
congressional approval for the sale.
ISRAELI Foreign Minister Moshe
Dayan had a lukewarm reaction. He
told reporters in Los Angeles that the

proposed sale is "premature" and
should have been included in any
overall peace settlement. He said the
sale would shift the balance of power to
The proposed sale involves sending
Egypt 50 U.S.-made F-5E jet fighters.
Sixty of America's most advanced jet
fighters, the F-15, would be sold to
Saudia Arabia. Israel would get 75 of
the F-15s and 15 F-16s. Both the F-15
and the F-16 are more advanced than
the F5-E.
The sale of warplanes to Egypt would
begin with the delivery of 10 jet fighters
next fall. Delivery of the F-15s and the

F-16s to Israel and the F-15s to Saudi
Arabia would begin in the second half of
1981, U.S. officials said.
THE STATE Department official
said one factor in approving arms for
Egypt was a Soviet-supported weapons
build-up in Libya. A Defense Depar-
tment officia1, who declined to be iden-
tifed, said the Saudi sale was prompted
partly by "a substantial threat from
Iraqi forces." These forces, with Soviet
aid, are growing as rapidly as any in
the Middle East, he said.
The Carter administration said if the
Egyptian deal is blocked by Congress,
it might reconsider the entire Middle

East sales package including sales to
Because Egypt, Saudi Arabia and
Israel all pressed for a prompt decision
on their arms requests, "we thought it
was important to bite the bullet now,"
said a top Sate Department official,
who declined to be publicly identified.
Congress will have 50 days to veto
any or all of the items in the arms
package after receiving what is called
"advanced notification" next Wed-
Congressional forces sympathetic to
Israel and others generally opposed to
arms shipments already have signaled
their resistance. Rep. Lester Wolff (D-
N.Y.) immediately announced he will
introduce a resolution to veto the sale of
F-15s to the Saudis.

Students will soon be able to buy a
form of property insurance under a
basic plan approved by the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) last night
The insurance plan is designed pri-
marily to protect personal property of
students, such as stereo systems.
SPECIFICS SUCH as cost and extent
of coverage have not yet been deter-
mined, but will soon be set, according to
Assembly member Phil Merdinger.
Private underwriters will handle the
administrative duties of the insurance
plan, said Merdinger, but an insurance
board of trustees appointed by MSA will
control the overall scheme of the in-
surance program.
MSA has previously sponsored a
property insurance program, but the
underwriting firm went bankrupt and
the program was dissolved. Merdinger
said that is not likely to happen again
under the new plan.
In other activity last night, MSA
treasurer Rick DeVore resigned effec-
tive today; citing employment conflicts
as a major reason for his resignation.
Howard Feldman was appointed
treasurer until February 28, at which
time a permanent treasurer is to be ap-
an accountant, completed an extensive
audit of MSA finances and wad com-
mended by the Assembly for his time

and effort on that and other projects
MSA's Compiled Code, a set of MSA
guidelines, was amended last night to
give the Minority Affairs Committee
"more power" according to MSA
member G. J. DiGiuseppe. There is no
one on the Minority Affairs Committee.
Assembly members expressed hope
that the new powers would encourage
more participation in the Committee.
The Committee can now appoint mem-
bers to various policy-making commit-
tees of MSA.
" Ann Arbor City Council votes
to place a millage proposal for
road repair on the November
ballot. See story, Page 2.
* A bill to extend the rights of
nursing home patients may not
make it to the State Senate floor
because of its.$750,000 price tag.
See story, Page 8.

For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.


Tenure hearings continued last night
at the Ann Arbor Public Library for
Jerrell Dean Clark, a Community High
School teacher who was suspended last
September for an alleged "un-
professional relationship" with a male
student. About 50 high school students
supporting Clark demonstrated both
before and after what should be one of
the last in a five-month series of
evidence gathering hearings.
In last night's testimony, Wiley
Brownlee, deputy superintendent of
schools, said he and his superior, Harry
Howard, were solely responsible for the
desioin to holdi the tenu~re hearings.

Petition fraud charged in Ypsi;
EMU student out of council race

Twenty-five allegedly fraudulent petition signatures have
disqualified an Ypsilanti City Council candidate and threat-
ened the career of a current council member.
Washtenaw County prosecutor William Delhey said
yesterday that his decision will be released this afternoon on
whether there will be any legal charges made in the case of a
reportedly bogus nominating petition for Ray Paige for Yp-
silanti City Council.
ACCORDING TO DELHEY, the Michigan State Police
completed their investigation yesterday. Paige, an Eastern
Michigan University (EMU) student, was disqualified from
the race Jan. 13 by Ypsilanti City Clerk Robert Slone.
In the meantime, the EMU Student Senate has asked
another EMU student, Ypsilanti Council member Robert

THE EMU STUDENT Senate also said "Robert Cherris
has violated the public trust his constituents invested in him
as an elected representative by not giving a public ex-
planation of the petition improprieties."
Cherris has refused to comment on the petition situation,
but he did speak about the prospect of resigning from City,
Council: "I was elected to a second term with a lot of support
from my constituents. I'll be graduating this year so I could
just by cynical and bitter and leave. Many people do want me
to stay, holding the situation constant."
Troy Brazell, Ypsilanti Democratic Party Chairman,
said that he was amazed that Cherris has offered no response
to the allegations.
PAIGE ALSO REFUSED to comment on the petition but
said, "I don't see how this situation has any effect on my

f J

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